State Management Program for Red Snapper DEIS
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Tab B, No. 6a 3/13/2019 State Management Program for Recreational Red Snapper Final Draft Amendment 50A to the Fishery Management Plan for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico Including Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement April 2019 This is a publication of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council Pursuant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. NA15NMF4410011. This page intentionally blank AMENDMENT 50A TO THE FISHERY MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE REEF FISH RESOURCES OF THE GULF OF MEXICO INCLUDING A PROGRAMMATIC ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) State Management Program for Recreational Red Snapper Abstract: This EIS is prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act to assess the environmental impacts associated with a regulatory action. The EIS analyzes the impacts of a reasonable range of alternatives intended to provide limited authority to Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas, to manage recreational fishing of red snapper. These actions would allow those states the flexibility to manage recreational fishing of red snapper in federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico adjacent to their state waters. Amendments 50B-F contain draft environmental assessments (EA) that address the authority structure and quota adjustments for each of the states. Those EAs tier off of this programmatic EIS, which analyzes the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of all six documents. Responsible Agencies and Contact Persons National Marine Fisheries Service Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management (Lead Agency) Council Southeast Regional Office 4107 W. Spruce Street, Suite 200 263 13th Avenue South Tampa, Florida 33607 St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 813-348-1630 727-824-5305 813-348-1711 (fax) 727-824-5308 (fax) Contact: Ava Lasseter Contact: Lauren Waters [email protected] [email protected] Type of Action ( ) Administrative ( ) Legislative (X) Draft ( ) Final Filing Dates with EPA Notice of intent (NOI) to prepare EIS published: January 17, 2018 Draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) filed with EPA: December 21, 2018 DEIS comment period ended: February 4, 2019 EPA comments on DEIS: February 4, 2019 State Management Program for Recreational Red Snapper ii PROGRAMMATIC EIS TABLE OF CONTENTS Programmatic Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) ...................................................... ii Programmatic DEIS Table of Contents ......................................................................................... iii Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 1 Chapter 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 14 1.2 Purpose and Need ............................................................................................................... 20 Chapter 2. Management Alternatives .......................................................................................... 26 Chapter 3. Affected Environment ................................................................................................ 60 Chapter 4. Environmental Consequences .................................................................................. 108 4.7 Cumulative Effects Analysis ............................................................................................ 146 Chapter 5. List of Preparers ....................................................................................................... 179 Chapter 6. List of agencies, organizations, and persons to whom A copy of the EIS are sent .. 180 Chapter 8. Index .......................................................................................................................... 197 Appendix B. Delegation Provision ............................................................................................ 207 Appendix C. Conservation Equivalency Procedure ................................................................... 208 Appendix D. Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Federal Regulations Relevant to State Management Amendments ............................................................................................................................... 211 Appendix E. Other Applicable Law ........................................................................................... 215 Appendix F. Alternatives Considered But Rejected .................................................................. 219 State Management Program for Recreational Red Snapper iii ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DOCUMENT ABC acceptable biological catch ACL annual catch limit ACT annual catch target AM accountability measure APAIS Access Point Angler Intercept Survey Bi Op Biological Opinion BMSY stock biomass level at which MSY can be harvested on a continuing basis CEP conservation equivalency plan Council Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council CS consumer surplus DEIS draft environmental impact statement DLMToolkit Data Limited Methods Toolkit DPS distinct population segment EEZ exclusive economic zone EFH essential fish habitat EFP exempted fishing permit EIS environmental impact statement EJ environmental justice ESA Endangered Species Act FGBNMS Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary FKNMS Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary FMP fishery management plan Gulf Gulf of Mexico HAPC habitat area of particular concern LAPP Limited Access Privilege Program Magnuson-Stevens Act Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act mp million pounds MRFSS Marine Recreational Fishery Statistics Survey MRIP Marine Recreational Information Program MSST minimum stock size threshold MSY maximum sustainable yield NAICS North American Industry Classification System NEPA National Environmental Policy Act nm nautical miles NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOR net operating revenue OFL overfishing limit PDARP Programmatic Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan PS producer surplus State Management Program for Recreational Red Snapper iv RQ regional quotient SEAMAP Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program Secretary Secretary of Commerce SEDAR Southeast Data Assessment and Review SEFSC Southeast Fisheries Science Center SERO Southeast Regional Office SRHS Southeast Region Headboat Survey SSB spawning stock biomass SSC Scientific and Statistical Committee TAC total allowable catch TL total length TPWD Texas Parks and Wildlife Department USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service VEC valued environmental components ww whole weight Individual State Amendments: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas’ State Management for Recreational Red Snapper Amendments Program Amendment: State Management Program for Recreational Red Snapper Amendment State Management Program for Recreational Red Snapper v TABLE OF CONTENTS Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) .................................................................. ii Programmatic EIS Table of Contents ............................................................................................ iii Abbreviations Used in this Document ........................................................................................... iv List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. ix List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ xi Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 1 Chapter 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 15 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................ 14 1.2 Purpose and Need ............................................................................................................... 20 1.3 History of Management ...................................................................................................... 20 Chapter 2. Management Alternatives .......................................................................................... 26 2.1 Action 1.1 – Components of the Recreational Sector to include in State Management Programs ............................................................................................................................. 27 2.2 Action 1.2 – Mechanism to implement optional state management of federal for-hire vessels ................................................................................................................................. 31 2.3 Action 2 – Apportioning the Recreational ACL (Quota) ................................................... 33 2.4 Action 3 – Procedure for Allowing a Gulf State to Request the Closure of Areas of Federal Waters Adjacent to State Waters to Red Snapper Recreational Fishing ............... 43 2.5 Individual State Amendments Action 1 – Authority Structure for State Management ..... 52 2.6 Individual State Amendments Action 2 – Post-Season Quota Adjustment ....................... 56 Chapter 3. Affected Environment ...............................................................................................