ALAN LODGE - Photographer - Media One Eye on the Road tel: 0115 911 3804 mobile: +44(0)7712 836603 email:
[email protected] web: wap: 1 Some of the story so far ........ Intro.... 4 Beginnings 4 Stonehenge and the ‘Battle of the Beanfield’ 6 Further trouble and the Public Order Act 1986 14 Attacks on our ‘alternative economy’ 18 Raves, Dance Parties etc... 20 Castlemorton Common 21 Police Surveillance 23 Criminal Justice Act 1994 25 The aftermath 26 My Resume 27 2 Some of the story so far ........ Some of the story so far...... one ought to be lord over another but the earth be free for everyone to live on. Garrard Winstanley 1649 Garrard Winstanley was an outstanding philosopher and political thinker of the seventeenth century. He became one of the principle advocates for the ‘Leveller’ and ‘Digger’ causes. Earlier in the century, the Royal Enclosures of common land had grabbed vast areas for their own use. Three quarters of the country was common land at this time. The common people suffered. During the chaos left at the end of the Civil War, the new Establishment took advantage and seized Royalist land and further expanded their estates by shamelessly enclosing more of the commons. The new Parliament acquiesced to this and people remained landless and hungry. The common people suffered. Over time, some were attracted to the principles of self help, non violent direct action, self sufficiency.