Refuting the Oppression, Page 1 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

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Refuting the Oppression, Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) Part One Re: “Muhammad Ibn Hadi’s Allegations and the Response of the Major Scholars in Light of the Manhaj of the Salaf” by Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid on the 24th of September 2018. Allah the Most High says, “Verily, Allah does not set right the work of Al-Mufsidun (the evil-doers, corrupts, etc.).” (10:81). Allah the Exalted says, “And, verily! Allah guides not the plot of the betrayers.” (12:52). Allah the Mighty and Majestic says, “And verily, this is my Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away from His Path. This He has ordained for you that you may become Al-Muttaqun.” (6:153).

Refuting the Oppression, Page 2 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

Allah The Most High says, “And follow not your desire for it will mislead you from the Path of Allah.” (38:26) Al-Hudhayfah bin al-Yamaan - may Allah be pleased with him - said, "Know that misguidance, true misguidance is that you acknowledge what you used to reject and you reject what you used to acknowledge. And beware of changing colours in the religion, for indeed the Deen of Allah is only one." (Al- Ibaanah Al-Kubra, 1/89). To proceed: Recently Abu Khadeejah – who is a toddler in comparison to Al-Allamah Muhammad bin Hadi - wrote an article in an attempt to refute the noble Shaykh, Al-Allamah Muhammad bin Hadi al- Madkhali, may Allah preserve him. This article however has only further exposed the oppressive and deceptive nature of Abu Khadeejah and has highlighted his ignorance regarding issues connected to the Deen of Allah. Abul-Qaasim Ibn Asaakir – may

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Allah have mercy on him – said, “The flesh of the scholars – may Allah have mercy on them – is poisonous. And Allah’s way of exposing those who speak ill of the scholars is well-known.” The reader will also – by the permission of Allah – come to learn about how Abu Khadeejah plays with the Deen of Allah and how he changes his stances in accordance with his desires. In addition, what is really astonishing is his lack of fear of Allah and his shameless behaviour when speaking about the Awliya of Allah, the Salafi scholars. We advise this repulsive individual to fear Allah and know his small station and not fabricate falsehood against the mountains of knowledge. A small goat that butts its head against a mountain should have mercy on its own head more than on the mountain! In this short report, we will – by the permission of Allah – focus only on one of the sections in the above- mentioned article written by Abu Khadeejah. The section which we would like to shed some light on for the one seeking the truth is “Allamah Rabee Refuting the Oppression, Page 4 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

Al-Madkhali Refutes and Rebukes Muhammad Ibn Hadi in the Issue of Iman and the Accusation of Irja”. Further refutations of the other blunders found within his evil article will follow shortly by the permission of Allah. A Brief History : The Halabi Papers On the 12th of September 2000, the Lajnah Ad- Daaimah (the Permanent Committee) consisting of the Mufti of (Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh), Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzaan, Shaykh Abdullah Al-Ghudayaan and Shaykh issued a verdict refuting two books written by Ali Hasan Al-Halabi. The Permanent Committee stated that these books called to the Madhhab of Irjaa and opposed Ahlus-Sunnah in the issues of Imaan and Kufr. The Permanent Committee also said that these books were not permissible to be printed, distributed or spread due to what they contained of falsehood and distortion. This then led to the dispute and debate between the Permanent Committee and

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Al-Halabi. A very important fact to remember at this point is that the position of Imam Al-Fazwaan and the Permanent Committee on the issue of Imaan is that the person who abandons actions altogether is not a Muslim and the one who claims that he is a Muslim has fallen into Irjaa. Noble reader, please note that this is the very same position as Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadi on the issue of Imaan as well as other respectable Salafi scholars. This will insha’Allah be further elaborated on during this article. Immediately after the verdict of the Lajnah, Salafi Publications (SP) began its staunch defence of Ali Hasan Al-Halabi against Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzaan and against the Permanent Committee. They issued a three part series entitled “The Halabi Papers”. Part 1 consisting of 16 pages was published by SP on the 20th of September 2000 just days after the refutation of the Permanent Committee against Al-Halabi. During the “Introduction” of Part 1, SP state:

