(I) That If the Appointing Authority Is Satisfied That Suitable Persons Are Not Available
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JECRC UNIVERSITY JAIPUR SERVICE RULES,aOLT General Short title and commencement. - (1) These rules may be called the JECRC University Jaipur Educational Service Rules. (2) They shall come into force at once. Definitions.- Appointing Authority' means the Management of JECRC University in respect of all the posts of teaching and non-teaching of the University. Recruitment 1[(L) Methods of recruitment- Recruitment to the service shall be made by the following methods (a) by direct recruitment (b) by Promotions Recruitment to the service by the aforesaid method shall be made in such a manner that the persons appointed to the service by eaeh method do not at any time exceed the percentage laid down in the rules/ schedule of the total cadre strength as sanctioned for each category from time to time. Provided- (i) that if the appointing authority is satisfied that suitable persons are not available for appointment by either method of recruitment in a particular year, appointment by the other method in relaxation of the prescribed proportion, may be made . (ii) The employee is physically fit and does not suffer from any of the disqualification for recruitment for the post concerned. Reservation of vacancies for schedule castes and the scheduled rribes: Reservation of vacancies forthe Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be in accordance with the orders of the Government for such reservation in force at the time of recruitment. The vacancies so reserved for pron'rotion shall be filled in by seniority-cum -merit and rnerit. 1n filling the vacancies so reserved the eligible candidates who are members of the Schedule Caste and the Schedule Caste and the Schedule Tribes shall be considered for appointment in the order in which theii- names appear in the list prepared for direct recruitrnent by the University , Appointments shall be made strictly in accordance with the rosters prescribed separately for direct :ecruitment and promotion. ln the event of non-availability of the eligible and suitable candidates amongst Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes as the case may be, in a particular year, the "acancies so reserved for them shall be filled in accordance with the normal procedure. t . ':' t . j' 'I ' I (, ,' RULES FOR SPONSORING FACULTY & STAFF MEMBERS FOR CONFERENCES ETC 1.0 This. policy lays down the iU rules for sponsoring faculty and other staff for conferences, workshops and other academic activities. This policy will come into effect immediately. The objective of the policy is to provide opportunities to project JU through participation and scientific Presentation in Professional conferences. 1.1 Applicability: The Following Categories of employees are eligible to avail this facility: EIEIAII faculty members at the rank of Lecturer and above. This will include those who are on probation and ad hoc appointment. This does not include Lecturers appointed on contract basis/with consolidated pay. EEIAII Faculty members who are appointed as per the terms of post retirement engagement policy. EEAII University officials at the rank of Management Executives and above appointed on tenure basis as per the terms of management engagement policy. HEIDirectors of Physical Education/Coaches appointed in the pay scale applicable to faculty members. EELibrarians appointed in the pay scale applicable to faculty members. 