Biogeographic Affinities of Middle and Late Devonian Fishes of South Africa

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Biogeographic Affinities of Middle and Late Devonian Fishes of South Africa Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement No. 57: 157-168 (1999). Biogeographic affinities of Middle and Late Devonian fishes of South Africa 2 3 4 M. Eric Andersonl, John A. Long , Fiona J. Evans , John E. Almond4, Johannes N. Theron and Patrick A. BenderS 1 J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Private Bag 1015, Grahamstown 6140, South Africa; email: [email protected] 2 Western Australian Museum, Francis St, Perth, WA 6000, Australia 3 Department of Zoology, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag Xl, Matieland 7602, South Africa 4 Council for Geoscience, PO Box 572, Bellville 7535, South Africa 5 Museum of the Council for Geoscience, Private Bag X112, Pretoria 0001, South Africa Abstract - South African fossil fish remains spanning much of the Devonian Period have now been reported from the Bokkeveld and Witteberg Groups (West Gondwana). Emsian and Eifelian material is scarce, consisting of fragments of an antiarch, elasmobranchs, the acanthodian Machaeracanthlls and a possible dipnoan, represented by a single scale. Recent explorations have focused on Middle Devonian (Givetian) and Late Devonian (Famennian) sites in the south and west of the country. The Givetian ichthyofauna is characterized by a high proportion of sharks to placoderrns and an absence of agnathans, actinopterygians and dipnoans, with only a single crossopterygian (Onychodlls sp.). The better-explored Famennian has a high diversity of endemic forms, and at higher taxonomic levels is comparable to ichthyofaunas from slightly earlier sites in Iran and at Mount Howitt, Australia, reflecting the pan­ Gondwanan nature of non-marine fish distributions in the Late Devonian. The Givetian, however, in its diversity of sharks, comparable to that of Antarctica, and absence of thelodonts, antiarchs and major sarcopterygian groups, is interpreted as a depauperate assemblage unaffected by cosmopolitan distributional trends occurring at the time. Three possible explanations are a high-latitude effect, palaeoecological restriction in brackish marginal habitats, or inadequate sampling of the fauna. INTRODUCTION palaeoecology. Plant and invertebrate remains have Devonian fish faunas of West Gondwana were been found in both formations, but fishes are reviewed by Lelievre et al. (1993), although known only in the Witpoort (Figures 2, 3; Gess and generally few remains were known at the time. For Hiller 1995). Here we emend a few identifications the South African region, these authors cited a made by Anderson et al. (1994; Figure 3 herein; see Middle Devonian assemblage of only five taxa, first also Long et al. 1997). reported by Chaloner et al. (1980). Many more In 1994 and 1996 J.A. Long visited South Africa to Devonian fish remains spanning the Emsian aid in describing the new material. The authors of through Famennian epochs have been reported the present paper embarked on a two-week from South Africa (Oosthuizen 1984; Anderson et collecting expedition to sites in the younger al. 1994; Gess and Hiller 1995; Long et al. 1997; Long Bokkeveld Group (Cape Supergroup) of the et al. in press), yet scant or no reference to the Western Cape Province in September 1996. This material has been cited by authors. The newly resulted in the most comprehensive collection of discovered material comes from one site near Middle Devonian fishes ever made in South Africa, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, and several in the producing a preliminary list of nine taxa (Table 1; Western Cape (Figure 1). Long et al. in press). Several sites were visited, but Anderson et al. (1994) first reported on the Eastern collections centred around Warmwaterberg near Cape fossil fishes. The site is a Famennian-age Ladismith (Figure 4) and in the Cederberg Range estuarine lagoon in a barrier island complex, part of near Grootrivier (Figure 5). These are characterized the 1200 km-long outcrop of the Witpoort by mudstones, siltstones and lag conglomerates of Formation (Witteberg Group, Cape Supergroup). deltaic environments (Theron and Loock 1988). The Hiller (1990) and Taylor and Hiller (1992) discussed mixed fish fauna (Figure 6) and associated biota the stratigraphy of the Late Devonian Weltevrede reflect habitats of fluctuating salinities. and Witpoort Formations and the local Long et al. (in press) reviewed the presently 158 M.E. Anderson, J.A. Long, F.J. Evans, J.E. Almond, J.N. Theron, P.A. Bender WITTEBERG GROUP BOKKEVELD GROUP I:::::::.::::::::::." .... TABLE MOUNTAIN GROUP o 100 200km Figure 1 Map showing the distribution of the Bokkeveld and Witteberg Groups (Cape Supergroup) in South Africa. Abbreviations for fossil fish localities: BH = Baviaanshoek; GR = Grootrivier; GT = Grahamstown; HS = Hondewater Stasie; LF = Leeubosfontein; LH = Leeuwenhoek; PH = Plathuis; SV = Swartzvlei; TB = De Dooms Tafelberg; VK = Vaalbokskloof; WB = Warrnwaterberg. known South African Devonian ichthyofauna. Klipbokkop and Adolphspoort Formations However, as they only briefly touched upon (Givetian; Western Cape) and the Witpoort biogeographic issues, we expand upon this subject Formation (Farnennian; Eastern Cape). here. As only the Givetian and Farnennian epochs are represented by repeatedly collected taxa, we will restrict the discussion to the fish fauna of the THE ICHTHYOFAUNA Chondrichthyes Givetian Oelofsen (1981) first reported Devonian shark material from South Africa as tooth impressions from the Bokkeveld Group in the collection of Abraham H. De Vries from his farm near Warmwaterberg. Oelofsen mistakenly referred to the fossil horizon as the "third shale" of the Bokkeveld succession. This, however, is the Eifelian-age Tra Tra Formation of the Western Cape. The fossiliferous horizon at the De Vries farm lies within the younger Adolphspoort Formation (above). These "pleuracanth (ctenacanth)-type" teeth in fact represent Antarctilamna, referred to as a "stem-group xenacanth" by Long and Young (1995), but which may actually be a phoebodont (0. Hampe personal communication 1997). Antarctilamna teeth were collected in the Adolphspoort and Klipbokkop Formations by us as well, and Long et al. (in press) noted differences from the type species, A. prisca, from Antarctica. Other Antarctilamna teeth are known from South America, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Australia, spanning the Emsian/Eifelian to the Givetian (Lelievre et al. 1993; J.A. Long unpublished observations). Teeth of the sharks Aztecodus and Figure 2 Excavating the Witpoort shale horizon at Portalodus were also found by us in the Klipbokkop Grahamstown. Formation. These and Antarctilamna are known to Biogeography of South African Devonian fish 159 6 Figure 3 Reconstruction of the Famennian ichthyofauna of Grahamstown, Eastern Cape. Numerically dominant were placoderms and acanthodians. Placoderms include the antiarch Bothrio/epis africana (1), the groenlandaspidid arthrodires Groenlandaspis riniensis (2) and Africanaspis doryssa (3), and an unidentified ptyctodont (4). An undetermined species of gyracanthid acanthodian was also common (5). Less abundant were coelacanths close to Dip/ocercides (6), a stem-group chondrichthyan (7; see Anderson et al. this volume), a large, perhaps 2 m long, tristichopterid sarcopterygian close to Ellsthenodon (8), a lungfish close to Andreyevichthys, if not of that genus (9), and unidentified palaeoniscoid actinopterygians (10). co-occur elsewhere only in the Aztec Siltstone, primitive basal chondrichthyan relict with no Antarctica (latest Givetian). known close affinities (Anderson et al. this volume). Famermian Placodermi Anderson et al. (1994) first reported on the single known chondrichthyan from the Witpoort Givetian Formation, an entire specimen plus an isolated Three phlyctaenioid arthrodires, all from different spine of another (see Anderson et al. this volume). families, are known in the fauna: Graenlandaspis At first regarded as a possible holocephalan therani (Groenlandaspididae), an unidentified (Anderson et al. 1994), it is now thought to be a very phlyctaeniid, and an unidentified holonematid. 160 M.E. Anderson, J.A. Long, F.J. Evans, J.E. Almond, J.N. Theron, P.A. Bender Figure 4 The Adolphspoort Formation at Hondewater Stasie near Ladisrnith. Several distorted skulls of a Groenlandaspis were Chaloner et al. (1980). Groenlandaspis occurs from collected by us in the Adolphspoort Formation, but the late Emsian in Iran and Australia to the late it is presently unknown if these or the trunk armour Famennian in Greenland, Australia and South of Chaloner et al. (1980, figure 8A) represent G. Africa. Perhaps the most speciose arthrodire genus, theroni or another species. Long et al. (in press) its members occur in both marine and freshwater discussed identification problems owing to angular deposits, making it a poor indicator of habitat type. shear on the mudstone, which led to G. theroni being Long et al. (in press) also reported additional placed in a monotypic genus, Barrydalaspis by armour of a long-shielded phlyctaeniid first noted Figure 5 The Klipbokkop Formation (arrow) at Grootrivier, Cederberg Range. Biogeography of South African Devonian fish 161 Figure 6 Reconstruction of the Givetian ichthyofauna of the Western Cape. Relatively low in diversity at higher taxonomic levels, it was dominated by sharks such as Antarctilamna (1) and other early xenacanthimorphs, as well as c1imatiiform acanthodians such as Gyracanthides (2) and an unidentified c1imatiiform (3). Less abundant were arthrodires such as Groenlandaspis theroni (4), an unidentified holonematid (5) and an unidentified phlyctaeniid (6). A single
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