Jonathan Dickinson State Park ADA Bird List

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Jonathan Dickinson State Park ADA Bird List BIRD LIST KEY Waxwing (Bombycillidae) SP SU F W Wood-warbler (Parulidae) SP SU F W BIRD LIST On the right-hand side of each column, letter □ Orange-crowned Warbler R - R R □ Cedar Waxwing R - R U designations indicate each bird’s occurrence for □ Northern Parula C U C C Jonathan Dickinson each season (Sp, Su, F, and W): Cardinal (Cardinalidae) SP SU F W □ Orange-crowned Warbler O - O R ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State Park Spring (Mar. - May) Summer (Jun. - Aug.) □ Summer Tanager O - - R □ Chestnut-sided Warbler O - - - Fall (Sept. - Nov.) Winter (Dec. - Feb.) □ Scarlet Tanager O - O - □ Magnolia Warbler R - O - ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A = Abundant (numerous, common species) □ Northern Cardinal C C C C □ Cape May Warbler U - U - C = Common (frequently seen or heard □ Rose-breasted Grosbeak O - O O □ Black-throated Blue Warbler U - U O in suitable habitat) □ Indigo Bunting R - U U □ Yellow-rumped Warbler C - C C U = Uncommon (usually present, but not □ Painted Bunting U - U U □ Blackburnian Warbler R - R - certain to be seen or heard) □ Yellow-throated Warbler U R U R O = Occasional (seen only a few times/ Blackbird & Oriole (Icteridae) SP SU F W □ Pine Warbler C C U U season) □ Bobolink O - O - □ Prairie Warbler U U O U R = Rare (seen every 2-5 years) □ Red-winged Blackbird C C C C □ Palm Warbler C - C C X = Remote (last seen several decades ago) □ Eastern Meadowlark R R R R __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ □ Blackpoll Warbler U - R - N Non-native species □ Common Grackle U U U U □ Balnck-and-white Warbler U - U U L Clare-Rue Morgan Listed species (or subspecies); □ Boat-tailed Grackle C C C C □ American Redstart C - C - ‘Endangered,’ ‘Threatened’ or ‘Species of Spe- □ Brown-headed Cowbird U U U U □ Ovenbird U - O O Florida Scrub-Jay cial Concern’ □ Spot-breasted OrioleN X X X X (Aphelocoma coerulescens) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ □ Northern Waterthurush O - - R Significant contributors to this list are: Finch (Fringillidae) SP SU F W □ Louisiana Waterthrush O - O - Jonathan Dickinson State Park (11,471 Richard E. Roberts, Peter G. Merritt, □ American Goldfinch C - - C □ Connecticut Warbler R - R - acres / 4,642 hectares) contains some of the Jack P. Hailman, Lorne K. Malo, □ Common Yellowthroat U U U C most significant and diverse biological com- Herb W. Kale II, Debbie Fritz-Quincy, Stork (Ciconildae) SP SU F W □ Hooded Warbler - - R - munities in southeast Florida. The park offers Peter A. Quincy and Richard K. Poole L □ Wood Stork U U U U a variety of trails to experience these habitats, Sparrow (Emberizidae) SP SU F W Crow & Jay (Corvidae) SP SU F W including sand pine scrub, flatwoods, wet Shrike (Laniidae) SP SU F W □ Eastern Towhee C C C C □ Blue Jay C C C C prairies and dome swamps. It also includes 9 □ Bachman's Sparrow C C C C miles (15 kilometers) of boating □ Loggerhead Shrike O O O O □ Florida Scrub-JayL U U U U □ Chipping Sparrow R - R O and canoeing along Florida’s first National □ American Crow U U U U Vireo (Vireonidae) SP SU F W □ Swamp Sparrow O - O O Wild & Scenic River, the Loxahatchee. □ Fish Crow C C C C □ White-eyed Vireo C C C C This mosaic landscape attracts a large variety □ Bue-headed Vireo U - U U Starling (Sturnidae) SP SU F W Gnatcatcher (Sylviidae) SP SU F W of birds. Some are permanent residents and □ European StarlingN U U U U □ Red-eyed Vireo U U U - others are migratory, but all 158 species have □ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher A - A A been documented within the park. Old World Sparrow (Passeridae) SP SU F W Crane (Gruidae) SP SU F W Plover (Charadriidae) SP SU F W L N □ Sandhill Crane (Florida) C C C C □ House Sparrow R R R R □ Killdeer