Surface Preparation and Masking (Ref02e)

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Surface Preparation and Masking (Ref02e) Surface Preparation andMasking Textbook (REF02e) Version:4.2 ©2002-2014Inter-IndustryConferenceOnAutoCollisionRepair REF02e-STMAN1-E Thispageisintentionallyleftblank. Textbook SurfacePreparationandMasking(REF02e) Contents Module1-FinishIdentification...............................................................................................7 FinishesAndRefinishMaterials............................................................................................ 7 DevelopingARefinishingPlan........................................................................................... 13 ModuleWrapUp............................................................................................................... 18 Module2-FinishProtectionAndRemoval........................................................................... 21 MaskingOrRemovingParts................................................................................................21 FinishRemoval................................................................................................................... 30 ModuleWrapUp............................................................................................................... 33 Module3-SprayGunTechnique.......................................................................................... 37 SprayGunSetup.................................................................................................................37 SprayGunApplicationTechniques.....................................................................................39 ModuleWrapUp............................................................................................................... 44 Module4-SubstratePreparation...........................................................................................47 PreparingSubstrates............................................................................................................47 Plastics................................................................................................................................51 BareAndRepairedSteel.....................................................................................................52 BareAndRepairedAluminumParts....................................................................................53 MakingASprayoutPanel....................................................................................................54 SpecialtySprayAreas..........................................................................................................55 ModuleWrapUp............................................................................................................... 57 TableofContents 3 Thispageisintentionallyleftblank. Module1-Finish Identification Thispageisintentionallyleftblank. Textbook Module1-FinishIdentification FinishesAndRefinishMaterials • eyeprotection.Toprotecteyes, wearsafetygogglesorasupplied- airrespiratorwhenrefinishing. Learningobjectivesforthismodule Itisalsoimportanttoknowthe include: locationoftheeyewashstationin caseofanemergency. • identifyingthetypesofpersonal • handprotection,suchas protectionrequiredforrefinishing. chemical-resistantgloves.Wear • identifyingthetypesofrefinish glovesmadeofbutylrubber, primers. neoprene,ornitrilerubberfor • identifyingthetypesofOEM thebestprotectionfromrefinish finishes. materials. • clothing(paintsuit).Paintsuitsare designedtopreventexposureto materialoversprayorisocyanates. Thereareavarietyofmaterials thatpaintsuitsaremadeofthat preventexposuretorefinish materials.Thesesuitsmaybe madeofcotton,nylon,orapaper material.Paintsuitsaredesigned tobedisposableandmayhavea limitedeffectivelife. • Wearingtheproperpersonalprotectionequipment air-purifiyingrespiratoror preventshazardousmaterialsfromenteringthe supplied-airrespirator.Ifusing body. acartridgerespirator,besure tochangeoutthecartridgeson Workingwithrefinishmaterialsrequires ascheduledbasisandthatthe particularattentiontopersonalsafety. propercartridgesarebeingused Refinishmaterialscontainchemicals,that forthematerialbeingsprayed. when handledduringmixingoratomized throughtheapplicationprocess,become apersonalsafetyissue.Whetherinhaled orspilledontheskin,hazardousmaterials canenterthebodyandcauseserious healthissues. Forthisreason,personalprotection equipment(PPE)isrequiredwhen workingwithrefinishingmaterials.This includes: SurfacePreparationandMasking(REF02e) 7 Textbook Module1-FinishIdentification purposesofthiscourse,thetopics willremainrelatedtofactory finishes. Theseareexamplesofprimers,basecoats,and clearcoatsthataremadebyGlasurit. Typesofmaterialsusedforrefinishing include: Theseareexamplesofmetalcleanerandconversion • additives,suchasadhesion