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Personality Development of the Character of the Reporter in William Faulkner’S Pylon

Personality Development of the Character of the Reporter in William Faulkner’S Pylon




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters





To live is to dream,

and to dream pleasantly is to be wise.

-Friedrich Schiller-

To the world you might be one person, but to one person, you might be the world.

Kindness is the golden chain by which our world is bound together.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-



Dedicated to the All Support Systems from the United States to New Zealand. Thank you.




Firstly, I would like to dedicate my deepest gratitude to Allah S.W.T. for the blessings of living in this wonderful life. The blessings have leaded me to the end of my undergraduate thesis and my study.

Secondly, I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Dr. Gabriel Fajar Sasmita

Aji, M.Hum. my thesis co-advisor, Dr. Tatang Iskarna, and my main examiner, A.B.

Sri Mulyani, M.A., Ph.D., for guiding and helping me to conduct this research. I could not be more grateful of his encouragements to be focus and be persistent during the process of making this research.

Thirdly, I want to express my gratitude to my family, my dad, my mom, my brother, and my sister for supporting me to finish this research. I thank them for trusting me to finish this study.

Lastly, I would to give my last but not least gratitude and love to all of my high school friends who have stayed with me until now, to Vanh Ahn Le who always reminds me about my life’s goals, to the Unterhofners who always give the unlimited supports, and to all my college friends who have supported me during the study.

Sanata Dharma University has a big role in building myself into I am now for these four years. I have gained lots of experiences and met with many great people.

Therefore, I would like to thank all of them for always inspiring me.

Elin Eprilin Fitrian Miela Putri.





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 4 D. Definition of Terms ...... 5 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6

A. Review of Related Studies ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 10 1. Theory of Character and Characterization ...... 10 2. Theory of Personality Development ...... 13 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 15 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 17

A. Object of the Study ...... 17 B. Approach of the Study ...... 17 C. Method of the Study ...... 18 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS (RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS) ...... 20

A. Character Development of the Reporter ...... 20 1. The Characteristics of the Reporter When Working for the Newspaper Company ...... 21 2. The Characteristics of the Reporter When Working in the Field ... 29



B. The Environments around the Reporter ...... 35 1. Family ...... 36 2. Peers as Models ...... 38 3. Community ...... 39 C. The influences of the Environments to the Personality Development of the Reporter ...... 40 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ...... 47


APPENDIX ...... 53




PUTRI, ELIN EPRILIN FITRIAN MIELA. (2020). Personality Development of the Character of the Reporter in William Faulkner’s Pylon. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma. A character is one of the important elements in a story that has its own personality or characteristics. A character’s personality develops through the influence of some factors such as heredity and environment. Through William Faulkner’s Pylon, the researcher analyses the character’s personality development of the reporter. The character of the reporter in the story is significant because the reporter’s personality develops along the story influenced by the reporter’s heredity and environment. The first objective of the research is to analyze the character development of the reporter. The second objective is to discover the environments around the reporter. The third objective is to find out the influence of the environments around the reporter to the reporter’s personality development. This research uses library research. The main source of this research is the original copy of Pylon novel. The theory of character and characterization is used to answer the first question in problem formulation. The theory of personality development and the psychological approach are used in this research to answer the second question in problem formulation. From analysing the character development, the researcher discovers that the reporter is depicted as stubborn, disrespectful and selfish in the beginning. Then, the reporter’s personalities develop into a helpful, understanding and caring person. The researcher finds that the character’s development of the reporter’s personality is influenced by the environment around the reporter, such as family, peers and community. Those environments around the reporter have developed the reporter’s personality when the reporter works as a reporter for the newspaper company and when the reporter works in the field. The reporter’s personality develops from restrained into free personalities. Even though, the reporter competes other reporters to gain the news and has a boundary to cover the news that reporter wants to cover, the reporter is a human being like the flyer family who think money and house are not important, but they are happy to live like that.

Keywords: character, environment, personality development.




PUTRI, ELIN EPRILIN FITRIAN MIELA. (2020). Personality Development of the Character of the Reporter in William Faulkner’s Pylon. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Karakter adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam cerita yang memiliki kepribadian atau karakteristiknya sendiri. Kepribadian karakter berkembang karena pengaruh beberapa faktor seperti faktor keturunan dan lingkungan. Lewat Pylon milik William Faulkner, peneliti menganalisis perkembangan kepribadian karakter sang reporter. Karakter sang reporter dalam cerita itu penting karena kepribadian reporter berkembang di sepanjang cerita yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor keturunan dan lingkungan di sekitar reporter.

Tujuan pertama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perkembangan karakter reporter. Tujuan kedua adalah menemukan lingkungan di sekitar reporter. Tujuan ketiga adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan di sekitar reporter terhadap perkembangan kepribadian reporter.

Penelitian ini menggunakan riset kepustakaan. Sumber utama penelitian ini adalah salinan asli novel Pylon. Teori karakter dan karakterisasi digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama dalam rumusan masalah. After that, teori perkembangan kepribadian dan pendekatan psikologis digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan kedua dalam perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini.

Setelah menganalisis perkembangan karakter, peneliti menemukan bahwa sang reporter digambarkan sebagai orang yang keras kepala, tidak sopan, dan egois pada awalnya, dan kepribadiannya berkembang menjadi orang yang suka membantu, pengertian, dan peduli. Peneliti menemukan bahwa perkembangan karakter kepribadian sang reporter dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan di sekitar reporter, seperti keluarga, teman sebaya, dan komunitas. Lingkungan di sekitar sang reporter telah merubah kepribadian sang reporter ketika sang reporter bekerja sebagai reporter untuk perusahaan surat kabar dan ketika reporter berada di lapangan. Kepribadian sang reporter berkembang dari yang terkendali menjadi bebas. Walaupun sang reporter bersaing dengan wartawan lain untuk mendapatkan berita dan memiliki batasan untuk meliput berita yang ingin diliput, sang reporter adalah seorang manusia juga, seperti keluarga penerbang yang berpikir uang dan rumah tidak penting, tetapi mereka senang dengan hidup mereka.

Kata kunci: karakter, lingkungan, perkembangan kepribadian





A. Background of the Study

As a human being, a person needs other people to survive to live in this world. Bissoli (2014) stated when a child is born into this world, it means that the parents have a huge responsibility to take care of the child and to be responsible for the child’s education (p. 588). When a baby is born, the parents help taking care of the baby. The role of the parents is significant because they become the first environment for the baby. The significance of the role leads the baby to develop.

According to Johnson (2010), the changing of cognitive abilities of an individual grows along with age (p. 513). Kandler (2012) added that the differences happened in how an individual act in society are probably because of genes and environment

(p. 290).

Bissoli stated that personality is built by different psychological functions that distinct one individual from another individual. Bissoli also explained that

…developed personality is characterized by certain univocal reactions to events (relative unity of behaviors, the individual's reaction to what happens around him or her) and by unit values. That means that it is not merely reactive to situations. People with a mature personality are aware of their possibilities, of the reasons for their conduct, and, above all, can actively dominate their behavior (pp. 589 - 590).

Pikunas (1961) has mentioned two factors that influence the shaping of the personality which are heredity and environment. Heredity is genes that are passed down to the children since birth. Meanwhile, the environment builds the personality through the influence of family, friends, community, and culture (p. 58). Those




factors become the reason why the personality of a person develops according to the person’s heredity and environment.

In literature, a character is one of the important elements in a literary work.

According to M.H. Abrams, a character is a person presented in the story or a literary work and it is interpreted by the readers which have a value toward the story

(Abrams, 1999, p. 32-33). The author creates a certain character with some conditions which are able to be noticed either directly or indirectly in the story. A character which is presented in the story, normally, encounters a change or a development. It usually happens in the main character of the story. The main character’s personality at the beginning of the story and the last part of the story undergoes a certain development whether the character turns into someone good or bad, as an example.

William Faulkner’s Pylon (1935) tells a story of a character called the reporter and other characters which are the flyer family. The reporter, who does not have any person name, works for a newspaper company. The reporter has a boss named Hagood who always underestimates the reporter, but actually cares for the reporter. The reporter, later, is fired because the reporter is useless for the company.

The reporter begins to follow the flyer family. The reporter has an intention to bring a fresh news from that family to give it to Hagood, but the reporter ends up falling in love with the only woman in that family, Laverne. The reporter’s intention of getting news from that family has changed into getting Laverne’s attention to satisfy the reporter’s feeling of love toward Laverne. The flyer family consist of a pilot, two parachutists, a man and a woman, a mechanic, and a boy, the woman’s



parachutist child. They have neither home nor money. They depend their life on a machine to live and to get money. They flew on a race competing with other competitors. The reporter is described by the author as the hardworking man who is really stubborn, but almost never brings a fresh news to the company, but in the middle of the story, the reporter shows another side of his personality to the flyer family. The story portrays the life of the people from working class who only cares about getting money. The people like machines that work day and night in order to survive.

