Gyalideopsis Floridae, Sp. Nov. a New Lichenicolous Lichen from Florida
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The Bryologist 104(1), pp. 130 133 Copyright q 2001 by the American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc. Gyalideopsis ¯oridae, sp. nov. a New Lichenicolous Lichen from Florida (Gomphillaceae, Ascomycetes) JAVIER ETAYO Navarro Villoslada 16, 38 dcha, E-31003 Pamplona, Spain; e-mail: [email protected] PAUL DIEDERICH MuseÂe national d'histoire naturelle, 25 rue Munster, L-2160 Luxembourg, Luxembourg; e-mail: paul.diederich Abstract. Gyalideopsis ¯oridae, a lichenicolous lichen growing on Parmotrema in Florida (U.S.A.) is described as new. It is distinguished from all hitherto known species of the genus by multispored asci and simple ascospores. During our studies on lichenicolous species of GYALIDEOPSIS FLORIDAE Etayo & Diederich, sp. Leotiales with dark apothecia; hyaline, aseptate as- nov. FIGS. 1±2 cospores; non-amyloid asci; and linear, sparsely Gyalideopsis lichenisata in Parmotrematis thallis licheni- branched paraphyses (Diederich & Etayo 2000; cola, ascomatibus atris, ascis multisporis et ascosporis Etayo & Diederich 2000), we examined several aseptatis insignis. specimens of a lichenicolous lichen growing on TYPE: U.S.A. FLORIDA. Duval County, Big Talbot Island species of Parmotrema in Florida (U.S.A.); they are State Park, along trail to `Scrubby Bluff', 1.1 mi. (1.76 distinguished by aseptate ascospores, multispored km) from N end of park, 2.2 mi. (3.5 km) from S end of park, on Parmotrema rigidum, 17.XII.1988, R. C. Harris asci, and anastomosing paraphyses. A comparison 23890 (NY, holotype; hb. Diederich, hb. Etayo, isotypes). with other lichenicolous fungi and lichens revealed Thallus very thin, continuous, forming dispersed strong resemblances to the predominantly tropical greenish gray patches on surface of host thallus, genus Gyalideopsis VeÏzda (Gomphillaceae), the when well-developed slightly raised over surface of members of which are mainly corticolous or foli- host thallus, 100±250(±1,000) mm diam. and 15±20 icolous. Species of the family Gomphillaceae are mm thick; photobiont belonging to Chlorococca- mainly characterized by the presence of hypho- ceae, cells subspheric to ellipsoid, 5±8 mm diam.; phores (absent in some species), ®ssitunicate (?) hyphae hyaline to brownish. Apothecia 0.2±0.4 asci, a non-amyloid hymenium, and richly branched (±0.5) mm diam., rounded, plane, sessile, basally and anastomosing paraphyses (LuÈcking 1997; VeÏz- slightly constricted, dark brown to black; disc at da & Poelt 1987). Recently, three lichenicolous, ®rst smooth, becoming rough when mature, some- non-lichenized species of Gyalideopsis have been times with umbo-like structures or with several described, all growing on foliicolous lichens (LuÈck- newly formed apothecia within disc; margin slight- ing 1997; LuÈcking & SeÂrusiaux 1998). All hitherto ly prominent, concolorous with disc, thick and known species of Gyalideopsis have septate or rough, devoid of hairs, when young sometimes with muriform ascospores and a maximum of eight as- irregular lobes curved over disc. Exciple dark red- copores per ascus. Despite these differences, we be- dish brown, K1 dark olivaceous brown, N1 lighter lieve that the species on Parmotrema ®ts Gyali- orange brown, often irregular, 10±30(±40) mm deopsis quite well, and the inclusion in this genus thick, composed of branched, radiating hyphae em- is therefore proposed here. bedded in gelatinous matrix (examined in C), in water appearing as prosoplectenchyma with re- MATERIAL AND METHODS duced cell lumina; hypothecium prosoplectenchy- matous, pale brown, to 15 mm; hymenium color- The material examined is kept in LG and NY and in the less, I2 and KI2, 30±50 mm, with branched and personal collections of the authors and of O. Breuss (Vi- enna). Macroscopical examination was carried out using strongly anastomosing interascal ®laments of 0.5± a binocular microscope at a magni®cation of 340. Micro- 1.0 mm diam.; epithecium partly covered by irreg- scopical studies of hand-made sections were done using ular, brown (same pigment as exciple), gelatinous tap water, a 5% aqueous solution of KOH (K), concen- granules that might be remnants of excipular tissue trated nitric acid (N), commercial bleach (C), and Lugol's reagent without (I) and with pre-treatment with K (KI). covering disc when young, without crystals (ex- All measurements were done using sections examined in amined in polarized light). Asci clavate, 28±37 3 water. 