Black Iiistdbym
, -' i' <' - ~ . The"ShadeDts' Voice for Over 50 Yean ~ VoI.54 No.9 Baruch College, CUNY February 17, 1917 16,017 DRUN:K' REGISTER STUDENT FOR 'SPRING '87 INJURED By JACQUEUNE MULHERN By NEERAJ VOHRA A total of 16,017 students An intoxicated male student registered for Spong 1987 classes, received minor injuries outside the ~~lanl1"OOre3~e-or-moreLhaIl6O(tfrom- nt Center.rafter attending a Spring 1986, according to Thomas club party on the evening of Dec. McCarthy the registrar. However, 12, 1986, according to Robert T. only 8,291 of these students enroll- Georgia, acting dean of students. ed in January; the other 7,726 took Georgia did not identify the stu advantage of early registration in dent and said, "I would not want to December, the most since the pro- -violate anyone's privacy." Georgia TIle ......... 01 tile Sa' '11 I. e.ter IIfIer..,....TnI.........eo.puy gram began. declined to go much further into tnIdE "Qed.oI It. detail and said that his office was Seniors and Baruch Scholars "looking into the matter to identify New Deans received first priority in registering the individual involved and the and, therefore, were most likely to nature and cause of the incident." Sought TRUCK SPRAYS OIL receive their first choices for classes. According to Georgia, the'dean Juniors, sophomores and, fmally, of students'office wa~ also attemp- SEARCH ON.~_WALL OF freshmen were then proc~_. ,_ ting to determine whether the col- ' McCarthy Said, "One of the big- lege's alcohol policy guidelines were' COMMITTEES STUDENT CENTER gest problems is not with the violated, and whether "additional FORMED • seniors, but sophomores and preventive measures need to be in juniors and the problems they have troduced to avoid such occurrences By LINDA ZUECB By JOHN GRECO aad \ t:iDdi~ _Ule basic.
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