The main character in this story develops its personality as a reaction to the environments. The reaction between the environment and the main character results in changes or developments of the personality of the main character in the story.

The research discusses what kind of developments that the main character has been through, what kind of environments that change the personality of the main character and how the environments influence the personality development of the main character of the reporter in the story.

The character of the reporter in the story is really significant. It has known that a reporter is actually one of the professions, but in the story, the reporter is a character who does not have any person name. Therefore, it is an interesting thing to be analyzed because in the story, the reporter has some characteristics which are almost the same as the reporter in general. At the beginning of the story, the reporter is depicted as an ambitious man who is a workaholic person because the reporter wants the reporter’s article to be on the headline of the newspaper. A reporter in general has an idealism to speak for others. Therefore, as a character, the reporter



wants to cover the story of the flyer family. After the reporter jumps into the life of the flyer family, the reporter indicates other sides such as becoming a soft and heartwarming person. This personality development of the character of the reporter has driven the reader’s attention from being an ambitious man to be a warmhearted man. The process of the main character of the reporter’s personality development is worth discussing because it shows the bigger picture of how the environment affects people’s personality development.

B. Problem Formulation

Three research questions are needed to be answered to examine the personality development of the reporter. Those questions are:

1. How is the character development of the reporter depicted in William

Faulkner’s Pylon?

2. What are the environments around the reporter?

3. How do the environments influence the personality development of the

reporter in William Faulkner’s Pylon?

C. Objectives of the Study

As the research questions have been stated previously in the last subpart, this part answers those research questions. Firstly, the objective of this study is to identify the character of the reporter before and after the character develops which has been described in William Faulkner’s Pylon. Secondly, this study is to find out the environment described before and after the character develops in William

Faulkner’s Pylon. Lastly, this study is done to find out the influence of the



environment on the character of the reporter in Pylon which is written by William


D. Definition of Terms

There are three terms which are needed to explain to prevent the misunderstanding of this research. Those terms are personality, environment and personality development. Firstly, the term personality is described as a stable system built by different psychological functions that distinct one individual from another individual. (Bissoli, 2014, p. 4).

Secondly, the term the environment here is included as a part of psychological terms. According to Gifford (2011), environmental psychology deals with environment and people (p. 440). A change of a person happens because the person encounters the changes in the environment. The change in the environment makes the person has new perspectives and experiences.

Thirdly, the term personality development here refers to the changes of personality of the main character or other characters in the story. Pikunas (1961) states that the continuing changes happen because human being grows into a mature individual (p. 22). The changes of a character, which evolve within the story, are significant so that the purpose of the character in the story is acknowledged by the readers.




This chapter is divided into three parts which are the review of related studies, the review of related theories and the theoretical framework. The researcher has an overview about some previous studies related to the topic of the research and the topic of the novel. Moreover, the review of literature supports the researcher to see more data related to the theories and the related studies. These help the researcher in analyzing the topic of this research.

A. Review of Related Studies

This part shows some previous studies which are related to the topic of the study. The reviews of related studies are taken from two journals, a master thesis and an undergraduate thesis. These previous researches are previewed in this part.

These researches are determined to understand the related topic or theme and point out the important things of this research compared to other researches.

The first review of related study is a journal article titled Pylon and the Rise of the European Fascism (2012). The objective of this journal article is to present the story of Pylon and relate with the European Fascism which raises at that time.

The relation between Pylon and the European Fascism is seen through many perspectives presented in the story, such as the characters and the settings of the story.

In Pylon, according to Zeitlin (2012), the character of Laverne encounters a sexual fascist from three village officers who scream and curse her (p. 106). In the




story, a militaristic uniformity is suggested. The first review of related study focuses more on the historical event which is European Fascism. Both researches examine the same story which is Pylon. The researcher tries to analyze more what happen to the story related to the raise of the European Fascism using historical approach. Meanwhile, this research focuses on the personality development on the character which is influenced by the environment presented in the story using psychological approach.

The second journal article is The Elements of The Detective Story in William

Faulkner’s Fiction (Gidley, 1973). The researcher discusses William Faulkner’s novels which have the character of the detective or contain the story of crime. The researcher does not only discuss the novel but also the play which is written by

William Faulkner.

One of the examples is the story Sanctuary (1931). The researcher states that Sanctuary (1931) is the story which cause Andre Malraux’s famed satirical that in Faulkner the reader attracts to the interference of Greek tragedy into the detective story. William Faulkner’s Sanctuary is not a detective story. It recognizes more as a crime story which the action and meaning of the story on the crimes did by

Popeye: the assassination of Tommy “the feeb” and the unusual rape of Temple

Drake (Gidley, 1973, pp. 99-100). Both researches examine the work from the same author who is William Faulkner. The second review of related study focuses more on the William Faulkner’s works which contain detective stories while this research only uses the William Faulkner’s Pylon. The previous research does not only discuss the character in the story who is a detective but also the story of crimes



found out in William Faulkner’s works. Meanwhile, this research is limited to an analysis of the main character.

The third review is a master thesis titled The Legacy of a Failing Father:

Dysfunctional Father Figures in William Faulkner’s Fiction (Holt, 2009). The objective of this master thesis is to present the father figures and how the figure of the father fails in the four William Faulkner’s novel that are Pylon, ,

Light in August, and .

In Pylon, the researcher mentions some characters in the story who have a relation with the dysfunctional father figure. As the researcher states in the writing that the absent of father figure is pictured through the character of the reporter,

Laverne and Jack Schumann (Holt, 2009, pp. 19-20). The researcher also adds an explanation about the interaction between the main character of the reporter and the reporter’s boss, Hagood. The researcher states in the writing that the character of the reported actually finds a paternal figure through his relationship between he and his boss, Hagood, which is more than employer to the employee (p. 22). In As I Lay

Dying, the researcher explains about the character of Anse who is a father, but Anse fails as a figure of a father. This kind of failure brings effects to the way Anse raises the family and the children. Both of researches uses the same work from William

Faulkner. The third related review takes four William Faulkner’s novel to be analyzed including Pylon while this research only uses Pylon as the object of the research. Both of researches also focuses in the same thing which is a character.

The difference is that the related study focuses on several characters who have



struggled because of a father figure, while this research only focuses on one character which is the reporter to be analyzed.

The fourth review is an undergraduate thesis titled The Influences of Family and Environment toward Richard Wright’s Personality Development as Seen in

Richard Wright’s Black Boy (Prihantara, 2004). The objectives of this undergraduate thesis are to find out the environments where Richard Wright spends his time during childhood until youth and to find out the influences of family and environment to the personality development of Richard Wright.

In the Richard Wright’s novel, the researcher portrays Richard’s environments from childhood until youth that influence Richard’s personality development. The researcher stated that Richard grew up in a miserable environment which was inferior, uneducated and being discriminated. At that time,

Richard portrays as a rebellious, independent, depressed, an unadaptable person (p.

72). Moreover, the Richard’s family and neighbors influences Richard’s personality development. Richard’s mother and grandmother turns him into a rebellious person because both of them are too strict to Richard. Through his friends, Richard develops an adolescence personality and knowledgeable (pp. 73 – 74). The fourth related review takes the same topic that is personality development of the main character in the story that both researchers analyze. The difference is located in the novel. This undergraduate study uses the work of Richard Wright’s Black Boy while

William Faulkner’s Pylon is used for this research.



B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

As has been mentioned in the introduction, character is one of the important elements in the literary works. A character is usually presented as a “person”, a

“human being” or a “literary figure”, refers to individual personal qualities and characteristics (Robert, 1969, p. 10). There are some qualifications to determine a character, as Abrams describes in the book of Glossary of Literary Terms,

Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it—the dialogue—and from what they do—the action (Abrams, 1999, pp. 32-33).

Forster (1974) divides character into two types, flat and round character (p.

46). The flat character is defined as the character who does not encounter any change throughout the story. The flat character is simple, and it is built by an idea or a quality (p. 47). On the other hand, the round character is determined as a more complicated character, and the character undergoes a process of development. The flat characters are easier to be acknowledged by the reader, it is very easy to remember the flat character because the flat character is unchangeable or does not undergo any development in the story (Forster, 1974, pp. 47-48).

Characters also require having qualities, moral and intellectual which use to determine a character with other characters in the story. The writer builds the characters with distinctive personalities to make the characters are seen as real human beings in the story. This is called characterization. According to Murphy

(1972), there are nine methods for the writer to make the characters clear. The



methods are personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation to others, reactions, direct comment, thought, and mannerism. (pp.

