Primaries Kick Off Bers of Oirl Scout Troops 10 and Net Junior High School Students 081 Who Meet at St

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Primaries Kick Off Bers of Oirl Scout Troops 10 and Net Junior High School Students 081 Who Meet at St PAGE EIOHT&EN MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1972 Manrl^eiatrr lEwfuittg %rali Youths Teil Town The Weather Variable cloudinesa, windy to^ Marcia Neubert Circle of Barbara Gifford Circle of They*re Not Magic night, chance of showere later St, M ary’s Plans About Town Community Baptist ChurCh will community Baptist .diruch will and into tomorrow; low near 40 meet tomorrow at 12:80 p.m. at meet tomorrow at 6:80 a.m. at Page 5 tonight and Wednesday. Thurs­ Scout Breakfast day. .fair, colder. ' Tile Second Congregational Fellowship Hall of the. chturch, the home of Mrs. Donald Booth, t PLAZA DEPT. STORE • 10 Eleanor Bt., Vernon. Manchester— -A City of Village Charm Reservations close Wednes; Church council will meet tonight ® (We Have A Notion To Please) X at 7:30 at the church. ’Ihe Sacred Dance Group of day for the Qlrl Scout Break­ Queen of Angels Mothers Cir­ # E, MDDDLE TPKE. (Next to P<«ular Mkt.) « fast on Sunday In Neill Hall of Omter Congregatimal Church O^EN WED., THUR8., FRI. tUl 0 A VOL. X C l, NO. 133 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANC(IESTRR, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1972 (ObtaaUled Advertisiiig ea Page if) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Cornell Circle of South United will rehearse tomorrow at 1 cle will meet tomorrow a t ' 8 St. Mary’s Elplscc^l Oiurch. p.m. at the home of Mrs. Mar­ Ciiarles Covey of 8 Francis Methodist Church will meet to­ p.m. in Woodruff Hall of the morrow at 9:15 a.m. at the- church. tin Harvlll, 67 Kennedy Rd. Mrs. f JUST ARRIVED J Dr. is the chairman of the Robert Calhoun is co-hostess. ^.breakfast which is prepared by Ethel Goslee Room, Susannah Wesley House, of the church. The Confirmation Class oi • FLOWEII & VEflETABLE SEEDS • / the fathers of the girl scouts. Manchester WATES will meet Second Congregational Church The t»«akfast is open to all tomorrow at the Itallan-Amerl- ® Best Selection for Easiest Gardening Z will me6t tomorrow at 4 p.m. brownies, juniors, cadettes, Hie coordination committee of can Club. Weighing in will be at the church. Judge seniors an^ adults who are ac­ Trinity Covenant Church will from 7 to 8 p.m. Harvey Ward tive in girl scouting and attend meet tonight at 7:30 at the will lead a weight discussion. St .Mary’s Church. The mem­ church. The Drop-In Center for Ben- Primaries Kick Off bers of Oirl Scout Troops 10 and net Junior High School students 081 who meet at St. Mary’s Tile executive committee of will be open tomorrow from 2 :15 Hose and Ladder Co. 1 of the Town Fire Department will R ecalls Church but attend church else­ the Women’s Society of Christ­ to 4 p.m. at the youth lounge of WE'RE RE-OPENING where are also Invited to at­ ian Service* of North United South united Methodist Church. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the tend. Methodist Church will meet to­ McKee St. fire station. Starting After tile breakfast there will night at 8 at the church. T O M O R R O W ! MARCH^nh The building council of Com­ The executive board of the be a flag ceremony and the Mrs. Marla M. Skinner Blax A. HarreU Bypass munity Baptist Church will meet Manchester Green School PTA scouts will attend the 9 a,m. The Gospel Dancers of Center tonight at 7:30 in Fellowship will meet tomorrow at 7:80 at family service In the sanctuary. Congregational Church will re­ Join MCC Administrative Staff Hall of the church. the home of Mrs., Frederick WASHINGTON (AP) — U.8. Trek T o To make reservations contact hearse tonight at 6:45 at the District Judge Richard 1 ^ 0 administrative appoint- from the University of Connectl-. church narthex. Flynn, 528 Woodbrldge St. W L iO N O 'S Mta. Ehrerett Kelsey of 28 AU' Girl Scout Troop 642 will meet McLaren cmiceded today he ap- tumn St., assistant scoutleader ments recently made at Man- cut Health Center, where she tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Commun­ prently went through the White of Troop 10. A small fee is cheater Community College are was a research assistant on a Manchester Chapter, Manchester Lodge of Masons DAKERY cmd PIZZERIA ity Baptist Church. will meet tomorrow at 7 :30 p.m. House in hiring an outside fi­ C a p ito l charged for the breakfast. Mrs. Marla M. Skinner of 462 study of cataracts of the eye. SREBSQSA, will rehearse to- 207 SPRUCE STREET MANCHESTER nancial adviser who figured E. Middle T’pke. as coordinator Before that, she was assistant night at 8 at the Army and at the Masonic Temple, ' ’The prominently In the out-of-court MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) of health services careers