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And there is no doubt that the Permanent Committee and its members, in our view, are people of knowledge and excellence, who are deserving of respect and love – but that does not at the same time necessitate that they are free from error and that their sayings are representative of the absolute truth – since consideration is given to evidence and as the reader will see in what is yet to come (of Shaikh Ali’s reply in the next Paper) – the evidence is actually with Shaikh Ali Hasan – and his view is but the view of the two notable Imams of the Era on the issues of Imaan and Kufr and Takfir and the Secular Laws and the likes. From the above quote, one can clearly see that SP have declared Ali Hasan to be correct “on the issues of Imaan and Kufr and Takfir and the Secular Laws and the likes” and the Permanent Committee to be wrong. SP further go on to say that the position of Ali Hasan on the aforementioned issues conforms to the stance of Imam Al-Albaani and Imam Bin Baaz, may Refuting the Oppression, Page 7 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

Allah have mercy on them. On a side note, another interesting point to reflect upon from the above quote is that SP mention that despite the fact that the members of the Permanent Committee are respectable scholars, they are not free from error and that consideration must be given to the evidence. Furthermore, on page eight, SP mention a statement of Imam Bin Baaz where he said: Muhammad bin Ibrahim [the Mufti before Shaykh Bin Baz] is not infallible (Ma’soom), he is but a scholar from amongst the scholars, he is sometimes correct and sometimes in error and he is not a Prophet nor a Messenger. Likewise, Shaikh ul- , Ibn ul-Qayyim, Ibn Kathir and other scholars. All of them are sometimes correct and they sometimes err. But only what conforms to the truth is taken from their statements and as for what opposes the truth, then it is rejected from the one who said it.

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This is in fact contrary to what SP are upon today in that nowadays they are continuously calling the Salafis to blind-follow the noble Shaykh, the Muhaddith, Al-Allamah Rabee bin Hadi Al-Madkhali, and they have disregarded all evidence against the Sa’afiqah. Moreover, if a Salafi makes a statement such as “Shaykh Rabee is not free from mistake”, SP accuse him of belittling Shaykh Rabee and accuse him of trying to bring down the Shaykh. However, when it agreed with their desires, they quite boldly said that the Permanent Committee are not free from error, i.e. they are humans who can make a mistake. We can therefore deduce from the above that SP are a people who change their stances in accordance with their desires and they apply the Ahkaam of the Sharee’ah as and when it suits them. That is to say that at times SP propagate – rightfully so – that scholars are humans and they can err. And at other times, they equate such statements to belittling the scholars and to bringing them down! This is why Hudhayfah bin al-Yamaan - may Allah be pleased Refuting the Oppression, Page 9 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM with him – said, "Know that misguidance, true misguidance is that you acknowledge what you used to reject and you reject what you used to acknowledge. And beware of changing colours in the religion, for indeed the Deen of Allah is only one." We say: This point about scholars making mistakes is the absolute truth which is proven by the Qur’an, the Sunnah, the intellect and the reality, and no one denies this “except him who befools himself”. Part 2 of “The Halabi Papers” which is titled “A Response to the Permanent Committee’s Verdict” was published by SP on the 22nd of September 2000. Most of this fifty-two page article is a translation of Ali Hasan Al-Halabi’s reply to the Permanent Committee as well as SP’s staunch defence of Ali Hasan and his position on the issues of Imaan, Kufr and Takfeer. Finally, on the 20th of October 2000, SP released the third and final part of the series “The Halabi Papers”. In this article, SP continued their robust defence and

Refuting the Oppression, Page 10 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM support of Ali Hasan against Imam Al-Fawzaan and the Permanent Committee. On page sixteen of this article, SP state, “And we hold that the Lajnah’s accusation against the aforementioned [Ali Hasan, az-Zahraani & Adnaan Abdul-Qadir] with promoting the madhhab of Irjaa’ is erroneous…”. Later, on page 18, SP say, “On the subject of the Muslim with no good deeds, Shaikh Ali Hasan’s viewpoint and approach to the issue is supported by Imaam al- Albani, Imaam Ibn Baaz and Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen.” Noble reader – may Allah grant you success – please note that the viewpoint of Al-Halabi on the subject of the Muslim with no good deeds is that such a person is a Muslim who is deficient in his Imaan, but does not exit the fold of Islam. So from “The Halabi Papers” parts one, two and three, it is very evident that SP agreed with Ali Hasan’s position on the issue of Imaan against Imaam Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah.

