t Twitter: @spartandaily show INSIDE F facebook.com/spartandaily struts stuff at See exclusive online content P. 2 Campaign: South Carolina governor Santana Row and multimedia at pushes for Rep. presidential nominee Romney A&E, p. 6 spartandaily.com P. 3 Equal rights: NFL linebacker openly Weather: Partly cloudy supports gay marriage, met with resistance P. 5 Opinion: New entry of ‘Wes Side Story’ H: 79 SPARTAN DAILY commends NFL players who defend same-sex L: 57 Serving San José State since 1934 marriage Volume 139 / Issue 6 Printed on recycled paper Monday, September 10, 2012


Pass or fail, Prop 30 remains to be costly

By Sage Curtis @sagedanielle

Whether it is passed or not, Cali- fornia’s Proposition 30 would im- pact tuition, fees and academics for SJSU students, faculty and staff. Proposition 30 is on November’s ballot and would raise individual taxes one percentage point, from 9.3 percent to 10.3 percent, for peo- ple who make more than $250,000 a year for the next seven years. Additionally, Prop 30 would raise tax, which varies by city, by ¼ cent for the next four years, according to information on the measure provided by the SJSU Pub- lic Affairs office. Using these taxes, the proposi- tion would ease budget cuts in the public school system and the state support for the CSU system will re- main the same, or if the proposition fails, would create a $250 million “trigger reduction” in the 2013- 2014 budget plan. In summary, pass or fail, SJSU will be hit by budget cuts, but those cuts will be much more severe if the proposition does not pass, accord- ing to SJSU media relations director Pat Lopes Harris. “Right now, we are preparing for [the proposition] not to pass to make sure that students get the classes they need,” Harris said. “We Junior linebacker Kevin Smith celebrates with junior cornerback Damon Ogburn Jr. during the Spartans’ home-opening victory over the UC Davis Aggies 45-13 have addressed this, so far, as a CSU- on Saturday. Photo by Jesse Jones / Contributing Photographer wide issue, but it means a tuition at SJSU.” SPORTS, PAGE 3 While the CSU system and SJSU are pushing students to vote for the measure with TurboVote, an online STUDENT INVOLVEMENT campaign connected to the SJSU to help students register to Greek aim to grow community with recruitment vote. Harris said that the school must By Natalie Cabral prepare for the worst case scenar- @SD_ncabral io—a $250 million mid-year “trig- ger cut” in state funding for the Greek recruitment on San Jose 2013-2014 school year. State University’s campus is in full According to a presentation giv- swing this month. en by SJSU president Mohammad Since August 22, SJSU’s nearly Qayoumi in July on the status of 40 fraternal organizations have the budget, if the proposition fails, been working toward catching the SJSU would cut the most funding eye of possible incoming members from the academic affairs office, through tabling, as well as hosting which handles graduate and under- informational and social events. graduate studies as well as faculty According to Max Rubio, re- affairs, Office of Institutional Re- cruitment chair for the Delta Sigma search and Dr. Martin Luther King Phi Fraternity and member since Jr. Library. 2010, his preparations for recruit- Along with the CSU advocacy ment began in Indianapolis, Indi- program, Students for Quality Edu- ana at his fraternity’s headquarters. cation at SJSU, a student group that The weekend-long training Ru- advocates for student rights, are at- bio attended gave him the tools to tempting to raise awareness on the return to San Jose and inform his issue, according to Herlinda Agu- fellow brothers on common recruit- irre, lead organizer and president ment practices. on campus . For Rubio, the key is offering a “We’ve seen a constant trend of variety of events for possible inter- rising tuition and fee increases as ests. students and we would like them to “We try to do a little bit of ev- Members of Sigma Pi Alpha display their recruitment table at SJSU. Photo courtesy of Sigma Pi Alpha stop,” Aguirre said. “It has always erything,” Rubio said. “We have accompanied a decrease in the qual- alumni speak at our informational ity of our and [the propo- events, we host sporting events and this year, so before school started 1896 with the establishment of the National Pan-Hellenic, Panhel- sition] could help to curb that.” even barbecues. We aim to have the we got together to get everything to Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. lenic, and the United Sorority and Along with stopping fee in- events range from something active run smoothly,” Ramirez said. Although the Kappa Kappa Fraternity Council. creases for the future, the proposi- to just hanging out.” During the first two weeks of Gamma at SJSU disbanded in 1972, Each council, according the Stu- tion would refund students the fee The Sigma Pi Alpha Sorority pre- classes, most organizations can be sororities such as Alpha Phi, which dent Involvement website, consists increases they paid for the Fall 2012 pares for recruitment with meet- found advertising themselves near arrived on campus in 1900, are still of various organizations. semester and give a tuition rollback ings that involve the sharing of past the fountain by the Event Center. functioning today. Lambda Sigma Gamma Soror- for the following semester, accord- experiences, according to its Re- The tradition of Greek organiza- Following the very first estab- ity, Inc.’s recruitment chair Jocelyn ing to Harris. cruitment Chair Maricela Ramirez. tions at SJSU, according to Student lished Greek organizations was the Garcia said the Greek experience in “Our national conference re- Involvement’s SJSU Fraternity and of the current governing SEE FEE ON PAGE 4 treat was actually held in San Jose Sorority Life Timeline, began in councils, the Interfraternity, the SEE RUSH ON PAGE 4 Page 2 | Spartan Daily NEWS Monday, September 10, 2012