and coordinator of public health Navy Club. ’Ihe rehearsal Is ’Ihe CSilldren’s Choir <rf Cen­ Fellowcraft degree will be ex­ The Home of Italian Bread, Pizzas, Grinders ter Congregational Church will emplified. Robert W. Ferg^uson, settlement of a ihulUmlUlon — New Hampshire voters Max A. Harrell of Groton as as- services at UConn. open to all men interested in and Spaghetti Sauce. dollar antitrust suit against In­ Circle To Hear sistant registrar. In this position, she helped to singing barbershop-style har- rehearse tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. master, will preside. Refresh­ turned out in moderate num­ at Memorial Hall of ihe church. ments will be served. ternational Telephone A Tele­ bers today to cast the first pri­ Prison Officer Mrs. Skinner coordinates the establish Programs mony. graph Corp. mary ballots of 1972, with Sen. college’s inhalation therapy, for handicapped students, health McLaren, telling of actions Edmund S. Muskle’s standing A. Ray Petty of Bloomfield, dl- mi^lcal la b o r a ^ technician, f “ ‘°^"„rsrectelTeaim taken vriien he was head of the as front-runner for the Demo­ rector of the Connecticut Prlstm surgical technician Justice Department’s antitrust cratic presidential nomination Association, will be the guest 8Tama with five area hospitals grams for residence hall division, also testified before facing an important test. n speaker at the meetteg of the where students spend one or members. For T a ke a closer look. the Senate Judiciary Oom- In Manchester, the state’s Cornell Circle of the South Unit- two semesters of the two-year chronic health problems, she co­ mlttee his former chief eco­ largest city, 6,000 voters turned ed Methodist Church tomorrow curricula. She also assists m the ordlnated special ser^ces in, nomic aide was not consulted out In frigid, cloudy weather at 9:16 a.m. In the Susannah development and Implement- housing, dinirg, registering, ana because he was not a financial during the first three hours of Wesley House at the chureh. ation of new health careers pro- moving about the campus. e^ipert, .,he had a heavy work­ balloting, roughly the same as From 1964 to 1968, Petty work- grams. A new nursing program Before entering UCom, Mrs. S e e the reason s that load and was not in a "need to four years ago when former i ed as a case work agent for is being developed, and others Skinner was a medical technolo- know” position. Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy the agency. He assisted prison- are being considered. gist at Yale-New Haven Hm - Judge McLaren made the mounted a strong showing ers released from correctional Harrell is in charge of about St., Raphael s Hospital statement during the fourth day agadnst former ITesldent Lyn­ Institutions and supervised pa- 3,000 active student fUes and *" Haver. As an under- makeainy of hearings into the com­ don B. Johnson. rolees. Under his leadership, about 9,600 flies on former' stu- graduate, she gained experience mittee’s investigation on accu- In Nashua, where Democrat the sponsor program increased ,dents. Class schedules, grades,,- hematology, clinical chemls- Sen. George S. McGovern’s from 26 to 70 active men. credits,' quality point averages, serology as a part-time forces had put considerable ef­ In October 1968 he was made and ti^scrlpts are expedited worker at Diagnostic Labora- fort, the early turnout was fair executlve director of the agen- through, the state data process- tories, Inc. in New Haven, ITT Panel to moderate. cy. Tile association has expand- ing center in Hartford. married to George W. In LacteUa, considered a ed its vol,mteer sponsor pro- He extracts information from ^ Hears Recant gram to include the correctional fUes and other sources and Muskle stronghold, it was snow­ ing and the vote was consid­ center at Somers, the reforma- prepares administrative reports Harrell was commanding of­ sations by columnist Jack An- ered a little better than normal. tory at Cheshire, and the Juve- planning. A report on the 'derson of Impropriety by Jus­ nUe C o i^ and Orcuit Court 14 „u „b e r of hours that students ficer of the U.S.E. Petrel in the Late-opening polls In Con­ recovery of several nuclear tice Department officials In the cord, the state capital, reported in Hartford. are actually under tnstrucUon bombs off the coast of Spain in settlement of the suit against a light early turnout. is being done as a basis for ITT. 1966. The bombs fell into the FrMdaire ’The temperature plunged be­ funding the college. Anderson 1 ^ written that the Bees Get Blamed sea when a B-62 collided with low zero overnight, and snow INDIANAIPOLIS (AP) — Po­ A graduate of Branford High its tanker while refueling. For suit was dimpOed after ITT was reported ftilling in many lice and fire calls column in a School, Mrs.
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