Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) P.O
C ertificate No: Initial certification date: V alid: 1 1 1 297-2012-AE-ARE-ANAB 14 February 2012 14 February 2018 - 14 February 2021 This is to certify that the management system of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) P.O. Box:5101, Al Qordoba District, SABIC Riyadh 11422, Saudi Arabia, and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate has been found to conform to the Environmental Management System standard: AMERICAN CHEMISTRY COUNCIL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION RC 14001®:2015 AND ISO 14001:2015 This certificate is valid for the following scope: Manufacture, Supply, Transportation and Distribution of Petrochemicals and Chemicals (Including Hydrocarbons and Their Derivatives, Polymers, Performance Chemicals, Engineered Thermoplastics, Fertilizers, Industrial Gases) and Metals. Place and date: For the issuing office: Katy, TX, 29 January 2018 DNV GL – Business Assurance 1400 Ravello Drive, Katy, TX, 77449-5164, USA Chandran Ilango Management Representative Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV GL Business Assurance USA, Inc., 1400 Ravello Drive, Katy, TX 77449 USA. TEL:281-396-1000. C ertificate No: 111297-2012-AE-ARE-ANAB P lace and date: Katy, TX, 29 January 2018 Appendix to Certificate Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) Locations included in the certification are as follows: Site Name Site Address Site Scope Manufacture, supply, transportation and distribution of petrochemicals and Saudi Basic Industries P.O. Box:5101, Al Qordoba District, chemicals (including hydrocarbons and Corporation (SABIC) SABIC Riyadh 11422, Saudi Arabia their derivatives, polymers, performance chemicals, Engineered Thermoplastics, fertilizers, industrial gases) and metals.
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