WORLD NEWS Kenyan church attacks are latest signs of religious tension

By McClatchy Tribune Muslim minority has been Wire mostly friendly. B ut that veneer of toler- MOMB ASA, Kenya — ance was ripped open recent- On the Sunday morning ly. At least five churches, in- after their church was at- cluding the Salvation Army tacked, forcing their pastor, one in the poor Muslim his injured wife and their district of Majengo, were at- daughter to flee, a handful tacked during heavy rioting, of the curious and devout local religious leaders say. shuffled through the ring Other churches have been at- of police outside, through tacked with grenades in sepa- the smoke-stained entrance rate incidents over the past and gingerly around shards year. of glass to take seats inside. B ehind the violence ap- Shock filled the hushed pears to be an extremist Is- sanctuary. lamist ideology that’s spread- The Salvation Army ing among the disaffected church had stood in Mom- Muslim communities on the basa, Kenya’s second largest coast and may be fueled by city, since before the country Kenya’s war in neighboring was declared independent in Somalia against the al-Qaida 1963. Regulars said they’d al- affiliate there, al-Shabab. ways maintained neighborly The attack on the Salva- This Christian church in the Majengo district of Mombasa, Kenya, was attacked by rioters following the assasination of cleric relations with the impov- tion Army church occurred Aboud Rogo on August 27. Photo by Alan Boswell / MCT erished Muslims who lived Aug. 27, hours after a radi- around them. Now that world cal ideologue and preacher, gear appeared at the end of ordered the churches at- nya, the Muslim Y outh Cen- said. “It is very, very serious.” of harmony was as shattered Sheikh Aboud Rogo, was the street, next to the - tacked. ter, has continued to operate Ngao blames a host of as the windows lying around gunned down on the streets aged Salvation Army church, Others hope that the with “relative freedom.” factors: anti-Americanism, their feet. in broad daylight. Kenyan and began to march in, men- violent response to Rogo’s According to the report, youth unemployment, “bad “It was as if there was a police say they don’t know acingly. At first, the crowd death serves as a wake-up call Rogo was closely associated theology” and opportunists war here. Stones were flying,” who the assassins were, an ex- stood its ground, defiantly, for the government to take with the Muslim Y outh Cen- profiting from trafficking recalled Herbert Kaduki, an planation that Muslims here before dispersing. seriously what they say is a ter, as well as with a similar fighters into Somalia. elder of the church. “They openly deride. “We are not fighting be- growing terrorism threat in al-Shabab-linked group in Two weeks ago, when the were specifically targeting “The police killed him, cause we don’t have guns. Kenya. Tanzania. riots began out us.” of course,” said Muhsin Just imagine if we had guns,” Annual reports by a Unit- Kenyan police had ar- of control, Ngao and other What now? “We still don’t Swale, who worships at the a stocky man with graying ed Nations commission mon- rested Rogo several times, Muslim leaders reached out know,” he replied despon- Musa Mosque, where Rogo stubble said to a reporter itoring alleged support for but he’d been acquitted in to their Christian counter- dently. preached, just down the street before scurrying down an al- al-Shabab by the tiny nation the courts every time; embar- parts in an effort to halt the Kenya is no Nigeria, from the Salvation Army. leyway. of Eritrea repeatedly describe rassingly, some say, because violence before it spread, he where Muslim-Christian Even after the police re- Kenyan authorities down- Rogo as “a known associate his activities were hardly said, vowing that Kenya must antagonism dominates the gained control of the streets, play the significance of the of members of al-Qaida East concealed. not be allowed “to become nation’s politics and roils its and the protests halted, the violence. Africa and an advocate of the “Extremism is growing, like Nigeria.” hinterlands in fatal clashes tensions remained. Four days “It has nothing to do with violent overthrow of the gov- not only in Kenya, but all B ut he admitted that some every year. Kenya — with later, after Friday prayers, religion. These are just thugs ernment of Kenya.” over Africa,” said Juma Ngao, churches refused to partici- a booming economy and a Rogo supporters filed out versus the law,” said Samuel The latest report, pub- a moderate cleric who chairs pate. Some Muslim clerics strengthening democracy — of the Musa Mosque, shout- Kilele, the top official in Ke- lished in July, details how a the Kenya Muslims National shunned the dialogue, too. is predominantly Christian ing “Allahu Akbar” _ “God nya’s Coast province. Kilele Kenya group known to raise Advisory Council. In Kenya, “The mad ones,” Ngao and the relationship between is great” _ at news cameras said there was no evidence money, recruit fighters and radical ideology is spreading said, widening his eyes to ap- that majority and the sizable waiting outside. Police in riot that any Muslim leader had plan terrorist attacks in Ke- primarily from Somalia, he pear crazed.

