Dewathang Gewog Organic Resources Database Resource Location Contact Terracing, seed production and conservation, fodder production, cattle Next to Army gate and below Thori Tshering Gyelpo urine harvesting, composting (pile and Restaurant green leaf manure) Model dairy farming, feed mixing, Below Dewathang Primary School Bhim Bahadur Karki orchard management (mango) Near Bhutan Power Corporation office Milk Marketing Cooperative Dewathang Milk Marketing Cooperative and NRDCL office Cover crop, vegetable and corn Rikhey Rikhey farmers production Dyeing (laniroo) Dewathang Panchagavya Bangtsho Below Monastery Aum Thinley Vermicomposting, Composting (NPK and Below Dewathang temple Dasho Tashi Dorji biodynamic) Model farm, milk marketing, vegetable Bangzor under Choki Gyatsho Institute production, poultry composting, Meme Sherab monastery orchard, cattle urine harvesting Dewathang Gewog Organic Resources Database Jigme Namgyel Polytechnic Center for Solar food dryer fabrication and Appropriate Technology. Contact the rainwater harvesting systems Upper Dewathang town Samdrup Jongkhar Initiative: fabrication
[email protected] Municipality, Samdrup Jongkhar city, FCB (Food Corporation of Bhutan) Auction yard market information next to Taxi parking Dungkarcholing, on the way to Samdrup Traditional medicine making Khotsha Choling Rikhey village, below road way to Community Forest and intercropping Rikhey farmers Samdrup Choling Vegetable production in commercial Rikhey village, below road way to Ata Namgay level Samdrup Choling Thromde Thumes, Tashi