Introduction to Kabbalah Samael Aun Weor 1 INTRODUCTION TO

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Introduction to Kabbalah Samael Aun Weor 1 INTRODUCTION TO Introduction To Kabbalah Samael Aun Weor INTRODUCTION TO KABBALAH Introduction: "The Kabbalah is lost in the night of the centuries, there were the Universe was gestated in the womb of Maha Kundalini, the Great Mother. The Kabbalah is the Science of the Numbers. The author of the Cabbala was the Angel Metraton, the lord of the wisdom of the serpent; he was also the prophet Enoch of whom the Bible talk to us about. The Angel Metraton or Enoch left us the Tarot in which is enclosed the entire Divine Wisdom, which remained written in Stone. He also left us the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. This great Master lives in the superior worlds, in the world of Aziluth, a world of inconceivable happiness, according to the Cabbala in the region of Kether, a very elevated Sephiroth. All Kabbalist base themselves on the Tarot; it is necessary to know and study it in depth. The Universe is made with the Law of Numbers, Weight and Measures; Mathematics forms the universe; Numbers are living entities." "There are two types of Kabbalists: intellectual Kabbalists and intuitive Kabbalists. The sidereal Gods answer us many times showing us a Tarot card; then we intuitively comprehend the reply that is given to us. The intuitive Kabbalists just by glancing at the Tarot card comprehend what destiny has reserved for them. Here it is for those of you thirsty for truth. Now, practice, you are not alone. Study and practice." 1 Introduction To Kabbalah Samael Aun Weor PREDICTION AND SYNTHESIS Arcane 1 The Magician: Man: "Sword, Will Power." Arcane 2 The Priestess: The wife of the Magician: "Occult Science Favourable." Arcane 3 The Empress: The Divine Mother: "Material and Spiritual Production." Arcane 4 The Emperor: "Command. Progress. Success. Mercy." Arcane 5 The Hierarch: Rigor, the Law: "Karma. Mars. War." Arcane 6 Indecision: The Lover: "Victory, Good Luck." Arcane 7 Triumph: The Chariot of War: "Wars, Struggles. Atonement. Pain. Bitterness." Arcane 8 Justice: The arcane of Job: "Sufferings. Tests. Pains." Arcane 9 The Hermit: Initiation: "Solitude, Sufferings." Arcane 10 Retribution: The Wheel of Fortune: "Good business. Changes." Arcane 11 Persuasion: The Tame Lion: "Favours the Law. Let there be not fears. Arcane 12 The Apostolate: Sacrifice: "Tests and pains. The Arcanum A.Z.F. take us out of pain." Arcane 13 Immortality: Death and Resurrection: "Transformations. Indicates total change." Arcane 14 Temperance: Marriage. Association: "Longevity. Stability. No change." Arcane 15 Passion: Typhon Baphomet: "Failure in Love. Announces dangers." Arcane 16 Fragility. The Fulminated Tower: "Punishment. Terrible fall. Avoid this date." Arcane 17 Hope: The Star of Hope: "Signifies hope and wait." Arcane 18 Twilight: Occult Enemies: "Hidden enemies jump out any moment. Illnesses. No business." Arcane 19 Inspiration: The Radiant Sun: "Success. Good luck. The Philosopher's Stone." Arcane 20 Resurrection: The Resurrection of the Dead: "Favourable changes, take advantage of them. Put an end to weaknesses." Arcane 21 Transmutation: The Fool, Madness: "Total Demoralization for evil. Magic key: the Rune Olin. Enemy antithesis of Hiram Abiff." Arcane 22 The Return: The Truth, the Crown of Life: "Triumph. Everything comes out well. Power. Strength. Good Luck." 2 Introduction To Kabbalah Samael Aun Weor CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE MAJOR ARCANES, THE HEBREW ALPHABET, AND THE HOURS OF APOLLONIUS Arcane 1 The Magician Aleph Kether Arcane 2 The Priestess Beth Chokmah Arcane 3 The Empress Gimel Binah Arcane 4 The Emperor Daleth Chesed Arcane 5 The Hierarch He Geburah Arcane 6 Indecision Vau Tiphereth Arcane 7 Triumph Zain Netzach Arcane 8 Justice Cheth Hod Arcane 9 The Hermit Teth Jesod