October 2014 www.frodshamlife.co.uk 1 2 www.frodshamlife.co.uk October 2014 Editor Gary Skentelbery Production Paul Walker Editor’s Comment Advertising NOT for the first time, nor indeed the second or third, there is because they did not prove viable. James Balme much talk in Frodsham of the possibility of the town getting a We do not want that happening in Nick White swimming pool. Frodsham. FreephoneTony Record So yes, we applaud the efforts Freephone The recent public consultation During the council meeting, 0800 955 5247 carried out by the Town Council several councillors rightly warned being made to provide a swimming 0800 955 5247 pool in the town and we believe the Editorial predictably threw up numerous that the public would take a dim Editorial requests for a pool. There is view of yet another failed attempt to Town Council is right to get the facts 01925 623631 before pressing ahead. 01925 623631 ongoing debate on the issue in the provide a swimming pool. Email social media. But we caution against raising Email Some 25 years ago it nearly false hopes. We do not want the info@
[email protected] And there was a lengthy debate happened. The old Vale Royal at the monthly council meeting initiative to fizzle out like the last worldwide.co.ukWebsites Council, we are told, was ready one. resulting in an invitation to Sport to fund construction but the project Websiteswww.culchethlife.com www.frodshamlife.co.uk Cheshire to attend a future meeting collapsed when it proved impossible www.lymmlife.co.ukwww.culchethlife.com to outline the necessary procedures to fund ongoing running costs.