Congressional Record—Senate S1873
March 23, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1873 report of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal Acquisi- ant to law, a report relative to the acquisi- forty-fourth President of the United States tion Regulation; FAR Case 2008–006, En- tions made annually from entities that man- of America, Barack Obama, the Nobel Peace hanced Competition for Task- and Delivery- ufacture articles, materials, or supplies out- Prize for his ‘‘extraordinary efforts to Order Contracts—Section 843 of the Fiscal side of the United States for fiscal year 2009; strengthen international diplomacy and co- Year 2008 National Defense Authorization to the Committee on Homeland Security and operation between peoples’’; and Governmental Affairs. Act’’ (RIN9000–AL05) received in the Office of WHEREAS, it is important for commu- EC–5180. A communication from the Sec- nities throughout the Nation to recognize the President of the Senate on March 22, retary of Transportation, transmitting draft this momentous occasion; 2010; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- legislation to provide authority to com- NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RE- rity and Governmental Affairs. pensate Federal employees for the two-day SOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF EC–5171. A communication from the Acting period in which authority to make expendi- THE CITY OF LAUDERHILL, FLORIDA: Senior Procurement Executive, Office of Ac- tures from the Highway Trust Fund lapsed, SECTION 1: Each ‘‘WHEREAS’’ clause set quisition Policy, General Services Adminis- and for other purposes; to the Committee on forth above is true and correct and is incor- tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Homeland Security and Governmental Af- porated herein.
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