Our Ref: ...... January 24''', 2015 Date : ...... [ Your Ref: ...... [ r DanaJoki r P.O. Box 340029 Nashiville, Tennessee 37203 -0029 [ USA [email protected] leA. 1. ISS \, q <.:nl) [ Dear Dana Joki

[ Please find enclosed a copy of the documents for the Judicial Docket No. 0415-7. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. l Grace and pea~ [ fiW.;rlhl Manasseh Toko [ Secretary Committee on Episcopacy [ Burundi and Annual Conferences The United Methodist Church l l l l l Plot 38 Nambi Road, Bank Village - Naguru, l P.O. Box 12554, Kampala (U) Tel : +256-41533978, Fax: +25641533982 [ [ r [ r r Brief r Docket Item: No. 0415-7 Spring 2015 IN RE: A Request from the Burundi and East Africa Annual Conferences for a [ Declaratory Decision Regarding the Decision and Action of the General Council on Finance and Administration in Reducing the Bishop's Salary and Episcopal r Allowances in Light of '112609.5, '112610.2 of the Book of Discipline 2012 (BoD) [ L [ Rev. Manasseh Toko Plot 38, Nambi Road Bank Village-Naguru [ P.O. Box 12554 Kampala, Uganda Telephone: +256 772 191 701 [ Email:[email protected] L L l

l 1 [ r THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH r IN RE: A Request from the Burundi and East Africa Annual Conferences for a [- Declaratory Decision Regarding the Decision and Action of the General Council on Finance and Administration in Reducing the Bishop's Salary and Episcopal r Allowances in Light of~2609.5, ~2610.2 of the BoD 2012 (BoD) r 1. BACKGROUND The East Africa Episcopal Area of the United Methodist Church is comprised of two r Annual Conferences namely Burundi Annual Conference which covers the country of Burundi and the East Africa Annual Conference covers five countries Kenya, Ethiopia, r Rwanda, and Uganda. [ The Burundi and East Africa Annual Conferences Committee on Episcopacy performs many important functions as described in ,-r 637.3 in the United Methodist BoD duly elected in the two annual conferences and meeting annually to form resources for supporting the [ work of the Resident Bishop, interpret to the people concerns affecting the church and engage in consultation towards the realization of the mandate of the church. [ This petition follows an UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION reached during the normal course of business of the Burundi and East Africa Annual Conferences session held at Humble [ United Methodist School, Mukono Kampala (Uganda) from the 26th - 29th August 2014 during which time the then present and any other subsequent issues affecting the two [ Annual Conferences and the Resident Bishop were deliberated in accordance to ,-r637 1,2,3 and 4. [ "The Resident Bishop Daniel Wandabula's salary and Episcopal support was unfairly and drastically reduced without involving the affected Bishop, by the GCF A from 100% to 10% (2014) and then further down to 0% (2015). An anomalous situation considering that the l Episcopal fund, the primary fund from which the salary together with the Episcopal Support are derived are a result of a consultative effort during the general Conference, a process happening quadrilineally ,-r818 as read in all the subsections thereof with emphasis on l subsections; 1,2,3,4,5,8and 9. This left benefits only amounting to $4,288 covering the Bishop's medical insurance and pension depriving him of his salary to cover the daily family and personal needs, ironically part of the salary retained by GCF A remains L theoretically inaccessible for his basic daily needs. In interpretation GCF A herein failed to acknowledge that the Resident Bishop needs to meet his subsistence as well as commit to L the call by removing this integral and fundamental aspect towards propelling the ministry forward.

L The reduction was premised on the alleged audit faults; for which the GBGMlGCF A raised a complaint presently pending before the Africa Central Conference and awaiting a just L 2 1 resolution. '1[806 defmes the fiscal responsibility of the GCF A and subsection 3 of the GCF A the same emphasis the requirement of a standard operation procedure, which aspect I ahs persistently failed to share or educate the episcopacy so that the audit process is done in a fair, transparent and persistent manner. Furthermore, the preceding '1[805.4 specifies'" ... r auditing standards ... ' an essential aspect of the audit process which the committee feels has also remained vague regarding now GCF A has handled the alleged audits. l This request is part of the efforts to adhere to and follow the laid down procedure as spelled out in the BoD of the United Methodist Church. We observe to have been victims of disenfranchisement in the action of GCF A, an the anomaly portrayed with the action from r GCF A that led to the raising of this petition for which we strongly now believe needs [ amends. In light of this, the Committee on Episcopacy feels there are no administrative or judicial actions pending to warrant such an action as what is obtaining and remains resolute and r strongly compelled to this declaration that we thus seek. In the light of our understanding of the BoD, we have now arrived at the final analysis is that our Resident Bishop's status is [ actually effective '1[818 and does not warrant the present action, he is not on suspension, moreover, he is not on suspension as no process and procedure as those prescribed in the BoD have effected such". [ The Burundi and East Africa Committee on Episcopacy considers the GCFA's decision both pre-mature and preemptive as it is neither informed through the BoD processes and [ procedures. In the eyes of the Committee on Episcopacy and those it represents, this and any other action taken in the past, present and future by GCF A is, heavy handed, discriminatory and unjustified. GCFA failed to observe the required procedure set forth in [ the BoD, 2012 there by denying the Bishop a fair hearing in accordance with '1[2701.2(a). [ The delegates of Burundi and East Africa Annual Conferences tasked the Burundi and East Africa Committee on Episcopacy to petition the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church for a declaration on the inordinate decision and any subsequent related decisions of [ the GBGMlGCFA that affect our two Annual Conferences and Resident Bishop." Copy of the annual Conference minutes and list ofmembers sanctioning the resolution is (Annexture l HB''). By virtue of the resolution reached herein by the Burundi and East Africa Annual conferences, this petition is sanctioned by the Committee on Episcopacy of the said conferences established following '1[637 -1 whose functions are set out in '1[637-3 of the BoD, 2012 - the Committee on Episcopacy East Africa Episcopal area of the United Methodist church has the mandate to petition the Judicial Council for a Declaratory decision, case and L reference point; Judicial Council decision and resolution No. 397 of 3rd April 1975, the executive committee of the Central Conference petitioned the Judicial Council for a l Declaration decision. In accordance with the BoD and in essence of the procedures governing the exercise of L BoD, the Committee on Episcopacy of any given conference has the mandate to lodge and petition before the Judicial Council. L 3 ! JURISDICTION OF THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL [ ~ 2609.5 empowers the Judicial Council to hear and determine the legality of any action taken by anybody created or authorized by the General Conference or anybody created or r authorized by the jurisdictional or central conference, on a matter affecting an annual or provisional annual conference, upon appeal by two thirds of the members of the annual or [ provisional annual conference present and voting. ~2610. 2, gives mandate to bodies like the Burundi and East Africa Annual Conferences to lodge a petition either directly or through the Episcopal Committee to the Judicial Council r on any decision/s made by anybody/conference that affects the respective Conferences. r 2. THE STATEMENT OF FACTS Provisions of~818.2 categorically state and define the 'Requirements' as per the guidelines l provided for during the General Conference and these are the parameters, the General Council on Finance and Administration breached when it, wrote letters dated 24th November 2014 and 19th December 2014 to our Resident Bishop - Bishop Daniel [ Wandabula, informing him of the decision to cut off the Episcopal financial support of the East Africa Episcopal Area for the year 2015 by reducing his salary to the benefit constituents of $4,288 which is the total for his medical insurance and pension. ~ 543.4 r empowers GCF A to act as a conduit in the delivery and transmission of the Episcopal Funds received in the annual conference, it is clearly stated here that the determination is a [ quadrennium occurrence that is founded and enshrined in the functions of the General Conference and in consultation with such other bodies as the Council of Bishops. This therefore leaves the question of how the concerns of this declaration sought and petition [ submitted was arrived at by GCF A if this premise above on the definition of the funds can be exhausted by way of the said guidelines of the BoD. This unprecedented unilateral action [ has led members in the Episcopal Area to take the initiative towards amending the impasse. Presently the Episcopal area fund allocation is as follows;

[ a) Bishop's salary $0% b) Episcopal support fund $0% c) Pension &Insurance $4,288 l Total = $4, 288 The East Africa Episcopal Area office is located in rented premises in Naguru, Kampala L city, Uganda and is supported by the Episcopal fund according to the provisions as read in ~ 818. The Episcopal office provides support, administrative and executive staff that ensures [ continuity and growth in the work of the Lord and continuity of the Church in the episcopacy. The decision by GCFA has immediate implications on the work of the Conference Treasurer, Bishop's assistant, Administrative Assistant, Coordinator of [ Connection Ministry, Director Communications and those tasked to oversee the planning and execution of the annual conference sessions, the nomination of the Board of Ordained Ministry members and the nomination of Conference Committee Chairpersons including [ the daily connectional ministries.

L 4 l r Therefore, the action taken by GCF A to reduce the total Episcopal support to a mere $4,288.00 clearly is at variance with not just the BoD but also the mandate of the Church in ~ the episcopacy. r ~818.3 is to the effect that the Episcopal Fund shall provide for the salary and expenses of effective Bishops, when read with ~818. 2, the duty and function of GCFA is to recommend to each quadrennial session of the General Conference and the action and determination is a r function becoming when all parties are in tandem;

" ... the amounts to be fIXed as salaries of the effective Bishops or a formula by which a r council shall fIX the salaries and a schedule ofsuch amounts as may be judged adequate to r provide for their office expenses " Whereas the GCF A has the mandate to recommend to the General Conference the amount to be fixed as Bishop's salary, and to effect the same upon approval of the said [ recommendation, by the same token, the BoD does not empower the GCF A to reduce the Bishop's salary or act in isolation from other church and or Central Conference and any [ other such bodies as may be enacted from time to time where matters relate to an effective and sitting Bishop are concerned. Reference is made to ~818.1 , ~818.2, ~818.3 , ~818.4 and [ ~818.5 in particular and the whole ~818 section in general. The General conference established with provisions 0~13, Article II has its roles, responsibilities and powers defined and or restricted as defined by Rule 19 Article III of the [ Restrictive Rules ofthe BoD.

It is an undisputed fact that the General Conference sits once every four years and the last [ sitting was on April 24th to May 4th 2012 in Tampa, Florida, USA on which date the next sitting was fixed for May 10th to 20th 2016 in accordance with ~14 , Article II.

L In the 2008 and 2012 sittings, all approvals of Episcopal support funds were made and;

[ A. GCF A, following recommendations and approvals from the General Conference remitted funds to the East Africa Episcopal Area as follows: [ 1) By GCFA's letter dated January 9th 2012 to Bishop Daniel Wandabula, the total [ Episcopal support was approved at $148,059 for the year 2012, under the budget approvalof2012.

2) By letter dated December 3rd 2013 by GCFA to Bishop Daniel Wandabula, the total Episcopal support for the year 2014 was approved at $98,730, under the same budget l approvalof2012. B. GCF A has not shared to date a justification in line with the BoD to show reasonable cause for the reduction and subsequent action imposed on both the East Africa l Episcopal Area and the person of the Resident Bishop. These actions of GCF A and

[ 5 ( r GBGM have both a financial implication and personal and character trait damage in [ so far as these bodies have used the Church and United Methodist Communication website and websites of other agencies to publish malicious information to negatively portray our Resident Bishop. As observed earlier, GCFA in this regard r has contravened the BoD which states that a just resolution be sought, that any person being accused be accorded a fair hearing and a resolution be reached to clear the impasse and that every detail be treated in confidence until such a time as when [ the Judicial Decision can be shared through the correct and procedural way.

1) By letter dated November 24th 2014, GCFA informed Bishop Daniel Wandabula l that it had set his salary for 2015 at a monthly amount equal to the amount he owe for his monthly health plan and pension contributions. The letter further says that " r the relevant housing and Episcopal Office allowances have been set by the GCF A Board at zero dollars ($0) for 2015," contrary to the approved budget approval as of [ 2012. 2) By letter dated December 19th 2014, GCFA informed Bishop Daniel Wandabula the l total Episcopal support for the year 2015 was approved at $4,288.00 under the same budget approval of2012. [

The letters referred to above are annexed as (Group Annexture "C" (C" C2.C3. C4• C5• C6• [ C7 and C8 ) . [ 3. RATIONALE AND ANALYSIS The Resident Bishop of the Burundi and East Africa Annual Conferences Bishop Daniel Wandabula was first elected as a Bishop of the United Methodist Church in the Africa l Central Conference in 2006. He was re-elected for life in 2012 as per guide lines of the BoD. He has been assigned to the East Africa Episcopal Area of the United Methodist [ Church since his first election. Since his consecration, there are several projects that have been initiated and are operational despite the financial frustrations.

The East Africa Episcopal Area is now composed of two Annual Conferences namely L Burundi Annual Conference and the East Africa Annual Conference. This is the magnitude of work the action of GCF A has and continues to threaten and undo with these heavy L handed, drastic and unprecedented actions. The members of the two Annual Conferences, in consideration of the long span of time and l accusations leveled against the Resident Bishop by GCF A through what it calls 'the inappropriate fmancial accountability by the East Africa Episcopal area', fmd the decision [ of the GCF A and GBGM biased because none of the provisions set forth in the BoD have been applied, let alone exhausted with close emphasis to ~818.7. Members contend that the l Resident Bishop has not been accorded a fair hearing.

[ 6 [ r The GCFA is required as provided for in ~818.2 to recommend to each quadrennial session [ of the General Conference for its action and determination of the amounts to be fixed as salaries for effective bishops, the fonnula of arriving at such amounts and, Episcopal r support expenses. It is the General Conference that empowers GCF A through approval and or determines the budget for the Episcopal Fund. The role of GCF A is to recommend and administer or [ disburse the Episcopal Fund; its role is spelled out as that of the custodian and conduit through which General Conference determinations are passed. GCAF does not determine the entirety of financial implications outside of the prescribed position. The GCF A acted r ultra vires in regard to its mandate in the case of the East Africa Episcopal support fund and [ Bishop Daniel Wandabula's salary and Episcopal allowances. The Committee on Episcopacy of the East Africa Episcopal Area of the United Methodist church finds the circumstances under which the said salary was reduced and later cut [ contrary to the BoD guide lines, un justified and contends that actions of that nature should be resultant following an exhaustive processes as prescribed in BoD, such situations that are [ fairly justified. It is not therefore for the GCFA to act ultra vires where clear demonstrations of prior formed intent to punish a given individual and in this instance the Resident Bishop Daniel Wandabula. r The actions ofthe GCF A greatly impacts on the role and efficiency of the Resident Bishop in his work and to the Episcopal area in general. A resident bishop in the United Methodist [ Church is a Bishop appointed to a specific Episcopal Area. A resident Bishop is the presiding Bishop of and all annual Conferences of the Church with in the Area. Does this [ definition fall short of the definition of an effective Bishop? Bishops in the United Methodist Church prayerfully determine pastoral appointments, [ counsel with pastors and encourage congregations. Our Bishops not only lead in the connectional ministry of the church but you will also find them on the fore front of the world issues encouraging secular leaders to incorporate faith into their decision making. [ Bishops serving the United Methodist Church today are ensuring that the Ministry of Jesus Christ is being carried out by the church. l The Episcopal Fund is therefore what supports the Bishops today as they perform their duties, roles and responsibilities in the United Methodist Church.

