Name and Address

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Name and Address Name and Address Institute Type = ALL Zone: RAJSHAHI Institute = ALL District: RAJSHAHI Upazilla: ALL For Whom = ALL Mpo Enlisted = N/A Union: ALL Management Type = ALL Institute Type: College Region = All Geographical Location = All Total No. of Institute: 132 SL# DISTRICT THANA INSTITUTE NAME EIIN Address Phone/Mobile EMAIL Updated Date 1 RAJSHAHI BAGHA ABDUL GANI COLLEGE 126258 Village: SHARERHAT Union: GARGARI 01758638566 abdulgonicollege@gmail. 03/11/2019 Upazila: BAGHA District: RAJSHAHI com Zone: RAJSHAHI 2 RAJSHAHI BAGHA ALHAJ ERSHD ALI WOMENS 126261 Village: Arani Union: ARANI Upazila: 01712233693 aeawcollege95@gmail.c 06/01/2020 COLLEGE BAGHA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: om RAJSHAHI 3 RAJSHAHI BAGHA ARANI DEGREE COLLEGE 126256 Village: ARANI Union: ARANI Upazila: 01715844041 college.arani.68@gmail. 29/12/2019 BAGHA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: com RAJSHAHI 4 RAJSHAHI BAGHA BAUSHA COLLEGE 126259 Village: BAUSHA Union: BAUSHA 01716-731837 25/10/2018 Upazila: BAGHA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 5 RAJSHAHI BAGHA MIRGONJ COLLEGE 126262 Village: VANUKOR Union: MANIGRAM 01711369240 07/11/2018 Upazila: BAGHA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 6 RAJSHAHI BAGHA MONIGRAM ADARSHA 126263 Village: MONIGRAM Upazila: BAGHA monigramadarshocollege 16/04/2018 COLLEGE District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI ০০০০০০০০ ০০ 01722777402 7 RAJSHAHI BAGHA MOZAHAR HOSSAIN MOHILA 126257 Village: 185 Union: BAGHA Upazila: 0723356071 05/11/2019 DEGREE COLLEGE BAGHA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: 01719550438 m RAJSHAHI Print Date : 2/6/2020 Page 1 of 12 SL# DISTRICT THANA INSTITUTE NAME EIIN Address Phone/Mobile EMAIL Updated Date 8 RAJSHAHI BAGHA SHAHDOWLA GOVT.. 126255 Village: MILIK BAGHA Union: 01558145536 29/09/2019 COLLEGE BAJUBAGHA Upazila: BAGHA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 9 RAJSHAHI BAGHA SHARIFABAD COLLEGE 126260 Village: TENTHULIA Union: BAUSHA 01714602616 sharifabadcollege@gmail 22/12/2019 Upazila: BAGHA District: RAJSHAHI .com Zone: RAJSHAHI 10 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA BAGMARA COLLEGE 126423 Village: BAGMARA Union: GONIPUR bagmaracollege@gmail. 13/11/2019 Upazila: BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI ০০০০০০০০ com Zone: RAJSHAHI ০০ ০০০০০০০০ ০০০ 11 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA BHABANIGONJ MOHILA 126425 Village: BHABANIGONJ Union: 0722256062 24/08/2019 COLLEGE BHABANIGONJ POROSHOVA Upazila: 01712912156 BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 12 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA BHABANIGONJ 126422 Village: BHABANIGONJ Union: 0722256017 25/07/2019 ০GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITY BHABANIGONJ POROSHOVA Upazila: 01715435237 COLLEGE BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 13 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA DAMNASH COLLEGE 126434 Village: DAMNASH Upazila: BAGMARA 01712-632001 damnashdcollege@gmai 23/10/2019 District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 14 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA DWIPNAGAR COLLEGE 126432 Village: DWIPNAGAR Union: 01718542218 16/04/2018 BASUPARA Upazila: BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 15 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA GORSAR COLLEGE 132031 Village: GORSAR Union: NORDASH 01713-762601 18/04/2018 Upazila: BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 