U25a0: T; Poser of Opeißs

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U25a0: T; Poser of Opeißs 20 IHJB ST. PAUL GLOBE, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1899. city, on<s of this party, received f)ve shot Momiii hall tonight, some exquißite mu- In tha forehead. Othdf Member's of the sical genie aro to. bo r heard. Oonradln Citizens of St. Paul, party came In for Blight flesh wounds. KrtniUer's oporae belong to the German Mnj. Milko was hurriedly brought to this romantic school contemporary wi*h city for Burgicivl treatment. The others Weber, in whoso style la to be found a were cared for by a La Crescent surgeon. et.rongf resemblance to the club's selec- DON'T BELIEVE IT tion. Kreutzer whh a most prolific com- \u25a0: t; poser of opeißs. The-score abounds In Tl>e SAMARITANS SLAIN. nrlns, duets, Irioe, quint-.'tt.es, ready-made tells you beautiful when a clothier «~~r~i—sr « T^catcfsm » *-, *-." and Suits are * w male and mixed choruses. The scene and that his $8.88 $9-99. * * * * * * * * * Three Men on an rirrnnrt of Mercy plot provide for picturesque costuming tailor-made again *^r*J'^l^'T*~^^^^^f^^*^^*^*;^^^y^^^^^^*'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^:^^^™"*™^^^^^^^*:^^^^ffM^^^^'M equal, if not superior, to The Nelll company will return to the announced. It will introduce Jef- I.«>•!<\u25a0 Thedr Lives. and a number of effective stage pictures. 1 will 111 f big opera garments, Metropolitan opera house tonight, pre- fereon de Angelis ami his com- .CARLINVILLH, 111., Oct. 3d.—Three To these features tho club has given the senting a new play entitled "The Gates pany in the "Jo;iy Mu-koteer," for f#ur men were killed Jacksonville & olOHeat attention, sparing neither pins, Nov. 5, at on the expense production ANNUAL ENGAGEMENT OF THE WORLD-FArtOUS of Delhi." It is a military melodrama in nights, commencing Sunday, St. Louis railroad, between Barnet and time nor to make the ITS A LIE, the Metropolitan. The nunry fitar and today. a notable one amateur five acts, dealing with the British army Atwater, Maeoupln county, James in musical cltcl-s. the opera both left most pleasurable Bryant, foreman; Jo)m Norvell, Oeorge The group in the accompanying picture your India at the time of the Sepoy insur- represents Adolph and he knows it, and presumes that In recollections behind them after their en- Cremer and Samuel Allen, members of A Messrs. and Mania rection, in 1857, with the of Larsen, baritones, verdancy will enable him to carry out which .name gagement here last season, and It Is said Quinoy, Carrollton & St. Louie section Qiesen end Mr. P. V. Delhi is forever associated. on good authority that the piece has were way jn a very effective scene, the music pro- the imposition. crow, on their on a handcar strength. fortress of 'Delhi was occupied by been much Improved with conßtnnt work- from Barnet to to secure the viding a trio for male voices-of The Atwater Gabrielle, a p:rt 60,000 Sepoys, many of whom were traln- ing, and that the company has been much services of a physician for ft friend who Mrs. Zumbach, as has IN MOST INSTANCES was very ill. The m«h were In tf)6 om- ip whioh her sympathetic soprano will ploy of another road, but took chancea In flpd abundant opportunity. The emire production under the direction of Mr. for the making running over the Jacksonville & St. Louis Ja. we pay more than that railway errand of mercy, Claude Madden, and the last divs3 re- alone, the best of trim- to fulfill th«lr full besides putting in when they were run flown by a passenger hersal with Dar.z's orchestra takes mings and materials. Bryant escaped by Jumping. place this morning. engine. \u2666 * \u2666 Mme. Constance Loeke-Va'iel has lo- A COMPARISON OF cated in St. Paul, having been obliged to leave Chicago because of the stvere cli- OUR STOCK mate. She is really a great musician and will be a charming addition to this city. and prices will not alone prove the truth- She was for years one of the piano teach- fulness of our assertion, but ers of th-3 American conservatory, apVl in mm. comes to St. Paul to teach. The Nev . MERRY, HIT, Convince You \ York Musical Courier says of Mine. Vali- INCLUDINd THE MELODIOUS Will si. "Her solo work is Invariably of the and that it pays to have your clothing made The Thirteenth Minnesota Regimental highest order, brilliant, sympathetic in St. Paul, both from the standpoint and intellectual, possessing a richness of va- band will give a concert of popular riety, strong individuality, and an utter of business and economy. Metropolitan opei^t military music at the freedom from all amioyin? manneritsms. house tills afternoon at 3:30. The band Special recognition has been given by tt* A RAG FROLIC forty men, under the direction admirers and critics of Mme. Valisi's