1.2 Facility: The University or its constituent institutions will provide financial assistance up to a maximum of Rs. 50000/- (rupees fifty thousand) to the above categories of employees in a financial year(April L-March 3L) for attending Professional Conferences/Workshops subject to fulfillment of the following conditions: EEIfhe above amount can be utilized for attending any number of conferences within lndia and sutside lndia. However, financial support for attending a workshop shall be restricted to one in a financial year. EtrThis can be utilized for travel, per-diem, actual registration and accommodation charges. ln the case of workshops, per-diem will be restricted to a maximum of seven days over and above the travel days. EEEligibility for travel and per-diem will be as per the Travel Expense Reimbursement Rules of the University. 1.3 Conditions: EEIFaculty members below the rank of Professor and all other. categories of employees merrtioned above must present paper/poster in the conference" 1r---- "\'l^J 1"1 i".;' i ; "' EEAII such papers/posters meant for presenting must have been approved by the lnstitutional Research Committee or a committee constituted for this purpose. EEPresentation of papers/posters is optional for the faculty members at the level of professor and above. However, they shall show evidence of active participation in the Conference like guest lectu re/oratio n/cha iring a sessio n/pa rtici patio n in seminar or symposium or panel or any other similar activity. papers/posters EEAII must carry the name of JECRC University along with the name of the author, department and institution. EEPrior approval of the university is mandatory for attendance of conferences and workshops to be held outside lndia- All such requests should be sent to the Registrar with copies of the clearanee from the lnstitutional Research committee and proof of acceptance of papers/posters or evidence of active participation as mentioned above. EEReimbursement of expenses will be made only on claims which are supported by vouchers, receipts etc. and on prodrrtion of certificate of attendance CI,pFaculty members can avail approximately 75o/o of the anticipated expenses as advance from the respective finance office, which is to be settled within one week from the date of return from the co n fe re n ces/*urksho p. EEUhavailed arnount of a financial year cannot be carried forward to the next financial year. 31 .: i- |- tr,{'f (' i,t *. {- rl, JECRC UNIVERSITY, qrPUR J, (CONF. SEN NAR AND WORKSHC ,P) 2073-14 S.no. lDate lq+2f# I\r.