Records and Texts of the Conference for the Unification of Buoyage and Lighting of Coasts
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[Distributed to the Council and Official No. : C. 163. M. 58. 1931. V III. M embers of the League.] Geneva, February 28, 1931. LEAGUE OF NATIONS Records and Texts of the Conference for the Unification of Buoyage and Lighting of Coasts Held at Lisbon, October 6th to 23rd, 1930. PART I. I. Resolution concerning the Continuation of Work relating to Unification of Buoyage. II. Texts concerning Buoyage drawn up by the Drafting Committee. III. Minutes of the Plenary Meetings of the Conference. IV. Minutes of the Buoyage Committee. V. Minutes of the Signals Committee. VI. Minutes of the Lighthouse Committee. PART n. Proposals submitted to the Conference by Governments or by Delegations. Series of League oi Nations Publications VIII. TRANSIT 1931. VIII. 1. CONTENTS. P A R T 1. Section I. Page Resolution concerning the Continuation of W ork relating to the U nification of Buoyage, adopted by the Conference on October 23RD, 1930...............................................11 Section II. Texts concerning B uoyage drawn up by the Drafting Committee. 1. Draft Agreement concerning Buoyage : Text prepared by the Drafting Com mittee ............................................................................................................................................. 12 2. Draft Rules concerning Buoyage : Text prepared by the Drafting Committee and approved by the C o n feren ce....................................................................................... 12 3. Draft Additional Protocol to the Agreement concerning Buoyage (with an Annex) ; Text prepared by the Drafting Committee.....................................................15 Section III. Minutes of the Plenary Meetings of the Conference. Bureau of the Conference and D elegations.........................................................................................................17 Opening Meeting, October 6th, 1930, at 3 p.m. : I. Opening S peech es................................................................................................................. 21 II. Election of the President of the Conference..................................................................23 First Meeting, October 6th, 1930, at 5 p.m. : III. Programme of Work............................................................................................................23 Second Meeting, October 7th, 1930, at 10 a.m. : IV. General Discussion........................................................................................................................ 24 Third Meeting, October 8th, 1930, at 10 a.m. : V. General Discussion (continuation) ...........................................................................................3° Fourth Meeting, October 8th, 1930, at 3 p.m. : VI. General Discussion (continuation)........................................................................................... 38 VII. Programme of Work (continuation)...................................................................................... 44 Fifth Meeting, October 23rd, 1930, at ix a.m. : VIII. Recommendations concerning Lighthouses and Radio-Beacons.................................. 44 IX. Agreement and Regulations concerning Maritime Signals : 1. A g r e e m e n t ....................................................................................................................44 2. Regulations : Chapter I. — Gale-warning Signals ............................................. 44 Chapter II. — Tide and Depth S ig n a l s .....................................................45 Chapter III. — Signals concerning the Movements of Vessels at the Entrances to Harbours and Important C hannels .................. 45 X. Question of Procedure..................................................................................................... 45 XI. Agreement concerning Lightships not on their Stations : 1. Agreement......................................................................................................................... 46 2. R e g u la tio n s................................................................................................................... 46 Sixth Meeting, October 23rd, 1930, at 9 p.m. : XII. Resolution concerning the Continuation of Work relating to the Unification of Buoyage (text submitted by Drafting Committee).....................................................47 XIII. Buoyage Rules (text submitted by the Drafting Committee).........................................49 XIV. Declaration made by the Delegations of Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Greece, Morocco, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Roumania and T u n is ia .................................................................................................................................... 49 XV. Declaration by the British Delegation.................................................................... 50 XVI. Declaration by the Italian Delegation.................................................................... 50 XVII. Declaration by the Roumanian Delegation..............................................................50 S. d, N. 1.035 (F.) 1.000 (A.) 4/31 — Imp. Darantiere, Dijon. — 4 — p age X V III. Presentation to Commander Norton................................................................................ ^r X IX . Adoption of the Final A ct....................................................................................................g2 XX. Signature of the Final Act, the Agreement on Lightships, the Agreement on Maritime Signals, and of the Recommendations on Lighthouse Signs and Radio-Beacons...................................................................................................................53 X X I. Close of the Work of the Conference............................................................................... 53 Section IV. R ecords of the W ork of the Committee on Buoyage. First Meeting, October 9th, 1930, at 10 a.m. : I. Summary of Discussions.................................................................................................. 55 II. Lateral System : 1. Shape of the Body of Buoys ..........................................................................55 2. Shape of T o p m a r k s ........................................................................................55 3. Placing of Buoys................................................................................................ 55 4. Conditions of Application of the Above Principles................................55 5. Lightbuoys and Special B u o y s ..................................................................... 55 III. Cardinal System : 1. Shape of the Body of B u o y s ............................................................................ 56 2. Shape of T opm arks.............................................................................................56 Second Meeting, October 9th, 1930, at 3 p.m. : IV. Cardinal System (continued) : 3. Position of Topmarks.......................................................................................56 V. Lateral System (continued) : 6. Colour of Day Marks...................................................................................... 56 7. Allocation of Colours to Port and Starboard Marks..................................56 8. Side to which Red Buoys should be allocated...............................................56 VI. Cardinal System (continued) : 4. Colour of Day Marks : Choice of C o l o u r s ......................................................................................56 Choice of Combinations of C o l o u r s .......................................................57 VII. Nomination of a Sub-Committee on the Cardinal System........................................57 Third Meeting, October 10th, 1930, at 10 a.m. : VIII. Lateral System (continued) : 8. Side to which Red Buoys should be allocated (continued). 57 IX. Nomination of a Sub-Committee on the Lateral System.......................................... 57 Fourth Meeting, October 10th, 1930, at 3 p.m. : X. Proposal by the British D e le g a tio n ............................................................................ 58 Fifth Meeting, October 17th, 1930, at 2.30 p.m. : XI. Examination of the Reports of the Sub-Committees : Statement by the French Delegation..................................................................... 58 Statement by the American Delegation............................................................59 Statement by the Canadian Delegation................................................................ 65 Statement by the German Delegation................................................................. 66 Statement by the Swedish Delegation................................................................. 67 Sixth Meeting, October 18th, 1930, at 10 a.m. : XII. Buoyage of Wrecks in the Lateral System : 1. Day Characteristics : A. Colour of Port and Starboard M a rk s ............................................69 B. Wrecks which can be passed on Either Side : Shape.................................................................................................69 Page X III. Procedure of the Committee.............................................................................................69 XIV. Buoyage of Wrecks in the Lateral System (continued) : 1. Day Characteristics (continued) : B. Wrecks which can be passed on Either Side (continued) : Colour...............................................................................................................