Curriculum Vitae Henrik I Christensen Curriculum Vitae for Dr. Henrik Iskov Christensen I. PERSONAL DATA Name: Henrik Iskov Christensen, Born: Frederikshavn, Denmark Address: 1170 John Collier Rd NW Atlanta, GA 30318 Phone: +1 404 754 7624 / 404 824 7584 Email:
[email protected] Affiliation: Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines College of Computing - Interactive Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 Phone: +1 404 385 7480, Cell: +1 404 889 2500 Email:
[email protected] Citizenship: USA (Naturalized Dane) Professional interests: A systems oriented approach to Machine Perception, Robotics, and Design of Intelligent Machines. II. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 1989 Ph.D., Faculty of Technical Sciences, Aalborg University, DK. Major subjects: Motion Analysis, Multi Scale Image Representation of Space and Time, and Concurrent computing. Dissertation: “Aspects of Real Time Image Sequence Analysis”. Supervisor: Prof. Erik Granum. 1987 M.Sc. EE (summa cum laude), Institute of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, DK Major subjects: Process Control and Image Analysis Thesis: “Monitoring Moving Objects in Real-Time” 1 May 16, 2016 Curriculum Vitae Henrik I Christensen 1981 Technical Assistant – Mechanical Engineering, Cert. of Apprenticeship (with honors), Frederik- shavn Technical School, Denmark. III. EMPLOYMENT Professional Experience: Feb 2014 – Advisor to the Manufacturing Academy of Denmark (MADE) with particular emphasis on strategy and impact. MADE is a joint venture between Danish Production Companies, The Council for Strategic Research and 4 Danish Universities. Jan 2014 – Board of Directors, “Universal Robots Inc”. New York, NY. The US subsidiary of Universal Robots, Odense, DK Oct 2013 – Founding Executive Director, “Interdisciplinary Research Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines”, Georgia Institute of Technology - IRIM - a unit that involves more than 60 faculty and 150 graduate students doing research, education and translation of robotics across manufacturing, services, healthcare and defense applications.