12±18 mm, multi-spored (with at least 128 asco- 0007-2745/00/130±133$0.55/0 2001] ETAYO & DIEDERICH: GYALIDEOPSIS FLORIDAE SP. NOV. 131 FIGURE 1. Thallus of Parmotrema submarginale with Gyalideopsis ¯oridae. Note the minuscule grayish thalli of the Gyalideopsis (arrows) (Harris 23652A NY). Scale bar 5 1 mm. spores), wall laterally thin, apically distinctly thick- DISCUSSION ened, often biconvex, rarely with small apical beak, entirely KI2 (but endoplasma KI1 orange). Asco- Super®cially, the new species might be mistaken spores hyaline, aseptate, subspheric to broadly el- for a non-lichenized lichenicolous fungus develop- lipsoid, 2±4 mm diam., with one large guttule, dead ing over thalli of Parmotrema. However, a careful ascospores rarely becoming brownish in ascus. examination reveals the presence of numerous Conidiomata not observed. grayish green patches over the host thallus that rep- Hosts. Parmotrema perforatum (Jacq.) A. Mas- resent minuscule thalli belonging to the Gyalideop- sal., P. rigidum (Lynge) Hale, and P. submarginale sis, which is, therefore, clearly lichenized. These (Michx.) De Priest & B. Hale [5 P. michauxianum patches are easily visible when young, but more or (Zahlbr.) Hale]. less obscured in older populations (e.g., in the type Distribution. The new species is quite common specimen). in northern Florida, but so far has not been found Gyalideopsis ¯oridae shares several important elsewhere. features with the core of the genus Gyalideopsis, like the type of hamathecium and exciple, but is Paratypes. U.S.A. FLORIDA. Dixie Co., Steinhatchee distinguished from all other known species by the Wildlife Management Area, on Parmotrema perforatum, aseptate ascospores and the multispored asci. The Buck 24329 (LG, NY); Duval Co., Big Talbot Island State Park, on P. rigidum, Buck 15495 (NY); Liberty Co., Ap- septation of ascospores in this genus is a variable alachicola National Forest, on P. perforatum, Buck 19026 character, ranging from 1- or pluriseptate to sub- (NY); Marion Co., Ocala National Forest, on Parmotrema muriform or even muriform (LuÈcking 1997), and it sp., Breuss 12014 (hb. Breuss, hb. Etayo); Putnam Co., is thus perfectly acceptable to include a species Ocala National Forest, on P. submarginale, Harris with aseptate ascospores. As far as we know, no 23652A (NY, hb. Diederich, hb. Etayo); Santa Rosa Co., Blackwater River State Forest, on P. rigidum, Buck 24606 species of Gyalideopsis with multi-spored asci has (NY). been recognized until now; all hitherto known spe- 132 THE BRYOLOGIST [VOL. 104 FIGURE 2. Gyalideopsis ¯oridae (Harris 23652A NY). Ð A. Section through an ascoma; note the minuscule thallus surrounding the ascoma, developing over the cortex of the host. Ð B. Hymenium, asci and paraphyses. Ð C. Asco- spores. Scale bars 5 100 mm (A), 10 mm (B), 1 mm (C). cies having 1±8-spored asci. However, if we accept members of the Arthoniales, but in that order the as a general rule that the total volume of all asco- ascus wall is generally KI1 blue at the apex. spores within one ascus is more or less constant Gyalideopsis ¯oridae is not known to produce within the genus, then it might not be unreasonable hyphophores, a type of conidiomata commonly to suggest that many small ascospores are physio- found in other species of the genus; such hypho- logically equivalent to fewer large ones. phores are also missing in some other taxa like G. The asci of G. ¯oridae are clearly ®ssitunicate minutissima LuÈcking or G. pallida LuÈcking (LuÈck- (Fig. 2). Those of Gyalideopsis s. str. are similar, ing 1997). but nevertheless slightly different, the discharge The lichenicolous way of life is unusual within never being of the jack-in-the-box type (LuÈcking, the genus, although three such species have re- pers. comm.). It is possible that G. ¯oridae does cently been described: G. parvula Hafellner & VeÏz- not belong to Gyalideopsis, but for the time being da (on species of Ectolechiaceae), G. epithallina the inclusion in this genus seems to be the best LuÈcking (on Gyalideopsis vulgaris), and G. coch- solution. The asci also resemble those of some learifer LuÈcking & SeÂrus. (on Gomphillaceae) (see 2001] ETAYO & DIEDERICH: GYALIDEOPSIS FLORIDAE SP. NOV. 133 LuÈcking 1997; LuÈcking & SeÂrusiaux 1998). None LITERATURE CITED of these taxa is said to possess its own thallus. These three species are all con®ned to foliicolous DIEDERICH,P.&J.ETAYO. (2000). A synopsis of the gen- hosts, and they may represent delichenized taxa that era Skyttea, Llimoniella and Rhymbocarpus (licheni- have given up their own photobiont after becoming colous Ascomycota, Leotiales). Lichenologist. 32: commensalistic on other lichens and taking advan- 423±485 tage of their similar photobiont. Gyalideopsis ¯or- ETAYO,J.&P.DIEDERICH. 2000. Echinodiscus lesdainii idae, on the other hand, most probably did not ®nd gen. et comb. nov., a new name for Phacopsis lesdai- nii Vouaux (Lichenicolous Ascomycetes, Leotiales). its favorite algae in the thallus of Parmotrema or Bulletin de la SocieÂte des Naturalistes Luxembour- cannot penetrate through the thick cortex of its geois 100: 63±66. host, and continues to have its own minuscule thal- KALB,K.&A.VE ZDA. 1988. Die Flechtengattung Ma- lus. Interestingly, all known lichenicolous taxa of zosia in der Neotropis (eine taxonomisch-phytogeo- Gyalideopsis have relatively small ascospores with graphische Studie). Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxon- few septa: those of G. cochlearifer are 1-septate, omica (Praha) 23: 199±210. LUÈ CKING, R. 1997. Additions and corrections to the 7±8 3 2.0±2.5 mm, of G. epithallina 1(±3)-septate, knowledge of the foliicolous lichen ¯ora of Costa 6±9 3 2.5 mm and of G.