Annotated Bibliography of the History and Culture of Eastern
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Annotated Bibliography of the History and Culture of Eastern Turkistan, Jungharia/Zungaria/Dzungaria, Chinese Central Asia, and Sinkiang/Xinjiang (for the 16th-20th centuries CE, excluding most travel narratives) Nathan Light Miami University Oxford, Ohio Introduction and steppe continue to sustain remaining difficult to access: its role as a region through which items such as publications by The study of Eastern Turkistan or travelers and traders link East, Pantusov from 1880-1910 are Xinjiang has long been Central and South Asian spiritual, only slightly more available in hampered by geographic, cultural literary and material cultures. research library collections than and linguistic complexity and Before the name Xinjiang was more recent publications from difficult access to publications, applied in 1884, the Chinese Xinjiang. Useful material exists in but over the past 500 years, an described it as Xiyu (“Western dissertations, obscure serial enormous range of documentary Regions”) or Huijiang (“Muslim publications or unpublished materials have accumulated. territories”) while Central Asians conference papers. Not very Many Europeans have explored called it Kashgaria, Altishahr or different from the latter are the and studied the region since Yettishahr (6 or 7 cities) or many rare manuscripts held in 1850 but their publications are Eastern Turkistan. All of these collections around the world, often appear only in major names have acquired political which fortunately are now slowly research libraries and special meanings in the present, with the being edited and published, collections, and even the travel Chinese government strongly although with less fanfare than accounts rarely reach a wider attacking the term Eastern the Dunhuang and Tarim region audience. Eastern Turkistan’s Turkistan as a sign of separatist texts from earlier periods. As scholarly and strategic and even terrorist leanings. The these become more accessible importance has resulted in widespread Chinese concern these materials will considerably extensive publications in about this term can be seen from deepen our understanding of the European and East Asian a search at using history and culture of Eastern languages, particularly Russian, Chinese characters for Dongtu Turkistan: similar results can be German, French, English, (“Eastern Turkistan”) gives over seen arising from recent use of Chinese and Japanese. In one million hits, more than for Manchu language sources for the addition, authors from the region either of the Chinese terms used study of Qing China and Turkic and from other parts of the for the Silk Road (Sizhouzhilu or and Persian sources for Central Islamic world have written Silu) and not far behind the 1.7 Asia. This bibliography should literary, historiographic and million hits for the name Xinjiang improve access and help guide religious works in Arabic, Persian itself. future library cataloging of items and Turki, while Chinese travelers My goal in this bibliography is in Central Asian languages. and colonial officials have also to introduce the study of the left extensive descriptions, region through a classified list of particularly since the Manchu- the basic materials for study of Outline of Contents Qing conquest in 1758 CE. culture and history over the past As a part of the “Silk Road,” 500 years. The “Silk Road” is I) Online Databases and this region has been the conduit often described as in decline Information Sources (all for people, culture and commerce during this period, but in fact periods) since before recorded history. more recent Islamic and Mongol II) Selected Historical Back- Much of the region’s fame has history is every bit as culturally ground to 1500 CE and arisen from the extensive rich and diverse as the preceding Regional Reference Works archeological and documentary period, although the sources III) Collected Works finds in the arid southern and have not been as widely eastern Xinjiang regions as well accessible to Western scholars. IV) Serial publications as nearby Dunhuang in Gansu, In compiling the present V) Bibliographies and Manu- but Xinjiang’s populated oases bibliography I found works script Descriptions 28 VI) Historical and Hagio- and Turkic languages. Most of these Bartold, V. V. Turkestan Down to the graphical Primary Sources entries have also been entered into Mongol Invasion. 3rd ed. H.A.R. Gibb and Tatiana Minorsky, trans. C.E. VII) Studies of History the ODIAS database.) <http:// Bosworth, ed. London, Luzac & co., VIII) World History, Interna- uygarticles.htm>. 