300 D Pi) D K Len 1:50000 Elly Coolyslin Ri Ver 0 1 2 4 Plumbridge !

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300 D Pi) D K Len 1:50000 Elly Coolyslin Ri Ver 0 1 2 4 Plumbridge ! 590000 595000 600000 605000 610000 615000 7°35'0"W 7°30'0"W 7°25'0"W 7°20'0"W 7°15'0"W 7°10'0"W GLIDE num b er: N/A Ac tiva tio n ID: EM S R228 Pro d uc t N.: 04S T RABANE, v1, English N " 0 ' 0 5 ° 4 5 Strabane - UNITED KINGDOM ! B N " ! White u Flood - Situation as of 27/08/2017 0 ' Moor Lough r 0 n 5 d ° Lough e 4 d 5 or R n Delinea tio n M a p ff iv n i d e et L oa r t R ! Strabane No rth o f ge y rid Bur No rthern Urne B nde eet R nn B S o uth tr ive ett la Irela nd Inner Seas Road S r c Ayrshire k 1 w n N a t n o Fi ee e r l r a , t G n Norwegian Sea h a B 0 v 0 r a a 0 0 e 3 e 2 C n 0 r 0 y r e n a n 5 a iv 5 t R 7 ilw 7 Bo rd er L 0 a 0 !( NORTH i 6 R n 6 ATLANTIC y k S tra b a ne lle OCEAN a 4 5 V nn North Sea Ireland Fi !(Belfa st d a o Outer ! R A 7 Castlefinn nn 6 Belfa st Irish y a Irela nd United le Sea e e e Kingdom n k , s E r i Ea st o f r u L n Lo nd o n^ Belgium o e Northern No rthern Irela nd English Channel Fra nc e M Ireland ! West a nd S o uth Irish Sea ! Clady o f No rthern Coolyslin Border, Sion Mills Irela nd 25 Lower ! Midland km M and Western e l R m o o a u d n t Cartographic Information B e l l R s p o a a r G Full c o lo r IS O A1, high reso lutio n (300 d pi) d k len 1:50000 elly Coolyslin Ri ver 0 1 2 4 Plumbridge ! 0 Upper 0 km 0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 Grid : WGS 1984 U T M Zo ne 29N m a p c o o rd ina te system 0 0 6 6 T ic k m a rks: WGS 84 geo gra phic a l c o o rd ina te system ± Victoria Bridge ! Legend Douglas ! N " 0 General Information Hydrology Transportation Bridge ' 5 4 ° 4 5 Area o f Interest Da m Ra ilwa y Administrative boundaries N River Prim a ry Ro a d " 0 ' 5 4 ° Interna tio na l Bo und a ry 4 5 S trea m S ec o nd a ry Ro a d Settlements Ca na l Lo c a l Ro a d ! Po pula ted Pla c e G l e La ke n B g L u o l n u w r d n o s E e Derg n nd ll h n i Reservo ir is er k kil ry n len an e r ! R d e ail w iv wa O R Ardstraw y O w d e oa n R r n e n i i t n a f r 0 y r g 0 0 u 0 F o h 0 B 0 G 5 5 6 6 0 ! 0 6 Gortin 6 Newtownstewart ! Crockanboy Road Coolnamurtum Lough NO AFFECTED AREAS OR DAMAGE DETECTED Castlederg United Black Lough ! Kingdom Oak Lough Consequences within the AOI Lough Catherine Unit of measurement Affected Total in AOI Lodge Lake Flooded area ha 0.0 Estimated population No. of inhabitants 0 47788 Transportation Primary roads km 0.0 53.8 Lough Secondary roads km 0.0 178.4 Local roads km 0.0 1208.3 Fanny Railways km 0.0 43.4 Map Information No rthern Irela nd : No rth West Flo o d ing Event - 22/23 August 2017 Garvetagh D r ! u R m T he present m a p sho ws the flo o d d elinea tio n in the a rea o f S tra b a ne (U nited K ingd o m ). T he o q a u them a tic la yer ha s b een d erived fro m po st-event sa tellite im a ge using a sem i-a uto m a tic d