ELECTION 2012 Haley on campaign trail for Romney Parking

By McClatchy Tribune rado, reaching out to voters type of the Republican in adding that Haley also is Made Easy Wire Service on Romney’s behalf. the South, that white, good scheduled to go to Japan Sun- Haley’s highest-profile ol’ boy,” Huffmon said. “Her day for a trade show. COLUMB IA, S.C. — Gov. gig thus far came late last stump speech reinforces that “The problems of South Nikki Haley will balance month at the Republican the stereotype is wrong, that Carolina aren’t going to be Fourth Street Garage her time between govern- National Convention in she’s a woman, a minority solved in Tampa or Char- ing South Carolina and Tampa, Fla., where she had and the country’s youngest lotte or Tokyo,” Harpootlian Only $175 for SJSU Students stumping for Republican a prime-time speaking role governor. She makes the Re- said. “She needs to be here in presidential nominee Mitt immediately before an ad- publican Party look vibrant South Carolina. She is clearly Romney over the next two dress by Ann Romney, Mitt and dynamic.” planning a career or looking months. Romney’s wife. Democrats say Haley is for a career outside of the Haley’s target audience? Last week, Haley and U.S. busy playing politics when state.” Women voters, a critical vot- Rep. Tim Scott, R-S.C., of she should be at home, - Haley has not outlined ing bloc for Romney because North Charleston, also trav- ing to help South Carolin- her future ambitions, other of polls that show women fa- eled to Charlotte, N.C., hold- ians. than saying she would not vor incumbent Democratic ing a series of pro-Romney “South Carolina has deep accept a Cabinet appoint- President B arack Obama by press conferences just blocks troubles, not only with em- ment should Romney win on a double-digit margin. from the site of the Demo- ployment but with our edu- Nov. 6. However, with about “Governor Haley has a cratic National Convention. cation system and job cre- $1 million raised in the most very full schedule of job cre- Romney’s campaign, ation. And she’s just AWOL,” recent quarter, it’s likely the ation and economic develop- which pays for Haley’s out- said S.C. Democratic Party Lexington, S.C., Republican Second & San Carlos Street Garage ment meetings and events of-state trips, plans to use chairman Dick Harpootlian, will seek re-election in 2014. Only $160 for SJSU Students in the next two months,” her heavily. said Rob Godfrey, Haley’s “Nikki Haley is one of spokesman. “B ut as much the best messengers we as her schedule permits, she have,” said B eth Myers, a se- does plan on helping the nior Romney adviser — who Romney-Ryan ticket. ... asked Haley to speak at the “Governor Haley recog- Republican convention and nizes that one of the biggest was Romney’s chief of staff things holding back South while he was Massachusetts Carolina’s economy are the governor. “She has experi- anti-business, anti-jobs poli- enced firsthand how damag- cies coming from President ing this president’s policies Obama.” have been to states and their Democrats scoff at that economies, and no one tells reasoning — as overblown that story to voters better Fall semester permits are valid August 19 partisanship, at best. B ut than she does. We’ll use her through December 31. Permits are available that won’t keep Haley off the anywhere and everywhere for purchase at garage offices. for Romney and Ryan. we can.” Students must provide valid student ID Since endorsing the for- It’s unclear, however, and proof of enrollment (minimum 6 units). mer Massachusetts gover- where and when that will be. Please bring originals with copies. nor in December, Haley has The Romney camp does stumped for Romney in a not provide an advance For more information, call 794-1090. handful of states. She ap- schedule for its campaign peared with him in the Pal- surrogates, including Haley. Get parking information, directions, maps metto State, leading up to Scott Huffmon, a Win- and more at sjdowntownparking.com the state’s presidential pri- throp University political mary, where Republican vot- scientist and pollster, sus- ers gave the edge to former pects the Romney camp House Speaker Newt Gin- will send Haley to Colorado, grich. She also has traveled Nevada and the Rust B elt to New Hampshire, Pennsyl- states. vania, Michigan and Colo- “She defies the stereo- Monday, September 10, 2012 SPORTS Spartan Daily | Page 3 FOOTBALL Spartans roll over Aggies, Eskridge runs for 130 yards and 3 TDs