161-173). a. Personal Description

The writer directly describes a character in the story. For example, the writer describes the appearance of a certain character such as a description about what the character wears at that time or what kind of skin color the character has. The description helps the reader in understanding about the character presented in the story. b. Character as Seen by Another

The writer explains a certain character by picturing the perspective of other characters as a medium. The perspective or the opinion from another character in the story helps in understanding the personality of the character which is reflected through another character’s eyes, opinions and comments. c. Speech

The writer describes a certain character through the character’s own speech in the story. The character talks or gives comments about something in the story.

This way of describing a certain character is to make the reader understand the character’s perspective. d. Past Life

The writer uses the character’s past life as a medium to explain what kind of person of a certain character presented in the story. A character past life is seen



through a direct comment, a character’s thought or a conversation between characters. e. Conversation of Others

The writer explains a certain character through other characters conversation. The dialog that happens between other characters presented in the story gives a perspective and an opinion about a certain character. f. Reactions

The writer describes a certain character through the character’s reaction of something. The reaction is probably the reaction of seeing another character, being in a certain situation or being in a certain event. The reaction provides a clear picture about a certain character presented in the story. g. Direct Comments

The writer makes direct comments in order to explain a certain character.

This helps the reader to see what kind of character and the character’s personality presented in the story. h. Thought

The writer describes a certain character through the character’s own thought. This way helps the reader knows about what the character thinks of the opposite character or a different situation in the story. i. Mannerism

The writer describes a certain character through the character’s behavior and mannerism. For example, there are some lines telling a certain character has an



unusual habit or manner. This way helps the reader to understand what kind of personality a certain character has.

2. Theory of Personality Development

Each character presented in the story has the character’s own personality.

Cloninger states that personality of a person shows through the person’s behavior and experience (Cloninger, 2004, p. 3). A personality has a chance to be changed according to the person’s behavior and experience as Cloninger mentioned previously. A change of personality is probably the result of the influence from a person’s experience such as the past experience. It leads to the change of a person’s behavior, too. However, the personality does not actually change, but it develops into another personality.

The changes of a certain character’s personality refer to the development of the personality. Horton and Hunts (1987) stated that there are factors that are able to influence the personality which are heredity, physical environment and culture

(p. 114). In the meantime, Pikunas (1961) mentioned two factors that are influenced the development of the personality. Those factors are heredity and environment. a. Heredity

The heredity is what has passed down to the children since born. The genes from the parents stimulate the children’s character and personality during the children’s life. The genes that are passed down physically and mentally to the children give a big impact on how people see the children and how the children see themselves (p. 54).



b. Environment

The types of environment that are connected and influenced to the personality development include the physical environment, family, peers as models, education for life, and community.

i. Physical Environment

The physical environment means that the picture of the physical condition of a certain environment. As an example, there are too much people in this world, the earth is polluted, eventually, and it gives a bad impact on the food that people eat. The result is that people get sick and it probably leads to the death.

ii. Family

Family is the first environment for the children. Parents play a big role in shaping the children’s character and personality. It is because the children begin to learn everything from their parents. The role of parents is really important. The parents are the first individuals who introduce the world to the children. Pikunas

(1961) stated that “a family is a group based on marriage and blood relationship, exercising hereditary and environmental influences of prime dimension on the offspring” (p. 60).

iii. Peers as Models

Having friends or peers is also important in shaping an individual’s personality. It shows how an individual interacts with other people. Peers usually are people who are really close to each other. Pikunas stated that most people like to connect themselves with people who have the same age, maturity and status (p.

66). The interactions that happen between people, it actually influences each other.



iv. Education for life

Education is an important thing for people. People who come from an educated background, usually, are better in terms of economics condition than people who are uneducated. Pikunas said that a lot of children from a poor family are socially and culturally disadvantaged and to meet up the standards, the children have to go to school (Pikunas, 1961, p. 67)

v. Community

When an individual is in a certain community, that individual probably brings a certain personality, too. The interaction happened between those individuals results another personality. The personality forms because of sharing the same hobby or even sharing the same struggle. This environment is also able to develop or change the personality of an induvial. Pikunas added that the society of the people who come from a high social status is different from the people who come from the middle or lower status (p. 73).

From Pikunas’ theories mentioned previously, the researcher only focuses on using three parts of the environment factor which are family, peers as models and community.

C. Theoretical Framework

The object of this research is a novel titled Pylon written by William

Faulkner. The researcher wants to analyze about the influence of the environments to the character of the reporter in William Faulkner’s Pylon. The researcher uses psychological approach to analyze the character of the reporter in William’s

Faulkner Pylon. This study focuses on the character of the reporter and how the



environment which is presented in the story influences the development of the character of the reporter in the story.

The theory of character by Robert and Forster is used to analyze the main character in the novel, the reporter. In order to support Robert’s and Forster’s theory, the theory of characterization by Murphy is used to analyze the characterization of the character of the reporter through personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation to others, reactions, direct comment, thought, and mannerism. These theories are used to answer the first problem formulation which is to picture the character of the reporter in the novel.

The second and third problem formulation is answered after knowing the character and characterization of the reporter in the story. Using the theory of personality development by Justin Pikunas (helps to determine the personality development through the heredity and the environment. This theory also helps to explain the process when the environment influences the development of the character of the reporter.




A. Object of the Study

The object of this research is a novel written by William Faulkner in 1935.

The title of the novel is Pylon. The novel consists of 257 pages. This novel has been adapted into a screenplay by George Zuckerman. After that, the screenplay has been produced into a movie titled The Tarnished Angles in 1957 in the United

States. The movie itself is directed by Douglas Sirk. This movie is rated as the best adaptation of a Faulkner’s novel for the screen.

In general, this novel tells the life of the reporter and the flying family. The reporter wants to cover the news about the life of the flying family meanwhile his editor does not agree with his idea. However, his editor wants him to bring good news for the newspaper or the reporter will be fired. The flying family do not have neither a place to live or a stable job. Their life depends on the race which means they make money from it. They just own a plane where they live together in the plane. In the end of the story, one member of the flying family dies because of an accident while flying on a race. The reporter writes about it and gives it to his editor even though he is already fired.

B. Approach of the Study

This research focuses on the influence of the environment to the main of character in the novel. Therefore, this research uses the psychological approach to




do the analysis. The approach that has mentioned previously is also to find out the answer of each problems which are addressed in the first chapter. Sigmund Freud is the one who starts using the psychological approach as a literary criticism.

According to Dobbie, the psychological approach helps in examines the growth, development and structure of human personality. Dobbie also states in the writing:

Although they do not provide an aesthetic theory of literature, which would explain how literature is beautiful or why it is meaningful in and of itself, their value lies in giving readers a way to deepen their understanding of themes that have always been present in Western literature—themes of family, authority, and guilt, for example. In addition, they provide a framework for making more perspective character analyses (Dobbie, 2012, p. 54)

This research focusses on the main character’s personality development and how the settings are influenced the personality development of the main character. Based on this reason, the psychological approach is chosen as the suitable approach for this research.

C. Method of the Study

This research uses a library research method to analyze the Faulkner’s novel

Pylon. A library research method is used to gather the information, the approach and the theories related to this study. The information, the approach and the theories are gathered from books, encyclopedia and the other written sources which are related to the topic and analysis of this research. There are two kinds of sources that are needed in this research. Those are primary sources and secondary sources. The primary source of this research is the novel written by William

Faulkner titled Pylon. The secondary sources are some books which discuss about the theories and the approach used in this research.



There were several steps in analyzing this novel. The first step is a close reading of the novel to get a deep understanding of the story in the novel. The second step is finding the suitable theories needed to analyze the novel. The first theory is the theory of character and characterization, the second theory is the theory of personality development. The third step is finding the answer of the first problem formulation presented in the first chapter by applying the theory of character and characterization. The theory of character and characterization by

Robert, Forster and Murphy is used to analyze the character and characterization of the reporter. The fourth step is finding the answer of the second problem formulation. The theory of personality development by Pikunas is used to analyze the environment pictured in the novel. The fifth step is finding the answer of the third problem formulation. The theory of personality development by Justin

Pikunas is used to analyze how the environment influences the development of character of the reported in the novel. The last step is making a conclusion of the analysis from the answers of the three problem formulations.




The analysis in this research is divided into three parts. Firstly, the researcher discusses the character development of the reporter described in the story. Secondly, the researcher explains about the environment around the reporter in the story. Thirdly, the researcher analyzes how the environments influence the personality development of the reporter in the story.