coatingusedforbaremetalcorrosionprotection. promotersorblendingadditives. Adhesionpromoters aretypically Metalcleanersandconversioncoatings usedonplastictohelpthe areusedonexposedmetal.Themetal adhesionofrefinishmaterials.A cleaneris: blendingadditiveisusedbefore • aphosphoricacid-basedcleaner. refinishingaspotrepairthat • usedtodeepclean ametal requiresblendingintothepanel. surface. • corrosion-resistantprimers.In additiontoprovidingcorrosion Followingtheapplicationofthecleaner, resistance,theseprimersmay aphosphoricacid-basedconditioneris alsobeusedtoaidinmaterial used.Thisplacesanevenlayerofzinc adhesion. phosphateoneithergalvanizedorbare • primer-surfacers,whichareused steelsurfaces.Galvanizingistheprocess tofillveryminorscratchesandaid ofapplyingazinccoatingtosheetsteel inlevelingasurface. duringthesteelmanufacturingprocess. • primer-sealers,whichareusedto aidinadhesionofthetopcoatto Usingthesepreparationstepsand theprimer-surfacerandhelpwith materialshelpsreplacethecorrosion colorhold-out. protectionmaterialthatmaybelost • basecoatandclearcoat.Some byremovalofthegalvanizedcoating. vehiclemakerfinishesincludea Conversioncoatings: translucentpearlortranslucent coloredmidcoat.Thisiscalled atri-coatfinish.Somecustom finishesincludemultiplelayersof tintedclearcoat,however,forthe SurfacePreparationandMasking(REF02e) 8 Textbook Module1-FinishIdentification • chemicallyadheretothebase arenotprominentinthecollision material. industry. • aidincorrosionprotection. • maybeatwo-partaerosol.Two- partaerosolshavealimitedshelf Usingmetalcleanerandconversion lifeoncetapped. coatingisaprocessmostoftendone • mayrequirethatametal onrestorationsprojectsratherthanin conditionerandconversion productionrepairfacilities. coatingbeappliedfirst. • mayadherebesttonongalvanized metal. • mayberecommendedunder plasticbodyfillerbysomevehicle makers.Toyotarecommendsthis practice.Thisisbecausewhen fillersareappliedoverthetype ofzinccoatingprocessusedby Toyota,thefillermaterialwillnot adhereadequately.Blisteringor peelingmayresult. Thereareseveralproductmakersforexpoxyprimer. • isnotintendedforfillingminor surfaceimperfections. Thisepoxyprimerisbeingappliedoverbodyfiller. Anepoxyprimer: Theseareexamplesofself-etchingprimersmadeby severaldifferentmanufacturers • maybeaone-ortwo-part material.Two-partprimersuse acatalysttocureratherthan evaporationofsolvent.One-part epoxyprimers,orepoxyesters, SurfacePreparationandMasking(REF02e) 9 Textbook Module1-FinishIdentification Thisapplicationstickallowsself-etchingprimertobe Axaltaoffersaprimer-surfacerwhichcanbeapplied appliedtobaremetalonly. witharoller. Self-etchingprimers: Primer-surfacer: • whichcontainacid,aredesigned • hashigh-buildcharacteristics, tochemicallyetchintothebare allowingittobeusedtolevelout metalsurfacetheyareappliedto. thesurface. • offeragoodcorrosion-resistant • requiressandingafterapplication. surface. • helpshidecontourmapping. • canprovidegoodtopcoat Contourmappingistheoutlining adhesion. ofbodyfillerthathasnot beenproperlypreparedorthe Washprimersareaformofself-etching inadequatehidingofsurface primerthatareeventhinnerthanself- defects,suchasahardtapelineor etchingprimerswhenapplied. apoorlypreparedfeatheredgethat hasshrunkorswelled. Aspraygunwithaplasticorlinedpaint • canbewaterborne.PPGhas cupisrecommendedwhenusingself- awaterborneprimer-surfacer, etchingprimers.Thiswillpreventametal EPW115andP950-5505,that cupfrombecomingetchedanddamaged requiresnoetchprimerandcan fromtheacidintheprimer. beappliedoverbaremetal.They arealsoonepart,sothereare nopotlifeissues.Waterborne direct-to-metalcontainscorrosion inhibitors,whicharerequiredfor waterborneproductstobeapplied directlytobaremetal. Sherwin-Williamshasadirect-to-metal primer-surfacer,butonlyforuseonaspot repairthatis5"indiameterorsmaller.A SurfacePreparationandMasking(REF02e) 10 Textbook Module1-FinishIdentification repairgreaterthanthatdiametermustfirst • providecolorholdouttoprevent haveself-etchingprimerappliedbefore primerspotsfromshowing theprimer-surfacer. throughandforoverallhidingand uniformity. Thedifferencebetweenasealeranda primer-sealeristhataprimer-sealercan beappliedoverbaremetal.Sealerarenot designedforbaremetalbutwillprotect minorscratchesthatgothroughtobare metal. Thissealerisbeingappliedoverascuffedhood. Sealers: • areappliedoverprimer,primer- surfacer,properlypreparedE-coat, orsandedbasecoat/clearcoat. Sealerisappliedbeforethecolor orbasecoat. • provideadhesionforthebasecoat andprotecttheprimerfrom basecoatsolvents.Sealer Someproducts,suchasthese,arewaterborne primer-surfacersthatoffercorrosionprotectionover applicationcanreducetheriskof baresteel. sandscratchswelling,shrinkage, andsolventabsorption. Direct-to-metalprimers: • havelimitedfilm-build characteristicsandarenot • areatwo-partmaterialthatcan designedtofillsurface beapplieddirectlytoabaremetal imperfections.
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