This is justified by the words of Bishop Micheal Coyner of Indianapolis, one of the four bishops on the GCF A who said;

"None of us Bishops is going to starve ..... but it is a good reminder that many people, many pastors and many congregations are going through tougher times." " " This was in a note L to his Indiana pastors and lay leaders. The Committee on Episcopacy finds the GCF A departing from what they preach and teach. L Why starve the Bishop of East Africa Episcopal Area, his family and families of the beneficiaries from the Episcopal support fund by removing it? How does the GCF A expect l 7 l I r the Bishop to survive? How is the Bishop expected to carry out his duties as set out in the United Methodist Church while facing an agency of the Church that has complete disregard of the very tenets that make the Church the astute agent in making disciples of Jesus Christ, it is unlike the BoD fundamentals to condemn anyone before a just and fair process? Why r apply the policies and or decisions discriminatory? And how many United Methodist Bishops have been ever subjected to the same?

[ According to ~ 413.3(a), a Bishop may be suspended from all Episcopal responsibilities, BUT even during the suspension the Bishop continues receiving:- salary, housing and [ benefits. If a suspended Bishop enjoys the full remuneration package while on suspension, does not the nature of reductions imposed on the Resident Bishop's salary amount to suspension of the same? Or does not Resident Bishop Daniel Wandabula meet the r definition of an effective Bishop entitled to his salary and allowances in addition to all the Episcopal support by virtue of~543 . 4 and ~818.

[ The Committee on Episcopacy for the East Africa Episcopal Area of the United Methodist church contend that it may be difficult to disassociate malice, mud-slinging, character [ lynching and insurrection perpetuated by a certain group or persons who have for long been interested in faulting the Resident Bishop in all his deeds and operations at the earliest [ possible opportunity in a bid to oust him out of his office as a Bishop. If the GCFA and GBGM can be turned into and used as a tool by such 'factions' who wish to satisfy their selfish interests thereby unilaterally taking unjustifiable decisions, then the [ future of the United Methodist Church objectives shall remain in jeopardy!

Reference is made to e-mail from Thomas Kemper in response to an anonymous Journey [ Jonah dated September 12th, 2011 whose origins the GCFA and GBGM have consistently

failed to appreciate, annexed as Group Annexture D" D2, D3, D4, D5 D6, D 7, and Ds L [ 4. ACTIONS REQUESTED OF THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL The East Africa Episcopal Area comprises two Annual Conferences (Burundi Annual Conference and East Africa Annual Conference) and covers six (6) sovereign countries. l Our Bishop together with his support staff have a lot of activities that cannot be run on office operational funds at 0% what was set by the GCFA. However, ifhis salary is reduced [ to benefits that cannot be tenured in monitory value for his immediate personal use in ministry and daily family use at $ 4,288 then the presence of the salary component and its financial implication remains theoreticaL It is noted that GCFA's offer only covers the [ Bishops medical insurance and pension, sharing the formula that helped arrive at this decision is integral to the argument. Regrettably, the action by GCF A is stifling growth in the East Africa Episcopal Area, and the act impacts negatively on the entire episcopacy but l more negatively on the vulnerable persons that have been benefiting from the support of the United Methodist Church in the two Annual Conferences and undermines the church's L mandate of making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the World. l 8 l r The projects that have so far been struggling to run due to the earlier such actions have [ further been affected and shall in the short while cease to operate, due to failure to supply the human and economic resources to effect and monitor the same and all the efforts and financial support prior invested in initiating the said projects would have been a waste for r all the years it has taken to build, inspire and re- construct the foundation of the United Methodist Church in the East Africa Episcopal Area of the United Methodist Church. Whereas it is clear that the GCFA's decision is largely indirectly intended to punish the [ person of our Resident Bishop, Bishop Daniel Wandabula, its effect is far reaching in the fabric that make the church unique in our environment. [ How can a Resident Bishop be effective in his role and calling to exercise oversight and support of the church in its mission of making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the [ transformation of the world if he is earning 10% of his General Conference sanctioned salary that presently translates to an annual twelve thousand United States Dollars only ($12, 000) and subsequently 0% for the subsequent year because even the $4,288 are the [ deductions he never would have sustenance access to as that is towards his medical insurance and pension already?

[ We are asking for a declaratory ruling that seeks to balance transparency, accountability and support by restoring his full salary at 100% and at the same time would task GCFA to [ practice its role by ensuring its methods of accountability and audits are precipitated to the Annual Conference level so that double standards do not become the norm in punishing [ Bishops and Annual Conferences in rectifYing or obliterating its short comings in delivery! In the absence of the above, we strongly feel and fear such heavy handed decisions if left unchecked at this fundamental level will become the new and unconstitutional yard stick [ GCF A will be used to adopt by officials who fail to see the holistic functions of this essential agency of the Church. It is our strong contention from the experiences and [ observations we have made that if unchecked this action will set the wrong precedence for GCF A. It is clear that this is a discriminatory action stemming from a failure by GCF A and lead to further and gross misinterpretations of BoD on the roles and responsibilities of the [ individual bodies of the Church and how they should relate to each other. It is clear that this is a discriminatory action stemming from a failure by GCF A to institute standard operating procedures for uniform accounting and auditing and now used as the pretext to [ negatively affect our Resident Bishop though the action now and has always had the potential to adversely affecting the two Annual Conferences as GCF A failed to realize that the Episcopal Area and their Bishop are intertwined and integral in the system.

As the two Annual Conferences we have resolved to stand with our Resident Bishop and shall only promise a stream of similar steady petitions of this nature to the Judicial Council until the just resolution is attained and we feel that respect of the BoD has been restored and we are respected as part of the whole United Methodist Church in its primary mandate of making Disciples of Jesus Christ and to transform the world and our efforts are equipped and recognized. l l 9 [ · I •

Premised on the above, the Committee on Episcopacy of the Burundi and East Mrica Annual conferences requests that the Judicial Council makes the following rulings upon these questions before the Judicial Council.

Requested Decision No.1 Does ~818 of the BoD, 2012 provide for the salary and expenses of effective Bishops as from the date of consecration/effective date in office and for the support of retired bishops, SUrvlVillg spouses and minor children of deceased bishops?

Requested Decision No.2 If the answer to requested decision No. I is in the affirmative, then was Bishop Daniel Wandabula elected, consecrated and assigned an Episcopal Area, therefore became an effective bishop and entitled to a salary and Episcopal and Office support as an effective bishop by virtue of ~8l8IBoD?

Requested Decision No.3 Do ,543.4 and 818 of the 2012 BoD permit the General Council on Finance and Administration to set a bishop's annual salary and Episcopal Allowances at less than 100% of the amount fixed by the General Conference as the bishop's salary and Episcopal support or as fixed by the formula determined by the General Conference who have the primary role to set the salary?

Requested Decision No.4 Do ~~ 543.4 and 818 of the 2012 BoD permit the General Council on Finance and Administration to condition payment of 100% of the annual salary of a bishop and Episcopal support on compliance with any condition such as audit requirements of either the General Council on Finance and Administration or the General Board of Global Ministries and is this precondition on salary determinant arrived at and expressed during the General Conference or with anybody of the Church?

Requested Decision No.5 If the answer to Requested Decision Nos. 4 is affirmative, how is the requirement of compliance with a condition established by the General Council on Finance and Administration affected by the failure of the General Council on Finance and Administration to consult with the Council of Bishops before establishing the requirement?

Requested Decision No.6 Does the authority to require compliance with a condition established by the General Council on Finance and Administration before a bishop receives 100% of his salary violate '1 19 of the Restrictive Rules of the 2012 BoD?

Requested Decision No.7 Do ~~ 543.4 and 818 of the 2012 BoD permit the General Council on Finance and Administration to set a bishop's annual salary at less than 100% of the amount fixed by the General Conference as the bishop's salary or as fixed by the formula determined by the General Conference based upon the pendency of a complaint against that bishop that has not been processed pursuant to , 2704.1 and 10

1 r r Annexture

1. Annexture "At "A2 and A3 - communication of Bishop Michael Coyner, f Bishop Nhiwatiwa and Bishop Daniel Wandabula's communication from UMC r Communication 2. Annexture "B" Annual Conference minutes and list of members sanctioning r the resolution. r 3. Annexture "C" -letters from GCFA C1 - C8

4. Annexture D1 Thomas Kemper' s letter to Journey Jonah L D2 Communication from Dewey Miller and Kanyike Joseph & others [ Communication from Elizabeth Lee (GBGM). to John Kiviiri, Barbra J. & Thomas Kemper [ Anonymous email from Journey Jonah to the Bishop Wandabula, Council of Bishops, UMC Agencies and [ Judicial Council Letter from Journey Jonah to John Hertel Letter from Journey Jonah to Bishop Daniel [ Wandabula Letter from Journey Jonah to Bishop Daniel [ Wandabula Letter from Journey Jonah to Bishop Daniel [ Wandabula l L L l L l Gmail- Fw: response to your question about the salary for Bishop Wandabula

Daniel Wandabula r Fw: response to your question about the salary for Bishop Wandabula [ 10 messages E Nhiwatiwa Wed, Sep 11,2013 at 12:50 AM Reply-To: E Nhiwatiwa r To: Daniel Wandabula Cc: Joaquina Nhanala , Ran chaze Malambane

Please see below Bishop Coyner's response on the issue of reducing the salary for r Bishop Wandabula. In the very last sentence Bishop Coyner is sying that GCFA did not reduce Bishop Wandbula's salary. This is a contradiction from what Bishop Wandabula has been telling us. May be the Bishop help us all to clearly understand what exactly r happened to his salary in the light of this response. I have not yet replied to Bishop Coyner waiting to hear what Bishop Wandbula has to say in response. Send the response to me and I will then reply to Bishop Coyner. r Grace and Peace Bishop Nhiwatiwa [ ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Bishop Coyner To: Nhiwatiwa E r Cc: Kumar Moses Sent: Monday, 9 September 2013, 23:31 [ Subject: response to your question about the salary for Bishop Wandabula [ Dear Bishop Nhiwatiwa, The General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) is charged with administration of the Episcopal Fund in ~ 818 of the 2012 Book of Discipline. Section 2 [ of that paragraph contains the following language: "The council shall recommend to each quadrennial session of the General Conference for its action and determination: (1) the amounts to be fixed as salaries of the effective bishops or a formula by which the council [ shall fix the salaries; (2) a schedule of such amounts as may be judged adequate to provide for their office expense; (3) provision for an annual operating budget for the Council of Bishops, including the offices of the secretary and the ecumenical officer of [ the Council of Bishops; (4) guidelines governing the payment of bishops' travel expenses, including all travel authorized by the Council of Bishops; (5) the minimum amounts to be fi xed as annual pensions for the support of retired bishops and/or the L method by which their annual pensions shall be determined; and (6) provisions for "allowance for the surviving spouses and for the support of minor children of deceased bishops

In the report to the 2012 General Conference GCFA, the report on the Episcopal Fund l included the following information in Section 1.A.1 related to central conferences: l file: ///C:/Users/Aggrey/AppData/LocaIlTemp/LowIFC5WJUWZ.htm 1/23/2015 l Gmail- Fw: response to your question about the salary for Bishqp Wandabula

[ "1. Annual Salary. The salary of each bishop shall be recommended by the respective central conferenc'e or its committee on episcopacy as included in the area spending plan. The Episcopal Services Committee shall review this recommendation in light of all [ requests from central conferences and submit a spending plan of salaries to be adopted by GCFA, in accordance with ~543.4 of The 2008 Book of Discipline. " r Further, in Section IV.D the following language was included regarding the central conference episcopal areas:

[ "When the total estimated expenses including salaries, housing funding, and office costs for the bishops elected by it, and the estimated receipts on apportionment have been determined by a central conference, a statement of these amounts in itemized form shall I be submitted to GCFA. The council, after consideration of the relative cost of living in various central conferences, shall determine the amount to be paid from the Episcopal Fund in meeting the spending plan, after which the treasurer of the Episcopal Fund shall I pay the amount established to the bishop concerned, oras the central conference may determine (1J 543.4)." [ Therefore, the GCFA has the right to set the salary for each bishop and episcopal area on an annual basis. The GCFA did not reduce Bishop Wandabula's salary, it set it at a [ lower amount than was the case for the previous year. I hope this clarifies the basis for our decision. [ Yours in Christ,

Bishop Michael J. Coyner, r President of the Board of GCFA l l r l L L l L l [ Daniel Wandabula Resident Bishop East Africa Episcopal Area [ THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH

Our Ref: I th Your Ref: 16 September, 2013 f [

Bishop Eben Nhiwatiwa l Resident Bishop Episcopal Area UMC - 163 Chinhoyi St r P.O.BOX 3408 [ Harare, Zimbabwe Dear Bishop Nhiwatiwa, [ Receive love and greetings from the East Africa Episcopal Area of the United Methodist Church. It was good seeing you and mama Greater in Luanda, Angola. Thank you very much for your [ two mails dated September 7, and 11,2013 respectively. I am WTiting this while in transit from the United States where I came to attend the meeting on the General Commission on Religion [ and Race in Washington, DC. Under paragraph 806.3 of the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, it is the duty L of the General Council of Finance and Aqministration (GCFA) to ensure that all agencies receiving General Church funds follow uniform accounting classification, processes and procedures for reporting. GCF A is required to provide and honour those provisions, processes [ and procedures. However, it j~evident th!lltller~ h!js qeen a dereljction of this obligation by GCFA. -...... ' , [ I am at Pains to point out hpw Bishop Michael Coyner is trying to use semantics to play dQwn on a veryserio\ls issue.Wh~tdoesjtI)1e'lll to set a bisllOp;s iuIDtla1 salary from $57,344.00 in 2006, l 57,344.00 in 2007, 59,179.00 in 2Q08, 61,500,00 jn2009, 61,500 in 20)0, 65,500.00 in 20 11 'and 66,810,00 in 20)2 to $12,PPO in~OP? ' . l l l

Plot No. 1259. Block 213, Mukalazi Zone, Bukoto Next to Trinity Academy P.O.Box 12554, Kampala - Uganda Tel: +256 414 533978 l Fax: +256 414 533982 Mobile: +256 772 507173 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.eaac-umc.org I [ Bellow please find the background about the reduction of my salary: r One, the official communication from the General Secretary and Treasurer of GCFA dated November 30, 2012 clearly set the annual salary ofEAAC Bishop at $12,000; effective January r 1,2013; "until GCFA receives official notification from GBGM that Bishop Wandabula and his staff have complied with GBGM audit requirements regarding the general Church financial assets provided to the East Africa Annual Conference covered by audits beginning in April 2011 r and subsequent audits" (Please see attachment named Wandabula letter 2012 11 30 Rev.docx). r Two, Rev. Rich Peck from the United Methodist News Service (UMNS) communication published an article entitled Agency lowers East Africa Bishop's salary on December 1, 2012. (Please see attachment entitled Agency lowers East Africa Bishop's salary - umc.org). I have r also attached the same document in word entitled (Agency lowers East Africa Bishop salary.doc). The UMNS has all along been the mouth piece for GBGM and GCFA. GCFA has r never come out to deny that article. This evidence clearly shows that there was a prior arrangement by GBGM to reduce the salary of [ EAAC Episcopal Bishop following the agency's audit reports and until the audit "requirements are met". [ Without a doubt, GCFA decided to lower the Bishop's salary as a punitive action (reduction in [ salary is a cut) on allegations that certain funds from donors have not been accounted for. Is it GCFA's policy to reduce a bishop'S salary without any input from the Central Conference [ Episcopal Committee being in conversation with the bishop affected?