By James Simpson A transfer from the Uni- @JimmerSimpson versity of Minnesota, Es- kridge scored three rushing The Spartans started slowly touchdowns in the game for but exploded in the second the Spartans. It was the first half as SJSU crushed the UC time since the 2006 season Davis Aggies Saturday night in that a SJSU player has accom- its home opener 45-13. plished the same feat. Many Spartans had career Eskridge finished with nights, and after the start of a 130 yards on 17 carries. tenure, filled with nail-biting “That was the main fo- wins and losses, head coach cus, was to establish the run Mike MacIntrye finally got game. I mean with our ( of- that blowout victory that had fensive) line we know that been eluding him for two they know what they’re do- years. ing and that they are going It was the Aggies that to get in the right places,” Es- struck first and furious when kridge said. “So to establish junior quarterback Randy it, I think that was the main Wright hooked up with sopho- focus, and we succeeded.” more wide receiver Alex Can- Junior quarterback Da- non for a 45-yard touchdown vid Fales was efficient once on just the second play from again, going 23-32 for 277 scrimmage. yards with one touchdown and no interceptions. The Spartans utilized a SJSU lot of low-risk screens and quick-strike passes designed top performers to dominate time of posses- § QB David Fales, 23 sion and get its playmakers Junior linebacker Vince Buhagiar tackles UC Davis freshman running back Tavior Mowry during the Spartans’ home-opening victory over the Aggies 45-13 on Saturday. Photo by Jesse Jones / Contributing Photographer completions for 277 time in space. Fales completed passes to yards and 1 touchdown nine different receivers in “He’s a beast. That’s why § RB De’Leon Eskridge, the game. he’s the best sacker in Amer- 16 carries, 130 yards, 3 Like the Stanford game, ica, in the WAC history,” Ma- touchdowns sophomore quarterback cIntyre said. “I feel bad for B lake Jurich saw action in those guys on the offensive § WR Noel Grigsby, 6 designed packages, throwing line. receptions for 76 yards for one touchdown to junior Getting his first start of § WR Chandler Jones, 3 wide receiver Chandler Jones the season at running back, receptions for 34 yards and running for another on sophomore running back and 2 touchdowns his own. Tyler Ervin played thunder According to MacIntrye, to Eskridge’s lightning, as he § DE Travis Johnson, 7 solo the tide of the game turned gained 55 yards on 10 carries tackles, 6 tackles for loss, on an interception by junior on the ground and finished 4 sacks cornerback B ene B enwikere with 170 all-purpose yards. that he took to the opposing Information from SJSU Athleti cs 17-yard line near the end of the first half. (Travis Eskridge capped off that Exploiting single cover- short drive with his second Johnson) is a age and some bad footwork touchdown of the game. by the defense, Wright caught “I think that flipped the beast. That’s the Spartans off guard with a whole game,” MacIntyre quick strike down the middle said. “And then from then why he’s the of the field. on, we did a good job of com- best sacker The Aggies actually had peting and finishing them Junior quarterback David Fales drops back in the pocket to make a pass against UC Davis on Saturday. most of the momentum in off.” Photo by Jason Reed / Contributing Photographer the first half until the Spar- Senior defensive end Tra- in America, tans cashed in with their first vis Johnson was a monster on in the WAC Junior wide receiver Noel and they started bringing have scored is 45 points since touchdown of the game with the other end, totaling four Grigsby finished with six more pressure, they played the 2007 season against New 1: 49 left in the second quarter. sacks and six tackles for loss. history catches for 76 yards and leads more man ( coverage) and State, when SJSU Dragging a desperate de- B oth tied school records and the Spartans in receptions we couldn’t get first downs,” scored 51 in a victory. fender at his feet, senior run- placed him fifth in Spartan Mike MacIntyre, through the first two games B iggs said. “Our defense was The Spartans next game is ning back De’Leon Eskridge history in tackles for loss. SJSU head football coach with 13. just on the field too long and Sep. 15 at home against Colo- used full extension to cross the A disruptive force all Aggies head coach B ob it caught up with us and they rado State. goal line from five yards. The night, Johnson ran right past B iggs acknowledged that SJSU just wore us down.” James Simpson is a Spar- extra point tied the score 7-7. Aggie offensive tackles with Jones had two receiving was a handful to play against. The Spartans outgained the tan Daily staff writer. Follow They hardly looked back little resistance at the point touchdowns — the first time “To San Jose’s , they Aggies 503-252 in total yard- him on Twitter at @Jimmer- after that. of attack. in his career he’s done so. changed up their defense age. The most the Spartans Simpson.

EQUAL RIGHTS Linebacker’s comments stir controversy with same-sex marriage opposition