A. Character Development of the Reporter

The researcher discusses the character development of the reporter in this part. The discussion of the character development is divided into two parts. Firstly, the researcher describes the characteristics of the reporter when working for the newspaper company. Secondly, the researcher gives the details about the characteristic of the reporter when working in the field. The reason that the researcher gives both sights of the characteristics of the reporter because the reporter’s personalities are developed from the reporter who works for the newspaper company into the reporter who works in the field.

In describing the character of the reporter, the important thing to do is to find out the qualities of the character described by the writer in the story. In order to find out about the characteristics of the reporter, the researcher uses Murphy’s theory taken from Understanding Unseen: An Introduction of English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students (1972, pp. 161 – 173). The writer describes the character through personal description, character as seen by another, speech,




conversation of other reactions, direct comment, and thought. After describing the character of the reporter, the researcher tries to decide and explain which the characterization of the character the reporter develops in the story. Therefore, it is important for the researcher to highlight the differences of the characterization of the reporter in the beginning and the end of the story. From the differences, the researcher figures out the character development of the reporter.

1. The Characteristics of the Reporter When Working for the Newspaper

Company a. Stubborn

The reporter is described as a reporter who works for a newspaper company in the story. The reporter’s name has never been mentioned in the story although another character presented in the story calls the reporter with “Mike” (Faulkner,

1935, p. 65). The writer of the novel also writes down that the reporter’s boss, named Hagood, tries to call the reporter’s name, but the exact name itself is not there (p. 70). The reporter has a job as any other reporters have which the reporter needs to cover a story for the newspaper.

As a reporter who is determined to speak for others, the reporter always wants to cover a story about the flyer family. The reporter thinks that there is something interesting which the reporter can cover from the family.

“Listen,” the reporter said. “She’s out there at the airport. She’s got a little boy, only it’s two of them, that fly those little ships that look like . No: just one of them flies the ship; the other makes the delayed parachute-jump-you know, with the fifty-pound sack of flour and coming down like the haunt of Yuletide or something. Yair; they’ve got a little boy, about the size of this telephone, in dungarees like they w…” (p. 35)



The writer describes that the flyer family who consist of Roger Schumann who is the pilot, Laverne who is the parachute woman, the parachute guy, Jiggs who is the mechanic, and Jack Schuman who is a little boy and the son of Roger and Laverne. The family does have neither any house nor any money. The family also lives in a nomad way.

The reporter thinks that the family has an extraordinary life. It makes the reporter really wants to write about them and put it into the newspaper. In the other hand, the reporter boss, Hagood, who is the editor of the newspaper company where the reporter works, does not really agree with the reporter’s idea. Hagood thinks that the reporter ought to cover it (Faulkner, 1935, p. 39).

“I’ll go you better than that: I don’t even care. Why should I find news in this woman’s supposed bed habits as long as her legal (so you tell me) husband does not?”— “I thought that the women’s bed habits were always news,” the repoter said. (p. 40)

From the speech mentioned previously, the reporter shows his willingness to cover the story of the flyer family. The reporter wants to focus on “the women’s bed habits”. The researcher assumes that “the women’s bad habits” in the story are the statement of Hagood which Hagood asks himself or the reporter confusedly that there are two men, one wife and her child in the flyer family (p. 37). Unfortunately, his boss, Hagood, opposes the reporter’s idea.

“— Yet you never seem to bring back anything but information. Oh, you have that, all right, because we seem to get everything that the other papers do and we haven’t been sued yet and doubtless it’s all that anyone should expect for five cents and doubtless more than they deserve. But it’s not the living breath of news. It’s just information. It’s dead before you even get back here with it.” (p. 34)

“The people who own this paper or who direct its policies or anyway who pay the salaries, fortunately or unfortunately I shan’t attempt to say, have



no Lewises or Hemingways or even Chekhovs on the staff: one very good reason doubtless being that they do not want them, since what they want is not fiction, now even Nobel Prize fiction, but news.” (p. 40)

The two speeches from the story mentioned previously show that either

Hagood or the newspaper company does not have any interest on what the reporter wants to write. The reporter’s boss asks the reporter to leave and to go to bed instead

(Faulkner, 1935, p. 41). However, the reporter does not want to go back home. The reporter has set his mind that the reporter needs to follow the sound of the heart.

— “he said to himself. I reckon I will have to keep o being one until then. Because even if I am fired now, at this minute while I walk here, there won’t be anybody for hum to tell to take my name off the pay-roll until noon to- morrow. So I can tell him it was my conscience. I can call him from the hotel here and tell him my conscience would not let me go him and go to sleep.”— (p. 47)

The act of the reporter being stubborn does not stop there. The reporter, then, calls Hagood from the Terrebonne Hotel. It really makes Hagood shock because the reporter supposes to be home in bed at that time (p. 52). The reporter keeps trying to explain the story about the family of flyers to his boss, Hagood.

Hagood is the editor in the newspaper company where the reporter works at.

However, Hagood cannot stop his long-haul explanation. When Hagood tries to stop the reporter. Hagood thinks the reporter is drunk and when Hagood asks the reporter to listen to him, the reporter just keeps going explaining all the story (pp.

53-54 & 59).

The researcher thinks that the reporter is actually a stubborn person because the reporter just cares about what the reporter needs to do. The reporter does not listen to anyone’s opinion such as the reporter’s boss, Hagood. When the reporter ought to go to bed as an order from the reporter’s boss, Hagood, the reporter does



not do the thing that Hagood asks the reporter to do. The reporter has an intention to keep doing what the reporter wants to do (Faulkner, 1935, p. 49). The reporter begins to follow the flyer family.

The researcher also thinks when the reporter’s boss, Hagood, opposes the reporter’s idea, it is because of the Hagood wants to remind the reporter that the reporter actually works for a newspaper company. If the newspaper company still wants to compete in the industry, the newspaper company has to produce good articles in order to increase the company’s newspaper sales. However, the reporter does not listen to the reporter’s boss, Hagood, because the reporter still has an idealism that the reporter should speak for the flyer family because the story of them is good to cover. b. Disrespectful

In the story, the reporter is not only described as a person who is really ambitious and stubborn over something. The reporter is also pictured as someone who likes to underestimate other people. As it has been mentioned in the previous part, the reporter wants to put the story about the flyer family into the headline of the newspaper where the reporter works at.

Surprisingly, the reporter portrays the flyer family which is unusual. The reporter actually finds that “the women’s bed habits” that happens in the flyer family is interesting to cover as news for the newspaper company where the reporter works, but the reporter is not able to underestimate the flyer family because of its fact.

—Because they ain’t human like us; if they just had human brains. Burn them like this one to-night and they don’t even holler in the fire; crash one



and it ain’t even blood when you haul him out: it’s cylinder oil the same as in the crank-case. (Faulkner, 1935, p. 36)

From the previous conversation that happens when the reporter explains about the family of flyers to his boss, Hagood, it shows that the reporter explicitly looks down on the family because they have no human brains. The act of disparaging or being disrespectful toward the flyer family does not stop there. It continues in the story.

— “Because they ain’t human like us; they couldn’t turn those pylons like they do if they had human blood and senses and they wouldn’t want to or dare to if they just had human brains. —” (p. 36)

—They ain’t human, you see. No ties; no place where you were born and have to go back to it now and then even if it’s just only to hate the damn place good and comfortable for a day or two. From coast to coast and Canada in summer and Mexico in winter, with one suit-case and the same can-opener because three can live on can-opener as easy as one or twelve. -—Because they don’t need money, it ain’t money they are after any more than it’s glory because the glory can only last until the next race and so maybe it ain’t even until to-morrow— (Faulkner, 1935, p. 37)

The same thing also happens when the reporter and Jiggs, the mechanic, have a conversation. The reporter is directly disrespectful toward the flyer family in the conversation that happens in the story.

“Yair!” the reporter cried, glaring down at Jiggs. “Because you guys don’t need to sleep. You ain’t human. I reckon the way he trains for a meet is to stay out on the town all the night before. Besides that—what was it? —thirty per cent of three hundred and twenty-five dollars he won this afternoon…. Come on,” he said. “We won’t have to cross the street.” (p. 46)

The reporter repeats the same opinion that the flyer family is not human (pp.

49-50). It is shown that the reporter does something really far away from the word positive. The reporter judges the flyer family as a family who need neither any



money or any house. According to the reporter, a normal human being, at least, have either a house or money to survive or to live in this world.