The Book of Discipline (BOD) empowers GCF A to set the salary of bishops, but it is not l mentioned anywhere in the Book of Discipline that GCF A is empowered to reduce the salary of a Bishop on the basis of mere allegations. [ Yours in Christ, ~v...... ul w <,J=l~~to.. l Daniel Wandabula Resident Bishop East Africa Episcopal Area l The United Methodist Church L l L l f A--IJ 3

Agency lowers East Afi-ica bishop's salary

A UMNS Report I By Rich Peck' I 9:00 A.M. ET Dec. 1,20121 NASHVILLE, Tenn. r I r r [ [ United Methodist Bishop Daniel Wandabula of the East Africa Conference. A UMNS fi le photo by Annette Spence. l View in Photo Gallery The General Council on Finance and Administration, meeting Nov. 27-30 in Tampa, Fla., set [ the salary of East Africa Bishop Dan iel Wandabula at $1,000 per month. Other bishops outside the United States will receive about $5,500 per month for 2013. The unprecedented action follows three audits conducted by the Un ited Methodist Board of Global Ministries. [ John Goolsbey, deputy general secretary for the finance agency, told United Methodist News Service he believes this is the first time in the nearly 45 -year history of the United Methodist Church that a bishop's salary has been set at a lower rate. Goolsbey said Wandabula's salary r will be reset when he and the East Africa Annual Conference are in fu ll compliance with issues raised by the audits.

[ The finance agency has broad fiduciary powers to ensure all funds are handled appropriately, and it has the power to modify amounts within the Episcopal Fund, which provides financial [ support for bishops within and beyond the United States. The final audit by the mission agency, conducted June 18 to June 30, 2012, stated, "The financial procedures, record keeping, and internal controls as practiced by the East Africa l Annual Conference Office were found to be lacking in virtually every area." [ l L [ Wandabula, in the United States at the end of last week for a meeting of the United Methodist Commission on Religion and Race, has not responded to requests for comment on the finance agency's actions.

Suspension of funds r After that audit, the Board of Global Ministries said it was suspending all funds for the conference until the conference " is prepared to accept responsibility to be accountable and all internal controls have been put in place." The General Council on Finance and r Adm ini stration followed with a request that all conferences and local churches suspend funding of any projects through the East Africa Annual Conference. l [n a separate situation, the Western Pennsylvania Annual (regional) Conference earlier had asked the United Methodist Judicial Counci l to review whether funds given to the East Africa Conference were used in accordance with the intent of the donors as required by the 2008 r Book of Discipline (Paragraph 258.4).The Western Pennsylvania Conference also asked the council to review the manner in which complaints against the bishop had been handled by the Africa Central Conference College of Bishops. During a Judicial Council hearing in October, [ Wandabula defended his actions and provided Judicial Council members with a thick binder of documents related to a church-building project that in volved the Pittsburgh East District in [ Western Pennsylvania. The use of$11 0,736 is in dispute. "These (accusations) paint me in an extremely negative li ght," Wandabula told Judicial Council members during the hearing. "There is no evidence [ that funds were misused. The fact of the matter is that the church was constructed, although is not completed .... Whatever was done to build the church was done in good faith."

[ The Judicial Council deferred a decision on the Western Pennsylvania request until its spring session in April. l Other issues Among the irregu larities and insufficient documentation reported in several accounts in the [ mission agency audit were these items: • The mission board released $699,409 in Advance funds for the Humble School, but there were no corresponding bank entries at the school, and teachers said they had not [ been paid in the four months prior to the June audit. Auditors also said that minutes from the School Management Board make it appear that the bishop made most of the decisions about running the school. [ • Humble School Secondary students are sent to a senior secondary school. The ledger shows $84,464 was sent to the secondary schools, but there were no receipts for these payments. L • A total of$253,665 was sent for the Hope for Africa Ch ildren's Choir in Uganda, but a majority of expenses could not be verified. • A total of $24,796 was given for an HIY/AIDs awareness program, but "there were no L details of workshops held, attendance, or what expenses were incurred." • About $94,000 was donated for the construction of Trinity United Methodist Church in Wanyange, Uganda, but no title deed is available, and there is no accounting for [ $73,2 14 of that total. L L o The United Methodist Women Center in Jinja, Uganda, received $6,000. There was documentation for payment of stipends to teachers, but no financial record was found on site . o A total of $ 13, 165 was given to a center to provide vocational training and spiritual formation for rura l famers, but there was no financial record. o A grant of $9, I 00 was given to provide training in accounting for the conference treasurer, but there was no evidence of any train ing experience. o A total of $15,3 12 was given for li vestock at a farm, but the farm contained no livestock. o A grant of $6,200 was provided to buy motorcycles for 40 distri ct superintendents, but onl y $200 could be documented. o A total of $5,309 was released to Bishop Wandabula for the Rwanda Advance, [ although the voucher says the money was paid to Joe Muhakarize.

Much of the money given to East Africa Annual Conference came through the Advance, a l fund for voluntary givi ng in which annual confe rences, districts, local churches, and individuals and families may select a particular project. Each project has been vetted by the [ mi ss ion agency and the Advance committee and is audited at least annuall y. "There have been occasions when audi ts raised some questions, but these questions are usually resolved," said Bishop Peter Weaver, chair of the Board of Global Ministries [ Independent Audit Committee. " In this case, the mission and finance agencies of the denomination have found across-the-board inadeq uate accounting procedures. These actions to suspend funds and lower the rate of a bi shop's salary are a last resort to ensure that funds [ are de li vered in accordance with the donor's wishes. We are continuing to work with Bishop Wandabula in the hope that these matters may be resolved and the mission of Christ can be [ fruitful in the East Africa Annual Conference." When asked to comment on the action, Council of Bishops President Rosemarie Wenner said : "GCFA has the task to set standards and supervise audits so that United Methodists continue to trust that money which they donate for the mission work is spent appropriately. I l appreciate the efforts ofGCFA and GBGM (Board of Global Ministries) to do an appropriate audit in East Africa and in all parts of the church. "

L "The leadership of the COB encourages Bishop Wandabula to fulfill the requirements of the auditors," Bishop Wenner said, "so that the conferences, agencies and individuals in our connection will continue to partner with the East Africa Annual Conference for the sake of [ those ch il dren and adults in the area who need support to receive educati on, health care and spiritual and physical nourishment." l 'Peck is a retired clergy member of New York Ann ual Conference, living in Nashvi ll e, Tenn.

News media contact: Tim Tanton, Nashv ille, Tenn., (615) 742-5470 or [ [email protected]. L L [ l [ The 24!b session of the East Africa and Burundi Annual Conferences meeting from August 26'h through to 2<)lh, 20 14 at Humble United MethodistSchool.Mukono, Uganda

Both EastAfricaand Burundi Annual Conferences held their combined 24thAnnual Conference session at Humble United Methodist School inMukono, Uganda from August, 26th through to 29"' 20 14, witi.' the Theme: "FRUIT OFTHE HOLY SPIRIT," Bishop DanielWandabula presiding over in his eighth .....:----....., as bishop of the East Africa Episcopal Area, which uniquely covers six sovereign countries ofCBu Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, and Uganda).

The Bishop welcomed clergy and Lay delegate members to Humble United Methodist School in Mukono t Uganda. The 2014 Annual Conference session was opened on Tuesday, August 26 ", with hundreds of people from throughout the East Africa gathering for worship, and Holy Conferencing. The day's sermon was delivered by David Muwaya a Student at Candler School offheology, Emory University, on the Theme:"THE FRIDT OF THE SPIRIT" taken from Galatians 5:22, the preacher invited fru itful r ministry in all the branches ofthe ofthe body ofC hrist. [ EPISCOPAL STATE OF ADDRESS: Bishop Daniel Wandabula started with a memorial to remember our departed members ofthe clergy and the laity since the last Annual Conference Session, notably the sudden death of Mr. Vincent Ochaya, the [ Architectural Consultant of our two Annual Conferences, and the late Dean ofSuperintendents Rev. Wilson AmwagoRungu, both of whom died closely just before the start ofthe Annual Conference, We observed [ a minute's silence in their honor among other equally departed sou ls in our midst. The Bishop told the delegates of the reason of combining two Annual Conferences together due to in [ security still looming in the country ofBurundi which could not allow proper and smooth conferencing in any town there.

The Bishop reminded us on the lastquadranium call and training of Servant Leadership in all our levels of [ administration, and encouraged all of us to remain steadfast in the challenging call of ministry, He said that for us to really emulate our Lord Jesus Christ and to mature in God's work we have to bear lasting fruits of [ the Holy Spirit. Among the challenges, the Bishop further reminded the conference ofthe embargo of church funds still in force pending action from the Africa Central Conference, which is supposed to work with the two sides of ourselves, as well as the GBGM/GCFA to find a just resolution of their complaints, [ however he wondered why the embargo was only for five ofthe six countries forming East Africa Episcopal Area leaving out one South Sudan which continues receiving funds direct from Holston Conference, as l these are double standards! The Bishop called on all levels of the conference leadership and local churches to Self Sustainable and maximize on all available local resource opportunities and to be frugal with all the resources available with L good ethical standards on stewardship. Tllis he said will create a good envirorunent of paying the required church apportiorunents at all levels as herein mentioned below:-

L • 60% revenue collected to be maintained at the local church level forfunding all the required planned l expenditure, including the pastor's support and hislher pension percentage. [ l l r • 25% reven ue co llected to be sentto the District to take care oft he District Superintendent's [ support, and any other plan ned district logistics and projects. r­ • 8% revenue co ll ected to be sent to the country level (National) fo r the care of national projects, and other vital international meets, like Africa Central Conference expenses.

[ • 7% revenue collected to be sentto the Annual Conference Level fo r the payments of Conference Staff, Meetings, other office expenses, related to Africa Central Conference and the General [ Confe rence. [ However, theBishop assured members that all the above will only function when all people both the clergy [ and the laity honor tithi ng, and offerings as required by the Scripture. He advised all people to venture into any existing availablejob market like, farm ing, animal husbandry, poultry keeping, bee keeping, fis hing, since our soils, lakes, and rivers favor such job sk ills. However, the Bishopregretted some negati ve [ ethnicity which create laz iness and fan conflicts among churches to negate efforts of churchgrowt h! He cited some individuals with personal vendetta who come from abroad in disguise of Volunteer in Mission r when they don't have authority from their AnnualConferences or even churches!Those are privy to these [ confl icts. The Bishop advised that any countries or districts wishing to enter into either local or external partnerships, [ must fi rst of all complete proper documentations of Memorandum of Understanding , and adhere to the exisisting local country constitution ofth e chu rch, with propercontexalization of the region. He ca lled on [ all levels of the church to maxi mize Boards ofT rustee in their area of operation, advis ing all co untries fo rm ing the Episcopal Area to make fu nctional Church constitutions that are compatible to the Book of [ Discipline. GUEST SPEAKERS l The conference was honored and blessed by outstanding leadership of several guest speakers both lay and clergy; among them was, GeorgePiwang-lalobo (Mr.) a Senior Consultant fo r The Prince Group Kampala Uganda who deli vered a serm on on " APolitical Theology of Peace, Justice Healing and Reconc il iation in Uganda and the Great Lakes Region" , where he concluded that: We can therefore say l with Mary Craig: l Archbishop-martyr Janani Luwum has the right to stand before the judgement seat ofGod and say: L l r "According to Your Word and Your Example I have forgiven Idi Amin and all who participated in my r martyrdom who are dead and those still alive. Will you forgive them also? "According to Your Word and Your Example I have forgiven the Bishops of the Church of Uganda, who fo rgot about my suffering people in the Luwero Triangle, West Nile, Ankole, Northern Uganda and Teso. Will you forgive them also?" r "According to Your Word and Your Example [have forgiven the LRA. Will yo u forgive them also?

[ "According to Your word and Example [ have forgiven the Governments of Uganda. Will you forgive them also?

"Acccrdingto Your Word and Your Example I have forgiven the Bishops of Rwanda, Burundi and Boga Zaire (The Great Lakes Region ofAfrica) who have forgotten my suffering people in the Church of Rwanda, [ Burundi and BogaZaire. Will You forgive them also?"

A forgiven, healed Africa Church empowered with an uncultured theology can transform the forces of [ negative ethnicity to positive ethnicity, which will have a strcngAfrica Christian Church Body tl,at is incu Itured Africa Christo logy, tl,e face, and hands ofJ esus Christ in Africa named, enthroned and encouraged, tllrough [ the medium of vernacular praise, worship and prayer as the Lord. He said that in worship, work and being all are the different clans (Africa Church Bodies) come together [ in tl,eir different languages, vernaculars, and dialects from different ethnicities and cultures. TI,ey are united in praise and worship by enthroning One Christ, the Head of the Church, which is His Body: He is the 2"' Adam, the proto-AncestOl: From worship, this church in her African Christian expression goes forth into [ the world in MISSION through Proclamation, Healing, and Teaching and WORK or VOCATION . He based this sermon on John 5:1-9. "RISE UP, 0 AFRICA, AND WALK! [ One Clergy Rev. WilsonAmwangoRungu, and several lay members who died since the last annual conference [ who included Mr. Vincent Ochaya the Conference ArchtechuteConsultant, were remembered during a Service of Commemoration and Holy Communion. The Rev. Muhalirwa Elias taken from Revelation 14: 13; and Psalms 116: 15. An overflow crowd remembered those that have given many years of service [ to the conference. [ ORDINATION:

Rev Dr. Patience Kisakye an elder from Upper New York Annual Conference preached a moving sennon that challenges us to keep growing in Christian discipleship, character ministerial ccmpetency. The reverand reminded as that discipleship is rooted in our re lationship with God and neighbor. She charged all of us l who have been touched by the love of God in Christ to present, re-present Christ to others while inviting others to follow Jesus. Thirteen (13) candidates were ordained Elders, twelve(12), were Commissioned [ [ I . r Provisional Members ofthe Annual Conference, and sixteen( 16) Local pastors were ordained at this 24"' Session.

A Proposal was made by the Board of Ordained Ministry that, as from 2015, all designate applicants should pay $50 in accordance with the General Board ofHigher Education recommendation to carter for the expenses of conducting their applications was deferred.


1. TIle denial offunds to the EastAfiica Episcopal Area and the reduction ofBishop Daniel Wandabula's [ Salary to 10% by the GBGM and GCFA when the issue is sti II pending resolution by the Africa Central Conference and the GBGB/GCFA was a high handed pre-mature decision, discriminatory and unjustified. The action is demoralizing and impacts by stalling the Episcopal area operations. We the delegates DO HEREBY task the committees on Episcopacy (East Africa and Burundi) to petition the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church for a declaration on the inordinate [ decision and any subsequent related decisions of the GBGMlGCFA that affect our two Annual Conferences.

[ 2. The Conference approved to follow up on the 20 12/2013 UNITED METHODIST BmLE COLLEGE students for 20 15/20 16 academic year resumption and their respective completion. [ Also to continue follow up on the Central Conference Theological Education Fund grant, and to Network locally and internationally for financial partnerships with United Methodist Bible College.

[ 3. TheConference resolved to collect annually, $1 from each church member as able, from across the entire Episcopal area towards the Global United Methodist Church Budget starting from 20 15, through updated statistics ofall United Methodists in the two Annual Conferences in addition to [ the apportionments.

4. It was resolved to subm it to the next General Conference 20 16: To Trans late Both the "United Methodist Book of Worship, and the Book of Discipline" into East Africa Kiswahili Language.