McClatchy Tribune Ayanbadejo said Cass stopped him in the hall Wire Service at the Ravens’ practice facility Friday afternoon to let him know the team supports his right to Ravens linebacker B rendon Ayanbadejo said free speech. Friday that he was surprised Maryland Del. Em- “He ( said) , ‘ We’re in support of you, and it’s mett C. B urns Jr., a Democrat from B altimore good that you’re able to voice your opinion and County, sent a letter to Ravens owner Steve say how you feel,’” Ayanbadejo said. “Dick per- B isciotti urging him to silence his outspoken sonally told me that we’re not an player, who has long been a vocal proponent of that discriminates.” same-sex marriage. In a statement, Cass said, “We support B ren- “Many of my constituents and your football don’s right to freedom of speech under the First supporters are appalled and aghast that a mem- Amendment.” ber of the Ravens Football Team would step into The Ravens plan to draft a letter to B urns but this controversial divide and try to sway public do not plan to make it public. opinion one way or the other,” B urns wrote in the B urns, an opponent of same-sex marriage, letter dated Aug. 29. told The B altimore Sun on Friday that Ayan- B urns said Ayanbadejo, a 36-year-old Califor- badejo, as a “public person representing a public nia native, should concentrate on football. team,” should avoid commenting on social issues. “I was surprised. Just what our country was “Football is the most masculine sport there founded on, for someone to try to take that away is out there, and same-sex marriage goes against from me, I was pretty surprised that something that as far as I’m concerned,” he said. “I think it’s like that would come up, especially from a politi- best that a football player leaves that alone.” cian,” Ayanbadejo said in his first comments to NFL Players Association president Domo- the media on the issue. Ayanbadejo said mem- Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo says he supports gay marriage. Photo courtesy of nique Foxworth said he was disappointed by the blacksportsonline.com bers of the Ravens organization, including team letter and called the delegate’s request “asinine.” president Dick Cass, offered words of support saying that, ‘ I now have a reason to watch football Post and filmed video spots for Equality Mary- He said the union will always stand by players Friday at the Under Armour Performance Cen- or even cheer for the Ravens because of your sup- land. Same-sex marriage isn’t a “gay” issue, it’s an who use their platform to voice opinions, even if ter and a few gave him a high-five. port for equality,’ so that feels good,” he said. “equality” issue, he said. they go against what others believe. No other delegates have reached out to him Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker LaMarr Wood- “I see the big picture,” Ayanbadejo said. “I don’t think football players are different about the issue, Ayanbadejo said. He thanked ley and Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe “There was a time when women didn’t have from any other human beings, with the excep- the public for its support and said people have were among the NFL players who backed Ayan- rights, black people didn’t have rights, and right tion of having a larger platform,” said Foxworth, responded positively on Facebook and Twitter, badejo on social media and the on Fri- now, gay rights is a big issue and it has been for who played for the Ravens from 2009 to 2011. “I where he sometimes offers opinions on politics. day. a long time. And so we’re slowly chopping down think that’s all the reason to speak out. Whether “Surprisingly, Steelers fans, Patriots fans, Ayanbadejo was among the first professional the barriers to equality. We have some minority people agree with what you’re saying or not, it’s B engals fans, Cowboys fans, people who don’t athletes to express support for marriage equal- rights we have to get straight and some gay rights, your right to say it. I don’t think any social issues even watch the NFL have all sent me messages ity. He wrote an op-ed piece for The Huffington then we’ll be on our way.” have been solved by silencing one group.” Page 4 | Spartan Daily NEWS Monday, September 10, 2012 Fee: SJSU braces itself, students for Prop 30 failure SpartaGuide FROM PAGE 1 make it even worse, possibly nity colleges and other state- state cuts, according to its in- cutting not just classes, but funded public programs. formation. “If [the proposition] pass- entire departments.” “I think it’s embarrassing Governor Jerry B rown es, I will be able to continue The faculty bargaining how low our school system introduced the initiative in Tuesday, Sept. 18 my education without going contract was renegotiated is ranked internationally,” order to specifically increase Autumn “Sing-a-Thing I” into tremendous debt,” said and ratified on Sept. 4 by the said senior major funding for public education, 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Sasha B assett, junior behav- California Faculty Associa- Camille McFadden. “B ut the according to information Music Concert Hall ioral science and sociology tion to ensure faculty protec- democratic party has been provided by Harris. double major. “If it doesn’t, tions in contracts, according raising taxes on high earners “Even with my high GPA, Featuring students from the Vocal Studio it’s likely that I won’t be able to a statement by the associa- for years and saying it will merits earned through extra- of Professor Layna Chianakas to continue as a full-time stu- tion. go back into the community. curricular activities, existing as part of the Listening Hour Fall 2012 series dent, if at all.” According to its informa- Meanwhile we have public student loans and my work- “It doesn’t just support the tion, if Proposition 30 passes, schools slammed with bud- study position on campus I students,” Aquirre said, “but it will be a step towards help- get cuts and angry students. I have a difficult time secur- also helps the faculty and ing the faculty to receive ra- think it’s just another excuse ing enough funding to make teachers by supporting the tionale funding. to tax the wealthy.” ends meet,” B assett said. Friday, Sept. 21 faculty bargaining contract According to voter infor- The CSU B oard of Trust- “Prop 30 directly affects my Peace and Justice Film Festival and not decreasing our full- mation, the proposition will ees endorses the proposition education.” 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. time professors. If you think equally support the CSU and said that the tuition, efficien- Sage Curtis is a Spartan it’s hard to get classes now, UC system, while also provid- cies and cost reductions do Daily staff writer. Follow her on San Jose Peace and Justice Center [the failure of Prop 30] would ing for K-12 schools, commu- not fill the hole created by Twitter at @sagedanielle. 48 South 7th Street Presented by the San Jose Peace and Justice Center Rush: Going Greek may lead to connections, experiences continues through Sunday, Sept. 23 FROM PAGE 1 The connections you make with mem- this was a chance to be more involved on More information at http://sanjosepeace.org bers, said Garcia, are ones you take with campus and in the community.” college is something commonly misun- you even beyond college. Issues with hazing at San Jose State derstood. “After you join, there are just so many has caused the banning of several “My sorority, as well as other organiza- more possibilities and networking op- groups such as the Alpha Kappa Alpha tions, offer a home away from home,” Gar- portunities,” Garcia said. “In my sorority, Sorority, Lambda Phi Epsilon Frater- cia said. “It’s not easy moving to college as for example, we go to each other whether nity and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Access Magazine a freshman away from your family.” you’re looking for a new job or an intern- as listed by Student Involvement on its Looking for contributing writers and Rubio recalls the very first week of ship. Someone is always willing to help.” website. school as being confusing as well. Community outreach and philanthro- According to the site, the university photographers “As a freshman on your first day, you py, as well as business skills are also sought does not recognize these organizations Email: [email protected] tend to be lost,” Rubio said. “I remember out by these organizations. on campus. one of DSP’s members helping me find my “Now I’m an active member of my Natalie Cabral is a Spartan Daily way to classes and eventually seeing him at community and just being able to help staff writer. Follow her on Twitter at @ their table later.” others is great,” Ramirez said. “For me, SD_ncabral. NDAILY.COMWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM | WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM|OM | WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM|RTANDAILY.COMWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM| | WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM|LY.COM | WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM| WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM RTANDAILY.COM|| WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM| WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM| WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM| WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COLY.COM| WWW.SPARTANDWWW.SPARTANDASPARTANDAILY. WWW.SPAWWW.SPART | WWW WWW.WWW | W | WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM | WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM| WWW.SPARTANDAILY CORRECTIONS AILY.COM | WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM| WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM | WWW W.SPARTANDAILY.COM | WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM| WWW.SPARTA In the Sept. 6 edition of the Spartan Daily, we misconstrued COM | WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM| WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM the point about Division I athletics att ributed to Jonathan ARTANDAILY.COM | WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM| WWW Roth’s fl ier, “Th e Back of the Envelop Budget.” According to WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM| WWW.SPARTAND SpartaGuide is provided to students, staff and faculty, free of charge. Roth, “It is not that leaving Division I would result the loss of NDAILY.COM | WWW.SPARTANDAILY.COM The deadline to submit is at noon, three working days prior to desired academic excellence, but that budget cuts make it necessary to W SPARTANDAILY.COM| WWW SP publication date. 