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Moreover, Abu Khadeehah (SP) wrote an email ([email protected]) on the 5th of October 2000 addressing the Salafi masses regarding the Permanent Committee’s refutation on Ali Hasan. The subject of this email was: “[TheSalafis@egroups] Allaamah Ali Hasan”. In this email, Abu Khadeejah said, “Below is Shaykh Ali Hasan’s clear response to the Permanent Committee (Lajnah) regarding their allegations against two books of Shaykh Ali Hasan. The response of Shaykh Ali Hasan below is decisive and clears him from any questions over his scholarship and knowledge. We wait for the lajnah to correct its mistake…And we ask the innovators to rejoice no more!” We say: Ya Aba Khadeejah, fear Allah and know your small station and learn some manners when addressing the mountains of knowledge. A small goat that butts its head against a mountain should have mercy on its own head more than on the mountain!

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So here we see the young, ignorant and ill-mannered Abu Khadeejah declaring that the Lajnah has erred and addressing the likes of Imam Al-Fawzaan in an inappropriate manner – something that this haughty individual has become far too accustomed to doing! Abu Khadeejah’s belittlement of the Salafi scholars and his ugly manners when dealing with them is a fact that even his inner circle cannot reject and is something which is widespread in his statements and writings. Abu Khadeejah must be strongly reprimanded for his disrespect of the scholars and he must be stopped. It is a must that the honour of the scholars be upheld and that the insults of Abu Khadeejah & SP be brought to a standstill. The virtuous Shaykh, Rabee bin Hadi said, “There is no good in us if we do not aid and defend the oppressed one even if he is a disbeliever let alone a Salafi scholar.” (Al-Majmoo’, 9/502). So here we have the young and hasty Abu Khadeejah talking about issues which are way beyond him and matters which he does not comprehend! Abu Khadeejah who Refuting the Oppression, Page 13 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM recently grasped the basics of the language challenges Imam Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah on matters pertaining to Imaan, Kufr and Takfeer!! Allah’s aid is sought and to Him we complain! On a side note, Abu Khadeejah in his above email refers to Ali Hasan as an “Allamah”. This is something which we have seen from SP far too often; every few years they have a different “Allamah”! So the Salafi masses are always anxious to find out who the next “Allamah” is going to be and which current “Allamah” is going to be stripped of his title of being an “Allamah” and rendered as a nobody. So we have a group of brothers from SP residing in the lands of the disbelievers making and breaking “Allamahs” – without fearing Allah – in accordance with what suits their desires and their agendas. An example of such vile behaviour is that in 2005, Abu Khadeejah was in a Salafi Masjid in London desperately trying to convince a group of brothers that Dr. Abdullah Al- Bukhari was not even a scholar let alone an “Allamah”! Also, his ignorant companion, Abu Junaid Refuting the Oppression, Page 14 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

Yusuf Bowers who accompanied him from Birmingham wanted to “slaughter Khalid Raddadi”!! This will be discussed in more detail in due course by the permission of Allah. And now, lo and behold! Dr. Abdullah Al-Bukhari has been crowned as the next “Allamah” and at the same time Al-Allamah Muhammad bin Hadi has lost his title of “Allamah”!!! Is this not sufficient proof to show how these people play around with the Deen of Allah and how they issue futile verdicts based merely on their desires and in accordance with their agendas?! Additionally, in an audio that can be found on YouTube, Abu Khadeejah made the following statement, “When the Lajnah ad-Daaimah, Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzaan, Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd, the Mufti Abdul-Azeez Aal Shaykh issued a Fatwa against Ali Hasan, we still defended Ali Hasan and we translated his reply to the Lajnah ad-Daaimah”.