Arcane 10 Retribution Iod Malkuth & 1st Hour Arcane 11 Persuasion Kaph 2nd Hour Arcane 12 The Apostolate Lamed 3rd Hour Arcane 13 Immortality Mem 4th Hour Arcane 14 Temperance Nun 5th Hour Arcane 15 Passion Samech 6th Hour Arcane 16 Fragility Haim 7th Hour Arcane 17 Hope Phe 8th Hour Arcane 18 Twilight Tzad 9th Hour Arcane 19 Inspiration Coph 10th Hour Arcane 20 Resurrection Resch 11th Hour Arcane 21 Transmutation Shin 12th Hour Arcane 22 The Return Than 13th Hour 3 Introduction To Kabbalah Samael Aun Weor THE LESSER ARCANES Arcane 23 The Labourer Arcane 51 Advice Arcane 24 The Weaver Arcane 52 Premeditation Arcane 25 The Argonaut Arcane 53 Resentment Arcane 26 The Prodigiousnes Arcane 54 Examination Arcane 27 The Unexpected Arcane 55 Contrition Arcane 28 Uncertainty Arcane 56 Pilgrimages Arcane 29 Domesticity Arcane 57 Rivalry Arcane 30 Exchange Arcane 58 Consideration Arcane 31 Impediments Arcane 59 Revelation Arcane 32 Magnificence Arcane 60 Evolution Arcane 33 Alliance Arcane 61 Solitude Arcane 34 Innovation Arcane 62 Proscription Arcane 35 Distress Arcane 63 Communion Arcane 36 Initiation Arcane 64 Vehemence Arcane 37 Art and Science Arcane 65 Apprenticeship Arcane 38 Duplicity Arcane 66 Perplexity Arcane 39 Testimony Arcane 67 Friendship Arcane 40 Premonition Arcane 68 Speculation Arcane 41 Uneasiness Arcane 69 Random Arcane 42 Preeminence Arcane 70 Cooperation Arcane 43 Hallucination Arcane 71 Avarice Arcane 44 The Mind Arcane 72 Purification Arcane 45 Regeneration Arcane 73 Love and Desire Arcane 46 Patrimony Arcane 74 Offering Arcane 47 Conjecture Arcane 75 Generosity Arcane 48 Consummation Arcane 76 The Dispenser Arcane 49 Versatility Arcane 77 Disorientation Arcane 50 Affinity Arcane 78 Rebirth 4 Introduction To Kabbalah Samael Aun Weor Arcane 1 THE MAGICIAN DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATE. In the superior part, the eyes represent the eyes of the Father, internally represents the infinite, the Holy Eight, the Caduceus of Mercury, the Eight Kabirs who rule the planet. The Magician is standing in profile, the right side meaning that for the manifested, the right side is everything. The serpents stands out from his forehead, indicating that he is risen, that he is a Self-Realized Master. In his left hand is the staff of power, that symbolizes the spinal column, pointing at the infinite. With his right hand he points at the Earth, indicating that he dominates it with science, that one must ascend from below. It is not possible to ascend without first descending, one needs to descends to the Ninth Sphere which has two representations, the first, Sex, the Cubic Stone; the second are the Nine Circles, the Atomic Infernos to which the Initiate must descends, symbolizes Descending to Ascend. On his clothing there is a triangle with the vortex upwards; this represents the three primary forces reunited in Kether, the 1. On one side there is a table which represents the four elements (earth, water, fire, air), the physical plane. On the table are various elements in disorder: the Sword of power, the Lingam (masculine sexual organ); a Chalice which represents the physical cerebrum and on the other hand, the Yoni (feminine sexual organ); and a Moon that one must convert into Sun. Below the table is the immortal Ibis, the Phoenix Bird, the Kala-Hansa Swan, the Holy Spirit that symbolizes Love. Being below the table indicates that it is through the Sacred Fire of the Third Logos that we must put in order the disorderly elements on the table. In the inferior part in the Water of Life we find the Cubic stone, the Philosopher's stone already forged, indicating that this is the work that we must realize; that is the Perfect Cubic Stone of Jesod, Sex, Stumbling Stone and Rock of Scandal. Arcane 2 THE PRIESTESS DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATE. In the waters of life appear two columns of the temple of Isis, the white, Jakin and the Black, Boaz; each one with four steps signifying the four bodies of sin (Physical, Vital, Astral and Mental). Above appears a (female) Master seated between two bigger pillars. She is within a temple, facing us and that is why the columns are reversed. Being seated indicates to us her Passive aspect. In Arcane 1, the Magician is standing, Active aspect. She is showing us her left side, her Negative aspect. On her lap is a half-opened book that she covers halfway with her mantle, indicating that she is wisdom, she teaches the Cabbala. 