J Your Business Hightstown Gazette!
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r Yol. xxxiii. No. 16. Hightstown, N. J., Thursday, JULY 18,1877. Whole No. 1662 I’rOB lift OsMlt*, Setovduy. PROrBSiIOItAl4 CARDS. IMSITRANCB. JOKNf^ON P U L L E i V y little black hmid and a few polaloes. name for that little git). My wife frant- Then I shall spread onMhese trood things ed lo call her Budora Isabel. But that EOPl.E'8 FIRE IKSTJftANCE CO MERCER ST-, HIGHTSTOWN, N J MYffl'ERJOt;® AXU SJ7D0EK ©WAIT* 0» TRENTON, N.J. torH hirni Oh, hnw glad ha will be P.’ ftoneded like foMerrof. ire bad tip R»*brcft!,and Maod, and Aroaiufft Ann FTAR.4NCE OF UAPTAm SASnm. P y^lONSINHES to maftufBoture CHEAP FOR 'I'llK 91LK1VT CITY OFOKRSNll'ttOD Thrift ihonchts made Tonino quicker HIQUTSTOWNy N. J. CASH, even than neunh so that by the fnllowine and whnl not. FinaHy, whenever I look Youmans— he Deod «r AHmf—Tke CASH CAPITAL, 8300,000 00 There’s a city rnsl, yet Toio*le*s, growing ever O f »io b H o u r8: LADIES'* GENTS’ PANCT and PLAIN morning ho had finished and {jolubed the ed at her, I aefined lo seemed to see “Ka Oiiy Grtntlif jEhscT fcl—Jftf PoKet MviH <( i street on street, I d D»woa' Building at 8 A. M. and 6 4*. M. key. The slnuigor enme and professed tie.” She looked Katie, I took lo railin’ D'i7%rRl but Fivitlas Seateh,—'Emr]y BOOTS SHOES, QAITER*S, SLIPPERS Ac Whither friepd.'4 with friondse'er greeting, over her Katie, and she Jearned it, so Katie ASSETS, $622,910 56 himself well p1e.(sed. yftsterdaj’ morning o repo/l w«e cfircela- At Resldenoo 8 A. M., 1 and « P. M. nifiotirig. never greet; u ---------- - --------------------------------------- ------- Beat Tnateriaiauaed, andaatiafAOtioi^goaianteoil “ You have not siud anything lo your slie was. Kiaka taken aa low aa any other reliable Co., And where rivals, fierce and Tongefo! calm and falher, have you ?” ask(*il he. “ 1 U-)l you, George, that was a child to ted tb.’it Ciiptnin Samoc) M. Yotittians \- \n . A. DAWES, SURGEON DENT and all loaaea promptly adjnated. A Good nwHrrtment of Ready Made Boots and silent, niMtoIy moet ; “ Nolhing,” >ep!ied Tiuiio, nnd themmi be nolkid. She was rounder and prettier had been murdered the nij-ht pf^vioutp - i / 1ST, and Manufacturer of Inooriuptlble shoes constantly on band. CIIAS. SCOTT, P bksidxht. Never greeting, ever meet. slipped the five-shilling piece into his ro.ade ’ii a wax figger, her eyes was bigger w))il^ on Ma way liomf*. Wbal gate rise Teeth, Boots and Shoes repaired at abort notice. Office next to £RA SMOCK’S Store.— hand. nnd blacker’n any grown woman’s you ev lo this rpi>orl was the finding of his hat (d Entrance on Main Street, opoaite the C. V. C. M URPHY. Sbcrita rt. A call from my old friends and customers is There ere traders without traffie, mcrebents lie turned his trrnsurc over and over; er saw, sei like stars under hep forehead ; respeotfally solicited. white fell) with a )>t)lft in the back of it, Vnireraaliat Obdroh. a p l-ly R. HORTON, Agkbt, Hightatown. without books or gain?; one minute put it into his'pockel nnd the and her hair was that light kind, that all 1^ Teetb extraoled WITHOUT PAIN, by the Hightstown, April 1. 1870. ly Tender )>rid«3 in new nrade ohambers, whore the runs to curls and gliller. and some papers which belonged to hiiUi nae ef Laughing Uaa Inquire at C. M. NORTON’S Store. next drew it nut again, rubbed it, weigh- N. B.—The new Patent Gum Baae, ao valuable trickling waters stains; eil it and did nothing but loidt at It. TI-.h “Soon’s she eoold toddle, she used to in the garden of Mr. Uarlman Kibearo, ita lightn8aa,eorafort, and oleanltneaa,ia ftlae WATCHMAKING. Where tho gnoats forgot to ootae, and i!r»ngo Iji. momy gaiued entirely''by hiy own hand como dancin’ to meet me. Uvo soiled n/ which is sitnalrd on Slftlft street, east of 'applied. An examination ia invited. apl seemcii so precious. many of her white pinafores, buryln’ iby tening silence reigns; Clinton, nnd which runs through lo Wall R.C. JOHNSON Liitouing siieuoe ever re'gns. Tho day alter a somid of coming ,|nd face in them before I was washed, and jT)r. C. J. Hazard, J going was heard at the boUom of the sorfof prayin’ soft like under the roof of street. They were found abont five SuoeoBSorto .John 0. Johnson, Ship sail past tho silent city, but their owners street, aud people were seen running