Life Sciences Leaflets FREE DOWNLOAD ISSN 2277-4297(Print) 0976–1098(Online)





Index Copernicus Value SHETH M.N SCIENCE COLLEGE,PATAN-384265. 2011:5.09, 2012:6.42, 2013:15.8, 2014:89.16, NORTHERN GUJARAT, INDIA. 2015:78.30 , 2016:91 Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected] NAAS Rating 2012:1.3; 2013-16: 2.69 2017-19: 3.98 ABSTRACT: SJIF The paper deals with native species of Angiosperm belonging to 2012: 3.947, 2013:4.802 family is reported as an addition to the flora of Patan district. The paper also InfoBase Index 2015:4.56 envisages ephemeral citation, detailed description of flowering and fruiting time notes along with photographs is also provided. is a genus of Cosmos Impact Factor 2015: 4.366 approximately 700 species (eflora of India).Commonly called Bombay ebony

Received on: and it is very rare. The Patan is historical place. It has so many historical 23rd December 2019 importance. It is situated in the northern Gujarat region of Gujarat state. Revised on: Earlier recorded 396 angiosperm species from Patan district (N.K. Patel 10th January 2019 Accepted on: and A.J. Parmar, 2011). A survey has been conducted in all areas of Patan th 15 January 2019 district to collect the information about angiospermic . During the study, Published on: 1st February 2019 we located and identified new species of Diospyros montana Roxb. from Volume No. Patan. Online & Print 108 (2019) KEY WORDS: Diospyros montana Roxb. ,Patan, north Gujarat, India. Page No. 19 to 25 INTRODUCTION: Life Sciences Leaflets is Patan is well-known for its world heritage site “ Rani Ki Vav” and Patola an international open access print & e sarees. Patan is the former capital of Gujarat. This historic town was founded journal, peer reviewed, in 796 A.D and was originally known as Anhil-Vad-Patan. The Solanki worldwide abstract periods, Gujarat’s golden age, served as the pinnacle of Patan’s glory. listed, published every month with ISSN, RNI We are carried out field work during year 2016-2018. Listed all angiosperm Free- membership, plants from Patan city of Patan taluka. Forest area is 1000812 hectares, downloads and access. grazing land is 81614 hectare and irrigation area is 37082 hectares of Patan PEER-REVIEWED Page | 19

Life Sciences Leaflets FREE DOWNLOAD ISSN 2277-4297(Print) 0976–1098(Online) taluka. Diospyros montana Roxb. is Dioecious trees, to 20 m high. Flowering and fruiting time is April- February.

STUDY AREA: Patan district is located in the northern part of the Gujarat state with its headquarters at Patan town. The district covers an area of with total population 11,81,941. The district is surrounded by Banaskantha district in the north and northeast, Mehsana in its south and southeast and Kutchh and little Ran of Kutchh in the east. Total 1037 Wet lands are mapped including 416 small wet lands (<2.25 ha) with 34268 ha area. Major wet land category of the district is Mud flats, Rivers/Streams, Reservoirs and Tanks/Ponds. Patan is situated on 82.30 meters height from the sea level in the northern part of Gujarat. This region is having minimum temperature as low as 5℃ to 10℃ and maximum temperature as high as 40℃ to 48℃.

METHODS: During floristic exploration in various parts of Patan, a few specimens of Diospyros montana Roxb. is collected from the NGES campus, Patan of northern Gujarat, India. On critical study of literature, the specimens were identified as Diospyros montana Roxb.. A species unrecorded from Patan district. Hence, it is reported here as an addition to the flora of Patan district. A brief description along with photographs is provided to facilitate easy identification of this species in field. Herbarium specimen is submitted to Department of Botany, Sheth M.N. Science College, Patan, Gujarat.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION: Following is the other species of family Ebenaceae with the identification key. KEY TO GENERA: Flowers often 3-merous; ovary 3- or 6-celled………….1.Maba Flowers mostly 4-5- or 8-10-celled……………………..2.Diospyros KEY TO SPECIES: 1.Leaves subopposite and alternate; corolla of male flowers tubular...... D.melanoxylon 1. Leaves alternate; corolla of male flowers campanulate: 2.Calyx of male flowers glabrous outside; staminodes 4;bark grey or light-black, nearly smooth...... D.montana

DISTRIBUTION: Indomalaysia and tropical Australia; all along the Western Ghats.