5 Introduction To Kabbalah Samael Aun Weor On her chest, the Crux Ansata, the symbol of life, the foundation, Venus, the Tao Cross. the cross over her naked breast signifies that her product, the milk, are the virtues. The Serpent on her forehead indicates mastery, that she is risen. Above her head, the horns of the Sacred Bull Apis, husband of the Divine Cow; the horns internally symbolize the Father and externally, the Psychological I (our defects). We also find the attributes of the Calf or Kabir. The Circle is the Serpent that bites its tail, represents the Cosmic Mother, the Sacred Cow. The veil that falls over her face is the veil of Isis. Arcane 3 THE EMPRESS DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATE. In the central part appears a woman crowned by 12 stars (1 + 2 = 3) which represents the 12 zodiacal signs, the 12 doors of the Holy City, the 12 Keys of Basil Valentine, the 12 worlds of the Solar System of Ors. On her head is a Cup and on the same stands out a Serpent, symbol of Mastery, that she is risen. In her right hand is the Staff of Power and with her left hand she tries to reach the dove that represents the Holy Spirit. Her clothing is solar, all indicating that she is the Christified Soul, product of Arcanes 1 and 2. She is seated on the Cubic Stone already perfectly forged. In the waters of life is the Moon under her feet, indicating that we must trample on it to convert it into Sun. Arcane 4 THE EMPEROR DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATE. The Serpent, symbol of Mastery protrudes from the forehead of the Emperor; the Crown with an asp, the Thermutis which belongs to Isis, our Particular Divine Mother Kundalini.
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    úáùì øåãéñ Siddur for Shabbat úáùì øåãéñ Siddur for Shabbat David Singer, Editor Berkeley Hillel 5763 2003 i ii Contents Preface iv On Usage v Shabbat Evening Service 1 Shabbat Morning Service 43 Havdalah 95 Supplementary Prayers 97 Songs 103 iii Preface This siddur was first created by the Reform minyan at UC Berkeley, California in the spring of 2003. In deciding to compile this siddur, students embarked on an ambitious process: how could they best combine over twenty distinct creative service packets into one inclusive and comprehensive siddur which would suit the needs of the Berkeley Reform Jewish community’s prayer in all circumstances for years to come? Further, the prayer service, while in need of energy and creativity, was also worthy of respect and in due need of a certain amount of structure which service packets could not provide. It is our hope that this siddur meets that need, and accordingly that it can and will be used for Erev and Shacharit Shabbat and Havdalah services as well as song sessions. Further, it is our hope that this siddur will help to meet the same need in other youth and young adult minyanim for years to come. We thank the many people who have helped to make this siddur a reality, especially to those who spent countless hours compiling and editing. To David Singer, Melissa Loeffler, Jill Cozen-Harel, Becky Gimbel, David Abraham and Athalia Markowitz special thanks are due. The original printing of this siddur would not be possible if not for the generous financial support provided by Temple Beth El of Berkeley, CA.
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