The New Abu Khadeejah: Almost Two Decades Later

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Approximately seventeen years later on the 22nd of October 2017, Abu Khadeejah in an attempt to refute Al-Halabi, wrote an article entitled “History: Ali Hasan Al-Halabi and Salafi Publications: The cause behind the break 15 years ago: The evidence-based refutations of the Scholars”. What is quite astonishing is that Abu Khadeejah started his article with the refutation of the Permanent Committee on Ali Hasan Al-Halabi which was issued on the 12th of September 2000. This is that very same verdict (refutation) whereby the Lajnah warned against two of Ali Hasan’s books on the issues of Imaan, Kufr and Takfeer and where the Lajnah mentioned that these two books call to the Manhaj of Irjaa! And this is that very same verdict which SP exerted much effort on when refuting during “The Halabi Papers” parts one, two and three! Furthermore, this is that very same verdict (refutation) which Ali Hasan replied to and which was then translated by SP. This is the very same refutation where SP said that the Permanent Committee had erred and that Ali Hasan was in fact Refuting the Oppression, Page 16 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM correct and the evidences were with Ali Hasan! SP also mentioned during “The Halabi Papers” - which were written to refute this verdict issued by the Lajnah - that this viewpoint of Ali Hasan on Imaan - that was refuted by the Permanent Committee - conformed to the view point of the three Imams: Al- Albaani, Bin Baaz and Muhammad Saleh Uthaimeen, may Allah have mercy on them. Moreover, it is that very same refutation about which Abu Khadeejah said, “We wait for the Lajnah to correct its mistake”. And now, lo and behold, in 2017, we see Abu Khadeejah using that very same refutation - by the Permanent Committee on Ali Hasan Al-Halabi - against Ali Hasan!!! Abu Khadeejah and SP did their utmost in defending Ali Hasan and his stances against the Lajnah and they wrote lengthy and detailed articles in refuting the Lajnah’s verdict against Al-Halabi! Allah the Most High says, “And who is more astray than one who follows his own lusts, without guidance from Allah? Verily!

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Allah guides not the people who are Zalimun.” (28:50). We would once again like to remind the reader of the position of Imam Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah on the issue of Imaan. The position of Imam Al-Fazwaan and the Permanent Committee on Imaan is that the person who abandons actions altogether is not a Muslim and the one who claims that he is a Muslim has fallen into Irjaa. Noble reader, please note that this is the very same position that Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadi holds on the issue of Imaan along with other respectable Salafi scholars. This will be insha’Allah further elaborated on in this article. So, in this article “History: Ali Hasan Al-Halabi and Salafi Publications: The cause behind the break 15 years ago: The evidence-based refutations of the Scholars” (2017), Abu Khadeejah says: So in the beginning Al-Halabī fell into irjā’ by speaking with principles as and when the comments of people would reach him. For this

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reason we saw Al-Halabī in the beginning agreeing with the book of Murād Shukrī called Ihkām At-Taqrīr Li Ahkām At-Takfīr (1998). In this book Murād Shukrī justifies and propounds the Madhhab of Irjā’ without any dispute – and in particular by restricting Kufr (unbelief) to merely to takdhīb (denial), juhūd (rejection), and istihlāl (making lawful what is unlawful) and he removed actions from the essence of Imān! Ahlus-Sunnah recognise this to be from the Madhhab of the Murji’ah. On the cover of the book were printed the words, “Read, reviewed, revised, and printed under the supervision of Shaikh Ali Al-Halabī”!! When the book reached Al-Lajnah Ad-Dā’imah under the chairmanship of the Muftī, the Imām of Sunnah and Salafiyyah, Shaikh Abdul-‘Azīz Ibn Bāz (rahimahullāh), they ruled that the book supported the Madhhab of the Murji’ah, so they warned against the book and the author. Ali Al- Halabi fell into utter confusion, indecision, and procrastination: should he continue to agree Refuting the Oppression, Page 19 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