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Gay marriage’s defensive line The sad economics of The world of football is often In a society that touts football touted as a man’s world, bereft of players as supermen, people have a This semester, the Peet’s ing to Jan de Graaff’s book, femininity, where men can show hard time accepting that a few may Coffee & at Just B elow “The ,” off their strength and prowess have beliefs that conflict with that in MacQuarrie Hall intro- small- and medium-sized against each other in a brutal dis- ultra-manly mindset that comes duced its use of GVING, coffee growers’ produce will play of gladiatorial carnage on the with the sport. a digital loyalty program, often pass many hands, each gridiron. A long time ago it was shunned, best described as a of which will profit, before The amount of testosterone almost frowned upon, to express establishment’s “Well, one ever reaching its consumer. alone in the sport could probably opinions in support of gay mar- free coffee is worth buying From trader to manufacturer power a fleet of bull and for riage and even more difficult to nine! ” deal. to agent to often an additional many who play in the NFL or watch find a prominent male athlete who And yes, GVING works manufacturer to a wholesaler it, there is no room for the display Follow Wesley would come out of the closet. elegantly and allows you to to a roaster to a retailer, of political beliefs that may conflict Dugle on Twitter @ B ut in recent years, more and never carry a paper punch Follow Leo Posto- This legal pilfering from WesSideStories with the game’s ultra-male mindset. more athletes like Ayanbejo have card again, and is a great voit on Twitter @ the farmer is fascinating and postphotos B altimore Ravens linebacker started being open about their sup- example of a well-designed depressing, and consumers B rendon Ayanbedjo is one of the few who break port of gay rights. and effectively-executed should be aware of this before this status quo. Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe is idea from a tech startup in growth. Coffee consumption purchasing. They should vote Ayanbedjo is a vocal supporter of gay mar- one of those NFLers who has joined Ayanbejo San Francisco. grew by another 15.9 percent. with their dollars — choose riage, and is one of the few male athletes who are in the fight for equal rights of gay citizens. Loyalty programs are a And I’m not sure why. Is a place that doesn’t support open about it — which in the world of sport can In a scathing counter-letter to B urns, Klu- great way to get people to this because of the boom of child labor, indentured servi- be difficult. we states that he is “vocal as hell” about his sup- come back to your business. Dutch coffee shops — which tude, or gross underpayment Regardless of how you feel about gay mar- port of gay marriage and says that it “baffles” They know the conspicuous are basically just weed dispen- of farmers. riage, Ayanbejo has the right to voice his opinion him that B urns would use the “same First consumption patterns of saries? Is it stoners trying to Philz Coffee, easily one here and shouldn’t be told to be silent on the is- Amendment to pursue” his “own religious consumers, and have intri- double down on their vices, of the best, but also the most sue. studies without fear of persecution from the cately planned it. looking to get high and caf- expensive cup of coffee, in It doesn’t hurt anybody, and certainly in the state,” while justifying the “stifling another B ut what is even more feinated? Downtown San Jose, does grand scheme of the game of football it doesn’t person’s right to speech.” fascinating is the business Coffee is an insane give- not disclose where its beans matter. Kluwe and Ayanbejo aren’t the only ones behind coffee is far more and-take. We’d like to claim come from, whether they’re He should be commended for taking a stand who have shown support of same sex marriage. fascinating and depressing. it’s just a thing we consume produced with or without hu- on an issue that isn’t quite mainstream within Current and former football players like According to the United in the morning, but it’s a huge mane labor. I love my Philz his occupation. Scott Fujita, Michael Strahan and Nic Harris Nations, raw coffee was the that impacts dozens just as much as the next java Unfortunately, some people had a problem have all come out in support of the controver- second most traded com- of others. aficionado, but just like the with his stance. sial issue. modity worldwide after And this has a lot of fac- market dominator, , In a letter written last week to Ravens owner Michael Irvin, Hall of Fame wide receiver — only oil. ets — from the questions that they’re simply not transpar- Steve B iscotti, Maryland Democratic delegate whose brother is openly gay — is another sup- The economic crashes of circulate on what “,” ent. Emmett C. B urns says he finds it “inconceiv- porter. the markets, though, shook “organic,” or “premium Some argue “but this ‘ bet- able” that Ayanbejo would support same-sex In an interview with Out Magazine, a pub- up the market in 2008. Cof- blend” mean, to the fact that ter coffee’ costs more,” but it marriage and asked B iscotti to take “the neces- lication aimed at the gay and lesbian commu- fee production and con- dozens of coffee-exporting often doesn’t. For example sary action” to “inhibit such expressions” from nity, Irvin states “No one should be telling you sumption fell in every major countries regularly use both Target’s Archer Farms brand players such as Ayanbejo. who you should love, no one should be telling market. UN Comtrade, who slave and child labor, despite offers options “Inconceivable” huh? you who you should be spending the rest of monitors trade data for all dozens of reports over the last produced under either a fair In a game where big burly men tackle each your life with.” sorts of products, noted a 15 years exposing these prob- trade or direct trade practice other for two to three hours, it’s “inconceivable” It’s great to see so many prominent players major drop in coffee pro- lems. are competitive — from $7.99 to support gay marriage? show support for this controversial issue, and duction, export, import and The U.S. Department of to $14.99 for a 10- or 12-ounce All joking aside, B urns is a minister so it’s not go against the grain of the mainstream of the consumption. Labor’s B ureau of Interna- bag or reusable tin. really surprising he would take up arms against testosterone powered football world. That is, except for one tional Labor Affairs noted Social consciousness Ayanbejo’s stance, and he certainly has the right Of course, for every Michael Irvin and country — The Netherlands. in a 2011 report that coffee should be a core characteris- to express his opinion. B rendan Ayanbejo, there are more people who The 2009 data year in , the Dominican tic for all — especially coffee B ut what is truly “inconceivable” is why are similar to Emmett B urns and David Tyree showed that the United Republic, , Kenya, buyers. Y ou can usually be B urns would ask B iscotti to silence men, such as who are still stuck in the 1950s when it comes States’ levels fell by 7.7 per- Mexico, and Panama may be choosy when buying whole Ayanbejo, on the issue and tell them not to ex- to homosexuals and gay rights. cent, Italy seized its grinds made with child or forced la- beans and pre-ground coffee, press their beliefs. Hopefully, with growing support, football by 10.9, the Spain and Po- bor. and increasingly many retail I’m pretty sure there is an amendment that and the world of sports may shed its ultra-mas- land shuttered away from I’m not sure if the Dutch coffee establishments will let protects against that kind of censorship, the culine approach to these issues and get into the coffee by over a whopping know this, or care, but I hope you pick a specific and more same one that allows him to talk down to Ayan- modern era. 30 percent each. they brew that over before sustainable blend. bejo on this issue. Just because these athletes play one of the B ut the Dutch, instead, they buy more coffee. I only rarely am kitschy B urns has no right to tell B iscotti, or any- manliest sports in the world, doesn’t mean grew by an astounding 8.2 Harvest production of cof- when it comes to coffee, but