16 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA HATGANGOPARA DEGREE 126426 Village: HATGANGOPARA Union: 01740643667 hatgangoparadegreecolle 28/08/2019 COLLEGE AUSPARA Upazila: BAGMARA District: 01711262039 RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 17 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA KHALGRAM BISHNOPUR 126436 Village: BISHNOPUR Union: AUSPARA 01712-013781 21/04/2018 COLLEGE Upazila: BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI Print Date : 2/6/2020 Page 2 of 12 SL# DISTRICT THANA INSTITUTE NAME EIIN Address Phone/Mobile EMAIL Updated Date 18 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA M.G (MOJOPARA HAT 126435 Village: MOJOPARA Union: AUSPARA 01737-508967 09/10/2018 GANGOPARA) WOMEN Upazila: BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI m COLLEGE Zone: RAJSHAHI 19 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA MAIACHML DEGREE COLLEGE 126421 Village: MAIACHML Union: 01718777261 11/04/2018 SHOVADANGA Upazila: BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 20 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA MARIA COLLEGE 126428 Village: MARIA Upazila: BAGMARA 01710-243369 21/03/2018 District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI m 21 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA MOHONGANJ DEGREE 126427 Village: MOHONGANJ Union: GONIPUR 01711274590 07/08/2019 COLLEGE Upazila: BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 22 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA NASIRGONJ DEGREE 126431 Village: SHIMLA Union: SONADANGA 01711451471 nasirgonjcollege@yahoo 30/08/2019 COLLEGE Upazila: BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI .com Zone: RAJSHAHI 23 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA PANIA NARADAS COLLEGE 126420 Village: NORDASH Union: NORDASH 01716175641 www.panianordashdegre 04/08/2019 Upazila: BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 24 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA SALEHA-EMARAT DEGREE 126419 Village: SANKOA Union: MARIA Upazila: 01711 020676 26/08/2019 COLLEGE BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 25 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA SAYEDPUR MOCHMOIL 126433 Village: SAYEDPUR Union: 01711902798 07/08/2018 WOMEN'S COLLEGE SHOVADANGA Upazila: BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 26 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA SREEPUR RAMNAGAR 126430 Village: SREEPUR RAMNAGAR Union: 01716844974 sreepurcollege@gmail.c 07/08/2018 DEGREE COLL. BASUPARA Upazila: BAGMARA District: om RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 27 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA TAHERPUR DEGREE 126424 Village: TAHERPUR Union: TAHERPUR 0723653001 tofazzalpincipal@gmail.c 31/07/2019 COLLEGE POROSHOVA Upazila: BAGMARA 01717821537 om District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 28 RAJSHAHI BAGMARA TAHERPUR WOMEN'S 134884 Village: TAHERPUR Union: TAHERPUR 01712627505 18/04/2018 COLLEGE POUROSOVA Upazila: BAGMARA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI Print Date : 2/6/2020 Page 3 of 12 SL# DISTRICT THANA INSTITUTE NAME EIIN Address Phone/Mobile EMAIL Updated Date 29 RAJSHAHI BOALIA ALHAJ SUJAUDDAULA 126493 Village: TEROKHADIA CANTONMENT 01711860369 06/08/2019 COLLEGE ROAD Upazila: BOALIA District: m RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 30 RAJSHAHI BOALIA BANGABANDHU DEGREE 126485 Village: CHANDRIMA R/A Union: 21 0721761471 bangabandhucollege.rajb 17/10/2018 COLLEGE, RAJSHAHI Upazila: BOALIA