[ 5. A petition to Africa Central Conference on the proposal to createKENYAlETHIOPIAANNUAL CONFERENCE BY THE YEAR 2016. l 6. Aletter signed by the Resident Bishop and the Conference Secretal)' on the petition ofcreation of Rwanda Provisional Conference by the year 2016is sent to the Chairperson of the standing [ committee on Central Conference matters.

7. Four Official and four Reserve Delegates to the General Conference 2016 from East Africa were L elected. (Twociergy and two lay on each category.)

8. Eight Official and Eight Reserve Delegates to the General Conference 2016 from Burundi Annual L Conference were also elected. (Fourclergy and four laity on each category.) L l [ r 9. It was resolved that All Leaders of all categories to have their individual and co-operate Strategic r Plans w.e.f. 20 15/2016., just in line with Proverbs 16:3. MEMBERSIllP:

The budget was established at $ 179,800 for mission and ministry in 2015/2016.

Membership stands at 228, 140 in Burundi Annual Conference and 172,725 in the EastAfricaAnnual [ Conference down less 2% from the previous year. Number of people who retired: 0

[ Next Venue, August, 20 15 will be Kigali Rwanda at a specific date to be named latter by the planning committee. [

Memorable points and quotes by speakers: [ • What would Jesus do if he were asked to judge the case of East Africa at the judicial council? [ • We need to mean what we say, and say what we mean. • The African in cultured Christology will be the cornerstone ofAfrican in cultured Ecclesiology. [ • God'sjustice is always saving, always brings justice, and always estab li shes righteousness. • In God's righteousness He does not merely confirm what isjustand what is unjust, but proffers [ justice to those without it and shows the doers of violence the injustice oftheir ways. • The exercise of mercy toward the weak is the bias of all orders ofjustice that serve the cause of [ peace. • Peace is the fruit of justice.

[ We therefore, stand in solidarity as Africans with our Episcopal Leader as Burundi and EastAfricaAnnual Conferences of this 24,h Session against any false accusation, high tech-lynching and martyrdom ofour [ Bishop Daniel Wandabula and his family, as we advocate for restorative justice, healing, peace and reconciliation. [ We affirm, and ask the General Church to be cognizant of East Africa in its cultural, ethnic and social political diversities in dealing with its challenges in terms propagating its mission and ministry.

In our affirmation we append our signatures as here below ofthis 24'" Session of our Burundi and East L Africa Annual Conferences of the United Methodist Church as delegates both clergy and laity, representing the vast voiceless United Methodist Members especially children and women who are mostly affected in L the vast six countries comprising this Episcopal Area namely; Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and South Sudan. L l l l r Name of Delegates District Country Signature [ 2. r 3 4 [ 5 16 r 7 8 r 9 r 10 [ [ 15 [ 16 17 18 L 19 L 20 [ 23 24 L L L l [ [ r [ [ l l r [ [

L [ L [ [ L 5 I L 52 l l l l r l 53 PO' C.?;fJ~'f ~J'r ,j,A I1J A-11"As -1M k.£/O"y4, c-. 'u-/· 54 r !({£v P~A. fYl (j1 r.J L !" II 1.\.l II, N A-i'Po6 ; k f'k74A. , 57 '&.J M;-'iiflf' t/ ,. .;/ ),nAJ'Z,A Hift f{fi B1 /;;:Jf., 'Iff &5, 58 I (j; M J., r JtfJ!-h.(' m .& A-1JJil,,; " ---.- ,~ 64 ® ~ ~ i'c ~ I C ~ '\ ~ ,..t. H l \l P, I:..v e.. v l"eC\ ,\(O<, [ 65 \1'\ " - ~,o.." ",\( \""\0 "" • f,j A "-,, ('L."; IlL PC\" 0. ' ~ , 66 '{31="II -( Ff--sJt>q- '-/C'{ i "';l . ~ 'Ji""rJ 67 [ /tL~ 5 c.A c" ~ VL~ I,). 5X. ,,~. I ~, 1 68 vGo..$-j tl,'-\ '1Jd..(~ ~et- s4- 'ofr1-i \ ti. ~At-\A £ ! ~ t ,, ' 'R.NA~ --~ ~ 69 ( [ h-4 l\.ff MAVll4btl'lO ,\ Ll I ;~lln £ b.,,~%:r\~~J:j ~ .~,4.1\sM. Q 70 "-~w;:- £ ~" ~~ P-'l=f 0?!-ctlc. 1IAJ....+k.l lQ(u:,., r~ Y"l. r ~ k c·... l'1li , 71 t-owev-" ~, \, [ tr~B"\ l C. L1 I'v\.tJlleu K\ -;:r,'<;->"'-'c '¥'- «-"''-'i R .. ~ , 72 Il lll 1' -.... ! AI" ,,, /\1"" <;io ) '-.:. I;. ,_ . I. '~ ~ 73 ,... ~ ~ , - -a ., nl" , r Y. .' ~ I ' , 1< - ~ ~ r , ~. / [ 74 tei' I{Jo ,1-LIeDa- k"l'ItvI.-.H / -"vi I./; '" ('/ CL."" a [;0 ..a£ .. 75 k;OIYlIH d. "'J4N'1IJ7rJf.} mSNlk' I( en. '-1-7 0-l£ £ 176 l 1 ~ At Jnv ( L J -e-b cr>-J'Z;..o CS7~ , f6 UIr4(/<) I<:'~~A d:2::22 (3G10 6 D /I..i G)(Gf-ie; f\J ~'-'\ ~Ct !(GNL/ i+ ~ , 78 ~ / , , - ,:)0 ~ \{,J. , ~." ~{ -~ ~,k" I<: ,-"- ,,-,,,,, 'l- ~ .~ l 79 L,: fi Ji ,g 'STE p I-tk I\!' l\ (~..LJ A ' C. , Lb"V~_, 0 _ ,- I-(~/, 80 f\r" A ~- 1 :J A , ,) 1 ~ leA * <:''1 , In 'V-.~~ " \'v'\ (Y( l ,0" ,1 l , 81 \ . I ' , ,- ..5'. J 1"; \ 0-Gtj ,..~ l r"l !i cw.~ f' NA i M P, I LEA f fl- 'IV- 82 J {U-,<, p k£i.J. j1, ~ f\ , bu..c; N'A 1 f?J.!J 0 ! '1,4 l 83 i Jlo ,oj c.C? CDw"",S' fIfor..o I MA-l (,0 A I j{,£N 'i II ' ~V> 84 ELl l.-\ l> J,( V\ Il QI\-NJ'A f'I Pr1 R () (2, 1 thla'l 'I Ft O/-h [ 85 j{j.(;)'{y' A ,I ! PM tZ. 10(, H:::LJ X. 1,I,jP.,yDf?:P.A · IiA /IG Cf!, J ~ 86 ~I(IIM If J{/MfB{j [. !Jb/w/J) i//.£a l !j~Y-ll-- , , l l l r r r r r I [ [ [ [ l [ [ L l L L L L [ [ [ r r r [ [ [ [ [ l l l [ L L l l r I r [ [' r' lb [ [ [ l [ l l l L l L l l c, r

r,r FINANCE & ADMI NIS TRATIO N j. I ; r,~r .\j ';.il:rWil ~'1 'In:,...,, :\".~ ", :'i\I'I'II.• . _,r. Dan:1 Joki Episcopal Sen'ices Mnn:lgcr Email: djoki@gcf'a.org 1 ~:lusic Circle North r PO Box 340029 Phone; 615.369.2330 N

[ DC~J Bishop \VandaoLlla.

Youlwvc already received the email including the information about the actions that were taken related to the Episcopal Fund by the General Council on Finance and r Admini;tration Board of Direelors at Uleir meeling in November 2014. lfyou did nol rl!ccive this email, p1ease Ie.t liS know.

[ Please sec the amount that has been approved for the .Episcopal Support for the year 2015 for the East Africa E piscopal Area. if yo u have questions, please contact my [ orticc. Sa lary $4.288.00 HOllsing $0.00 [ Ofticc $0.00 [ "Minus ApPOIiionment Tolal Episcopal Support $4,288.00 [ [ Sincerely. [ : D:ma Joki Episcopal S~rviccs :N[anager [ [ L f L [ [ r Fi4-GCfA Peggy 1. S('wclJ A:;:-;istllnl GCllcraJ Secretary. 1 Music Cirde North Epi:;cop:t! S("rviccs Emui!: p$ewcJI@!):ct~1.org PO Box 340029 Phone: (615) 369 - 2327 The Umwd Mcthodj:;t Church Nashville, TN 37~03·002l) [ Fax: (615) 369-2328 [ December 3: 2013 Dear Bishop Wandabula.

You have already received the email includi ng the information abo ut the actions that were taken relClled to th~ Episcopal Fun d by the Genera l Council on Finance and Admin istration Board of Directors at their mt:eting in November 20 13 . If you did not receive this email, pleast: r let us know. The GCFA Board of Directors affirmed the miuimum 10% of the total onlle salarY. housing. and onice eXnenses as an apportioned amount fo r the ycar 2014 fo r the support fro m each [ Episcopal area for thei r bishop througb the Ep iscopal Fund. However, yo u will notice th at !'our (!PP011 ionrnc nt increased a very li tt le amo unt.

Pleast sec the amo un t' th ai bas been appi'ovcd for the E pis{~OlU!LSupport for the year 20 14 r for th e East AfricH Episcopal Are a. It you havt: questions, please connlct my office.

[ Salary S 12.000 HOllsing $ 16.000 Oliiee $8 1.700

Minus Apporlionment $ 10.970

Total Episcopal Suppor! $9K730

[ Sincerely, l ..-. ' .~ ." .-.. Peggy I Sewell L Assistant General Secretary, Episcopal Serv;ccs l l l ,. L l l r GefA r Peggy l. Sewell Assistant General Secretary, Episcopal Services I Music Circle Norlh Email: [email protected] f PO Box 340029 Phone: (6 l5) 369 - 2327 r The United Methodi st Church Nashville, TN 37203 -0029 Fax: (6l5) 369 - 2328 [ January 9, 2012 Dear Bishop Wandabula, r You have already received the email including the information about the actions that were taken related to the Episcopal Fund by the Episcopal Services Committee and the GCFA ~ _ Executive Committee at their December meetings. If you did not receive this email, please let ~ [ us know.

GCFA Episcopal Service Committee and the GCFA Executive Committee affim1ed the [ minimum 10% of the total of the salary, housing, and office expenses as an apportioned amount for the year 2012 for the support from each Episcopal area for their bishop through the Episcopal Fund. However, you will notice that yo ur apportionment increased a very small r amount. Please see the amount that has been approved for the Episcopal Support for the year 2012 [ for the Mozambique Episcopal Area. If you have questions, please contact my office.

Salary $66,810 [ Housing $16,000 Office $81.700

[ Minus Appol1ionment $16,451 L Total Episcopal Support $148,059


Peggy I Sewell Assistant General Secretary, Episcopal Services l l L r A. Moses Rathan Kumar I GCfA General Secretary and Treasurer I Music Circle North Email: [email protected] PO Box 340029 Phone: (615) 329 - 3393 Nashville, TN 37203-0029 Fax: (615) 329 - 3394 r November 30, 2012 r Bishop Daniel Wandabula The United Methodist Church P.O. Box 12554 I Kampala, Uganda I Dear Bishop Wandabula, The General Council on Finance and Administration Fall Board Meeting has been fu\,l1Uk''l<:.'UI4> session from November 27-30, 2012, in Tampa, Florida. The GCFA Board of Directors r set your 2013 annual salary at $12,000 with the following action. [ "Therefore, the General Agency and Episcopal Matters Committee recommends that GCFA set the annual salary of Bishop Daniel Wandabula at $12,000, effective January I, 2013, until GCFA receives official notification from GBGM that Bishop Wandabula and [ his staff have fully complied with the GBGM audit requirements regarding the general Church financial assets provided to the East Africa Annual Conference covered by audits [ beginning in April 2011 and subsequent audits." The $12,000 annual salary will provide a monthly deposit of: L $1,000.00 Episcopal Support $ (163.37) 2013 Income Tax Withholding $ (308.28) MedicallDentallVision Insurance l $ ( 37.50) UMPIP Pension Deposit $ 490.85 TOTAL DEPOSIT [ Yours in Christ, L A. Moses Rathan Kumar GCF A General Secretary and Treasurer

C: Bishop Rosemarie Wenner [ Bishop Michael Coyner Charles Moore John Goolsbey L Peggy Sewell L l r r GefA Peggy 1. Sewell Assistant General Secretary, Episcopal Services 1 Music Circle North Email: [email protected] f PO Box 340029 Phone: (6 15) 369 - 2327 r The United Methodist Church Nashville, TN 372 03 -0029 Fax: (615) 369 - 2328 [ December 20, 2010 Dear Bishop Wandabula, r You have already received the email including the information about the actions that were taken related to the Episcopal Fund by the Episcopal Services COillnittee and the GCFA board members during their Annual Fall Meetings. If you did not receive this email, please let us [ know.

GCFA Episcopal Service Committee and the Council Plenary affirmed the minimum 10% of [ the total of the salary, housing, and office expenses as an apportioned amount for the year 2011 for the supp0l1 from each Episcopal area for their bishop through the Episcopal Fund.

Please see the amount that has been approved for the Episcopal Support for the year 2011 for the East Africa Episcopal Area. If you have questions, please contact my office.

Salary $65,500 Housing $16,000 Office $81,700

Minus Apportionment $16,320

[ Total Episcopal Support $146,880 [


L Peggy I Sewell Assistant General Secretary, Episcopal Services

L L L l r 4 GeM Peggy I. Sewell r ~ . Assistant General Secretary. Episcopal Services 1 Music Circle North Email: [email protected] PO Box 340029 Phone: (6 15) 369- 2327 l The United Method ist Church Nashville, TN 37203-0029 Fax: (6 15) 369 - 2328 r r December 22, 2008 Dear Bishop Wandabula,

[ You have already received the email including the information about the actions that were taken related to the Episcopal Fund by the Episcopal Serv ices Committee and the GCF A board members during their Annual Fall Meetings. If you did not receive this email, please let us r know. Please see the amount that has been approved for the Episcopal Support for the year 2009 [ for the East Africa Episcopal Area. If you have questions, please contact my office.