1968. [Online at the ACLS history tional Relations and Manchu- e-book project: <http://name.umdl. Junghar Interactions Digital Archive of Tôyô Bunko Rare>] IX) Western Explorers, Books (35 books, 9062 pages from art historical and research Beckwith, Christopher. The Tibetan Missionaries, and Consuls publications from the past 150 Empire in Central Asia: A history of (excluding travel accounts not years; high quality photos) <http:// the struggle for great power among related to formal expeditions)>. Tibetans, Turks, Arabs, and Chinese X) Basic Sources for during the Early Middle Ages. Linguistics and Language Study IDP: International Dunhuang Project Princeton: Princeton University Database (Search from collections Press, 1987. XI) Studies of Literature of texts and artifacts from sites and Literary History throughout Chinese Central Asia by Bregel, Yuri. An Historical Atlas of XII) Performing Arts, Ethno- Manuscript, Photograph, Artifact, Central Asia. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2003. musicology, Folklore, Folk Art, Catalogue, Painting, and geo- Architecture and Material graphically by Map.) <http:// Chavannes, Édouard. Documents sur Culture>. Les Tou-Kiue (Turcs) occidentaux, recueillis et commentés, suivi de XIII) Anthropology, Cultural ODIAS (Online Databases for Inner notes additionnelles. Paris: Librarie Analysis, Ethnography, Ethnicity, Asia Studies, with citations for d’Amerique et d’Orient, 1903. Ethnogenesis articles, books and manuscripts) XIV) Religion: Islam, Khwâja < Clark, Larry. “Introduction to the odias.htm>. Rule, Sufism, Shamanism Uyghur Civil Documents of East Turkestan (13 th-14th Centuries).” XV) Ecology, Economics, ORIAS Digitized books (Kashgar Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Geography, Pastoralism imprints from the Swedish Mission Indiana University, 1975. XVI) Analyses of Social Press and Publications of China Policies, Politics, Strategic Inland Mission) <http://www. Di Cosmo, Nicola, ed. Warfare in>. Issues and Current Events Inner Asian History: 500-1800. Leiden: Brill, 2002. RIFIAS: Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies Online Library Catalog —. Ancient China and its Enemies: I) Online Databases and (A searchable library catalog of The Rise of Nomadic Power in East Information Sources (all roughly 10,000 items available in the Asian History. New York: Cambridge periods) RIFIAS collection at Indiana University Press, 2002. University, Bloomington, along with The following are the most a catalog of 400 RIFIAS pub- Eberhard, Wolfram. China und seine comprehensive online sources for lications.)< westlichen Nachbarn: Beitrag zur material on Xinjiang. My own ~rifias/Library _Catalog.htm>. mittelalterlichen und neueren bibliography is simply a list of the Geschichte Zentralasiens. Darm- Silk Road Seattle (research contents of the first 12 years of stadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesell- resources maintained under schaft, 1978. two important scholarly series in direction of Daniel C. Waugh) Xinjiang. The ODIAS and RIFIAS < Elverskog, Johan. Uygur Buddhist are likewise bibliographic uwch/silkroad/>. literature. Turnhout: Brepols, 1997. sources. The Tôyô Bunko archive, The Silk Road and Central Asia On IDP, ORIAS and Silk Road Seattle Golden, Peter. An Introduction to the the World Wide Web (links sites provide a wide ranger of History of the Turkic Peoples. maintained by Daniel C. Waugh) important and hard-to-find Wiesbaden: Otto Harrasowitz, 1992. < materials directly online. reecas/outreach/silklink.htm>. Güzel, Hasan Celal, et al, eds. The Bibliography of Uyghur language Turks. 6 vols. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye, articles on history and literature by 2002. [Chronological collection of II) Selected Historical Back- articles of varying scholarly depth Nathan Light (lists contents of the ground and Reference for series Shinjang Tarikh Materiyalliri and accuracy. First 3 volumes include (volumes 1-33, 1980-1992) and the Central Eurasia and Prior to articles on Central Asian Turkic journal Bulaq; Uyghur kilassik 1500 CE peoples.] ädibiyati mäjmua’äsi (issues 1-41, 1980-1992). Bulaq consists of These are the most important Hamilton, James Russell. Les editions and analyses of works of works for an overview under- Ouïghours à l’époque des Cinq Eastern Turki (Uyghur) literature and standing the region and for Dynasties d’après les documents translations of works from Persian guiding further research. chinois. Paris, 1955. 29 History of Civilizations of Central n. Chr., 2 vols. Asiatische For- Paul, 1985-. [Also online at: <http:/ Asia. Paris: Unesco, 1992-. 5 vols. schungen, 27. Wiesbaden: Otto / [An extensive publishing project Harrassowitz, 1969. index.html>.] including over 100 articles on culture, history, religions, society and Liu Weixin,