SMR1665/9 Summer School and Conference on Poisson Geometry (4 -22 July 2005) Deformation Quantization of Poisson manifolds Simone Gutt Université Libre de Bruxelles Campus Plaine, CP 128 bd. du Triomphe 1050 Brussels, Belgium Deformation Quantization of Poisson manifolds S. Gutt Universit´eLibre de and Universit´ede Metz Bruxelles Ile du Saulcy Campus Plaine, CP 218 57045 Metz Cedex 01, bd du Triomphe France 1050 Brussels, Belgium
[email protected] PRELIMINARY VERSION Abstract I shall focus, in this presentation of Deformation Quantization, on the con- struction of star products on symplectic and Poisson manifolds. The first lectures will be about the general concept of Deformation Quan- tisation, with examples, with Fedosov’s construction of a star product on a symplectic manifold and with the classification of star products on a symplectic manifold. The next lectures will introduce the notion of formality and its link with star d products, give a flavour of Kontsvich’s construction of a formality for R and a sketch of the globalisation of a star product on a Poisson manifold following the approach of Cattaneo, Felder and Tomassini. In the last lecture I shall only briefly mention different aspects of the defor- mation quantisation programme such as action of a Lie group on a deformed product, reduction procedures in deformation quantisation, states and repre- sentations in deformed algebras, convergence of deformations, leaving out many interesting and deep aspects of the theory (such as traces and index theorems, extension to fields theory). The notes here are a brief summary of the first four lectures; we start with a Further Reading section which includes expository papers with details of what is presented in the lectures and we include a bibliography with many references to the topics introduced in the last lecture.