District: RAJSHAHI 01557631011 Zone: RAJSHAHI 31 RAJSHAHI BOALIA BARENDRA COLLEGE 126488 Village: VICTORIA ROAD- 70 Union: 21 0721772251 varendracollege1985@g 08/11/2018 Upazila: BOALIA District: RAJSHAHI 01712632158 Zone: RAJSHAHI 32 RAJSHAHI BOALIA MADAR BUX HOME 127040 Village: Padma R/A Union: 21 Upazila: 0721-760912 29/07/2019 ECONOMICS COLLEGE BOALIA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: 01753039332 m RAJSHAHI 33 RAJSHAHI BOALIA RAJSHAHI COLLEGE, 126490 Village: Rajshahi Shaheb Bazar Upazila: 01714793872 rajshahicollegebd@gmail 30/10/2019 RAJSHAHI BOALIA District: RAJSHAHI Zone: 01556335250, .com RAJSHAHI 0721-775475 34 RAJSHAHI BOALIA RAJSHAHI GOVT WOMEN'S 126487 Village: kadirgonj Upazila: BOALIA 01741520013 28/08/2017 COLLEGE, RAJSHAHI District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 01711301656 35 RAJSHAHI BOALIA RAJSHAHI GOVT. CITY 126489 Village: RAJARHATA Upazila: BOALIA 0721772388 03/08/2019 COLLEGE, RAJSHAHI District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 01718658708 36 RAJSHAHI BOALIA SHAH MAKHDUM COLLEGE 126481 Village: 163 Upazila: BOALIA District: 772783 shahmakhdumcollege@ 18/08/2019 RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 01814633210 37 RAJSHAHI BOALIA SHAHID A.H.M. 126484 Village: UPASAHAR Upazila: BOALIA 0247-860890 kamaruzzamandegreeco 08/11/2018 KAMARUZZAMAN GOVT. District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 01739792413, DEGREE COLLEGE 38 RAJSHAHI BOALIA UPASHAHAR WOMEN'S 131993 Village: UPASHAHAR,190/1,SACTOR-02 0721-760575 05/08/2019 COLLEGE RAJSHAHI Union: 21 Upazila: BOALIA District: 01911563025 m RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 39 RAJSHAHI CHARGHAT BHAYA LAXMIPUR BUDHIRHAT 126591 Village: BHAYA LAXMIPUR Union: 01716058002 bbcollege2002@gmail.c 25/07/2019 COLLEGE BHAYA LAKSHMIPUR Upazila: om CHARGHAT District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 40 RAJSHAHI CHARGHAT BORAL ADARSHO WOMEN 126589 Village: JOTKARTIC Union: CHARGHAT 01716390074 14/08/2018 COLLEGE Upazila: CHARGHAT District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI Print Date : 2/6/2020 Page 4 of 12 SL# DISTRICT THANA INSTITUTE NAME EIIN Address Phone/Mobile EMAIL Updated Date 41 RAJSHAHI CHARGHAT CHARGHAT ALHAJJ M.A. HADI 126583 Village: 64 CHARGHAT THANA ROAD 0722356052 charghatmahadicollege 20/09/2017 COLLEGE Union: CHARGHAT Upazila: CHARGHAT 01711301633 District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 42 RAJSHAHI CHARGHAT CHARGHAT WOMEN'S DEGREE 126587 Village: -- charghagreecollege@gm 03/04/2018 COLLEGE ০০০০০০/০০০/০০০০০০০০-০০০০ 01738744009 Upazila: CHARGHAT District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 43 RAJSHAHI CHARGHAT DAKRA DEGREE COLLEGE 126579 Village: DAKRA Union: BHAYA 01711416877 24/07/2018 LAKSHMIPUR Upazila: CHARGHAT 01718844837 m District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 44 RAJSHAHI CHARGHAT NANDANGACHI DEGREE 126584 Village: BARKOTPUR Union: 01716964724 ndcollege2550@gmail.c 11/09/2018 COLLEGE CHARGHAT Upazila: CHARGHAT om District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 45 RAJSHAHI CHARGHAT RAWTHA COLLEGE 126590 Village: RAWTHA Union: CHARGHAT 01309126590 16/11/2019 Upazila: CHARGHAT District: RAJSHAHI m Zone: RAJSHAHI 46 RAJSHAHI CHARGHAT SAHDAH WOMEN'S COLLEGE 126588 Village: MOKTERPUR Upazila: 01727380951 sardahwomencollege@g 14/11/2019 CHARGHAT District: RAJSHAHI Zone: RAJSHAHI 47 RAJSHAHI CHARGHAT SARDAH GOVT 126582 Village: ০০০০ Union: SARDAH Upazila: 0722356027 sardahcollege1972@gm 10/10/2019
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