U U U U Limpkin (Aramidae) SP SU F W Cuckoo (Cuculidae) SP SU F W Hummingbird (Trochilidae) SP SU F W □ LimpkinL U U U U □ Yellow-billed Cuckoo O O O - □ Ruby-throated Hummingbird U U U U Swallow (Hirundinidae) SP SU F W Osprey, Kite, Eagle & Hawk Sandpiper (Scolopacidae) SP SU F W Turkey & Quail SP SU F W SP SU F W □ Purple Martin U U U - (Accipitridae) □ Spotted Sandpiper U - U U □ Tree Swallow U - C A □ Wild Turkey C C C C □ Osprey C C C C □ Wilson's Snipe U - U U Northern Rough-winged Swal- □ Northern Bobwhite U U U U □ Swallow-tailed Kite U U U - □ American Woodcock - - - O □ U U U U low □ Snail KiteL R R R R Loon (Gaviidae) SP SU F W Tyrant Flycatcher (Tyrannidae) SP SU F W □ Bank Swallow U U U - □ Bald Eagle U R U U □ Common Loon - - U U □ Eastern Wood-Pewee R - R - □ Barn Swallow U U U - □ Northern Harrier U - U U □ Eastern Phoebe U - U U Grebe (Podicipedidae) SP SU F W Wren (Troglodytidae) SP SU F W □ Sharp-shinned Hawk U - U U □ Great Crested Flycatcher C C U U □ Caroline Wren C C C C □ Pied-billed Grebe - U U U □ Cooper's Hawk U U U O □ Western Kingbird - - - R □ House Wren U - U U Pelican (Pelecanidae) SP SU F W □ Red-shouldered Hawk C C C C □ Eastern Kingbird O O O O L □ Red-tailed Hawk U U U U □ Gray Kingbird' U U U - Kinglet (Regulidae) SP SU F W □ Brown Pelican O O O O □ Ruby-crowned Kinglet U - U U Heron, Egret & Bittern Caracara &Falcon Gull &Tern (Laridae) SP SU F W SP SU F W SP SU F W (Ardeidae) (Falconidae) □ Laughing Gull R R R R Thrush (Turdidae) SP SU F W L □ Swaison's Thrush R - R - □ American Bittern X X X X □ Crested Caracara R R R R □ Ring-billed Gull R R R R □ American Robin A - U A □ Least Bittern X X X X □ American Kestrel U - C C □ Herring Gull R - R R □ Merlin - - U U L □ Great Blue Heron C C C C □ Least Tern R R R - Mockingbird (Mimidae) SP SU F W □ Peregrine Falcon - - O O □ Royal Tern R R R R □ Great Egret C C C C L □ Gray Catbird U R U C L □ Black Skimmer R R R R □ Snowy Egret U U U U Gallinule & Coot (Rallidae) SP SU F W □ Northern Mockingbird A A A A □ Little Blue HeronL C C C C □ Purple Gallinule R R R R Pigeon & Dove (Columbidae) SP SU F W □ Brown Thrasher U U U U L □ Tricolored Heron U U U U □ Common Morehen C C C C □ Rock Pigeon R R R R Duck (anatidae) SP SU F W □ Cattle Egret C C C C □ Eurasian Collered-DoveN U U U U N □ American Coot U - U U □ Muscovy Duck R R R R □ Green Heron U U U U □ White-winged Dove R R R R □ Wood Duck U U C C Woodpecker (Picidae) SP SU F W □ Black-crowned Night-Heron R R R R □ Mourning Dove A A A A □ American Wigeon - - - O □ Red-heade Woodpecker X X X X Yellow-crowned Night- □ Common Ground-Dove A A A A □ Mallard U U U O □ U U U U □ Red-bellied Woodpecker A A A A Heron Nighthawk (Caprimulgidae) SP SU F W □ Mottled Duck C C C C □ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker U - U U □ Common Nighthawk O C U - □ Blue-winged Teal U - U U Ibis & Spoonbill □ Downy Woodpecker C C C C SP SU F W □ Chuck-will's-widow C C U - □ Northern Pintail - - - R (Threskiornithidae) □ Hairy Woodpecker O O O O □ White IbisL C C C C □ Whip-poor-will U - U U □ Green-winged Teal - - - U □ Red-cockaded Woodpecker X X X X □ Lesser Scaup - - - U □ Roseate SpoonbillL U C U U □ Northern Flicker U U U U Barn Owl (Tytonidae) SP SU F W □ Hooded Merganser O - O U New World Vulture (Cathartidae) SP SU F W □ Pileated Woodpecker U U U U □ Barn Owl U U U U □ Red-breasted Merganser O - - O □ Black Vulture A A A A Cormorant (Phalacrocoracidae) SP SU F W Swift (Apodidae) SP SU F W True Owl (Strigidae) SP SU F W □ Turkey Vulture A U A A □ Double-crested Cormorant C C C C □ Chimney Swift C C C - □ Eastern Screech-Owl C C C C □ Great Horned Owl U U U U Frigatebird (Fregatidae) SP SU F W Anhinga (Anhingidae) SP SU F W Kingfisher (Alcedinidae) SP SU F W □ Barred Owl C C C C □ Magnificent Frigatebird R R R R □ Anhinga C C C C □ Belted Kingfisher U - U C .
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