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Publishing Perspectives Show Daily Magazine Show Daily Magazine WEDNESDAY, 11 October 2017 | FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR | Merkel: “Respect and Treasure the Book” German Chancellor Angela Merkel—who opened the 2017 Frankfurt Book Fair with French President Emmanuel Macron and Chairman of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association Heinrich Riethmüller—on the importance of reading and books PLUS! International Rights Listings from IPR License Inside this magazine, you’ll find more than 180 titles with rights available from leading publishers. Learn more about IPR License at FROM PUBLISHING PERSPECTIVES Merkel on the Importance of Reading From the Editor: ‘Book Industry’s Hour’ n October 7, ahead of her on the other hand, we belong to- By Porter Anderson populist dangers on the march Oappearance at the Frankfurt gether . today. “Autocrats and autocratic Book Fair’s opening ceremony, “Of course, I attach great, great f “all politics are local,” as the societies are doomed to failure,” he German chancellor Angela Merkel value to reading. It enriches, it Isaying goes, Frankfurter Buch- told the Business Club audience. was interviewed by bookseller Ka- expands one’s own horizons. And messe is the place to be. “The desire to politically enforce a trin Mirtschink about reading and since I was a child, I’ve enjoyed As Book Fair director Juergen single view of the world is inevita- France as Guest of Honor. reading. And because of that, I Boos has said, “The presence of bly destined to run afoul of the fact Below are some of Merkel’s want the book to have a future, German Chancellor Angela Merkel that a diversity of views is what we comments (translated from Ger- even in times when people can and President Emmanuel Macron have.” man) from the video interview, read short texts and updates on- at the opening of Frankfurter Bu- In our Show Daily, you’ll feel which you can watch online at line. It is therefore very important chmesse symbolizes the close re- the breeze off Frankfurt Messe’s to repeatedly make it clear that ar- lationship between Germany and Agora—in the German Book Prize’s “I believe that, as neighbors, we tistic content has a price—it’s not France and their commitment to a award of Robert Menasse for The [Germany and France] can learn a free—just like all the other won- strong, unified Europe.” Capital; in the gentle search for lot from each other through liter- derful things in the world have a And as parts of Europe solidify mindfulness from a Buddhist monk ature . Reading, and thereby un- price . their commonality—and as the UK, who writes his books near the bor- derstanding, of course contributes “We [the German government] USA, and others encounter new der with North Korea; and in the to a better understanding of other respect and treasure the book, as divisiveness—it’s impossible not to insistence of Orion’s managing di- cultures, to grow closer to each well as bookstores . which are feel the chill winds of geopolitical rector Katie Espiner that while the other, and to respect differences. places where people can build controversy this week. UK may be leaving the EU, “it’s not “Diversity is not disruptive; opinions, reach decisions, and Not for nothing did interna- leaving Europe.” rather, diversity helps to develop receive advice. And therefore, a tional literary agent Andrew Wy- The Börsenverein’s chairman strengths. Right now, it is one of heartfelt thank you to everyone lie’s keynote at The Markets con- Heinrich Riethmüller is here say- Europe’s greatest strengths. On who works in a bookstore.” • ference on Tuesday look at the ing it well: “This is the book indus- one hand, we are nation states; —Hannah Johnson breadth of the nationalistic and try’s hour.” • Today’s Event Highlights: Wednesday, 11 October SHOW DAILY Norway Business Breakfast Gourmet Gallery Tour 9:00 am to 10:00 am; Business 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Publishing Perspectives is the leading source of information about the global Club, Hall 4.0, Room Europa Gourmet Gallery Salon, book publishing business. Since 2009, we have been publishing daily email Margit Walsø and Halldór Guð- Hall 3.1 L137 editions with news and features from around the book world. mundsson of NORLA talk about Get to know the innovative com- Our mission is to help build and contribute to the international Norwegian authors, translation panies from the food and publish- publishing community by offering information that publishing and media funding, and Norway’s plans for its ing industries in the Fair’s Gour- professionals need to connect, cooperate, and work together year-round 2019 Guest of Honor appearance. met Gallery section on this tour, and across borders. led by Edouard Cointreau. In addition to our daily online coverage, we also offer an online monthly rights edition, as well as print magazines at special events including