ECOLOGY: In dry to disturbed evergreen forests, up to 800 m. PEER-REVIEWED Page | 20

Life Sciences Leaflets FREE DOWNLOAD ISSN 2277-4297(Print) 0976–1098(Online)

SPECIMEN EXAMINED: Collected from 23˚51̍35.4̋̎ N latitude to 72˚07̍52.3 E longitude on Botanical garden, Sheth M.N Science College, NGES campus, Patan (Image 3).

CLASSIFICATION:(APG IV) Subkingdom - Angiosperm Clade - Eudicot Clade - Core eudicot Clade - Order - Family - Ebeanaceae

VERNACULAR NAME:- Hindi: Bistendu; Marathi: Lohari; Bengali: Tamal Telugu: Kakaulimera; Tamil:Vakanai. DESCRIPTION: Diospyrous montana Roxb. Dioecious trees, to 20 m high, bark smooth, grey or yellowish-grey; blaze turmeric yellow; exudation scanty, watery; bole and branches with long hard, stiff, divaricate spines formed from stumps of branches; branchlets slender, glabrous, only those of the flush sparsely minutely pilose. Leaves simple, alternate, estipulate; petiole 5-10 mm, slender, grooved above, glabrous; lamina 4-10×2-4 cm, ovate, ovate-oblong, elliptic-oblong, base round, obtuse, subcordate or acute, apex obtuse, subacute or obtusely acuminate, margin entire, chartaceous, more or less softly pubescent when young, glabrous at maturity; lateral nerves 5-10 pairs, pinnate, slender, faint, intercostaereticulate, faint. Flowers unisexual, white; male flowers:2-6 inaxillary umbels; peduncle to 5 mm; calyx 3 mm long; lobes 4,ovate,imbricate,thick,margin ciliate, obtuse; corolla 6-7 mm long, greenish-yellow, urceolate, glabrous; lobes 4,ovate,imbricate,2.5 mm long, subacute; stamens 16,roughly in 8 pairs, uniqual; anthers lanceolate, awned; pistillode conical, pointed; female flowers:solitary, axillary; pedicel to 4 mm; calyx and corolla as in male flowers; staminodes 4,5 mm, linear-lanceolate; ovary superior,0.7 mm across, globose, glabrous, 8- celled, ovule one in each cell; styles 4, 1.5 mm long; stigma capitates; fruit a berry, 1.5-2 cm across, ovoid to obconical, yellow to orange, glaucous; calyx foliaceous, slightly enlarged, foliaceous, slightly enlarged, foliaceous, reflexed; seeds 3-6, rough, black; endosperm equable. Flowering and Fruiting: April-February.

REFERENCES: Patel, N.K. and Parmar,A.J. (2011). Study of Angiospermic plants of Patan (north Gujarat), Life sciences Leaflets 14:472 – 480. PEER-REVIEWED Page | 21

Life Sciences Leaflets FREE DOWNLOAD ISSN 2277-4297(Print) 0976–1098(Online)

Parmar, A.J., Seliya, A.R. and Patel, N.K. (2014). New record of Oxalis corymbosaDC.from northern Gujarat, India, Life Sciences Leaflets 49 -145 to 147.

Thakor, S.R.,Patel, S.A.,Mehta, B.P. and Patel, T.R.(2018).New Record-Tamarix ericoide from Patan (North Gujarat),Life Science Leaflets 96:27 to 31.

Panchal, B.V.,Patel, N.N., Patel, N.J., Patel, R.P.,Patel, H.H. and Patel, J.N.(2018). New Record for Patan District Commelinasuffruticosa Blume,Life Science Leaflets 103:8 to 12.

Flora of Bombay presidency-vol. II-By Theodore Cooke, C.I.E-Publish-Part-I- 1-192 was publish July 1901,pp.193-408(Part-II)(April-1902),pp. 408-end(Part-III)(May-1903).

Shah, G. L. (1978). Flora of Gujarat State-I & II. Sardar Patel University, V. V. Nagar.

Fig. 1:- Gujarat map showing Patan district Fig. 2:- Patan city map PEER-REVIEWED Page | 22

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Fig. 3:- Study area PEER-REVIEWED Page | 23

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Fig.4:- Diospyros montana Roxb. PEER-REVIEWED Page | 24

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Fig.5:- Diospyros montana Roxb. PEER-REVIEWED Page | 25