Rita Dixit Indian Miniatures Gods and Gardens: Divinity, Magic and Faith CONTACT FURTHER INFORMATION Rita Dixit Business Address Phone +44 (0)771 325 4677 By appointment only – Noting Hill, Email:
[email protected] London W2. Gods And Gardens: Acknowledgement Divinit, Magic And Faith Dear Enthusiast, For my fiends I present my frst catalogue around the theme For those present and those in spirit of Gods and Gardens. I exhibit virtually artworks on three themes; the cosmic The hymns of the Vedas evoke an ever-present landscape of the Gods (India’s great legends), theme – religious awe of nature, scenery, tees the sacred spaces of forests and groves and and water: gardens in poety and design. In doing so, I hope to convey to you the wonderful breadth May Peace radiate in the whole sky in of stles and periods that is the The vast ethereal space, Indian miniature. May peace reign all over this earth, in water, In all herbs and the forests, A sentiment so eloquently expressed by the May peace fow over the whole universe, artist and collector Alice Bonner. “The most May peace be in the Supreme Being, perfectly formed Indian miniature contains the May peace exist in all creation, and peace quintessence of an entire world in an area no bigger alone, than the human hand. And if not an entire world, May peace fow into us. then at least a certain aspect of its mysterious, Aum- peace, peace, peace! hidden meaning….It is an inexhaustible fount of revelations, which gradually unfold fom the thoughts captured in the image.