B Ail Risch: ( Should J » I Io U T N 777 Congre! I Act Nov Fails :S-F I,S T« S 3,O
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' ^ ^ O V ^ LLITTLE I SPACE | B a s k e i mLLBASH i / rOFAMYSIERV lie stu d en t I CSI team s host;t exhibition / is Idaho; beef: not i 'Tiny H ouse’ to kick off ’08:P£)9 seasons. jsarily U S beef? SPORTS, d: L l I cam pus. I J i ^ ibu sin ^ . m ; ME: s - f — Magicvyieyxan — ---------------- 75 cents B a i li o u t f a i l si , S t «IC l(Sip lU in g e Stocks down n 777 648s 3,o:973 22128-205 Simpson, Points the Dow'was WE • Previous record foror a onoKlay Number of stoclocks that wero The vote thatlhat foiled th c bailout by largest down ijy day's end.ent drop, after Sept. 11 attacks. down on ththe NYSE. packageIge in tho House. ^ o n e - d a y O)ali c split drop ever asS VC^otes on bailout plan )ailout fails in H ous( I BrIlmParMlb NI-W Y O R K - niL' falliir ciT the bniloiit pncka^c i Congress literally ilroppc jaw s o n Wall .Struct n n d trip gcri'd a historic seUoff - iricludiiiR a tL-rrirylnR d c d lnin e o f nearly 500 p o in ts in mnen.' e r S tf Simpsoa miniitCH as the vote too ne»News__________________ place, the closest thinR tot' panic the stock market hahas Idaho’s two cotiKresslonal seen in years. iiise memhers split on Tlte Dow Jones industrii!itrial )nday's bailout package, avenige lost 777 pointtin ts 1 lich failed hv a 22H l’i)ri Monday. Its biR«est slnRleigle- itKin. day fall ever, easily hcatin;>«ng ■ .■'■m Hep. Mike.Sim|i.Min. klaho's the r>(M polnt.s it lost onI thth< e e lenii conga-ssnian from first day of tradins after• thth< e d i _ 9 l L' 2nd Districi. supported Sept. 11. 2001. terroris .• incasua-. while frrshman attacks. TnlwDnMO’DarnkUshis e rH as b t «er1u M tto (leer c«I ttothi Not Yofh Slach E z c h tv , Mead•day.Fsw IN’ n ^ * s s m a n liill S^ili ol ilu- As uncertainty Rrlppciin c d *"»P* •*»*» tt* fi«MClalII luriwts,■ sndiag tto Dm kM S M■dflstrials n rfo n 777 pelati aflK tt o , b tp m a a H t^ . At-ffSk law : District cast a vnte a>;aiiisi nivcstors, the crcdit market*Ic't-K, flaaw U M e a t p a d iq iif fai a M t a n n i n a (Ola h t t o H orn.I*. •n o ’ JOO $; which prtivide thc day-tn 'I day lending that power (lid ni)l make iliis vnii- husiness in the UiiltctS "Clearly sosom ething needs to be done, and the m arli r k e t iitly. lliiiliiT. it was OIU- i>I States, froze u p e%-en fu n h e i •ti)iif{lH-siV(iiesl li,nfmT d r o p p i ng400 g ' points in 10 m intinutes is telling you th.hat. citi^upto «l,’ At the New York StocI Simpsiiti saui in a bankJr« i-asoil siaiemi-nt. 'I vnicd ' lixchanKc. traders waicheth e d T his isn’t a m arket forfoi th e tim id." ion the hill beiaus.-1 sm with faces tense and mouthiiths — Chris lohnson p r vly l)Hie\f the khmIi’' iisk. a g ap e a s ‘IV s c a r n s sliowww w l president of Johnson Reseaearch Croup *** • t;ixpayiTsisliinin atiiiiK. the lliiuse vole a-jecting; ththi e G e ttin g Ir My first priorily In looking; Bush adrninKtralion's S7U(>700 Activity on the tradingtru just 162 stocks on t n the Big SOOO Composi>slte Index yOur Inves ills hill was ptDleciinn m k - liillion plan to Inty up bad\m floor bccame frenetic a c tus Ih c H oard rose, wlile h ile 3,073 recorded a papaper loss of ___- ,rrs, n-tirws, sniall husi- debt and sliure up the finanian- -sell" orders blew In. Tlie dropped. S e t ( sscs, farmers, and Idaho cial Industry-. selling was so inteasc «c that Thc Dow Joness Wilshire\N Please see STOO)CXS. Page A4 lilies fmm the fallout of a Fewproblefl jor m inornic d it line, 1 am — s e e k ii « sua* whea* w ^o (mm Magicvailalley.coin/B usiness Idal V hut whatever courv of llo iisi S tay u p to> datedc with all the national andar local news about Walt StreetStrt and the government be bailout plan. •••• M ond Please see IDAHO. Poge A.'