Salary $61,500 [ Housing $15,750 Office $80,000

[ Minus Apportionment $15,725 [ Total Episcopal Support $141,525 \

Sincerely, [

Peggy I Sewell l Ass istant General Secretary, Episcopal Services

L L L L l r r GeM Peggy r. Sewell GENERAL COUNCIL Assistant General Secretary, ~ ON FINANCE AND Episcopal Services ADMINISTRATION 1 Music Circle North Email: [email protected] r PO Box 340029 Phone: (615)369 - 2327 Nashville, TN 37203-0029 Fax: (615) 369 - 2328 r The United Methodist Church December 13,2007 r Bishop Wandabula P.O. Box 12554 [ Kampala, Uganda

[ Dear Bishop Wandabula,

You have already received the email including the information about the actions that were [) taken related to the Episcopal Fund by the Episcopal Services Committee and the GCF A board members during their Annual Fall Meetings. If you did not receive this email, please let us [ know. Please see the amount that has been approved for the Episcopal Support for the year 2008 [ for the East Mrica Episcopal Area. If you have questions, please contact my office. ~~D"1l.t;

[ Salary $59,179.00 . Housing $15,000.00 . [ Office $78,148.00 . Minus Apportionment $16,764.00

Total Episcopal Support $135,563.00

Sincerely, L

[ Peggy I Sewell Assistant General Secretary, Episcopal Services L

L I cs r

Peggy I. Sewell r GENERAL COUNCIL Assistant General Secretary, ON FINANCE AND Episcopal Services ADMIN ISTRAT ION I Music Circle North Email: [email protected] PO Box 340029 Phone: (615) 369- 2327 The United Methodist Church Nashville, 1N 37203-0029 Fax: (615) 369 - 2328 [ December 28, 2006

Bishop Wandabula r P.O. Box 12554 Kampala, Uganda

[ ) Dear Bishop Wandabula,

You have already received the email including the actions that were taken related to the [ Episcopal Fund by the Episcopal Services Committee and the GCF A board members in their November, 2006 Annual Meeting. If you did not receive this email, please contact us. [ Please see the amount that has been approved for the Episcopal Support for the year 2007 for the East Africa Episcopal Area. If you have questions, please contact my office. [ Salary $57,344 Monthly Salary Deductions: Housing $15,000 Pension: $ 180.86 Office $77,374 Medical: $ 282.32

[ Minus Total Monthly Deductions: $ 463.18 Apportionment $16.764 Total Episcopal L Support $132,954 ) r Sincerely, [ l Peggy I Sewell Assistant General Secretary for Episcopal Services l GCFA - The United Methodist Church l [ l [ .-~------~------~- . -- r

From: Deborah Mahaney [[email protected] on bshaff of Thamss Kemper [T'((emper@gbgm­ r umc,org] Sent: Mondav, September 12, 2011 10:01 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Letier of Complain rei East Africa Annual Conference r Dear Journey Jonah: ! am in receipt of your recent emaUs and letter of complaint concerning Bishop We>ndabula as wen as a member ofthe GBGM Staff! Dr. Caroline Njuki . I appreciate your concems cmd would be willing to investigate more thoroughly, That investigation is only possible, however, if you specifically state your specific complaints in r writing.. sign and date the letter and include your complete address. As a point of Information, a conference audit is currently being conducted. r Please feel free to send the letter to my attention at the address below at which t jme we will begin an Investigation of the concrete facts.

Grace and peacel

i"h!Jmas G. Kemp!? Genem ,i Se crC?t~r )1 [ f The Gr.-"'ro B(:anJ uf SkIba: Mi n lstric~ ~ 7S !":.h·er5ide Orive, OGS Rm 1411 r-k"",'.' York. {\!Y 102.15 [ T~1. 211 ..3.]r. ,360G Fax.212.£70.374f: E-mail: ! ! :~m i) l : r@gbl:~ Jr:-I !..r: ;-g W~b~ i te : wI,','w .:;bf,tn :.:mc.org

[ [ I [ - I [ 1 1 " I I i I I [ 'I 11122/2011

d,JI [ l l I .122111 Print

Subje ct: New messages from Joseph and Dewey r From: Facebook ([email protected]) r To: [email protected]; Date: Saturday. November 19. 2011 12:57 PM r

4:43am Nov 15 Good rrorning, gentlerren • r . I am sorry to inform you that the rreeting that we were hoping to have this week in Ohio will not be taking place. Jeff Greenway was to host the rreeting, but for sorre reason we have not heard from him any details about it. This bothers rre, but hopefuly we will be able to get things together soon. r In the rreantime, I am not sure what to do. I wiD be writing a letter to my Bishop, Mike Coyner, later this week. And, of course, I continue to pray for you and the entire situation of the UMC in Uganda. Please let rre know if there are other things that I can be doing. At the present tirre I am in a position that doesn't allow for much in the way of financial help. I am sorry for that as r well. What is the latest on your case? Do you go back to court anytirre soon? What was the resu~ of the Council of Bishops rreeting? [ I will be in touch as I can and as I have inforrretion. I am praying for you both.

[ Joseph K"""l'ike So sorry dad that the future for rreeting looks a rlttle bit hard but we hope to continue that you continue to plan for rreeting probably you could talk to Pr. BOB so that you come up with a new l place where the rreeting can take place. We have not yet heard anything that transpired within the Council of Bishops. But Mr. Thomas Keflller called rre and confirrred that our conplaints had been registered. Did you write to you Bis~veiltier 16, 2'(fIT we w~he court for case rrentioning but it L was adjourned to Noverrber 30th 2011.

I fully acknowledge the financial state you are in now but we believe in future you will be able l to help rre. I shared with Paula Justice and hope God wii use her to help rre. Besides that I appeal to you to help us with all your efforts to see that we get a better church leader in Uganda and the East Africa. [ Your son Joseph l

Vielli Cor:versat~o r: or: FacebDDk . Repfv b.1 this email to me~.age everjone c: lr:€nt~i in this cGnver.s.. ~tbn. L l l l r Josepn's SiV.t7~·ion ;~Y:1itull~~ 7ft be en (in.;' thOU6h!~ and p,ayt!!~. Ti17lr~-: :.HlU r~-.r }i.":ur ,-,mgc)mg nlinisrry and r pan.ncr ;;h!p.

Grace and peace. r r Elizabeth C. H. I..;)C r From: Elizabl!t~. ChuH Rye L'!c Stnt: Mondu:•. Sepl:!.mbcr !(). 201 t 5:-+4 PM [ Tt): 'kivTiri@,yalioo.conr Subjcct~ fo!1o,,\·ing up un Jtlst:~lt Kmyike [ Importance: High r

Greering;; in the name of {lLIr Triune God.

My name 1'i Elizabeth ChLUl Hyc Lee and I am the Executive fur the YotU1g AdulJ. Mission Se-I'.'ice program, which jnciurics the Mission Intern Program that Joseph Kanyike bns applied fur. We still hopeful that Joseph will l be able to begin his m:nistry with in Geneva ill the coming month or twe. [ Thank you for 5p~aking with my colleague Christie Julien this after:10011 around Joseph':; arres!.. We here at Global i\,1inistl'ies were very surpri<;ed and troubled by the ermil. We are actively looking for ways to better understand the siruation, tl]e cause of his arres~ and v/hat steps we can take r.o be SUPPoltive in the process. To l that end, would you be able to keep up abreasL of any Llpdales that you may find out. Also, please let us know how ,,'1'1: can be of assistance and help in this very disturbing situation l Our prayers are with Joseph. Tfyon are in touch wiIh him, please let him kilO\\' that we are praying tor him and L want to koow how we can help. L L [ l l '"'1'/ Print r ~S.Jbj(;::.t :::E: Tcll.;lv.nnF, Up on 'l.iose~;' Kanyike Fr';)7" . El:zabet!-: Ghun fiye Lee (ELee((l:&rbgrn-umc.o(g) r CJ;: B\.l acobenl!lgbgm- umc . or~ TKemperl!Fgbgm-umc,org: J~o;i'l:ingU'~gb~~-umc.ol'5; Date . TuoSday,;>ol;t;;;;;;;;-2"Q.2011 6:35 PM r "-- .... [ [

[ B'om: Eim!bcth ChUB Bye L", ..- .. .­ Sent: Monday, Sep!em!>',r 19, ~Gll 11:36 PM i I To.; 'kiv ii [email protected]' [ Cc~ Barbara J j ~tcobs~n: Thcmus i0:nl!)>tt; Jorge Do1l1ulgU-.:5 1 Su~i cct: RB t

... .." ~." , C j "r' " C'~ ",.. ",,-,, ri ' )'- \Jreetmgs agam. VvC WdHrea k) ll~lon11 you tll>ll .iith};·H ;VL!mstnes 51;1!'t b!inJar!:! .:UCDOSCP ~ ... ju'.. ";\'J ai.i .... Il'or , ~ en Koomc (GBG!,,1~s rc:¢oriC.l (!~1dit{:'\n~ aLong wilt. U~1COR ;,md.itor ar~ Ci..U.7t.-l1ti.:: ir:. Ullan~t2.. T!':t::y'\\:iH be '..;:·orkmg on bcbaif GfGn(l~.{ to ht!ty.. ;r Unf.h'::f2t?;..ud Joseph~.; srru~;tio!l nnd l~r'.)\'Kt~ ass}st.;u!ce on me grcrnnd in l~gand<: ,

[ [ l L L [ l I Pnnt Page 1 of2 ANN.f:.X-, V R..'b }) I.f r Subject: A deadly report about yo u Bishop DANIEL please respond immediately and not later than Friday From: journey jonah Uonahney@gmail. com) r To: [email protected]; [email protected];

Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 0:02 PM

[ Please Bishop Respond immediately or else things are going to be dark for you. And what I ask of maximum cooperation for I only need $300,000 payable in three with an advance of$IOO,OOO paid r immediately. r I warn you to refrain from threaten your pastors and DSs whatsoever because these people have the highest degree of submission and suppOli towards you. Because I wondered no only one in far North said something but others where confiding in you and lastly praying for you. I consider these guys naive and poorly informed poorly informed of rights otherwise you wouldn't lead them for more than 10 years. You should respect them and give them any due support towards their call. [

Besides that you must be cautious of those people. The so called chief accountant (who is bragging [ over have made over 20 million shillings unnoticeable by you) , one works with communication and education, the one I met in Drug and substance seminar in US, those who handle your delicate information and all those whom you constantly deal. I was so surprised that a mere bribe offew [ thousands of dollars some wanted to bring for me all the information regarding money transactions ever since you become a bishop. [

Others even begun taking to your businesses and where you are born and how some one is strongly L believe that he has been the one who made you go through Asbury Seminary. [ So take care of these people because with the due support you have given them not one has been able l to appreciate you.

L Please I am only and only cooperation with the highest degree of sensitivity. And please I need my deposit immediately or else. L [ ihave given you only this week and on Friday if i don't find any reply you are bound for bishop L file:IIIC:/Usersl Aggreyl AppDataILocallTemp/Low/4QV3K911.htm 1/24/2015 L l l rnm Page 201"2 r [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], info{@.gbgm-umc.org, scorders(ci)gbgm-umc.org, [email protected], [email protected], gcumm(ci)gcumm.org, r allstaff(ci)gcorr.org, gcsrw(ci)gcrsw.org, connectionaITable(ci)umc.org, umcom(ci)umcom.org, [email protected], judiciaicouncii(ci)umc.org, infoserv0lul11col11.org, cchilders0lul11c­ [ gbcs.org.lbaustita0lumc-gbcs.org. [ [

[ [ [ [

[ [ L l l L file:IIIC:/Usersl Aggreyl AppDataILocailTemplLow/4QV3K911 .htm L 1124/20 15 l Pnnt Page 1 of 1

f".. f'\lN"t X-I V~£. b't r Subject: My Lord the Bishop of EAAC. From: journey jonah [email protected]) r To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [ Date: Saturday, OctoiJer 31,20093:24 PM

[ Dear Bishop. I have finally finished my report that is fully articulated with [ modern graphics and layout. It includes all the information concerning you and your wifes' accounts, properties, different photos of di ffe rent foundations of [ churches and schools,

Different information from your offi ce concerning the forg ing of receipts and alterations in the books of accounts. The exchange of emails between you and Dr caroline Nguki, Bishop Mickie Watson and [ among others. You fa iled to cooperate and I promise to you will never receive this [ magazine. unl ess you respond to my emails and to my request. It is going to be sent to evelY umc organization and Churches in my [ country using httpllumc.org/e-ezekeL I am finally going to Kenya and after I will go back to US and you will never hear from again. Never I promise because I plan to sell my house and relocate to Sera Nevada. [ Bye and may God bless you. My Lord the Bishop of EAAC. [

L [ L file: IIIC:/Users/Agg rey/AppDataILocallTemp/Low/SYEFGYEX.htm 112412015 L l Print Page 1 of 1 1\}/l NEK T \J R..f.. }:) 'f- r Subject: Dear Bishop Please Respond. Th e ultimatum ends on Friday this week.

From: journey jonah [email protected]) r To: [email protected];

Dal~: Monday, Octo ber 26,2009"1"1 :'11 AM

[ Dear Bi shop, I kindly request to respond in not five working days, because the ultimahlm ends on Friday, Dear Bishop Please Respond. The ultimatum ends on Friday this week. [ [ [ [ [ [

[ [ [ L [ L l file:lIIC:1U sersl Aggrey 1Ap pDataILocallTempILow/9V7QE8R8 .htm l 1124/20 15 l r r Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors r THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH r [ Dear Friends in Christ, [ I am privileged as a concerned Christian to offer a massage of disappointment and sorrow [ of people of East Ati"i ca Annual Conference (EAAC) brought by Bishop Daniel Wandabula due to his continued co rruption, tribalism, selfishness and favoritism, [ autocracy, child labor, theft of church property, obtaining money by deception and among others [ Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors is who we are and how we serve: The people of [ United Methodist Church. We are by design a self governing people dedicated to a life of Christian purpose- a life of participation an d personal responsibility, of generosity, [ sacrifice and self restrain, responding to the ca ll of Jesus Christ. We are a covenant community, concerned aboLlt God' s children every where in world and this is achieved L through connectionism. This means that al l United Methodist leaders and congregations are connected by certain loyalties and commitments that call us to live in covenantal [ accountability and empower us to be in mi nistry around the world.

[ "So then you are ... members of the household of God, built upon foundation of the apostles and prophets, wirh Christ Jeslls him self as the cornerstone. In Him the whole [ structure is joined together. " l l L l [ United Methodists churches and organizations join in ministry with each other and other [ denominations with primary and on going calls to make disciples and living out the promise of Open healts, Open mind s and Open doors

The people of United Methodist Church strongly believe in the John Wesley ' s teaching r on doing Good, "Do all Ihe goud you can. by all means you can . in all the ways you can, in all places you can. al ai/limes you can. 10 ali people you can, as long as you r can Everything that is do ne by Methodists reOects a stro ng sense of organizational ability r with functioning layers hence a saying that Wesleys are indeed methodical about their approach to mission and mini stry. The call to embrace such a methodical way of doing r God's amazing work dates back to old days of John Wesley and his brother at Oxford [ University .

Today world over church's work is supervised by '" God's stewards" the bishops. " For a [ bi shop, as God'" StC\\ ar,i. ll1USt h,' blamck,,; ... ihlS pi tab le, a iover of goodness, prudent, upright, devout and sell' controlled .. . rnu, t hlt\ C " firm grasp of the word that is [ trustworthy in accordance with the tcaching, .. able both to preach with sound doctrine l and to refute those who contradicted it. " · TITUS. 1:7·Y. NRSV [ I am extremely disappoi nted together with the people of EAAC because none of the United Methodist principles are fo ll owed by Bishop Daniel Wandabula in his leadership [ and following comes li'ol11 my fact ltnding mi ssion I have carried out in past nine months of my stay in Uganda. l 1. co r ruption and embezzle ment. l He pocketed $360,000 donated by the council of Bishops in 2007 meant for the [ construction of a secondary school in Uganda even up to now nothing has ever been constructed. l l l l l r In February 2009, he received still $360.000 donated by a certain American NGO to r construct a secondmy school in Rwanda even up to now he has never done anything in fact his using the old British sty le of colonization ' divide and rule'. He has divided r church leaders in Rwanda over this matter and tension is rising. Over this church leaders r in Rwanda should be contacted. He has embezzled over $100,000 donated by Holston conference to Southern Sudan for r the construction of a mission house, drilling of boreholes and a health centre. Holston conference is squeezing him to refund every penny but he his reluctant. For further [ clarification Holston conference should be contacted immediately.

[ He embezzled over $ 100,000 donated by South Georgia under its former Bishop Michael [ Watson for the construction of a gi rl's dormitory but nothing has ever been put up.