ex. TIME numbers of Bandmaster Riohes, and they claim ceptlonal talent as acoompaniste, many of the be3t known singers being respon- and tlie proud honor of being classed as the Suits army. sible for warmest praise cf this accom- finest band in the United States plishment." Her signal success In this AT RAS-BUfIY PARK "That is the best American band I have regard possession W Overcoats may be traced to the heard in years. I wish we had one like of a tact and skill enabling her to sink It on boind the Olymp'a." This remark individuality and personality, and appre- expresses Admiral Dewey's complimen- ciate at once what the artist accompanied intends to convey." Opera company as prima donna contralto tary opinion of the Thirteenth Regimen- for a three'monthe' trip through the East. tos4(L had driven out • * * tal band. The admiral $!5 Mrs. Russell R. Dorr, of the Schubert pupils A. Luneta, Manila's popu- of Mrs. H. Da Foe will from town to the club, has received from Mrs. Theodore give a public recital the evening of and arrived, just as the club members may select Thursday, HETRQPOUTAN lar public park, the Nov. 2, at Raudenbush hall. OOTT. Lessee in- they prefer \u2666 \u2666 k JL f ans Manager. Minnesota band was playing. He those most should • conert was be played by the Thomas oches- Clan Campbell No. 116, Order of Scot- Blsted on remaining until the tish Clafts, will give a Scotch concert Pants and selec- tra in the concerts to be given by*it In Thursday evening. over, vigorously applauded each Monday evening, at Central hall The _d one of this city Jan. 23, and programme will be: Bagpipe selections, ONE «.. tion, compliment WEEK and afterwards Wednesday afternoon, 24, in the Capt. ifilliiftesWedjicidft^ *ud Saturday, on ex- Jan. William McArthur; overture, St« Fancy Vests, the officers of the Thirteenth the Schubert club choral series. A Bit is Anthony Mill orchestra; remarks, ReV, RETUljp OF THE POPULAR cellence of the regimental band, which desirable that not only club members A. B. Meldrum, D. D.; song, Afton to be by all odds the best but all music . lovers should express a Water," Miss Mary Burnett; song, "A he declared Highland Toast," Singer; . admiral, moreover, was. preference, those who wish to do so may Man's James CIO In Manila. The sword dance, Prof. John Smith; piano \u25a0 requests 543 : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0 ;:<•. send Mrs. Russell Dorr, song, "Angus 1i \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Ssg.:..- • \u25a0r.v'^p'ij opinion. The concerts to sold, Henry Dellafleld; £S«8&"& \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -^^W^^ftftt. not alone in his band were Oakland avenue, within the next five JVlacDonald," Miss Millie Pottgieeer; vio- $r of the Thirteenth Regiment days. Thomp- Mr. Thomas, of course, will not be lin EOlo. "Culloden," Miss Jennie always well attended and many com- able to comply with all requests sent, but son; a few remarks with William J. Made to your measure. were showered upon It, both by Tomkins. Accompanist, Henry Delia- yard for pliments he will select such numbers as combine We sell Woolens by the American officers and the residents suitably and that will give the greatest field. ladies' wear. the The committees in charge aYe: of the town. On the way to Manila the satisfaction to the greatest number. The Adamson, Honolulu, Amusement-J. P. James for self-measurement and band grave two concerts in following is the list: Gray, Joseph Sandlson, John Clark. Rules sam- they royal welcome, and Wagner—Overture, Rienzi; overture, Cameron, Robs, W. mailed free where received a James James J. ples upon request. on their return home they played In Yo- Tannnauser; introduction Act 111, Mels- Martin, G. R. T. Hart. kohama, Japan, being again Bhowered terßinger; Verspiel Meistersinger, vorI- Reception—Robert B. Stark, J. P. A call willbe you Lohengrin, Valkyries. Q@iIPilNY. appreciated whether compliments excellence of spiel Ride of the Adamson, j. W. Martin. buy or with for the Weber—Overture, Euryanthe; Invitation Floor—Prof. John Smith, Joseph Sandi- not. their work. (Weingartner). rendered on th's to the Dance Beethoven- son, W. Elder. The programme to be Overture, Egmont; overture, Leonora No. \u2666 HALP OF WEBKt occasion will consist largely of popular 8, Fifth Symphony. Dvorak—Symphonic Mme. Constance I^ocke-Valisl• • wiiJ give FIRST There will, however, be one poem, "The Wild Dove." Bizet—Suite a Btudio recital for her pupils the last of selections. I'Arlesienne. Tschaikoweky L'Orage, rooms in Raudenbush feature that will be strikingly original. — November at her they were fourth symphony; Chabrier Bourree hall. Her paper on "Piano Touch and While the band was in Manila Fantastique.
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