. w hich , inatKii Kep riv elc th e 2i INSIDE Risch: ( ISS Absennteevotinlg increasi c o n mCounty Congre! lawmakers vote isipi: B r I h iv D n h I $ 7 0 0 B .t)8 llo u t It. |> a V TlB>a»Wtwt wittaftor______________________ H ■ ■ -I (I M t M P V iA B liRlltly. B w fn s ,! th e tol shouldI act novVw WUhBarackOb;O b am a a n d lo h n M cCain Mrt-ttot vying for the Whl^ I tc llousc. TTK>rc area I to buy Wachovia casi,' voiendneipecteic te d 10 c a st a b se n te e bai- I operations. aiiast Lt. gov. offers iots for dte upcom»ming general dcction. P e ith lM i AboiK SSOTWirVin Falls County votcn MpafllAS rm‘|y' FabCaeaU . have requestedi thjth a t a b se n te e b a l b u be fort;ix| n i s a t o w his views in mailed lo them.;m. said County Qerk M j i In toot* with -My ln h a M s «stment angst at this Kristina Glascodc.ode. adding she expects B ^^■ ■ aadaril^ > —-------------- ; p a jrr s more to do so tto coart- campaign stop3 P in the coming I itpetiM nesses weeks. By B familie^■■■hiaM iaM BrM ruiadooi comparison, a ■ lems for farmers major i r t k wrtUr___________ ____ v j i Wtal of 564 " I Ing ag credit «•« s-u people voted h e a- 1) IS U V flm rtews,goto H I Tlie only thing worse thai:han absentee in « M » B 1 : thc plan to ball out WaiWall the May pri meglcvelejhMm . Plei arxJ hrt the Election ' “juryears^'^^^ f '''t ■ ; Street was thc specterr o mary election. 2008 button. ^AtMentce vodng num ben va. d o in g n o ih in g a t aU, Id a h o U 'Preslden- -------------------------------_ yeaear, Smith said, because son Gov. jlm R is^ sold Monds;idoy tial general denents leave thc country for vacat in 1\vln Falls. elections do getI aall lot more people out to > 'For*] the total turnout, thc ai In a visit lo the Times U.Go«.JlaRbek vote.* Gtascock said.sai reqi^quests aren'l always a good Ir News. Risch. who b heavihivUy Other countieses alsoI expect a surge of ofvf wtiat thc total turnout will bc. favored in thc race to ivpUcilace gy policy, foreign affair ses inTF. ( 'airs and absentee votersilhisyeat ihi sait!lid. retiring U.S. Sen. Larry Craigralg, transportation. *We expect aI veryve large turnout this VVoting absentee attracts tho said hc likely would hawia\*e B ut th e n a tio n a l ecoiconomy yeac* said LanyIT MickdseaMi county derk wislrish to avoid the Section Day voted agoirut the S700 billiorilon and Congressional effoifforts 10 for Cassia Countynty 'Four years ago. we poOoils. Glascock said. b a ilo u l p la n h a d h e b e e n prepre- stem the financial oisiaisUtook had about 80 pereteiceni voter turnout, but -7•A lot o f p e o p le d o th is for c se n ted w ith it. th e fo rtfto n L weeq>ealttobeeX even higher this dme.” ientave,* she said. 'They like to h But. he added with a wr^wry Risch said that hee would« biMinklokiCotCoumjr. 180 people hive baSalloi mtOed to their hom e so thi sm ile, t have the hatuiyy o:of not bull other Republ^ubllcani a lr^ voted tbsentee,tbi said Couniv hivave to find d m e o n B e c tio n Da n o t having to vote.'. w h o v o te d fo r th e pn>{roposed Oerk Dume Smithnith. Four yetntgo^ 3 7 l \ tot!>thepolli.* In a wlde*ranglng houilOur baibut though, he scldscl h » ., people voted absetjsentee widiin Ihe coun* ^ O0 dien find their woric schedul .Oascocksald. with members of the newi.rws- didn'l like particulan c 1 of the ' (y feretea with voting on Elecdoi voters can request mail p a p e rs e d ito rial b o a rd . RIsch isct d e al h e sa id is still evolv otvtng. *Useemstohiv(tive gotten off to I qukic Oailascock said, while iom e are se CL 29. o r c a n i ^ t e r a n d fielded q u e stio n s a b o u t envi-nvl- ■tut* Smith said.*kl I f it condnues at this thetemUltaiy >bitngabeenieeofE : 3 in their county court- ronmental pfotectlon. ener-ner- Please see MCN, pB8eA2Pbi nte, well eeiDjrIjr ns o p u i what we dkj ersirs the chajKc to soidy Isnies anc A f t u t l n m ...........B l Comics, cs.................C4 ONrAbby------------S J 2 MoviM__________.ASA Sirvtoe dbectory ....E4 10684 Le« & 2 Bridge..................E6 Convnurnurytjf--------C8 OcOoQ......................C5 Netio^^Wbrtt.........■M> Su|doi>u...............S2 Conmet HeiQooepe___---------- B ObNuMtts...............C7.C IMw In History.......E2 ■im.l0R«ln*.PalritoM C tm lfM a -------- E 1 4 O o m m ____ E5 J w i M ______---------- a OpMon__________ j » i .M W M h w ...............