“…I had to stop and lean against the hangar wall and laugh. Talk about your immaculate conceptions: born on an unrolled parachute in a California hangar and the doc went to the door and called Shumann and the parachute guy. And the parachute guy git out the dice and says to her, “Do you want to catch these?” and she said, “Roll them,” and the dice come out and Shumann rolled high, and that afternoon they fetched the J.P. out on the gasoline-truck and so hers and the kid; it was her, and the kid flailing away at her and her stopping that hard boy’s face that looks like any one of the four of them might cut her hair for her with a pocket-knife when it needs it, down to where he can reach it and saying, “Hit me. Hit me hard. Harder. Harder.” And what do you think of that?” (Faulkner, 1935, p. 38 – 39)

From the evidence mentioned previously, the reporter talks down about

Laverne, the parachute woman, who has a child, Jack, with one of the members of the flyer family since the child looks like one of the men in the flyer family. The reporter imagines about Laverne giving birth to a kid on a parachute. The reporter also laughs when the reporter thinks about the way that the flyer family decide who wants to be the father of the child by rolling the dice.

The researcher finds that the reporter actually has another negative character that is very disrespectful. The reporter is very disrespectful toward the flyer family.

The reporter talks down about the flyer family. The reporter does not only talk down about the flyer family but also disparages the family by saying that the flyer family is not human.

The researcher also thinks that the reporter is disrespectful toward others because the reporter believes that the reporter self and the people around him except the flyer family are the standard of human beings have to be. From the conversation stated previously, the reporter thinks that a human being normally needs a house



and money as primary needs to live in order to survive living in this world. The standard of human being from the reporter’s perspective is different. The reporter’s perspective on how a human being lives is far from the reporter’s standard.

Therefore, the reporter probably thinks that it is abnormal. In the end, the reporter’s perspective makes the reporter disrespectful toward the flyer family. c. Selfish

Besides the reporter shows himself as a person who is stubborn and disparaging or disrespectful, the reporter also shows another negative character that is selfish. The selfish side of the reporter is shown by the act of the reporter caring toward the flyer family, but the act of caring here is somehow with an intention.

The intention here is only to reach the reporter’s goal which has been mentioned in the previous part that is about the willingness of the reporter to cover the story about the flyer family. The researcher thinks this kind of act that is done by the reporter consider as being selfish because the reporter only thinks about the reporter self.

Moreover, the act of this kind of caring with intentions happens because the reporter does not only want to cover the story about the flyers family but also is interested in Laverne, the parachute woman who is also the Roger Schumann’s wife. The reporter has always been interested in Laverne because the reporter actually wants to cover the story about the thing that is happened to Laverne.

“Listen,” the reporter said. “She’s out there at the airport. She’s got a little boy, only it’s two of them, that fly those little ships that look like mosquitoes. No: just one of them flies the ship; the other makes the delayed parachute-jump-you know, with the fifty-pound sack of flour and coming down like the haunt of Yuletide or something. Yair; they’ve got a little boy, about the size of this telephone, in dungarees like they w…” (Faulkner, 1935, p. 35)



The first attempt that the reporter makes is the reporter buys an ice cream for the boy.

“Come on, Dempsey,” the man said. “How about taking me on for an ice- cream cone? Hey?” The boy did not move. He was not more than six, yet he looked at the apparition before him with the amazed quiet immobility of the grown men. “How about it, huh?” the man said. (Faulkner, 1935, p. 17)

“All I can do for him is buy him something to eat,” he said. “To take him to see an air race would be like taking a colt out to Washington Park for the day. You are from Iowa and Shumann was born in Ohio and he was born in California and he has been across the United States four times, let alone in Canada and Mexico. Jesus. He could take me and show me, couldn’t he?” (p. 23)

The reporter does not only intend to buy the child an ice cream but also some candies (p. 23). The reporter asks Laverne if the child has already slept or has not (p. 50). The reporter also holds the child on the reporter’s shoulder when the child sleeps. The reporter thinks that the act is able to bring him close with Laverne, the parachute women, but Laverne does not respond on to that. Laverne feels scared and asks one of the male members of the flyer family to take the child from the reporter because the child is able to fall down in anytime (p. 61). The reporter, again, attempts to be close with Laverne by intentionally making up a conversation.

The intention of asking Laverne about the boy seems like the reporter selfishly wants to fulfil his own desire toward Laverne.

Another evidence is shown when the reporter, the parachute guy and Jiggs are drunk after taking absinthe. The parachute guy asks if the reporter wants to go to bed with Laverne. Suddenly, the reporter gets blush on the reporter’s cheeks. The reporter answers with a fully agreement toward the question (p. 91). This act shows that the reporter actually a selfish person.



The researcher also thinks that the competition between the reporters in the reporter’s newspaper company, it actually turns him into a selfish person, too. As a reporter who works for a newspaper company, the reporter needs to compete with other reporters to bring articles for the newspaper in order to gain money. The competition, of course, is not easy. Sometimes, for some reporters, they think they have done the writing better than any other reporters, but they actually have not. In the end, the sales of the newspaper decide whether they are successful in the competition or not. The reporter’s boss, Hagood, said that the news that has been published into a newspaper is just an information, not a living breath news

(Faulkner, 1935, p. 34).

2. The Characteristics of the Reporter When Working in the Field a. Helpful

The reporter, surprisingly, is someone who is really helpful toward the flyer family. In the last subpart, the reporter portrays as someone who is disrespectful toward the flyer family. In fact, in the story, the reporter helps the family in providing all they need. One day, when the Terrebonne Hotel, the place where the flyer family should spend couple of nights there, is already crowded with the pilots who also competes in that event. He tells that thing to Hagood while they are on call.

“…Where was I? O yair…Had a room for to-night because they have been here since Wednesday and so they must have had some-where they could lock the door and take off some of their clothes or at least put the trench- coat down and lay down themselves, because they had shaved somewhere…” (p. 53)



The researcher assumes that the reporter wants to tell the truth of the flyer family’s condition. The reporter wants Hagood, the reporter boss, also to make

Hagood understand about the flyer family and help the flyer family later.

“Yair,” the reporter said. “Listen. I wouldn’t even bother with that son of bitch Feinmann at all; you can have the right guy paged right here in the lobby. Or listen. You don’t even need to do that. All they need is just a few dollars to eat and sleep on until to-morrow; just call the desk and tell them to let me draw on the paper; I will just add the eleven-eighty I had to spend to…” (p. 59)

The reporter calls Hagood and tells him all the things that happens with the flyer family because the reporter tries to ask Hagood for some additional money.

The money, of course, are used for the flyer family. Not only a place to stay but the reporter uses the reporter’s money to take the flyer family to the hotel by taxi

(Faulkner, 1935, p. 76).

The reporter unintentionally offers the flyers family to sleep at his house because the reporter knows that they do not have any place to stay and to sleep that night.

“—When the only guy that’s offered me a drink in three months we took both his beds away from him and left him the floor to sleep on and now we never even kept up with him enough to deliver a message from his boss where he is to go to work…” (p. 90)

The reporter also gives the family the extended key of the reporter’s house, so that the flyers family have a place to sleep and to be hidden from the cold of winter.

“Make yourself at home,” he said. “As long as you want to. I’m going to be out of town for a few days. So I may not even see you again. But you can just drop the key in an envelope and address it to the paper. And make yourselves at home; there is a woman comes every morning but Sunday to clean up….” (p. 125)



When the reporter behaves that way, it actually moves the hearts of the flyer family. The family of flyers thinks at first that the reporter is someone who just wants to get a story from them, but the flyers family realizes now that the reporter has been really helpful for them.

The reporter likes to spend the reporter’s money on the flyer family. Before going to the reporter’s home, the reporter and the flyer family take a taxi and the reporter uses the reporter’s money to pay the taxi (Faulkner, 1935, p. 76). Even though the reporter keeps borrowing the money from the reporter’s boss, Hagood, or the housekeeper, Leonora, the reporter does not only spend the money for the reporter self but also for the flyer family. For example, one day, the reporter asks for two dollars to the reporter’s helper in the house because he does not have any money left and because he is fired (p. 108). Although he only has one dollar left after spending it for breakfast, he spends the money to pay the cab to take Shumann finding a ship to fly.

When the Shumann’s ship is broken, the reporter also helps Shumann to settle it down. The reporter even asks a request to Ord to let Shumann flies the Ord’s ship. The reporter also makes a letter of statement that the reporter has bought the ship with a help of Matt. They even do a test flight to make sure that Shumann can land the ship well (p. 167).

“This is Mr. Shumann,” the reporter said, saying in a tone of bright amazement: “You mean Matt never told you? We have bought that ship.” Shumann did not wait for a moment he watched Marchand, the not in both hands, looking at it with that baffled immobility behind which the mind flicks and darts like a terrier inside a fence. (p. 166)



At almost the end of the story, it is an unfortunate thing that Roger Shumann passes away. The ship burns and fall into the lake. The body of Shuman has not been found. The parachute jumper comes to the reporter to give the reporter some money for paying Shumann’s bill. The parachute jumper asks the reporter to bury the body of Shumann if the police has found the body. The reporter agrees and also promises the parachute jumper to not send the collect (p. 200).