with, and lend support to the author or accept that he was wrong and recant from his agreement with the contents of the book? In the end he repented and recanted after a period of procrastination. This further proves the point that he was speaking and debating (in the beginning) in issues that were above his level of knowledge, comprehension and understanding. (See Al- Barāhīn Al-‘Aqīdah Fī Kashfi Ahwāl wa Ta’sīlāt Ali Al-Halabi Al-Jadīdah, of Abu Mu’ādh Rā’id, reviewed by Shaikh Rabee’, pp. 11-14). We say: Ya Aba Khadeejah! Despite the fact that in the beginning Al-Halabi fell into Irjaa, despite the fact that he read, reviewed, revised and supervised the printing of a book that is upon the Madhhab of the Murji’ah (1998) – only 2 years prior to your staunch defence of Al-Halabi and your war on Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzaan & the Lajnah – which Al-Lajnah Ad- Daaimah then under the chairmanship of Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Ibn Baz (rahimahullah) ruled that it supported the Madhhab of the Murji’ah, and despite Refuting the Oppression, Page 20 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM the fact that Al-Halabi was speaking and debating (in the beginning) in issues that were above his level of knowledge, comprehension and understanding – only 2 years prior to your staunch defence of Al- Halabi – you and SP still embarked upon an extremely vigorous defence of Al-Halabi and displayed extremely vulgar mannerisms towards the likes of Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzaan. Abu Khadeejah also goes on to mention the verdict of the Permanent Committee under the chairmanship of the current Mufti, Shaykh Abdul- Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh: After looking at the two books (of Al-Halabi) in detail, they (the Lajnah) stated (as occurs at the end of their judgement), “The Permanent Committee holds that these two books are not permissible to be printed, distributed or spread due to what they contain of falsehood and distortion.” Dated 14/6/1421 AH (no. 21517) coinciding with 12 September 2000. And with this

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began the dispute between Al-Halabī and the Permanent Committee. We say: Please note that the above verdict of the Permanent Committee is the very same one which SP refuted in “The Halabi Papers” parts 1, 2 & 3 particularly part 2. And with this began the dispute between SP hand in hand with Al-Halabi and the Permanent Committee. And it is concerning the above verdict that Abu Khadeejah said in 2000, “Below is Shaykh Ali Hasan’s clear response to the Permanent Committee (Lajnah) regarding their allegations against two books of Shaykh Ali Hasan. The response of Shaykh Ali Hasan below is decisive and clears him from any questions over his scholarship and knowledge. We wait for the Lajnah to correct its mistake…And we ask the innovators to rejoice no more!” Then in this article (2017), Abu Khadeejah seeks to use this very same verdict issued by the Permanent Committee – which they (SP) previously refuted and rejected - against Al-Halabi in order to discredit him! Refuting the Oppression, Page 22 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

Abu Khadeejah goes on to say, “Therefore what we hold to be correct and is obligatory upon everyone to affirm (even in hindsight), is that the Permanent Committee was actually correct in its criticism on the commentary of Al-Halabī in At-Tahdhīr min Fitnat At-Takfīr (the first edition). The scholars of Madinah themselves were surprised at the repeated contradictions of Al-Halabi back then”. We say: This is that very same Abu Khadeejah who previously said, “When the Lajnah Daaimah, Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzaan, Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd, the Mufti Abdul-Azeez Aal Shaykh issued a Fatwa against Ali Hasan, we still defended Ali Hasan and we translated his reply to the Lajnah Daaimah”. Noble Salafi, look at how wicked this individual really is and how he plays with the Deen of Allah the Exalted! Also, if “the scholars of Madinah were surprised at the repeated contradictions of Al-Halabi back then”, why were you and the SP Hizb so robustly defending Al-Halabi and thereby opposing not only the Lajnah, but also the scholars of Madinah?! This is a living Refuting the Oppression, Page 23 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM example of what Al-Hudhayfah bin al-Yamaan - may Allah be pleased with him - said, "Know that misguidance, true misguidance is that you acknowledge what you used to reject and you reject what you used to acknowledge. And beware of changing colours in the religion, for indeed the Deen of Allaah is only one." This is precisely the Manhaj of Spubs in that they continuously change their colours in accordance with what best serves their personal agendas and in accordance to what is in the best interest of their Jamiyyah (Spubs). A more recent example of this peculiar & sickening behaviour and this evil & dangerous Manhaj is that of the deceptive emotional babbler Amjad Rafiq who dismissed the refutations of Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi against Ibrahim al-Ruhaili as emotional babble after having utilised them for a number of years. So, either Amjad deceived the people back then by using Shaykh Muhammad's refutations due to them conforming to his desires and due to them fulfilling his personal agendas or he is deceiving the people now! Was he Refuting the Oppression, Page 24 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM lying back then or is he lying now?! Please refer to the following article for a detailed refutation regarding this issue. ( This kind of repeated behaviour shows that this is actually the Manhaj of SP and it also shows that the positions which Spubs take are most definitely questionable and certainly doubtful. It also proves that they cannot be trusted because they seem to take positions not because they believe that this is the correct thing to do in accordance with what the Sharee’ah dictates, but rather they adopt positions according to their whims and desires. And this is from the traits of the liars in that they keep changing positions while the proofs are still the same! Abu Khadeejah goes on to say, “If only Ali Al-Halabī had affirmed his mistakes in the beginning instead of stubbornly resisting, and if only he had affirmed that the Lajnah was correct, and made open his recantation, it would have saved the Salafis a huge

