Param Vir Chakra Awardee of India Major Dhan Singh Thapa Major Dhan Singh Thapa ' / ","',-,4 ..... , 8 Gorkha Rifles

Major Dhan Singh Thapa (IC-7990), son of Shri P.S. Thapa, was born on April 10, 1928, at , . He was commissioned in 8 Gorkha Rifles on August 28, 1949. The SirUap valley, north of Pangong Lake in , was considered vital for the defence of Chushul airfield. 1/8 Gorkha Rifles held outposts 8 Gorkha Rifles there to thwart any enemy encroachment in the area. One of these outposts named SirUap-1 was held by a platoon of C Company under Major Dhan Singh Thapa when the Chinese attack came on October 21,1962. At 0600 hours on October 2 I, the Chinese opened a barrage of and mortar fire over SirUap-1 post. The shelling continued till 0830 hours and the whole area was set ablaze. Some shells fell on the command post and damaged the wireless set. This put the post out of commission. The Chinese then attacked the outpost in overwhelming numbers. Major Thapa and his men repulsed the attack, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. But the Chinese were not dismayed by the defeat and mounted another Born-April 10, 1928 attack in greater number after shelling the area with artillery and mortar fire. Major Thapa again rose to the occasion and repulsed the attack, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. In this attack, he also suffered losses but this did not weaken his determination. The third Chinese attack was, however, more powerful and intense. The Chinese now came with in support of the infantry. The platoon post was now in a much depleted strength owing to casualties suffered in earlier attacks. But the post held out till the ammunition lasted. When it was finally overrun by the Chinese. Major Thapa jumped out of his trench and killed

Major Dhan Singh Thapa receiving PVC from the President Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

many intruders in hand-to-hand fighting. He was eventually overpowered and captured. Major Dhan Singh Thapa was awarded Param Vir Chakra for his exemplary courage and bravery.