body, that they can’t believe what they want to they shouldn’t be allowed to show support on percent. fee is a lot of complicated steps I do it only 10 percent of the

believe or voice their opinion on something that these issues. This is for all consumer and workers often never see time, when I buy brews from

is important to them. Wesley Dugle is a Spartan Daily production coffee consumption — pre- most of the profits from their one of my regular establish-

B ut this is the problem going on now in the editor. Wes Side Stories appears every other week ground, whole-bean and labor. Many of these farmers ments. I hope you agree, buy- world of? sports — football in this case. on Mondays. already-dripped. and workers are paid less than ing nine drip and ? And in the latest data $1 a day in some of the top cof- cashing it out for a triple-shot-

? ? ? year, in 2010, when the fee-exporting countries. white-mocha-with-whip-and- ?

Are you in a bind? Need a voice of reason? world became sensible Y our $3.75 might ac- no-foam-thank-you-very-

? ? again and globally people tually have cost only 5 cents, much is a fair trade, I think. Just ask Kelsey in her advice column! returned to their brewing despite the costs of transpor- Leo Postovoit is the Spartan

“In my Experience” runs every Tuesday. You can send in ?ways, Holland maintained tation and roasting. Accord- Daily art director. your question anonymously, and if selected

? ? you could win a prize.

? Follow our writers on Twitter! ? ? ? @SpartanDaily Visit us at spartandaily.com