the Panel: Romance — Where’s the London Book Fair and the Frankfurt Book Fair. As a project of the Frankfurt Book Fair New York, Publishing Perspectives Business? CEO Talk works with our colleagues in Frankfurt and the Fair’s international offices, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm; Business 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm as well as IPR License, to share with you the latest trends and opportunities, Club Stage, Hall 4.0 Hall 4.2, Room Dimension people to know, companies to watch, and more. Five international romance ex- For 60 minutes, the editors of six perts discuss a massive business: international industry magazines Carol Ritter of RWA, author Kath- will interview Guillaume Dervieux, ryn Taylor, Rights Director Jackie Vice President of Albin Michel, and PUBLISHER : Hannah Johnson CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE : Dinas, publisher Andrea Pasion Carolyn Reidy, CEO and President EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : Porter Anderson Jane Chun Flores, and moderator Tina Dick. of Simon & Schuster. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT : Erin Cox Alastair Horne Mark Piesing PHOTOGRAPHY: Johannes Minkus Olivia Snaije ARTS+ Guided Tour Global Illustration Award Roger Tagholm 11:30 am to 12:30 pm 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm DISTRIBUTION: ARTS+ Runway, Hall 4.1 P53 ARTS+ Runway, Hall 4.1 P53 Frank Hörnig PUBLISHING PERSPECTIVES This tour takes you to meet the in- The Frankfurt Book Fair will pres- Petra Hörnig a project of the Frankfurt Book Fair NY novators in the ARTS+ area of the ent this year’s €6,000 Global Il- Theresa Wössner 30 Irving Place, 4th Floor Fair and the people working with lustration Award, based on entries New York, NY 10003 technology to change the face of from the IlluSalon platform and in the creative sectors. This small cooperation with the International group tour is excellent for net- Information Content Industry As- working and knowledge sharing. sociation. Read more and subscribe at: 2 PUBLISHING PERSPECTIVES / FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR 2017 THE MARKETS CONFERENCE Changing Marketplaces at The Markets Summit By Porter Anderson Indeed, the real value of the ro- bust performance of audiobooks, ith its theme of “Change: Breedt said, is less about the mere WA 360-Degree View,” The fact of more sales and more about Markets conference at the Fran- its potential to widen the reader- furter Buchmesse’s Business Club ship, attracting a younger, male reflected the change in so many listener who’s less likely to read parts of book industry and culture. books. The most closely followed Orion Publishing Group man- event in the half-day program was aging director Katie Espiner spoke a panel of women executives who good-naturedly to the complex- came together to talk about is- ities of the Brexit referendum sues of how rare gender parity is and publishing’s newly energized in most publishing houses’ C-level struggle for diversity. As unsettled leadership roles. as negotiations in Brussels may be, While Vicky Williams, CEO of she said, “In the UK publishing in- the Emerald Group’s Research Me- dustry, we’re surrounded by peo- Andrew Wylie on Reading dia in the UK, noted that it would ple who look like we do.” be great not to have to talk about By contrast, Grasset executive this topic in 2017, “I welcome this editor Jean Mattern told Bookwit- in a Globalized Society discussion,” she said. The session ty’s Olivia Snaije that the use of the was attended by both men and French language by many authors women, and they heard Copyright from North Africa and other parts By Roger Tagholm ferent view of similar, rather than Clearance Center president and of the Francophone world has a similar view of different things.” CEO Tracey Armstrong talk about changed how the language is used he diversity of output from Publishing, he suggested, also how deeply ingrained unfair think- in ways that once were frowned Tpublishers is the best response gave us ‘different views of simi- ing can be—for both genders. on, but today are better accepted. to life under leaders like US pres- lar’—“be it Karl Ove Knausgård ex- Sophie de Closets, CEO of “The French can take pride ident Donald Trump, Turkey’s amining the microcosm of his fam- Hachette’s Fayard in Paris, talked in having brought the language President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, ily life in Norway or Chimamanda about the difficulty of bringing to the world,” he said, “and now and Hungary’s Prime Minister Ngozi Adichie reflecting on the ex- men into a profession that doesn’t we’re more willing to understand Viktor Orban, agent Andrew Wy- patriate life of a Nigerian woman in pay well. But Arpita Das, founding that the movement is bringing lie told delegates at a keynote ad- the United States.” owner of New Delhi’s Yoda Press, something back.
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