He diverted money close to $100.000 donated by East Pittsburg district meant for the [ construction of church in Arua Uganda even up to now the church has never been constructed. Nancy Denardo and Jeff Greene where was the mobilizers of resources and [ should be contacted. [

He pocketed $50,000 money meant for the construction of a church in Gulu district, [ Northern Uganda. At one time in 2002, he received $20,000 for the central conference [ meant for the construction of a church in Jinja Uganda but he did not even say a word [ Last year he made close $Imillion from Ati-ica Children' choir but nothing has ever been done from this money. If you visit the choir website their aims are well laid for example how the proceeds will be used to sponsor unfortunate children, build churches and schools all these are deceptiuns and a typical lies. AClLlally nothing has ever been done.

L He makes over $ 100,000 a year meant for Humble School. He uses only 10% of$1600, [ because of this, the school always lacks the supplies, enough and qualified teachers, L l l l. I children wear very old shoes and torn uniforms. They to sleep under poor dormitories and [~ feed poorly; the so called balanced diet doesrd exist at thi s school. r He pocketed money close to $50,000 meant for the construction and operation of a joint Humble school and Lokuji community clinic. This clinic was meant to serve the school I. and the surrounding communi ty. For the building was pm1ly constructed and but the clinic wasn't operationali zed. ['

From the process of buying land to the level where Humble school is.( four blocks). [ Bishop Wandabula has made money from instructing changes in the designs, length and [ the materials to be used. All this has gained him wealth and forged prestige.

When you meet this gentleman hi s sugar quoted speeches and sense of welcome leaves a [ person truly believing that is a genuine God's steward but he does this to attract attention

and money. i3 1,\ /7u/) .\/Ikl :rUI.~{) U 1/(11 [' /Ul/i If Ii "{Clil!: lind he has hec: n hlind folded fiJt·

[ m(fny.v/!ar.\. INS/WI ' ,liI.\ J'" y()lIl" n:..::I I/,\ !u \,.'d. ills/icc' .lor your rig/liS 10 serve rhe pOOl' [ through sharing ha.\ Ufll t/l",\ hl.'(,11 \';o!lIfc.(

And because of this several conic rcnces like North and South Georgia, Pennsylvania, L Indiana, South Carolina are a vi ctims of ongoing money scam of Bishop D, Wandabula [ Kentucky is no longer in the same category having fallen due to his embezzlement of pastors' monthly stipend of $ 100 and his failure to sign the memorandum of association; [ this is was to ensure continued support for the pastors in Uganda but he deliberately refused and this left our former Bishop, King pale l For details you can contact these conferences to clari fy tlwir relationshi p an d monetary donations to EAAC. Bishop King

L enough is enough let thi s for this genll eman 10 Icave the leadership l Bishop Wandabula is an expert in forging receipts ranging from medical to travel receipts [ and anything indicating expenses. In his lifetime he never called a leaders meeting and bought even a single bottle of mineral water. But he is on record for claiming more [ money from the council of bishops than any other Bishop in the United Methodist church l l I r has ever done. The money paid to li·om either GBGM or council of bishops for his office r facilitation becomes personal money after he forges receipts indicating $5000 for rent yet he pays only $500. Strongly take care of this don' t release the money again let that r money be channeled to provide water to !DP camps in North Eastern and Turkana regions of Kenya where people and animals are dying than making one person filthy rich. [ Besides the projects funded by the United Methodists in the US, Bishop Daniel [ Wandabula has wrote many projects meant for Uganda and these projects have always been funded, for example he received grants from GTZ-Germany, DANIDA-Denmark, r JICA-Japan, SC-Sweden and among others but these projects have never been implemented an where in Uganda. [ Projects that have been sponsored UMC agencies are personal created to mint cash for [ him. All projects listed on advance special sti ll personal projects. over these Advance Special projects, he connived with the missionaries of GBGM Mr. and Mrs. Elimiru Selu, [ David Gwinkpa-AFE to ha ve them recommended but none like a hospital and youth projects for Uganda exist on ground and for this they should be scrapped of the list [ immediately. Chris Hecket-Advance special please help the church over this matter.

[ Ever since these missionaries were sent to Uganda, they have made no single impact. [ These people write of $5000-10000 and only give out $100 because no one supervises not even the entire church knows what they do. Bishop May and the GBGM- didn't your missionaries receive the necessary training? Because they only carry money dealings l with the bishop forgetting their calling [ 2. Theft and misuse of chLlrch properties [ • He sold off Humble school vehicles and the one the school uses currently are [ under his names and the wife and hi s paid for this service. • He sold off the Hydra-form brick making machine donated by UMCOR during L the initial construction ofl-Iumble school at $ 40,000 to Sudanese business men L L [ • He frequently uses land tittles of the church properties to obtain loans from banks [ to finance his lucrative businesses of real estates, hardware shops and car dealership. r • During any construction bit a church or at school he instructs his men as a must to take 20 % of the construction materials to his private houses and estates. [ • The conference vehicle bought by South Georgia (luxurious Lexus) to ease his transport is now in his names. he transferred it last year. [ r 3. Tribalism and favoritism. "I saw my mum being cm into pieces, roasted some and they gave us her fresh to eat" [ these are the stories I met in Rwanda when young men and women were telling me about the traumatic and tragic incidences that rocked the whole world that left 800,000 people [ butchered (Rwandan Genocide, 1994). [ In Kenya late last year, eth nic tribes gO! into bloody conflict perpetuated by the concept [ of tribalism. By the end of the two weeks of conniet a thousand people had been cut into chewable pieces. These are the wo rds of a 16 year old boy George Mkutu of Kibera slum [ Nairobi Kenya. In Uganda, the same thing is bound ,md yet to happen in the near future. The tension is rising among the local ethnic tribes and unfortunately its being fostered and perpetuated l by leaders who have not understood the Ii·agility of these nations. Mr. Daniel Wandabula [ is one these leaders, this is because he has made a church and the whole system in Uganda to be run by only and only his ethnic tribe! (Basoga) What villainy is this? [ In Uganda, the Episcopal office is only run by Basoga men and women actually from the [ gate keeper to the dri ver of the l1ishop, the Hope for Afri can Children Choir also is entirely run by Basoga people and the largest number of children in this choir comes from Busoga region where the Bishop is born. For the Humble UMC school, Basoga people runs it entirely ; from the toilet cleaners to the Head teacher and 90 % of the L children who study from this school come from Busoga region. L [ I I f" Bishop Daniel Wandabula has turned down the hupes many yO lmg men and women who r would otherwise be United Method ist Instituti ons here in the US and Africa or those who would need to serve the church in anyway. We do have many opportunities for young r people but has these kept them in his office most that are sent by the church world over. When asked, young people in the fa r East of Uganda said "if you are not from Basoga [ tribe the bishop can' t sign for yo u neither can he even allow you to enter his office" however some Basoga yo uths and women haw partly benefited from small grants of r GBGM and so me have traveled to So uth Arri ca or US fo r various programs.

[ I fo und out that on few occasions. that when you meet a person of a different tribe the get to know slhe is a Munyoro by tribe . You kno w what? This is the tribe of the bishop's [ wife! (Miss. Betty Wandabula). Unfortunately still , all those employed are close relatives and personal friends of the [ bishop and his wife. This should be investigated thoroughly by church's judicial council [ immediately

[ 4. Leaders fo r fo rmality.

This Bishop joined UMe when they were United Methodists. They were fundamental in l UMe planting and growth in Uganda. Fm close to thirty years, they have evangelized, [ preached and planted churches in Uganda and its neighbors. They even endangered their lives to go and preach in the most dangerolLs areas in the world at that time: the Southern [ Sudan. They planted a church there and so fa r the good news is now being heard in the Southern Sudan. [ Its quite unfortunate fo r these poor ordained pastors in Uganda because none of them is a Musoga by tribe. This has caused them significant and constant psychological pain since L he knows well thar these are the church elders who know each and every detail of the [ [ [ I r United Methodist Church in Uganda. he considers them to be a terrible threat to his r bishop ship position.

This gentle used to live in the US on hearing that there was leadership vacuum in EAAC he rushed and he was elected as a DS of Uganda and later a bishop of EAAC, His close l friends whom I interviewed told me that "whenever we are drinking alcohol he always tell us that he was just hired to lead the fools who didn '( poses any leadership skills and r qualities" r These poor guys are extremely submissive, on tryi ng to break their triad so that they would me tell me the every deta il concerning the church under the leadership of Bishop [ Daniel Wandabula, none of them dared to a say a word not even a single word! But I observed the intrigue coupled with rear on asking them questions about their Bishop. [

Except in the far North of Uganda, On pastor said "he chased a way my children from his [ school and pocketed the donation from $50.000 meant to construct our church on trying to question him he threatened to imprison or kill me. so [ have lost all interest I had in our [ church, [ believe God that one day this man wil l be brought down by His power but [ nothing else to do" when') remained a question to this pastor. [ He also told me that Kentucky conference lIsed to send us $100 but he made sure that we don't receive anything and at last Kentucky conference suspended sending the money [ since it wasn't reaching these impoverished servants of God

I noticed anxiety and impulses of anger in this gentleman. Looking at where they sleep l with their fami lies you can't believe the poveliy lives they lead, their children are not L attending school and their health is poor and they are in dire need of financial help .

I reached the Episcopal office early this year and I was surprised to find the office closed on a clear bright Monday on asking the gate man. He to ld me "the bishop left for America

and that's why the ofli ccs are closed and : ~lin about to live too" L l l r I noticed that when the bishop is not around every office closes and no one turns for r work. The office has got over 5 accountant and 3 project writing officials and secretaries. These are shrewd people who can forge and alter receipts, books of accountants, financial statements, and project reports. This makes me wo nder what the auditors of General Council on Finance and Administration and GBGM do. The church needs to know all r financial reports and recommendations by auditors from these agencies.

[ The so called district superintendents to are him stupid, bogus and don't know what they do. He threatens every time to kill or imprison them and calls them different names rebels

[ or conmen. Imagine calling a Serl'ant Dr God these names. To show that he has

functioning leadershi p when a B z un~u (w hite people) he tell s them to take these people [ around and threaten that whoever speaks ill about me I will kill him. But for sure the church needs in special way to consider these people because they serve the Lord [ Almighty on tension and fear. They have decided to confide into this man because of hi s threats and fear for their li ves and because of thi s, these poor people have kept the church [ in EAAC in co ld and dark days. The church shou ld immediately ensure peace and l security to these people. [ Martin Luther king Jr. said rightly: "There is no way /0 peace, Peace is the way" [ I wondered where he gllt so mlH;h power to threaten them like that, I hadn't known that because of his wealth and influence ied him to befriend one of the survi ving dictators of [ Africa: the presideni of Uganda and his cab inet. (President Yoweri Kagutta Museveni). Since he is a bishop, he is always used by the high profile government officials to carry out money laundering. He has cOru1cctions from legislators, judges to the topmost leaders L of the government. He is known for moving with gW1S uru1ecessarily.

Entirely there is no functioning arms of the church for example committees on different [ program areas of UMC don't exist forexampl e that of church and society, men and women, young adults and youths among others. Actually the church is run the bishop as L L L I I I family business or an inst itution. The church must act quickly to save the reputation of I our church in East Atfica. r Lastly He is pushing for the division of EAAC. By inner value his reasons sound genuine but the hidden agenda is that he wants to die as a dictator controlling the three remaining r countries of Uganda, Kenya and Sudan. He will do anything to achieve this. If at all he bribed the delegates with thousands do llars during his election. This money was provided [ by Paul Dudeck and Dr. Caroline Njuki both are employees of GBGM and the false propaganda was carried out by Tafazwa Mfunkizwa an employee of General commission I of Communication. If he did manage to go throllgh that time why not going through again in 2012 when even by that time the conference would have been divided and the elections [ carried out in Kampala Uganda wi th the million dollars he has.

[ 5. Hope for African eh ildren choi I'. Having been regular to contributing member to Uganda pastors' stipend, Last year I was [ among the few American who got interested in trying to adopt a child from the choir after their marvelous presentation at Bowling Green, KY. I wanted to traek personally the [ origin of this child ha ving been told that she had none like a parent, surprisingly on [ reaching to Uganda. I found that the child lived happily with her parents except that the parents were financially stable. l The highest percentage of these children come from one region (B usoga) Many children [ have their parents not lhe wide spread gospel that they have no parents and most of them come from war torn areas of Northern Uganda and Sudan. The former choir was governed on lies and deception except the recent one on tour which is making headlines l in news papers of our country bur still their choir is composed of 80% Basoga children L and their leaders. L The ownership of this choir is entirely a personal business created and governed by him, the church in Uganda whatsoever has no control over this choir. The money made from L this choir is shared among few individuals and these are: him the bishop and hi s wife, Dr. l L I r Caroline Njuki and Paul Dudeck of GI3GM and some individual Americans whom he r appointed to control all funds gath c r ~d by the ~hoir. r The objectives of the choir are real and if they were to be implemented, so many poor and diseased African children wOLlld have been helped but nothing has ever and ever been r implemented . My tears ro lled down when I visited the fo rmer choir members at their school (Humble School) and found out that they had no running water, enough foo d, r medicine and school supplies for a month and on asking the Head teacher, she told me that "the Bishop is the school bursal' if he is nol around, children starve to death and [ teachers stop teaching nothing barely lakes place al school, he buys the food and other school supplies himself and he is fhe one to pay the teachers " These children had tom [ unifo rms and very old shoes.