by. my heart, ‘God bless my baby 1—God o’clock in the morning by Martin Carl- U m n i T T I S T , quiet lie, ‘‘FaLlier,” anked Tonio, “may I go aod bless my little lamb I . man Ribanra a short distance froin Iho O F F IO E - ^ tooeton St ., OPFOhiTU t h e IJbvot, WATCH & CLOCK And no signals fly from lop lroi, 'gainst the glow see what in the naatler f” “As she grew older, I used to talk lo gnte on State street. The report spread niOHTS'FOWlV, N.A. ing crimson sky, “ Yes, go,” answered the fallier, who her about the engliU—even look her iuto MAKES, Telling the neglootful owner that hit well built happened tins lime to be working iu Ihe my cab, and showed her the Tachments of like wild fire, and soon the city wasplung-i • Oaa adminlatered. > aprl3-l7 near the Iron Bridge, Argosy, shop. Ihe engine, and learned her signals nnd ed into the- greatoat anxiety. People si-^ Tonino ran out and hurried towards Ihc ^DRIAN S. APPELGET, For the Qooce is sailing by. such things. She luck such nn interest, st rabled in groups on the street corners north Main Street, Hightstown. place where the uproar was loudest. lie ami was the smartest liille thing 1 Seem and svsrywhcro elsOj and the subject wai Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly cleaned Here tho bol!e forgets tho fanhieus. beedlfisi nr| heard here that the houso of a goldamiih ed aa if BhK Imd filwuys kmiwPd ’eiii. She Attom ev at L a w , and repaired, and warranted to give aatlafacUon. ,had been robbed nnd hi« jewels stolen. A discussed with the greatest eorriestneBS; I anlloit the patronage o! the publlCi her snow white dress; loved the road, Bememlier once hearing 'Solicitor aud Mastery la Ohanoery, Apr 1-lyr J. R. C. JUHNSUN. All uuhoedod now her toilet, free, ungathorud new duplieate key hud bupu funml there, her say to a playmaje. “Ther,e’a my papa. Every one had his theory aud iu a shorfc Also Justice of the Peace. and the'^’tficors were going found lo all He’s an engineer. Don’t you wish he time opinions as lo the mysterious disap^ ■lOBTSTowrr. look iiud tress; None her Qyittor fnoe or figure, noue eomo fondly the diflerent smiths lo find out which of was your papa ?” l>earnDce Ifecame so eonflicLing that 000 J«n M-tf N b w J k r s k y . lln m had been in leaguo with Ihe robber«. “ My home was close hy Ihn trnck. Of- j|||RS IRA YAGER, to uuresa; was puzzled lo know what lo say or do iO M. SCHANCK, Tresses ilo,r and none oafe§L Tonino did not for one Instant suspect Ipn and ofti n llie liltla girl slmKi in mir llmt he was ^ a ll involveil in Ihl.s, and he green yaid, waving her mile of » hand to the premiaes. s. HIGHTSTOWN, N. J , Watchmaker & Jeweler, Hushed are ail these many mansions, barred and was relurniflpKo tell liis falhi r when he me as wo rushed by. Tho Captain wai always known as a re- WHS astonisTUid by seeing h large crowd COCHSEEtl^QR AT r. AW, bolted door and gate; “ Well, sir, them was happy years. It Bpectablti cilizeu. He was (Juptain of bppoalto Baptlat church. ^ * Narrow all ihu walls nml earthy and the roof- near his home, and on pushing lii.s wiu most ki U me to look over ’eiu now. 1 MASTER AND EXAMINER IN CHANCERY. Cmiipany B, 7th Ucglnienl, N. J. S. N. trees stoop and straight; through he saw his fatiu r in ihj midst of was dnio’ loo well. Had nn idea I was a HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. Room for all !—the high and lowly, rich and of tliG solfiiera being led to pribon. man pim e to jirosper. I felt good lo all G., an ex-member of the Stale Legislature SOCIETY.MEETINGS. poor hero equal mate; The fact wa , that tlio ofiicer of jufitu'e tiu: world, and that ’ud been well, if I’d (having been elecU’d on the Democratic Having rctlttod this well known stand, I ask the had found here the wuX modi 1 of ilie key Equal dwell and equal mate. showed my good fHlowiship some other ticket), an ex-member of the Commorl f 6. OF 6. ¥ . public to examine my stuck and try luy work, aiul runino had made the day before, which way. Bill men are fools. 1 was so easy Cmmcil, a Past Master of a Masonifi la WINDSOR LODGE. No. 59, 1 ClUAHANTEK NATl-iFACTION. ADVERTISE Flowers are blooming near these minsions, Kissed key WHS the very one which the deceiiful I couldn’t refuse a social glass, ned I was Nijjotaorer Hutohlnaon’B Hall, on T pksday E vb- U b f a u u n g a n d GuNbaimiixu D o n e P r o m p t l y .