Refuting the Oppression, Page 25 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM amount of fitnah (turmoil) that the Qutubies have thrived upon ever since, and Allāh knows best”. We say: You – Ya Aba Khadeejah – and the Jamiyyah are also guilty of all the aforementioned points. You were stubbornly resistant in your war against Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah. You have not openly recanted from your support of Al-Halabi especially now that you have admitted that Al-Halabi was wrong and the Lajnah was correct. You therefore also caused a lot of turmoil for the Salafis and you betrayed the Salafi masses who trusted you to convey the right information to them, and you also therefore aided the Qutubies. However, once again this is the typical Manhaj of SP in that they will never accept their mistake, they will never recant, they will never repent, but they expect all others to do so! Moreover, they declare others’ mistakes to be “mighty” when in fact they are not “mighty” and they consider their own mistakes as only something “minor”. Most of the time however they do not even

Refuting the Oppression, Page 26 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM acknowledge their mistakes when in fact their mistakes are the ones that are “mighty”!! Abu Khadeejah further says, “However, he (Al- Halabi) never made apparent his recantation. He never made apparent the fact that the Lajnah was correct in the points they highlighted of the errors and deviation in the first edition; instead he refuted the Lajna claiming that he had never restricted kufr to merely juhūd in his book, though he alluded to that [error] himself in the second edition! And the same applies to the rest of the issues the Lajnah pointed out”. We say: And you - Aba Khadeejah & Spubs - despite the fact that Al-Halabi did not recant from his errors and deviation as pointed out by the Lajnah still embarked upon defending him and his position on issues of Imaan and Kufr. In addition, you are the ones who translated, promoted and spread Al- Halabi’s “refutation” on the Lajnah! And you – Ya Aba Khadeehah – are that despicable individual who said,

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“We wait for the lajnah to correct its mistake”!! "What is the matter with you? How judge you?" Abu Khadeejah goes on to say, “That is why Shaikh Al-Fawzān said about Al-Halabī, “The Lajnah will never retract from the truth, ever. Rather, it is obligatory that he retracts from falsehood and that he repents to Allāh.” So the scholars realised the errors of Al-Halabī and they repudiated him and confronted him, that he must correct them. Yet his stubbornness against yielding to the truth and accepting his mistakes always got in the way”. We say to Abu Khadeejah and Spubs: Why is it that after Shaykh Al-Fawzaan said the above, you continued to staunchly defend Al-Halabi against Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah, and you continued to promote, propagate and defend his position on issues of Imaan and Kufr?! It is also obligatory upon you to retract from falsehood and repent to Allah since you are the ones who introduced this Fitnah to the Salafis of the West and

