CAT - TALES SM HAPPY NEW YEAR January 2013/Volume 20 Issue 1 CONTRIBUTORS EDITORS Message from your editors: Barbara Voss It’s a new year and another 12 issues of Cat- Jim Alleborn Tales to look forward to. Bill and I weren’t St. Bill Voss James residents when Cat-Tales was started Jim Carey
[email protected] so many years ago, but we’ve heard it was a Vicki Caruso page or two on mimeographed paper. Thank PUBLISHED BY you to those folks who started something we Gordon Corlew can all be proud of. This is OUR magazine Melody Bellamy and we should all be proud of it. The articles Mary Ann Derks Coastal Printing & Graphics about neighbors giving their time and money Kathy Fitzgerald to benefit others, sharing life and travel ASSOCIATE EDITORS experiences, and giving us tips for our safety Don Hill and well-being (wine is very important for Bill Allen that!) are things we enjoy each month. Tricia Hill Susan Edwards We wish you health and happiness for the new Carol Kidd Betty Lewis year and are hoping to hear from you with any ideas you may have to make this publication Mike Kirsche Paul Maguire even better. Sue Maguire Barbara Lemos Wendy Taylor Nate Lipsen IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Phillip Midgett POA Fire, Rescue or Medical Emergency 911 COMMUNICATIONS (Direct Number for 911 Dispatch) 910-253-7490 John Muuss CHAIR St. James Security-Main Gate 910-253-7177 St. James Security-Main Gate 910-253-7178 Kevin O’Connor Lisa Williamson St. James Town Office 910-253-4730 St.