-^ lHead ctty PAN 7 04.05.2013 ANTTA Amount JA|N l6615epe11 p AHMEDABAD 2 25.10.2013 6650 ARPIT KOTHARI CONFERENCE JAMMU n1 BIPPK5O98E 455s 3 I\U I HAKI CONFERENCE MANIPAL UNIVERSIT] BlppKqnqatr 4 z>.u5.zut4 DEEPAK DEMBIA 1750 CONFERENCE MUMBAI AFJPD1423Q 19557 DR. REENA I CONFERENCE KARNATAKA 6 26.o2.2074 14540 -ARPIT KOTHARI SEMINAR 7 28.04.2013 DtrrK)uy6t 1050 ANITA JAIN WORKSHOP 36000 8 22.01..201"4 DR. )r.uK t5 REENA LNMIIT AOJPP9954K 15000 9 27.7L.2013 G.L.SHARMA ITEP, 10 NEW DELHI ABDPS8724K 2097 10 P.S. SIWACH -ONFERFNCF TEP, NEW DELHI ADLPS4677H 1L 29.07.2014 3392 G.L.SHARMA ONFERENCE BANGLORE ABDPS8724I( 12 25.O3.201,4 UT(. I\E,)HAV 6896 13 CGWPN7586] 2250 30.08.2014 DR. KESHAV CHAND SONI \MU-2014 ]BDPS5586B t4 30.08.2013 DR. K.M. 13675 SINGH HENNAI r(Jy52t94F 17gOC 15 20.02.2074 MANISHA GUPTA EEE AEOPG3363K 4245 16 09.11.2013 MANISH KUMAR ITTTR, CHANDIGARI UEXPKJllSD t7 )2.05.2013 2623 MANOJ GUPTA ENEI\lLE 18 )4.02.201,4 +t\ 4000 MURARI LAL GIJPTA CONFERENCE MANIPAL UNIVERSIT AGUPG5953I 19 7.72.)017 IJR. NIDHIGUPTA L670 CONFERENCE LUUKNOW 20 1.O3.20L4 DR. 70874 PARUL AGARWAL CONFERENCE GHATIARAN 27 07.o5 )o14 ANCPA4254H 1r-+uu PRIYANKA CHOUDHARY CONFERENCE 22 AFSPC45OTR 1500 P.S. SIWACH UONFERENCE NFW DFI I-]I ADLPS4677H 23 L7.72 )O1 R,P. SHARMA o)b5 CONFERENCE KULKATA RGTDC2l^ 24 15.U3.2014 R.P. SHARMA 20000 WORKSHOP KERLA BGTPS3203D 12000 25 25.08.2013 JAI\JAY KUIVIAH SHARMA rcTW-2013 VIJAY WADA 26 20.09.2013 ANYPSS5OTR 20100 SORAB SADRI SEMINAR NEW DELHI AMTPSOST3C 27 09.05.2013 14136 UNA YAUAV :ONFFRFNCF MNIT 28 ACDPY4O5OD 1500 SURENDRA YADAV CONFERFNCF MUMBAI ACDPY4O5OD 29 09.12.2013 TEJ BHADUR 195s7 KUTCH & JAISALMER AFMP88611C 30 25.03.20L4 VIJAY 30000 PRAKASH SHARMA MUMBAI 31 03.03.2014 195s7 VIJETA SONI CONFERENCE JAIPUR CHMPSs21?F 32 05.10.2013 VIJEIA5UNI 2200 PUNA CHMPSs212F 1800 33 VINAY KASHYAP .\JIYTENEI\LE I APJPM3744H I 8673 Y:--- Drrector lnternal Quali$ & Assurance Cell JECRC Unrversrty JaiPur-303905 6'? 2q.Y 20L4-Ls ; Staff Name Amount 1 28.05.2014 EKTA MEGHNANI CONFERENCE 20297 2 28.05.201s G.L.SHARMA FERENCE IIT BOMBAY, BANGLC 19404.5 3 17.L2.2074 GOA 18.12.2014 8699 4 72.02.20Ls G.L.SHARMA CONFERENCE BANGLORE ABDPS8724K 33s22 5 31.03.201s MEGHA MATHUR CONFERENCE BANGLORE 8423 6 18.06.201,4 PARUL AGARWAL CONFERENCE BANGLORE ANCPA4254H 20100 7 10.03.2015 PARUL AGARWAL CONFERENCE GURGAQN ANCPA4254H 3600 8 L2.04.2074 P.S.SIWACH CONFERENCE NEW DELHI ADLPS4577H 5425 9 15.04.20L4 P.S.SIWACH CONFERENCE AHMEDABAD ADLP54677H 4947 10 L2.04.20!4 RAM PRAKASH SHARMA WORKSHOP CALICUT BGTPS3203D 12817 1L 03.01.2015 RISHISHARMA CONFERENCE BANGLORE AECPS1237H 19557 L2 10.06.2074 SANJAY KUMAR SHARMA CONFERENCE ANYPS85OTR 2039L 13 22.01.20t5 SHASHIKANTVIJ CONFERENCE BANGLORE ADGPV3998K 13569 14 09.04.2014 SURENDRA YADAV CONFERENCE MUMBAI ACDPY4OSOD 4557 15 09.04.2074 VIJAY PRAKASH SHARMA CONFERENCE MUMBAI CDOPSlOS2H 4557 r_6 05.o4.2074 VUETA SONI CONFERENCE CHMPS5212F 3000 202855.s 20L5-20L6 ).no. tuale 5taff Name Head lcity Amount 1 26.05.2015 AALOK PANDYA WORKSHOP MNIT GUEST HOUSE AJXPP2639N 10576 2 G.L.SHARMA CONFERENCE IIT BOMBAY ABDPS8724K 14393 3 c7.05.2015 MANISHA GUPTA MEMBERSHIP FEE IEEE AEOPG3368K 5526 4 VINAY KASHYAP WORK APJPM3744H 67L9 30.4.2015 5 Dr. Chandan Joshi Conference Varanasi to 5.5.2015 2870/- L3-18 June, 6 Dr. ShashiKant Vij Workshop 20Ls Bangalore t498tl- 7-7 July 7 Dr. Victor Gambhir Meeting 2015 Bangalore 24642/- 8 15-Sep-15 Mr. Ajay Singh Workshop Pune es38/- 20t6-t7 ).no. tuale star Name Head lcity Amount L PARUL AGARWAL IIM BANGLORE ANCPA4254H 21770 WOSA 201.6 2 20-May-16 C.S.Lamba Accrediation New Delhi 44741- Summit 3 L2.5.76 Nagesh Janu Tournament Patiala 684L/- 4 20.5.2076 Shashikant Vij Workshop 1748s1- 5 2L.5.20L6 Amit Srivastava 27633/- 25.5.15 to 5 Dr.