
Nobel Prize-Winner Lech Walesa Former President of Poland Thursday, March 30 Holloway Hall Auditorium, 7 p.m. Walesa burst into the world spotlight in 1980 during the Lenin Shipyard strike in Gdansk, Poland. Workers, incensed by an increase in prices set by the Communist government, were demanding the right to organize free and independent trade unions. Walesa, an electrician who had long been active in the underground labor movement, arrived at the barricaded shipyard just as and democracy that the dispirited workers were eventually ended on the verge of abandoning “One Person Can Communist rule in Poland. their strike. Scaling the Make A Difference” For his heroic efforts, shipyard walls, he delivered Walesa was named “Man of Lecture Series a stirring speech, revitalizing the Year” by “Time” T the strike that spread to fac- In addition to keynoting magazine, “The Financial the semester-long “’80s On tories across the nation. h Times,” “The London Our 80th” cultural events Christened “Solidarity,” Observer,” “Die Welt,” “Die series, Walesa is part of

the strike became a social u Zeit,” “L’Express” and “Le SU’s Center for Conflict revolution. Walesa entered Soir.” Walesa was awarded Resolution’s “One Person

into negotiations with the r the 1983 Nobel Prize. Can Make a Difference” government, convincing it to On , 1990, lecture series. The series s grant recognition to he became Poland’s first provides the community Solidarity and the right to d democratically elected the opportunity to be form independent unions as president, winning more exposed to pioneering well as the right to strike. than 74 percent of the votes individuals in the field of a Through years of political cast. His term in office set conflict resolution. The turmoil and jail time for Poland firmly on the path to lecture series has hosted y thousands of Solidarity becoming a free-market such notable speakers as members—including Walesa , democracy. He now heads Under Secretary General of —Solidarity planted the the Lech Walesa Institute the seeds of Giandomenico Picco,

whose aim is to advance the M freedom ideals of democracy and Ambassador John McDonald and Dr. Arun free-market reform Gandhi, grandson of throughout Eastern Europe

Mahatma Gandhi. a and the rest of the world. r c h

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