i Magheralough n 0 0 a ppro a c h. T he estim a ted geo m etric a c c ura c y is 5 m CE90 o r b etter, fro m na tive po sitio na l 0 0 0 0 a c c ura c y o f the b a c kgro und sa tellite im a ge. 0 0 6 6 0 0 6 6 N " 0 ' 0 4 Relevant date records ° d 4 a 5 Situation as of o Event 23/08/2017 27/08/2017 R k Activation 25/08/2017 Map production 27/08/2017 N r " a 0 ' p 0 4 n ° e 4 l 5 G Data Sources Pre-event im a ge: S entinel 2A/B (2017) (a c quired o n 20/06/2017 a t 11:43 U T C, GS D 10 m , a ppro x. 0% c lo ud c o vera ge in Ao I, 0° o ff-na d ir a ngle) pro vid ed und er COPERNICU S b y the Euro pea n U nio n a nd ES A. n Lough-a-Tirrins le Po st-event im a ge: RADARS AT 2 Da ta a nd pro d uc ts © M a c Do na ld , Dettwiler a nd Asso c ia tes il rn K u Ltd . (2017) (a c quired o n 27/08/2017 a t 06:33 U T C, GS D 5 m ) – RADARS AT is a n o ffic ia l B m a rk o f the Ca na d ia n S pa c e Agenc y – pro vid ed und er COPERNICU S b y the Euro pea n U nio n a nd ES A, a ll rights reserved . Ba se vec to r la yers: OpenS treetM a p © OpenS treetM a p c o ntrib uto rs, Wikim a pia .o rg, Geo Na m es 2015, refined b y the pro d uc er. Fa Inset m a ps: JRC 2013, © Euro Geo gra phic s, Na tura l Ea rth 2012, CCM River DB © iry EU JRC2007, Geo Na m es 2013. W C a l te a r B r Po pula tio n d a ta : La nd sc a n 2010 © U T BAT T ELLE, LLC a u g Lough r Digita l Eleva tio n M o d el: S RT M 90m (NAS A/U S GS ) n h Corr le u G r 0 0 Disclaimer t o 0 0 Drummahon r 0 0 S t Pro d uc ts ela b o ra ted in this Co pernic us EM S Ra pid M a pping a c tivity a re rea lized to the b est i 5 Claraghmore n 5 5 5 o f o ur a b ility, within a very sho rt tim e fra m e, o ptim ising the a va ila b le d a ta a nd info rm a tio n. All Burn R 0 Lough 0 6 Loughnagin o 6 geo gra phic info rm a tio n ha s lim ita tio ns d ue to sc a le, reso lutio n, d a te a nd interpreta tio n o f the Lough a Lee in d o rigina l so urc es. T he m a p a nd the info rm a tio n c o ntent a re d erived fro m sa tellite d a ta witho ut u in situ va lid a tio n. No lia b ility c o nc erning the c o ntents o r the use thereo f is a ssum ed b y the q r m e pro d uc er a nd b y the Euro pea n U nio n. ru iv Killen D R Plea se b e a wa re tha t the them a tic a c c ura c y m ight b e lo wer in urb a n a nd fo rested a rea s d ue to inherent lim ita tio ns o f the S AR a na lysis tec hnique. Lough C l a B r a M a p pro d uc ed b y S ERT IT relea sed b y e-GEOS (ODO). u g r n h ! Fo r the la test versio n o f this m a p a nd rela ted pro d uc ts visit Drumquin http://em ergenc y.c o pernic us.eu/EM S R228 r k jrc -em s-ra pid m a pping@ec .euro pa .eu c e t © Euro pea n U nio n a l a Black B Fo r full Co pyright no tic e visit http://em ergenc y.c o pernic us.eu/m a pping/em s/c ite-c o pernic us- W Water em s-m a pping-po rta l ! 7°40'0"W 7°35'0"W 7°30'0"W 7°25'0"W 7°20'0"W 7°15'0"W 7°10'0"W 590000 595000 600000 605000 610000 615000.
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