PSI Scientific Report 2010 Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Tel. +41 (0)56 310 21 11, Fax +41 (0)56 310 21 99 PSI Scientific Report 2010 Cover photo: PSI researchers Marcel Hofer and Jérôme Bernard working an Pharmacist Susanne Geistlich preparing a fuel-cell system developed in the inactive components of a collaboration with Belenos Clean radio pharmaceutic at PSI‘s Center for Power AG. Radiopharmaceutical Sciences. (Photo: Scanderbeg Sauer Photography) (Photo: Scanderbeg Sauer Photography) PSI Scientifi c Report 2010 PSI Scientifi c Report 2010 Published by Paul Scherrer Institute Editor Paul Piwnicki English language editing Trevor Dury Coordination Evelyne Gisler Design and Layout Irma Herzog Photographs PSI, unless stated otherwise Printing Sparn Druck + Verlag AG, Möhlin Available from Paul Scherrer Institute Communications Services 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Phone +41 (0)56 310 21 11 PSI public relations
[email protected] Communications offi cer Dagmar Baroke ISSN 1662-1719 Copying is welcomed, provided the source is acknowledged and an archive copy sent to PSI. Paul Scherrer Institute, April 2011 Table of contents 3 4 World-class research benefi ts our industry Foreword from the director 7 SwissFEL 17 Research focus and highlights 18 Synchrotron light 28 Neutrons and muons 36 Particle physics 40 Micro- and nanotechnology 44 Biomolecular research 48 Radiopharmacy 52 Nuclear Chemistry 54 Large research facilities 56 Proton Therapy 60 General Energy 70 CCEM-CH 72 Nuclear energy and safety 84 Environment and energy systems analysis 91 User facilities 92 PSI accelerators 96 Swiss Light Source (SLS) 98 Spallation Neutron Source (SINQ) 100 Ultra-Cold Neutron Source (UCN) 102 Swiss Muon Source (SμS) 105 Technology transfer 111 Facts and fi gures 112 PSI in 2010 – an overview 114 Commission and committees 116 Organizational Structure 117 Publications Photo: Scanderbeg Sauer Photography Foreword 5 World-class research benefi ts our industry Dear Reader, DECTRIS.