? and comment on any of our stories! ? ?? ? SPARTAN DAILY STAFF FALL 2012 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING Letters to the editor may be placed in the letters to the editor box in the Spartan Executive Editor Opinion Editor Staff Writers and Senior Staff and Regular Ad Director Margaret Baum Jeffrey Cianci Photographers Contributors Justin Acosta Daily office in Dwight Bentel Hall, Room 209, Stephanie Barraza Nick Chu sent by fax to (408) 924-3282, emailed to Managing Editor Features Editor David Bermudez Sierra Duren Assistant Ad Director [email protected] or the Spartan Daily Samantha Clark Rebecca Duran Dennis Biles Eddie Fernandez Luis Marquez Opinion Editor, 1 Washington Square, San Natalie Cabral Ty Hargrove Jose, CA 95192-0149. Production and Art Director Sage Curtis Jesse Jones Creative Director Photo Editor Letters to the editor must contain the Derik Irvin Leo Postovoit Kimberley Diaz Raphael Kluzniok Kristine Young Joshua Lawrence Jordan Liffengren author’s name, address, phone number, Production Editors Communications Director Celeste Lodge Kelsey Lynne Lester-Perry Assistant Creative signature and major. Letters become property Wesley Dugle Christina Molina Melanie Martinez Thomas Macher Director of the Spartan Daily and may be edited for Nick Celario Camille Nguyen Thomas Webb Shanique Flynn clarity, grammar, libel and length. Only letters Copy Editors Jessica Olthof David Wong of 300 words or fewer will be considered for Julie Myhre Jacque Orvis Multimedia editor Account Executives publication. James Tensuan Rebecca Duran Thyra Phan Sandy Ardian Chris Marian Jonathan Roisman Advisers Daniel Davis Published opinions and advertisements Sports Editor David Sheffer Mack Lundstrom, News Oswaldo Diaz do not necessarily reflect the views of the Nina Tabios James Simpson Jan Shaw, News Stephanie Garcia Spartan Daily, the School of Journalism and Devon Thames Richard Craig, News Amir Masood Mass Communication or SJSU. The Spartan A&E Editor Kim Komenich, Photo Joshua Villanueva Daily is a public forum. Julie Tran Tim Hendrick, Advertising Kara Wilson Tim Mitchell, Design Tim Burke, Production Chief Pat Wallraven, Manager Page 6 | Spartan Daily A & E Monday, September 10, 2012 SQUARE DANCING Students, local dancers do-si-do at SquareCrow’s Ball

By James Tensuan @jtensuan

Students and local square dancers do-si-do’ed under the glow of the historic light tower in History San Jose for the third annual SquareCrow’s B all. Proceeds from donated food cans, pies and quilts benefited Second Harvest Food B ank. The event drew from square dancing clubs all over the B ay Area, and brief lessons were offered to newcomers before the ball.

See a slideshow of the ball at http://spartandaily. com/?p=80398

SANTANA ROW Pink Stripes gives sweet style for Fashion’s Night Out By Camille Nguyen @camillediem

Santana Row hoped to bring out all B ay Area fashionistas last Thursday evening for its second annual Fashion’s Night Out. Modeled after the popu- lar kick-off night to Fashion Week in New Y ork City, the event lured more than 100 shoppers with the promise of giveaways, cocktails and mul- tiple runway shows along a 365-foot runway, which ac- cording to Santana Row’s director of , Collette Navarette, is one of the longest in the country. “It’s really a celebration of fashion,” Navarette said, adding that Fashion’s Night Out allowed everyday peo- ple to get a glimpse of high fashion and couture. International designers and Santana Row retailers such as Models walk down the runway wearing dresses from designer Franco Uomo during Fashion’s Ted B aker and B outique Haraju- Night Out at Santana Row last Thursday. Photo by Jessica Olthof / Spartan Daily ku, had models strut their best Tucked away between Martino and sales associate regarding the store’s sense of fall down the catwalk, retail chain Urban Outfit- Arabela Espinoza helped cus- style, adding that shoppers which spanned from Swed- ters and men’s barbershop tomers to the best of their abil- purchase truly unique pieces ish multi-national retail store B ellarmine Salon, Pink ity as dozens of guests filed in of clothing since the store H& M to American Stripes glammed its and out of the store Thursday only carries six items of each LB Steak. storefront by dressing is man- night. garment. Despite only exhibiting its nequins in eye-catching attire “When it comes to things “We are very different clothes in an informal mod- and decorating its entrance like Fashion’s Night Out, we from a lot of the Santana eling portion of the event, with multicolored balloons. hope to really emphasize Row shops,” Espinoza said, locally-owned boutique Pink In addition to its outer how much we love fashion, going on to say that the store Stripes was as equally ex- appearance, Pink Stripes as well as invite people into brings in many different cited as its better-recognized prepped for Fashion’s Night our store and to understand elements, such as cutouts, counterparts to participate in Out by creating outfits who we are as Pink Stripes,” textures and asymmetrical Fashion’s Night Out. to showcase the autumn Martino said. “We live, hemlines into its wardrobe. “It’s so cool to be involved trends and styles from breathe, eat, sleep and Pink Stripes is open in an event that is as historic the store for the informal think fashion. Whether Monday through Saturday as the original Fashion’s modeling show, setting up it’s new styles, old styles, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Night Out in New Y ork,” said complimentary NY X makeup current trends or per- Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Natalie Martino, store man- palettes with purchases of sonal tastes, Pink Stripes and is located at 355 Santana ager of Pink Stripes. “We love more than $150 and pur- loves to walk the line and Row, suite 1040. It will be being social, we love inter- chasing sweet desserts and offer things that people may opening a new store in acting with new and former assorted rosé and white wines not have seen in other stores Westfield Oakridge Mall customers and we love be- for fashion enthusiasts for the or just haven’t embraced Oct. 15. ing a part of a community of in-store party. before.” Camille Nguyen is a people who share our love and With only two people Espinoza, a business mar- Spartan Daily staff writer. passion for all things regard- working the store dur- keting sophomore at SJSU, Follow her on Twitter at ing style and fashion.” ing Fashion’s Night Out, shared similar sentiments @camillediem.