[ Imagine last year the choi r mad e close \0 $ 1 111i llion and this year the choir is expecting to raise $2 million but wil l that money cia if at all the bishop is still in charge. I [ understand very well that the money is contro lled and disbursed by GBGM in portions r but where does it go ~ [ POOl' American Christian give money whole heartedly knowing their monies will fit/I its objectives but nothing huppens and it pains me that when we to make, we one person l filthy rich to an extent o/using this wealth undfame 10 terrorize others. Its absurd! [ I considered this child abuse, intern ationally laws have passed to protect children against any form of child abuse but this gentleman is ca!Ty in g out child labor and you must know that before these children (choir) were allowed into our country, Holston conference on l behalf of EAAC signed documents with our Gorvenmcnt and the purpose was to protect these children against any form of abuse or injustices but the objectives of the choir have L not been met for example only hi s family and close relatives receive sponsorships from humble school (not even an impoverished united Methodist pastor or a lay UM-chrislian L has a child in the school, Actually (he school is registered as UMC institution but doeso 'l L at all help ifS swkeholders. Whw (/ school') , nothing has been done to construct the l L I [ children's home, No single church has been built, pastors are not paid, school children at [ Humble place are starving. If the churc h doesn't react immediately I may be tempted to write to the President, foreign secretary. Interpol, UN. CIA, FBI and other security

agencies to report thi s kind of chi id ub u ~c and injustices: using children for personal ga111s [ I am hesitant about doi ng this because it will spoil the reputation of our global church [ and the future of any choir from any poor African country would be put at stake. What I mean here is that our government mu)' put a total ban to any childrens choir from entering [ our country forever, To me th is is so big and if! do it I may become guilty for the rest of my life. Therefore if yuu are concerned about the futu re and the opportunity for these r poor African children and entire church in East Africa. Please react and react now

[ Bishop Daniel Wandabula's wealth On Ati·ican standards is a ph il an thropist although he may not be a sounding figure 111 r Uganda. [ He owns a number of motels and lflSt loud restaurants in Kampala the capital of Uganda, he owns a chain of hard ware shops in Uga nda, He deals in real estate-owning several [ luxurious bungalows and Apartments in most satellite parts of Kampala city, He deals in second hand luxury cars from Europe and Japan. [ He owns heavy duty vehicles used in construction and he is one of the known land lords in Uganda owning closc to a square mile. [ His bankers are Citibank-US, Stanbic bunk-Uganda. Bank of Baroda-Uganda, Standard Chartered bank-Uganda and Centenary bank-Uganda. l Mrs Betty Wandabula's wealth [ She owns a number of Bungalows and exotic saloon (bar shops), she owns a number of shops sell ing cosmetics and classic and expensive designer clothes from Europe. Co-own l a number of motels with the husband. She owns kids stores selling kids clothes and toys from China and Europe. L L l I r Brother and sisters let liS act and act now r For If you need any more in/ormation please we can plan a meeting any time any day however Let liS put a critical thoug ht to this mater and the Experience: the world is r covered in God's finger prints. Thc!'c are things we see every day that can keep us understand and grow d oser to Goel. L:xperi ence makes real in our own lives the truths we

[ find in scripture, helping LI S see Goel 's presence with us in all that we do. r

[ I thank God for His people who have endured this gentleman for more than ten years as their leader and all those who serve the Lord under continuous threats and fear for their r lives. May God Reward them with courage and restore calmness and peace in their hearts

[ Send to whoever (united Methodists) has ever come or planning to come to East Africa or those who have been trying tl' co llec t mon ey and those sending money to East Africa. [ Please my dear brother. Du it for the sake Goel 's people and their church in East Africa [ In His steps, [ Journey Jonah [ Indianapolis IN-USA Kampala-Uganda. [ Cob(tihuTIc. \)r(!, Qcfa{(! . i!~ ' iii. org , gl?_~~£.(;.. uLl.b::.:sl~2 . ory" ~ b o d (P1 gbocl.org, info (cll. gbgn1- lIme .org, s c o rde r s (ZI) l::!. b ~ ! l )" lim e. (ilg , rcs('~.u:cll~iJ:.gca_h .org, infot@,gssuic-umc.org, [ gCllmnl(CilgclIl11 ll1 .org, ~l! j sla l1:'(i, ~L'OlT.:. ~ill , !::~jnV i l ~/.: !.!. c r s w. on!, cOIU1 ec li ona lTable/rt l!ll1C .~ ;'.Q; , Ui!J..: Ol !l. £! ..lLW~Q.!.!J.:l$ . [email protected], iudi cia1counc i 1:'(l;UI11 C! ~ .:!.'g , Jon r() ~ ';I ~Ll ~ Q1C u n :..J!l:g, ~t: hi IdersrZ(' un1c- o l gbcsoorg.1b austita,"il urili - !! lK SJ.~[g . [ r L [ I f Please Bishop Respond immediately or else things are going to be dark for you. And what I ask of maximum cooperati on fo r I onl y need $3 00,000 payable in three with an advance of $ 100,000 pai d immediately.

j warn you to refrain from threaten your pastors and DSs whatsoever because these people have the highest degree of submission and support towards you. Because I wondered no only one in far North said something but others where confiding in you and lastly praying for YOll. I consider these guys na'ive and poorly informed poorly informed l. of rights otherwise you wouldn ' t leacl them fo r more than 10 years. You should respect them and give them any cl ue support towarcls their call. l. Besides that yo u must be cautious o l'thosc peopl e. The so called chief accountant ( who is bragging over have made over 20 Inillion shillings unnoticeable by you) , one works with communication and education. the one j met in Drug and substance seminar in US, r those who handle your delicate information and all those whom you constantly deal. I was so surprised that a mere bribe of few thousands of dollars some wanted to bring for [ me all the information regarding money transactions ever since you become a bishop. Others even begun taking to your businesses ancl where you are born and how some one [ is strongly believe that he has been the one who made you go through Asbury Seminary. So take care ofthese people because with the due support you have given them not one l has been ab le to appreciate you . Please [am only and only cooperati on with the highest degree of sensitivity. And please I [ need my deposit immediately or else. [ [

[ L [ L [ l L r from jO lln.c: j(lnah j onahney@gmail .com to [email protected] r date Thu, Nov 5,2009 at 1:46PM hi de details 1115109 subject greetings in the name of our Lord Jes us Christ r mailed-by gmail.com [ Dear Dr. Jim Hartel. I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Chri st. You may certainly wonder why I am writing to you but as a body of Christ we need to help the People of East African Annual Conference get rid of thei r Bishop. Because he is now a threat to Gods people . You have entirely dedicated your [ life towards servi ng humanity most especially taking hope through education to unfortunate children in Uganda. But I assure you that an your efforts to the Bishop is useless and whatever that has fanen into [ hi s hands from your church has gone to waste!( money) So thi s is the time to lobby unceasingly for this gentle man to relinquish the bishop ship . You can do this by informing whoever you know contributing money to the Methodi st ministry in Uganda, because [ the money being sent is making one person filthy ri ch. Secondly you can inform your Bishop about this matter and also get to know that thi s gentleman has [ intensified threats to the people of Uganda accusing them of back stabbing him and bein g hypocrites. I know so many things about the bishop but for you , you have the facts. Because ever since your church started supporting Uganda, you have records of the monies being sent to church in Uganda.

[ I urge you Dr. Jim if possible to send me part of those records, so that I can do a good job of informing other bi shops and agencies of UMC across the world and please let us have a strong cooperation if not [ so a partnership so that we can see thi s gentl eman leaving leadership. And thereby ensuring the Dear Dr. Jim Hartel.

[ I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Chri st. You may certainly wonder why I am writing to you but as a body of Christ we need to help the People of East African Annual Conference get rid of their Bishop. Because he is now a threat to Gods people. You have entirely dedicated your life towards serving humanity most especiall y takin g hope through education to unfortunate chil dren in l Uganda. But I assure you that all your efforts to the Bishop is useless and whatever that has fall en into hi s hands from your church has gone to waste!( money)

[ So thi s is the time to lobby unceasingly for thi s gentl e man to relinquish the bi shop ship. You can do thi s by informing whoever you know contributing money to the Methodist mini stry in Uganda, because [ the money being sent is making one perso n filthy ri ch. Secondly you can inform your Bishop about thi s matter and also get to know that thi s gentleman has intensified threats to the people of Uganda accusing them of back stabbing him and being hypocrites.

I know so many things about the bishop but for you, you have the facts. Because ever since your church started supporting Uganda, you have records of the monies being sent to chu rch in Uganda.

[ I urge you Dr. Jim if possi bl e to send me part of those records, so that I can do a good job of inform in g other bishops and agencies of UMC across the world and please let us have a strong cooperation if not so a partnership so that we can see thi s ge ntl eman leaving leadership .

L And thereby ensuring the dreams of your Christi ans to helping the poor people of Africa. So if possible I would like us to meet please we can do thi s by arrangi ng a meeting. L May God bless you Dr. Jim Hartel. l " r J (''-irtl\.:.' .I\ ·, n~lr: r .I. Wesley Hertel jwesleyhertel @msn.com to Byron, Mike, Bob, me show details 11/6/09 Dear Journey Jonah,

While 1 have heard rumors of the Bishop's mishandling of money, I must tell you that all of the money we have sent to Uganda has been accounted for. Our church here, Mt. Auburn UMC , built a new church -- Trinity UMC -- in Wanyange near Jinja. I have also been on three teaching mi ssion to r Uganda, and that money has been accounted for as well. I would be interested in knowing who you are and understanding more about your motives. r Jim Hertel

jOllrnty r On 11 /6/09, J. Wesley Hertel wrote: > > Dear Journey ... 11 /9/09 jonah r Repl y .l0ufIle) JOJlah to Wesley, Byron, Mike, Bob show details 1119109 [ Dear Dr. Jim I bring warm greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Chri st. This is [ in reaction to the response of my email I sent you. You are wondering what I am up to. The answer is I want to sec Bishop Wandabula relinquish power. Because of the reasions I sent you. In my in vestigation regarding your services in Uganda, I found out that you [ have so far come to Uganda more than twice but to you as a person your coming as paid off since your are spreading the good news but to the [ bi shop, it has been an opportunity for him to make money. Li sten the money you sent close to $100,000 is not worth that small church that was constructed, the first ori ginal was altered by the second engineers on instructions of the Bishop and in fact to pl ease [ you. On the money he stole from that donation he managed to buy chairs for the church. the engineer in charge of construction Mr Ochaya, that [ the only realized $68,000 for the total construction ! He did not at once involve the local pas tor Mr. Mugabi in charge of the church and even up to now mi ss musoko , the Uganda women president is at logger head with Pr. Mugabi- Because she was the one at first in l charge of buying materials and supervising the construction she changed the ri ght quantities and the materials they used were not up [ to the stand. What a mess? In bible teachin gs you used to have, the Bishop together with the organizers, th ey used to inflate the prices of the hotels and meals so [ that your team would pay much more compared to th e normal prices. Still the so called transport refund hi ghly inflated and on reaching to paying the participants , the transport taking them back would not even be enough. For your maintenance and transport, they used charge l exorbitantly hi gh fees.

All th ese ways Bishop Wandabula and Hi s colleagues have used to a mass l him self with wealth and just because your arc blinded. You wi ll do l whatever it takes to keep him in power and to make him an African phillansolopist. If you think that helping poor people in Africa, you are lying to yourself Dr. Hartel.

By the way have you considered the mismanagement of Funds of Hope for r African Childrens choir and Humble school and you happy to hear that the bishop has swindled thousands of dollars meant for local pastors' stipend? r I beg you please to consider consult the people on ground li ke Pr Mugabi and Rev. John Mwoho, among others for your clarification.

[ May God bless you. [ [ [ [ [

[ [ l L [ L [ [ I esign, Resign, Resign, Resign - Yahoo! Mail http://us .mc659.mail .yahoo.com/mC/showMessage?sMid= 7 & ... r r Resign, Resign, Resign, Resign Saturday, December 5, 2009 5:09 AM From: "journey jonah" r To: bishop@eaac-u mc.org , umc_uganda@yahoo,com, umcrafts@ya hoo.com

[ Your Lordship Bishop Daniel Wandabula,

[ I bring you warm greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am writing to strongly inform you that I have filled legal proceeding in our Federal Court in Washington DC Challenging for the abuse of Children Human rights and this is to caution you. Do not dare to ask or r demand remittances from the collection of Hope for African Children's Choir any more. Please get know that all your emails you have ever used to write to United Methodists in the US have [ been intercepted meaning all emails you will send in the next six months every United Methodist office will receive a copy automatically. So be cautioned and still.

Soon or later a court order and the arrest warrant will be issued and you will be liable for arrest. This [ means that if you dare come to the US, you will not survive being arrested, convicted and put into jail. Remember the email I sent you about your family.

[ The only thing you can do is to immediately resign and to forget corning to our country. Not even a single bishop wants you again and if you are forced to resign , you will cough out all the funds you have [ embezzled and lastly you will not receive even a single benefit! But If you resign immediately and keep low profile in Uganda, You will certainly receive your full benefits and you may survive coughing out the funds you have embezzled. This is a free word of [ wisdom. But I strongly tell you that, you will never and never survive being arrested over the case I have filled and remember I have taken it to the Highest court in the US. For all these months I have gathered more [ facts about your transactions from Ugandan Banks and from different people in the US and your close friends and workers who are backstabbing you even without considering the posts they hold in your conference. These guys are not content with the salaries you give them.

[ One you workers is willing to share with us all the recent bank statements and other money dealings with the alterations made. Remember I held a meeting with one of them US but they only after money [ not protecting you. This is so funny !. Meetings are held in the US over what to do for you and soon the auditors are coming and different people will begin to demand their monies because they all know thai you are filthy rich and swearing that they very soon too open court injunctions. So stay cautioned any they planning to indefinitely L suspend all the funds being sent to your office and also closing up Humble school for sometime until you are gone.

L Lastly don't wait for Christmas please, resign very fast and run a w ay and never return because so many things have been planned next year. L Send Christmas greetings to your sweet and lovely wife and please peck for me your wonderful children and have a merry Christmas in your newly constructed multimillion pad. L

http://us.mc659.mail .yahoo.com/mel. .. 21 121124:24 PM I I ~es i g~ , Resign, Resign, Resign - Yahoo! Mail http://us.mc659.mail .yahoo.comimc/showMessage?sMid=7& ... r God bless you, r Your Lordship. [ r r [ [ [ [

[ [ [ Dear Pastor Dave.

[ I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You may certainly wonder why I am writing to you but as a body of Christ we need to help the People of East African Annual Conference get rid of their Bishop. Because he is now a threat to Gods people. You have entirely dedicated your life towards serving humanity most especially taking hope through education to unfortunate children in Uganda. But I assure you that all your efforts to the Bishop are useless and whatever that has fallen into his hands from your church has gone to waste!( money)

L So this is the time to lobby unceasingly for this gentle man to relinquish the bishop ship. You can do this by informing whoever you know contributing money to the Methodist ministry in Uganda, because L the money being sent is making one person filthy rich . Secondly you can inform your Bishop about this matter and also get to know that this gentleman has l intensified threats to the people of Uganda accusing them of back stabbing him and being hypocrites.

http://us.mc659.mail.yahoo.comimc/ ... 21121 124:24 PM I I ~es i gn , Resign, Resign, Resign - Yahoo! Mail http://us.mc659.mail.yahoo.comlmc/showMessage?sMid=7& ... r I know so many things about the bishop but for you, you have the facts. Because ever since your r church started supporting Uganda, you have records of the monies being sent to the school. I urge you Pr. Dave if possible to send me part of those records, so that I can do a good job of informing other bishops and agencies of UMC across the world and please let us have a strong r cooperation if not so a partnership so that we can see this gentleman leaving leadership.

And thereby ensuring the dreams of Crossroad Christians to helping the poor people of Africa. So if r possible I would like us to meet please we can do this by arranging a meeting. [ May God bless you Pr Dave Norman Journey Jonah r Dear Dr. Jim Hartel.

[ I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You may certainly wonder why I am writing to you but as a body of Christ we need to help the People of East African Annual Conference get rid of their Bishop. Because he is now a threat to Gods people. You have entirely dedicated your life towards [ serving humanity most especially taking hope through education to unfortunate children in Uganda. But I assure you that all your efforts to the Bishop is useless and whatever that has fallen into his hands from your church has gone to waste!( money)

[ So this is the time to lobby unceasingly for this gentle man to relinquish the bishop ship. You can do this by informing whoever you know contributing money to the Methodist ministry in Uganda, because [ the money being sent is making one person filthy rich . Secondly you can inform your Bishop about this matter and also get to know that this gentleman has intensified threats to the people of Uganda accusing them of back stabbing him and being hypocrites.

[ I know so many things about the bishop but for you , you have the facts. Because ever since your church started supporting Uganda, you have records of the monies being sent to church in Uganda.

[ I urge you Dr. Jim if possible to send me part of those records, so that I can do a good job of informing other bishops and agencies of UMC across the world and please let us have a strong cooperation if not [ so a partnership so that we can see this gentleman leaving leadership. And thereby ensuring the dreams of your Christians to helping the poor people of Africa. So if possible I would like us to meet please we can do this by arranging a meeting.

May God bless you Dr. Jim Hartel.