From the explanation, the researcher finds out that the character of the reporter encounters a development. As the family thinks about the reporter at the first time, the researcher also agrees with the idea of the reporter only being a reporter to get a story from them. By the time the story goes, the reporter actually shows the reporter’s another self. The reporter is sincere about helping the flyers family. The reporter even states that it is not a matter of money and it is fine if the flyer family do not pay the reporter’s money back. b. Understanding

In the story, the reporter does not only become a helpful person. He is also an understanding man. In the last subpart, the reporter portrays as someone who is disrespectful toward the flyer family. In fact, in the story, the act of the reporter being understanding toward the flyer family is seen in many of the reporter’s actions. For example, the reporter really understands about the condition of the family even though the reporter likes to underestimate the flyer family’s life by saying that the flyer family is not human (Faulkner, 1935, p.36).

The reporter knows that the flyer family need a place to sleep. The act of offering the family the reporter’s place to stay includes in the act of being



understanding toward the family. Before the reporter takes the flyer family to the reporter’s house, the reporter pays for the flyer family taxi, too (p. 76). The reporter also calls Hagood to tell the reporter boss about the situation that happens at that time. The reporter tries so hard to tell the reporter’s boss to make sure that Hagood understands that the reporter needs some allowances to help the flyer family.

“Yair,” the reporter said. “Listen. I wouldn’t even bother with that son of bitch Feinmann at all; you can have the right guy paged right here in the lobby. Or listen. You don’t even need to do that. All they need is just a few dollars to eat and sleep on until to-morrow; just call the desk and tell them to let me draw on the paper; I will just add the eleven-eighty I had to spend to…” (Faulkner, 1935, p. 59)

“Make yourself at home,” he said. “As long as you want to. I’m going to be out of town for a few days. So I may not even see you again. But you can just drop the key in an envelope and address it to the paper. And make yourselves at home; there is a woman comes every morning but Sunday to clean up….” (p. 125)

Another action of the reporter being understanding is when the reporter let the family spends the reporter’s money. In the story, the reporter somewhat understands about the family situation at that time. The flyer family does not have any house or even any place to stay and also money. As it has mentioned in the story, the life of the flyer depends on the competition. If they win, they get money.

If they are lost, they do not get any money.

From the explanation, the researcher finds out that the reporter encounters a certain development of personality from being disrespectful and stubborn to be understanding. The reporter understands the family conditions without being stubborn on reaching the reporter’s goal. The reporter is able to put aside the reporter’s own matter while interacting with the flyer family.



c. Caring

Besides the reporter has an understanding character, the reporter also acts as the reporter cares for something or someone. In the first topic of this part, the reporter shows that the reporter has a selfish character. The reporter act like the reporter cares of the flyer family, but there might be a little intention in it. The reporter actually has an intention to cover the life’s story of the flyer family. The intention is seen when the reporter talks to his boss, Hagood.

“Listen,” the reporter said. “She’s out there at the airport. She’s got a little boy, only it’s two of them, that fly those little ships that look like mosquitoes. No: just one of them flies the ship; the other makes the delayed parachute-jump-you know, with the fifty-pound sack of flour and coming down like the haunt of Yuletide or something. Yair; they’ve got a little boy, about the size of this telephone, in dungarees like the w…” (Faulkner, 1935, p. 35)

He starts the intention with buying the child an ice cream, asking Laverne, the mother and the parachute woman, about the child, therefore the reporter gets

Laverne’s attention. The intention of getting Laverne’s attention is to be able cover the life of the flyer family. Later in the story, the intention changes. The intention fades away, and the intention slowly disappears. The reporter’s intention to Laverne and to cover the flyer family story becomes a positive character which revealed unintentionally by the reporter in the story. The positive character which has mentioned is caring.

It also has been mentioned in the previous part. The reporter gives the flyer family a place to stay. Since the reporter knows that the flyer family do not have a place to stay a night or even longer than that, the reporter lets the flyer family to stay at the reporter’s apartment.



“Make yourself at home,” he said. “As long as you want to. I’m going to be out of town for a few days. So I may not even see you again. But you can just drop the key in an envelope and address it to the paper. And make yourselves at home; there is a woman comes every morning but Sunday to clean up….” (Faulkner, 1935, p. 125)

These evidences show that the character of the reporter in the beginning undergoes a changing. The character has developed of the reporter’s personality from being selfish to caring that the reporter shows in the story.

B. The Environments around the Reporter

The researcher discusses the environment around the reporter in this part.

The discussion of the environments around the reporter is divided into three parts.

Firstly, the researcher describes the reporter’s family as the reporter’s first environment. Secondly, the researcher gives the details about the reporter’s peers as the reporter’s models. Thirdly, the researcher discusses about the community as another environment around the reporter presented in the story. The reason that the researcher presents the three environments around the reporter because those environments lead to the development of the reporter’s characteristics from the reporter who works for the company into the reporter who works in the field.

In describing the environments around the reporter, the important thing to do is to discover the environments presented by the writer in the story. In order to find out about the environments around the reporter, the researcher uses Pikunas’ theory taken from Human Development: An Emergence Science (1961, pp. 54 –

73). The writer describes the environments around the reporter trough the reporter’s family background, peers as models and community. From analyzing the



environments presented in the story, the researcher figures out the environments which influence the development of the reporter’s personality.

1. Family

In the story, it tells that the reporter has joined the newspaper company for eighteen months (p. 75). For those eighteen months, the reporter works under

Hagood, the chief editor of the newspaper company. For those eighteen months, too, Hagood knows all the things about the reporter’s family. One day, a woman comes to the newspaper company and Hagood sees the woman.

…He saw all this beneath a plump, rich billowing of pink plumes so that he thought of himself as looking at a canvas out of the vernal equinox of pigment when they could not always write to sign their names to them—a canvas conceived in and executed out of that fine innocence of sleep and open bowels capable of crowning the rich, foul, unchaste earth with rosy cloud where lurk and sport oblivious and incongruous cherubim. “I just dropped into town to see who he really works for,” she said. (Faulkner, 1935, p. 73)

The researcher assumes that the woman is apparently someone who knows about the reporter. From the speech mentioned prviously, Hagood sees the woman and the woman states that the woman wants to check the new workplace of the reporter.

The woman tries to ask Hagood to help the woman to take care of the reporter. The woman thinks the job is either suitable or not for the reporter because the reporter is a silly person. The woman also thinks that the reporter is still like a small child (p. 73).

…and Hagood thought, “Baby of what?” because the reporter had told him before and now assured him again that he had neither brothers nor sisters, that he had no ties at all save the woman who had passed through the city room—and apparently through New Valois, too, without stopping, with



something of that aura of dwarfed distances and self-sufficient bulk of a light cruiser passing through a canal lock—and the incredible name. (p. 73)

The reporter’s mother lives in a different city. In the story, the reporter’s mother has changed the reporter’s mother’s name twice (P. 73). The researcher assumes that the reporter’s mother has got married twice and it makes the reporter’s mother changes the reporter’s mother’s last name, too.

Every Saturday, the reporter cashes the reporter’s pay-cheque. Hagood thinks that the reporter needs the money to send it to the reporter’s mother.

However, one day, the reporter asks Hagood to have the reporter’s two weeks-worth of pay-cheque as a loan. The reporter says that the reporter needs to send a wedding gift for the reporter’s mother who gets married again that year (Faulkner, 1935, p.


It also shows that the reporter and the reporter’s mother relationship is somehow weird, and it makes Hagood confused about it. When the reporter states that the reporter’s mother is actually lucky to get married again. The reporter does not look like that the reporter opposes it because the reporter says that it is okay for her to do that (p. 74). Meanwhile, Hagood tries to console him that what happens with the reporter is able to change the reporter’s life (p. 75).

“I don’t reckon she has done any worse than she used to. You saw yourself she’s still a fine-looking old gal and a good goer still, even if she ain’t any longer one of the ones you will find in the dance marathon at 6 a.m. So I guess it’s O.K. still. She always has been lucky that way.” (p. 75)

The reporter also adds that the one who send the money is not the reporter.

The reporter states that the reporter does not send any money to anyone. The reporter’s mother is the one who sends him money (p. 75).



2. Peers as Models

As it is mentioned in the story, the reporter does not really hang out with many people. The reporter talks much with Hagood because Hagood is the reporter’s boss. The reporter mostly talks about the works and the news that the reporter, later, covers for the next article in the newspaper.

