Checklist of (by FAMILY or GROUP/___ Species): Concord River Greenway, Lowell, Massachusetts

CHICKADEES ___ Green Heron TYRANT FLYCATCHER ___ Black-capped Chickadee ___ Eastern ___ Tufted Titmouse ___ Ruby-throated UPLAND GAME BIRDS CORMORANTS ___ Wild Turkey ___ Double-crested Cormorant ICTERIDS WAXWINGS WRENS ___ Baltimore Oriole ___ Bohemian Waxwing ___ Carolina Wren ___ Brown-headed Cowbird ___ Cedar Waxwing ___ House Wren ___ Common Grackle WOODPECKERS ___ Marsh Wren ___ Red-winged Blackbird ___ Downy Woodpecker CUKOOS JAYS, CROWS, & VIREOS ___ Hairy Woodpecker ___ Yellow-billed Cuckoo ___ American Crow ___ Northern Flicker DOVES AND PIGEONS ___ Blue Jay WARBLERS ___ Mourning Dove ___ Common Raven ___ Common Yellowthroat ___ Rock Dove (pigeon) ___ Warbling Vireo ___ Yellow Warbler FINCHES KINGFISHERS VULTURES ___ American Goldfinch ___ Belted Kingfisher ___ Black Vulture ___ House Finch MOCKINGBIRDS ___ Turkey Vulture ___ Purple Finch ___ Grey Catbird WATERFOWL CARDINALS, GROSBEAKS ___ Northern Mockingbird ___ American Black Duck & TANAGERS NUTHATCHES ___ Canada Goose ___ Northern Cardinal ___ White-breasted Nuthatch ___ Common Goldeneye ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak OLD WORLD SPARROWS ___ Common Merganser ___ Scarlet Tanager ___ English (House) Sparrow ___ Hooded Merganser GULLS PLOVERS & SANDPIPERS ___ Mallard (Duck) ___ Great Black-backed Gull ___ Killdeer ___ Northern Shoveler ___ Herring Gull ___ Solitary Sandpiper ___ Ring-billed Gull SPARROWS Notes: RAPTORS ___ Chipping Sparrow ___ American Kestrel ___ Field Sparrow ___ Bald Eagle ___ Song Sparrow ___ Barn Owl ___ White-crowned Sparrow Your sightings are ___ ___ White-throated Sparrow important to understanding ___ Coopers Hawk STARLINGS the natural environmental ___ Eastern Screech-Owl ___ European Starling state of the Concord River ___ SWALLOWS & LARKS corridor in Lowell. You can ___ Osprey ___ Bank Swallow be a part of “citizen science” ___ Peregrine Falcon ___ Barn Swallow by documenting any and all ___ Red-tailed Hawk ___ Tree Swallow birds you observed. Submit a ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk THRUSHES copy of your checklist of birds HERONS ___ American Robin and information to: LP&CT, ___ Black-crowned Night-heron ___ Northern Waterthrush PO BOX 7162, Lowell, MA ___ Great Blue Heron 01852.

Name/Name of Group: ______Date of Outing:______Specific location(s) you went birding: ______