Journey Jonah

Dear Brother Kisubi,

L I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You may certainly wonder why I am writing to you but as a body of Christ we need to help the People of East African Annual Conference get rid of L their Bishop. Because he is now a threat to Gods people. I want you to cooperate with me and tell me every information you know about your Bishop regarding L the Hope for African Children's Choir and Humble United Methodist School.

http://us.mc659.rnail.yahoo .com/mc/ ... 21121124:24 PM I ~es i g ~ , Resign, Resign, Resign - Yahoo! Mail http://us.mc659.mail.yahoo.comlmc!showMessage?sMid=7& .. . r

I am trying to lobby for you guys. Please I assure the utmost confidentiality and I tell you that no one whatsoever will ever get to know this information. You mean a lot us and after that I may arrange a meeting with you in the US.

May God bless you my dear brother but please keep informing all what you know in the US about your Bishop. i have sent you sent you $5000 for you and Mr. Charles Batye, the accountant. the reference number is 45834902 money gram r Journey Jonah.

[ Dear Pro Bob

I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You may certainly wonder why I am writing to you but as a body of Christ we need to help the People of East African Annual Conference get rid of [ their Bishop. Because he is now a threat to Gods people. You have entirely dedicated your life towards serving humanity most especially taking hope through education to unfortunate children in Uganda. But I assure you that all your efforts to the Bishop is useless and whatever that has fallen into his hands [ from your church has gone to waste!( money)

So this is the time to lobby unceasingly for this gentle man to relinquish the bishop ship. You can do [ this by informing whoever you know contributing money to the Methodist ministry in Uganda, because the money being sent is making one person filthy rich.

Secondly you can inform your Bishop about this matter and also get to know that this gentleman has [ intensified threats to the people of Uganda accusing them of back stabbing him and being hypocrites.

I know so many things about the bishop but for you, you have the facts. Because ever since your church started supporting Uganda, you have records of the monies being sent to church in Uganda.

I urge you Pro Bob if possible to send me part of those records, so that I can do a good job of informing other bishops and agencies of UMC across the world and please let us have a strong cooperation if not L so a partnership so that we can see this gentleman leaving leadership.

And thereby ensuring the dreams of your Christians to helping the poor people of Africa. So if possible I [ would like us to meet please we can do this by arranging a meeting. [ May God bless you Pr Bob. Journey Jonah l


[email protected], gcfa@gcfa .org , [email protected]. [email protected], info@gbgm-umc. org, L scorders@gbgm-umc. org, research@gcah .org, [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected]. [email protected]. connectionaITable@umc. org, [email protected], L [email protected], [email protected]. [email protected] , cchilders@umc-

http://us.mc659.mai l.yahoo.com/mc/ ... 21121124:24 PM Resig~, Resign, Resign, Resign - Yahoo! Mail http://us.me659.mail.yahoo.com/mc/show Message?sMid= 7 & ... I, r gbcs.org,[email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [ [email protected] r [ L r r [ [ [ [ [ L I L L l l

http://us.me659.mail.yahoo .eom/me/ .. . 21121124:24 PM I I lav .. you·received my earli er emails I sent a few weeks ago? - Ya hoo ... http://us.mc659.mail.yahoo.comlmc/show Message?sMid=5& fi d =o/c r MAIL YAHOor",- Classic r Tuesday, December 8, 2009 5: 56 AM Have you received my earlier emails I sent a few weeks ago? From: "j ourney jonah" r To: "umc_uganda" < um c_uganda @yaho o,com > [ Dear Bishop. Greetings. This is to inform you about the court case I had filled against you. I have been advised by my Bishop to suspend all my [ actions most especially to do with the court and yesterday I went to my lawyers to file application for the court case to be suspended immediately. This means that by end of this week, you will have no [ case to answer!

But I assure if it wasn't for my bishop to plead over what could have happen to the global UM church I swear you would be in for it. But you [ thank God for that because if you don't, who knows that things may become worse than never before.

[ Also we have got reports that one your employees is standing for a big post at , I urge you to advise him to stand down immediately if you want to save your reputation and I very well know [ that your employees are not Christians whatsoever. Actually we did not get to know his name but I suspect one those fraudulent guys in your office.

[ I am very sure you recommended him for that post, I tell you that turn down immediately that recommendation, because that guy could also be chosen to be interviewed about all your dealings. I assure if you [ don't I am going to let know all the records and the facts about shoddy financial transactions to every UM church in the US and Africa. This will accompanied by a fresh report which is well articulated and with a number of your properties and so many other things about the l choir and Humble school.

These are the evidences from which I had based to file a court injunction against you. Please do it immediately. Still if you don't do it, I will release every vital information about you and him to Africa University and the central conference. Remember I may attend the mediation meeting to, this December between you and the people of Burundi. l Merry Christmas. [ Dear Bishop Daniel, It was good to hear from you. Thanks for extending Christmas and New Years greetings from the East Africa UM Conference. Receive my greetings to you and your family. How is Susannah doing? You and the people that I have been privileged to meet in Uganda are always in my

I ( by:! YOll[eceived my earlier emails I sent a few weeks ago? - Yahoo .. . http: //us.rnc659.rnail.yahoo.comirnc/show Mes sage ?s Mid ~ 5&ti d ~ '"

r prayers. [ Yes, I did receive two emails from you about two months ago. I had written you two times to explain the actions that we took here in Indiana to pay your adult staff traveling with the children's choir. You wrote two times to explain your actions for calling Julius home. r I did not respond to your second email message, because, frankly, I did not think you had been truthful with me.

[ There have been a myriad of other emails, mostly from sources that I've did not know, detailing alleged financial improprieties in the Conference. I have not involved myself in them, because they are [ about matters that I do not know. However, I did respond to one by saying that all of the of the money involved in our teaching ministries, and the new church in Wanyange had been accounted for.

[ I have been praying for the pastors in Uganda, and especially Pastor Julius and the Trinity UMC. I am eagerly waiting and hoping to hear [ good news about this situation. Blessings, [ Jim Hertel

[ From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Fw: Did you receive my earlier emails? [ Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 17:01: 16 -0500 ----- Original Message ----­ From: Daniel A. Wandabula [ To: Jim Hertel Sent: Tuesday, December 01 , 200911:04 AM [ Subject: Did you receive my earlier emails? Dear Rev Dr. J. Wesley,

I extend Christmas and New Year greetings from the East Africa Annual [ Conference of the United Methodist Church.

I pray all is well with you, we continue lifting you as you go forth [ in what God has called you to do. [ Have you received my earlier emails I sent a few weeks ago? Please let me know if you received them.

G race and Peace [ Daniel Wandabula Resident Bishop East Africa Episcopal Area L The United Methodist Church [ l of2 10/3 0/2011 8:3 1 . Pnnt Page I ot ~ ~ N N=E XT u e..:E. -=n ~

Subject: Resign, Resign, Resign, Resign

From: journey jonah Oonahney@gmail. com)

To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; r Date: Saturday, December 5, 20094:09 PM

I Your Lordship Bishop Daniel Wandabula, r

[ I bring you warm greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. [ I am writing to strongly inform you that I have filled legal proceeding in our Federal COUtt in Washington DC Chall enging for the abuse of Children Human rights and this is to caution you. Do [ not dare to ask or demand remittances from the collection of Hope for African Children's Choir any more. [ Please get know that all your emails you have ever used to write to United Methodists in the US have [ been intercepted meaning all emails you will send in the next six months every United Methodist office wi ll receive a copy automatically. So be cautioned and still. [ Soon or later a court order and the arrest warrant will be issued and you will be liable for arrest. This [ means that if you dare come to the US, you will not survive being arrested, convicted and put into jail. Remember the email I sent you about your famil y. [ The only thing you can do is to immediately resign and to forget coming to om counlly. Not even a single bishop wants you again and if you are forced to resign, you will cough out all the funds you [ have embezzled and lastly you will not receive even a single benefit!

But If you resign immediately and keep low profile in Uganda, You will certainly receive your full benefits and you may survive coughing out the funds you have embezzled. This is a free word of [ wisdom. l L file :/IIC;/Users/Aggrey/AppDataiLocallTemp/Low/YTCJYTT6.htm 112412015 L I I Print Page 2 of 8 [ But I strongly tell you that, you will never and never survive being arrested over the case I have filled and remember I have taken it to the Highest court in the US. For all these months I have gathered more facts about your transactions from Ugandan Banks and from different people in the US and your close friends and workers who are backstabbing you even without considering the posts they hold in r your conference. These guys are not content with the salaries you give them. r One you workers is willing to share with us all the recent bank statements and other money dealings with the alterations made. Remember I held a meeting with one of them US but they only after money not protecting you. This is so funny!.

Meetings are held in the US over what to do for you and soon the auditors are coming and different people will begin to demand their monies because they all know that you are filthy rich and swearing that they very soon too open court injunctions. So stay cautioned any they planning to indefinitely suspend all the funds being sent to your office and also closing up Humble school for sometime until [ you are gone.

[ Lastly don't wait for Christmas please, resign very fast and run a way and never return because so many things have been planned next year. [

Send Christmas greetings to your sweet and lovely wife and please peck for me your wonderful [ children and have a merry Christmas in your newly constructed multimillion pad. [ God bless you, [ [ Your Lordship. L l [ L [ file:IIIC:1U sersl Aggreyl AppDataiLocallTemp/LowlYTCJYTT6.htm 1124/2015

I I Print Page 3 of 8 r I r r r I r [ [ [ [ [ [ [ L L L L file :///C: /Usersl Aggreyl AppData/LocallTemp/LowIYTCJYTT6.htm 1124/2015 l I I Print Page 4 of8 [ r

[ Dear Pastor Dave. [ I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You may celiainly wonder why I am writing to you but as a body of Christ we need to help the People of East African Annual Conference r get rid of their Bishop. Because he is now a threat to Gods people. You have entirely dedicated your life towards serving humanity most especially taking hope through education to unfortunate children in Uganda. But I assure you that all your efforts to the Bishop are useless and whatever that has fallen into his hands from your church has gone to waste! ( money) [ So this is the time to lobby unceasingly for this gentle man to relinquish the bishop ship. You can do this by informing whoever you know contributing money to the Methodist ministry in Uganda, [ because the money being sent is making one person filthy rich. [ Secondly you can inform your Bishop about this matter and also get to know that this gentleman has [ intensified threats to the people of Uganda accusing them of back stabbing him and being hypocrites.

I know so many things about the bishop but for you, you have the facts. Because ever since your L church started supporting Uganda, you have records of the monies being sent to the school. [ I urge you Pr. Dave if possible to send me part of those records, so that I can do a good job of informing other bishops and agencies of UMC across the world and please let us have a strong l cooperation if not so a partnership so that we can see this gentleman leaving leadership. L And thereby ensuring the dreams of Crossroad Christians to helping the poor people of Africa. So if L possible I would like us to meet please we can do this by arranging a meeting.

May God bless you Pr Dave Norman L file:/IIC:/Users/Aggrey/AppDataiLocallTemp/Low/YTCJYTT6.htm 112412015 l l Print Page 5 of8 t Journey Jonah r r

Dear Dr. Jim Hartel. [ I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You may certainly wonder why I am writing to you but as a body of Christ we need to help the People of East African Annual Conference [' get rid of their Bishop. Because he is now a threat to Gods people. You have entirely dedicated your life towards serving humanity most especially taking hope through education to unfortunate children in Uganda. But I assure you that all your efforts to the Bishop is useless and whatever that has fallen r into his hands from your church has gone to waste!( money) [ So this is the time to lobby unceasingly for this gentle man to relinquish the bishop ship. You can do this by informing whoever you know contributing money to the Methodist ministry in Uganda, [ because the money being sent is making one person filthy rich. [ Secondly you can inform your Bishop about this matter and also get to know that this gentleman has L intensified threats to the people of Uganda accusing them of back stabbing him and being hypocrites. [ I know so many things about the bishop but for you , you have the facts. Because ever since your church started supporting Uganda, you have records of the monies being sent to church in Uganda. [ I urge you Dr. Jim if possible to send me part of those records, so that I can do a good job of informing other bishops and agencies of UMC across tile world and please let us have a strong l cooperation if not so a partnership so that we can see this gentleman leaving leadership. l And thereby ensuring the dreams of your Christians to helping the poor people of Africa. So if l possible I would like us to meet please we can do this by arranging a meeting.

L May God bless you Dr. Jim Hartel. L fi le:!I IC:/U sersl Aggrey I AppDataiLocal/TemplLowlYTCJYTT6.htm 1124/2015 l r Pnnt Page 6 oill r Journey Jonah [ r Dear Brother Kisubi , [

I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You may certainly wonder why I am r writing to you but as a body of Christ we need to help the People of East African AIIDual Conference r get rid of their Bishop. Because he is now a threat to Gods people. I want you to cooperate with me and tell me every information you Imow about your Bishop r regarding the Hope for African Children's Choir and Humble United Methodist School. [ I am trying to lobby for you guys. Please I assure the utmost confidentiality and I tell you that no one whatsoever will ever get to know this information. You mean a lot us and after that I may arrange a [ meeting with you in the US. [ May God bless you my dear brother but please keep informing all what you know in the US about your Bishop. i have sent you sent you $5000 for you and Mr. Charles Batye, the accountant. the reference number is 45834902 money gram

[ Journey Jonah. [ l Dear Pr. Bob [ I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You may certainly wonder why I am writing to you but as a body of Christ we need to help the People of East African Annual Conference L get rid of their Bishop. Because he is now a threat to Gods people. You have entirely dedicated your life towards serving humanity most especially taking hope through education to unfortunate children in Uganda. But I assure you that all your efforts to the Bishop is useless and whatever that has fallen into his hands from your church has gone to waste!( money) L file: IIIC:lUsers/Aggrey/AppData/LocalfTemp/LowIYTCJYTT6.htm 1124/20 15 l t'rmt page I or IS r So this is the time to lobby unceasingly for this gentle man to relinquish the bishop ship. You can do this by informing whoever you know contributing money to the Methodist ministry in Uganda, r because the money being sent is making one person filthy rich. r Secondly you can inform your Bishop about this matter and also get to know that this gentleman has r intensified threats to the people of Uganda accusing them of back stabbing him and being hypocrites.

[ I know so many things about the bishop but for you, you have the facts. Because ever since your church started supporting Uganda, you have records of the monies being sent to church in Uganda. [

I urge you Pr. Bob if possible to send me part of those records, so that I can do a good job of [ informing other bishops and agencies of UMC across the world and please let us have a strong cooperation if not so a partnership so that we can see this gentleman leaving leadership. [

And thereby ensuring the dreams of your Christians to helping the poor people of Africa. So if [ possible I would like us to meet please we can do this by arranging a meeting. [ May God bless you Pr Bob. [ Journey Jonah [ [ l l [ L l file:IIIC:/Users/Aggrey/AppDataiLocaI/TemplLowIYTCJYTT6.htm 112412015 l I Pnnt Page ~ 01 ~ r

[ Cob(@'ul11c.org, gcfa(@,gcfa.org, gbcs(@,ul11c-gbcs.org, gbod(@,gbod.org, info(@,gbgl11-ul11c.org, scorders(@,gbgl11-ul11c.org, research(@,gcah.org, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Ul11com(@'umcom .org, r [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], cchilders@mTIc­ gbcs. or!!:. Ibausti tafaJ.um c- gbcs. org,m um fu llfaJ.us. i bm. co l11 , ken tkathy [email protected], [ Lnyarota(@,yahoo.com [ [ r [ [ [ [ [ [ l l l l l file: IIIC:lUsersiAggrey/AppDataiLocaIlTemplLowIYTC1YTT6.htm 1/2412015 L