Moreover, the reporter looks like a regular in a bar because when the reporter goes there, the reporter asks the waiter for absinthe and the waiter answers him with mentioning the reporter’s name, Mike, although it is apparently not the reporter’s real name. The reporter also tells the waiter to deliver what the reporter orders to a person named Pete (p. 65). The researcher thinks that the reporter knows

Pete well, therefore the reporter says that casually to the waiter.

When the reporter orders absinthe to the waiter, the reporter says that the absinthe us for the reporter’s friends (p. 65). The researcher assumes that the reporter somehow tries to be friendly by calling the flyer family are the reporter’s friends. However, there is also an intention of being friends with the flyer family.

It is not only about buying the flyer family drinks but also the reporter let the flyer family spend a couple of nights at the reporter’s house (p. 125).

The researcher considers this is the act of pitying the flyer family because the flyer family do not have any place to sleep. The researcher also thinks that the reporter has an intention to be close to the flyer family, therefore the reporter is able to put the story about the flyer family later in the newspaper.



3. Community

The story tells the reader that the reporter works as a reporter in a newspaper company. In a newspaper company, there are a lot of competitiveness between companies and colleagues. As a company itself, the newspaper company should make a news that is really actual. It is a heavy competition between the newspaper companies and also, the reporters who cover the story.

The reporter as a reporter in that newspaper company should bring news to the company in order to earn some money. In the story, the reporter looks like that the reporter have not brought any news to the company for a while. Even though the reporter actually has an amazing talent to make everything becoming news, according to the reporter’s boss, Haggod, but the story that has been there in any newspaper considers not as news anymore.

“…Yet you never seem to bring back anything but information. Oh, you have that, all right, because we seem to get everything that the other papers do and we haven’t been sued yet and doubtless it’s all that anyone should expect for five cents and doubtless more than they deserve. But it’s not the living breath of news. It’s just information. It’s dead before you even get back here with it.” … “It’s like trying to read something in a foreign language. You know it ought to be there; maybe you know by God it is there. But that’s all. Can it be by some horrible mischance that without knowing it you listen and see in one language and then do what you call writing in another? How does it sound to you when you read it yourself?” (Faulkner, 1935, p. 34)

The researcher believes that Hagood as the reporter’s boss and the chief editor in the company thinks that working with the reporter is actually challenging.

It has been eighteen months since the reporter has started working under Hagood.

When the reporter’s mother visits the office and says to Hagood to take care of the reporter, the chief editor is possible to feel responsible toward the reporter (p. 73).



Hagood, then, takes care of the reporter well even though the reporter is difficult to handle. The reporter frequently asks for a loan of money taken from the reporter’s two weeks-worth pay-cheque. The reporter says that it is for the reporter’s mother’s wedding gift (p. 74). Hagood is impossible to ignore the request and directly gives the reporter a hundred and eighty dollars (p. 75) even though

Hagood feels mad at him because of that.

C. The Influences of the Environments to the Personality Development of the


In this part, the researcher explains the influences of the environments encountered the reporter in the story to the reporter’s personality development. For the first part, the researcher discusses the influence of the reporter’s family to the reporter’s personality development. In the second part, the researcher explains the influences of the reporter’s peers of models to the reporter’s personality development. Lastly, the reporter analyzes the influences of the reporter’s community to the reporter’s personality development.

1. Family to the Reporter’s Personality Development

The researcher finds that the relationship between the reporter and the reporter’s mother actually brings a big impact on the changes of reporter’s personality. The researcher thinks that someone who lives independently is able to develop an individual personality. It happens because the reporter has to live alone and has to survive in the newspaper company as a reporter.

The independent personality possibly leads someone to have an individual personality. The researcher believes that an independent person is able to do all the



things alone without hoping any help from other people. However, if it happens frequently, it is possible to lead it into a negative thing, including being too individual. If someone is too individual, the researcher thinks that the person has developed a principle and it is difficult to be changed.

As in the story has been mentioned, the family that the reporter has is only the reporter’s mother. The reporter’s mother lives in the different city. After two months the reporter works under Hagood and the newspaper company, the woman visits the office. The woman who is apparently the reporter’s mother asks Hagood to watch the woman’s child, that is the reporter (Faulkner, 1935, pp. 72 – 73).

The reporter tells Hagood the story that the reporter’s mother has married twice. Hagood thinks that what happens to the reporter’s family is unusual.

However, the reporter understands the reporter’s mother situation and the reason why she does that (pp. 73 -74).

In the story, the reporter does not talk to each other with the reporter’s mother. This condition makes the researcher thinks that the reporter and the reporter’s mother actually does not have a good relationship as the mother and the son in general. The act of the reporter’s mother who gets married twice and the response of the reporter of it show that both of the reporter and the reporter’s mother is ignorant to each other. The researcher thinks that the reporter being good over the reporter’s mother who gets married again with other man is actually the act of ignorance. The reporter does not want to think too much about it because he has a life, too.



The reporter’s act of being ignorant actually lead to the reporter who does not listen to anyone. The reporter is ignorant, too, to the reporter’s boss, Hagood.

The reporter never listens to Hagood even though the chief editor has asked the reporter to listen to the chief editor, but the reporter just goes on with the reporter’s explanation about the flyer family (Faulkner, 1935, p. 59). The reporter also does not listen to the reporter’s boss. The chief editor keeps asking the reporter to go home, but the reporter keeps telling Hagood the story about the flyer family (p. 41).

From being ignorant to a person who is difficult to listen to other people is consider as the act of being stubborn. The reason that the reporter is stubborn because the reporter develops a character of ignorance toward people which the reporter gets from the reporter’s family relationship background.

The character of stubborn of the reporter has developed into another character. The reporter is actually very understanding and cares a lot to other people. The reporter being understanding in the story is from his act understands about the reporter’s mother who gets married twice. The reporter states that the reporter’s mother has married good men even though the reporter’s mother gets married for the second time (Faulkner, 1935, pp. 73 – 74). The reporter also acts caring to the reporter’s mother. The reporter initiates to send the reporter’s mother a wedding gift. That is why he asks to borrow money from the chief editor, Hagood.

Hagood finally gives the reporter a loan of a hundred and eighty dollars with a six- percent interest (p. 74 – 75).



2. Peers as Models to the Reporter’s Personality Development

In the story, the reporter does not really have a certain friend or hang out with a certain group. He only works and that is what he cares so much. The researcher finds that the reporter hangs out a lot in some bars. When the reporter is in a bar with the flyer family and the reporter tries to order absinthe for the flyer family. The reporter orders it from the waiter and the reporter asks the waiter to ask a person named Pete about the reporter’s order because the reporter orders the usual thing that the reporter likes to order (p. 65). The researcher believes that a person named Pete knows the reporter very well because the reporter seems to be a regular at that bar. It also has a meaning that the reporter and Pete becomes friends because of that interaction.

The researcher also finds the evidence when the reporter orders absinthe for the flyer family, the reporter says to the waiter that the absinthe is for the reporter’s friends (p. 65). The reporter actually thinks that the flyer family are the reporter’s friends from that speech. Even though the reporter is disrespectful toward the flyer family by saying that the flyer family is not human, but the reporter still thinks that the flyer family are the reporter’s friends (p. 36).

The reporter being disrespectful toward the flyer family has developed into being care to the flyer family. As has been mentioned in the story, the reporter actually has an intention to cover the story of the flyer family. That is why the reporter follows the flyer family even though the reporter’s boss does not agree with the reporter’s idea (Faulker, 1935, pp. 35 & 39). However, when the reporter stays with the flyer family, the reporter shows that the reporter is understanding toward



the flyer family. The reporter also cares about the flyer family. The reporter’s action of being understanding and caring is seen when the reporter buys an ice cream for the child (pp. 17 & 23). The reporter also pays the taxi for the flyer family to go to the hotel (p. 76). The reporter, then, let the flyer family stay at the reporter’s house because it is too crowded to stay in the hotel (p. 66).

The researcher assumes that the reporter’s personality has been developed from being disrespectful to be helpful, understanding and caring. The development happens because the reporter possibly has a feeling of pity toward the flyer family.

That is why the reporter wants to help the flyer family by letting the flyer family to spend a couple of nights at the reporter’s house. The reporter even directly asks

Hagood, the reporter’s boss, for some money to be used for the flyer family (p. 76).

The development actually happens because of the interaction that happens between the reporter and the flyer family.

3. Community to the Reporter’s Personality Development

As the story has told the reader, the reporter works as a reporter in a newspaper company. As a reporter, the reporter has to bring news to the company.

The news is an actual news and it has not been covered by any newspaper company.

From this explanation, it seems that the reporter’s work is very competitive. For the reporter’s boss, Hagood, the news has to be an actual news and it has to be beneficial for the newspaper company, too.

“…Yet you never seem to bring back anything but information. Oh, you have that, all right, because we seem to get everything that the other papers do and we haven’t been sued yet and doubtless it’s all that anyone should expect for five cents and doubtless more than they deserve. But it’s not the living breath of news. It’s just information. It’s dead before you even get back here with it.” … “It’s like trying to read something in a foreign



language. You know it ought to be there; maybe you know by God it is there. But that’s all. Can it be by some horrible mischance that without knowing it you listen and see in one language and then do what you call writing in another? How does it sound to you when you read it yourself?” (Faulkner, 1935, p. 34)

“The people who own this paper or who direct its policies or anyway who pay the salaries, fortunately or unfortunately I shan’t attempt to say, have no Lewises or Hemingways or even Chekhovs on the staff: one very good reason doubtless being that they do not want them, since what they want is not fiction, now even Nobel Prize fiction, but news.” (p. 40)

Hagood looks down on the reporter because the reporter does not bring any news to the newspaper company for a while. The researcher thinks that this situation challenges the reporter to do a better job because of a very tight competition between the reporters and the newspaper companies, but the reporter never listens to the reporter boss, Hagood. The reporter only wants to cover news that he thinks it is good to be covered for the newspaper because as a reporter, the reporter wants to speak for others. The reporter shows the personality of being selfish. The reporter does not care if it is beneficial for the newspaper company or not because the reporter only wants to cover what the reporter wants.

When the selfish idea of covering news from the flyer family, this character develops. The development is that the reporter actually cares toward the flyer family. Even though the act of caring here is the expression of the reporter being pity toward the flyer family, but the reporter actually really cares and takes care of the flyer family well by letting the flyer family spending a couple of nights in the reporter house (p. 125).

The researcher assumes that the personality development which happens to the reporter from being selfish into care happens because the interaction between



Hagood, the reporter’s boss, the flyer family and the reporter self. The researcher also thinks that it actually happens unintentionally or naturally within the interaction.

The influence of the environments around the reporter toward the reporter’s personality happens because of two big differences of situations that is presented in the story. The first situation is when the reporter works as a reporter for a newspaper company. The researcher discovers that the reporter does not feel free to speak the reporter’s mind. As a reporter, the reporter is an agent who speaks other’s opinions.

When the reporter works for a newspaper company, the reporter’s boss, Hagood, does not like the reporter’s idea of covering the story about the flyer family. The boss thinks that it does not worth to cover. The newspaper company wants a story which can be sold in the streets to make the company survived in the business. In the second situation when the reporter works in the field, the reporter feels free to do what the reporter wants. There is no limitation to do anything. The reporter follows the flyer family around when they join a competition in order to find something that is worth to cover for the newspaper even though the reporter’s boss,

Hagood, does not like it.




In this part, the researcher concludes the result of the analysis in order to answer the problem formulation. The first problem formulation is how the character development is depicted in William Faulkner’s Pylon. Then, the second problem formulation is what the environment around the reporter are. The last problem formulation is how the environment influences the personality development of the reporter.

Based on the previous part of the analysis, the characters of the reporter in the beginning of the story are depicted as a stubborn, disrespectful and selfish person. The reporter is stubborn because the reporter only cares about the reporter’s need. The reporter does not want to listen to anyone, including Hagood, the reporter’s boss. Even though the reporter’s boss has told the reporter not to cover the story of the flyer family, the reporter still has an intention of doing it. The reporter is also disrespectful because the reporter always underestimates the flyer family. The reporter frequently talks down about the flyer family, saying that the flyer family are not human. Besides stubborn and disrespectful, the reporter is also a selfish person. The reporter only does what the reporter wants to do. The reporter also uses all ways to achieve the reporter’s goal that is to cover the story of the flyer family.

According to the analysis, too, that the character of the reporter changes along with the story. The character of the reporter develops into helpful,




understanding and caring. The reporter becomes a helpful person because the reporter helps the flyer family a lot. The reporter let the flyer family stays for a couple of nights at the reporter’s house because the reporter knows that the flyer family do not have a place to stay and the hotel where the flyer family supposed to stay is really crowded. The reporter also becomes someone who is understanding.

The reporter understands the situation that encounters the flyer family. The flyer family do not have money nor house. Hence, the reporter pays for the flyer family taxi and let the flyer family spend a couple of nights at his house. Besides becoming helpful and understanding, the reporter also turns into someone who cares to the flyer family. The reporter cares about the existence of Jack, the flyer family son.

The reporter buys Jack an ice cream. The reporter also helps Laverne, the mother of Jack, carrying Jack on the reporter’s shoulder when Jack already sleeps.

The second finding in this research is the environment around the reporter.

As it has been explained in the theory of personality development, the environment is one of the reasons that the character of the reporter develops. The environments existed around the reporter is family, friends and working environment. The reporter has a mother, but the reporter does not live with her. The reporter’s mother, in the story, gets married twice and apparently, the reporter is okay with that situation as long as the mother is happy about that. The reporter does not really hang out with friends. The reporter is seen that the reporter visits some bars, therefore the reporter knows the people at the bar. The reporter also works in a newspaper company which is his job is the same as his character. The job itself is



very competitive between newspaper companies. The reporter should always bring a piece of fresh news to the company to be able to get cash every week.

The last analysis is how the environment influences the development of the character of the reporter. As has been mentioned in the story, the reporter lives an independent life even though he has a mother. An independent person usually things that he or she has to survive no matter what happens. Sometimes, the person does not really listen to other people because the person does not believe other people. The reporter develops the reporter’s character of stubborn. It is because the reporter is ignorant toward the people. Despite the reporter being stubborn, the reporter becomes someone who is understanding and caring. In the story, the reporter’s mother gets married twice and the reporter understands and accepts the situation. Also, the reporter does not hang out with friends, but the reporter has an intention to make friends, too. In the story, despite the reporter being disrespectful toward the flyer family, the reporter stills call the flyer family as the reporter’s friends when the reporter hangs out with the flyer family. Then, the reporter is selfish because of the reporter’s difficult and competitive job. The reporter tries to make money from covering the news and the reporter needs to be selfish because of the competitiveness. Along with the story, there are interactions happened between Hagood, the reporter’s boss, the flyer family and the reporter’s self. The interaction happened makes the reporter shows that the reporter is actually not someone who is really selfish, but the reporter cares a lot.

To conclude, the researcher discovers that the environments influence the development of the reporter’s personality. The development happens because the



reporter encounters two situations. First situation is when the reporter works for the newspaper company. The reporter portrayed as someone who is stubborn because of the pressure from the company. The reporter also becomes someone who is disrespectful toward others. The reporter is someone who is selfish, too, because the company pressures the reporter to produce good articles and the competition between reporters is difficult. The reporter has no choice not to become a selfish person because the reporter needs money and to gain the money, the reporter has to produce good articles which are beneficial for the newspaper company. The second situation has changed the reporter. When the reporter jumps into the field to do the reporter’s work, the reporter becomes very helpful toward the flyer family. Even though the reporter ends up following the flyer family around, the reporter really understands the flyer family’s situation and cares for them because the reporter probably feels that the flyer family are human being as the reporter who need money and shelter to live and survive.



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The Summary of William Faulkner’s Pylon

Published in 1935, Pylon tells a story about a character called the reporter and the flyer family. At that time, the reporter wants to cover the story of the flyer family, but the reporter’s boss, Hagood, does not agree with the reporter’s idea.

Hagood thinks that it is not beneficial to the newspaper company.

The reporter is the main character in this story. The reporter works for a newspaper company under his boss, Hagood. The reporter really wants to cover the story about the flyer family who consist of three men, one woman and a kid. The flyer family work as pilot, mechanic and parachutists. They depend their life on the competition. The flyer family also do not have any house to live because they mostly live nomad. The reporter wants to put their story into the newspaper is because the reporter finds the flyer family is interesting. The only woman in the story has a kid and the father of the kid is one of the three men there. However,

Hagood does not like the reporter’s idea. Hagood does not believe that the story is beneficial for the newspaper company, but the reporter does not listen to Hagood.

The reporter wants to satisfy the reporter’s curiosity by following the flyer family around. The reporter who is in the beginning of the story is depicted as someone who is stubborn, disrespectful and selfish, by the time the reporter follows the flyer family around, the reporter becomes someone who is really helpful, understanding and caring toward the reporter’s family. At the end of the story, even though the reporter has been fired by Hagood, the reporter is able to bring the story of the flyer




family about the death of Roger Shumann to the comp before other reporters cover about it. The reporter wants to show Hagood that the story is still worth to cover, and it is beneficial for the company.