Refuting the Oppression, Page 28 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM you are the ones who betrayed their trust. And we advise you not to let your stubbornness against yielding to the truth and accepting your mistakes get in the way as you usually do. Abu Khadeejah after this says, “Furthermore, his refutations against the Lajnah all those years ago, whilst knowing he was wrong highlights his lack of trustworthiness and honesty – and who is there who will deny that today?” We say: The question that arises here is that why did it take you – Aba Khadeejah & Spubs – numerous years to acknowledge that the Lajnah was correct and Al-Halabi was wrong?! You still have not openly recanted nor repented for promoting falsehood and fighting against Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah?! Did you also - all those years ago – defend Al-Halabi and his positions whilst knowing that you and he were both wrong?! In addition, these series of events highlight your lack of trustworthiness and honesty as well as your lack of fear of Allah the Majestic!

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Rather, what is apparent from all the above is that you did not acknowledge that Al-Halabi was wrong because you believed that he had erred due to him opposing the Sharee’ah, rather you only did so because at that time (2017) that is what was in the best interest of you and Spubs. What further proves this point are the lengthy and detailed articles (The Halabi Papers 1, 2 & 3) that you wrote and published in 2000 defending Al-Halabi and his position on Imaan and Kufr. From what is apparent is that these “Papers” were written after a lot of research, deliberation and contemplation. And this without a shadow of a doubt proves that you strongly believed that the position of Al-Halabi was the correct one and the only one that was deserving of mention. Then all of a sudden in 2017 – seventeen years later – you suddenly decided that Al-Halabi was wrong and that Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah were correct as you yourself said, “Therefore what we hold to be correct and is obligatory upon everyone to affirm (even in hindsight), is that the Permanent Refuting the Oppression, Page 30 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

Committee was actually correct in its criticism on the commentary of Al-Halabī in At-Tahdhīr min Fitnat At-Takfīr (the first edition)”. To sum up, when the Lajnah initially refuted Al- Halabi in the year 2000 and warned against two of his books and mentioned that these books call to the Madhhab of Irjaa, Abu Khadeejah and Spubs staunchly defended Al-Halabi and “refuted” Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah, and they made it very clear that Al-Halabi was correct and the Lajnah was wrong. Then Abu Khadeejah and Spubs in the year 2017 say that Al-Halabi is wrong and the Lajnah is now correct! Abu Khadeejah & His Lies on Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi Now let’s move on to the article “Muhammad Ibn Hadi’s Allegations and the Response of the Major Scholars in Light of the Manhaj of the Salaf” by Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid on the 24th of September 2018.

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Under the section titled ‘ALLĀMAH RABEE’ AL- MADKHALI REFUTES AND REBUKES MUHAMMAD IBN HĀDI IN THE ISSUE OF IMĀN AND THE ACCUSATION OF IRJĀ’, Abu Khadeejah says, “Muhammad ibn Hādi stated in a recording that is widespread, “The one who abandons actions, as I said to you, whilst that person is able to act, yet he claims that he is a Muslim, and he turns away from performing deeds altogether – and it is said [by people] that he is a Muslim? Then this [saying] is irjā.” Dear reader, please note that - as mentioned earlier - this position of Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi is exactly the same as that of Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah consisting of Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Aal ash- Shaykh, Shaykh Abdullah Al-Ghudayaan and Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd. Also, do not forget – may Allah bless you - that Abu Khadeejah in his article in 2017 changed his stance and said that the Lajnah was actually correct and Al-Halabi was actually wrong. So in his article in 2017, Abu Khadeejah used the speech of Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah against Al- Refuting the Oppression, Page 32 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

Halabi and now in this article he has changed colours yet again whereby he is trying to refute Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi for his position on the issue of Imaan which actually conforms to the position of Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah!! Subhanallah, what Talbees! What Tadlees! “Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind”. (22:46). It is evident to all who possess an atom’s weight of intellect that this deceptive individual, Abu Khadeejah has thus far not been able to grasp the issue of Imaan and Kufr. He uses this issue as and when it suits him to wage war against the one whom he desires to bring down, hence the continuous contradictions in his speech. So you see this wicked and cunning individual changing colours; at first (2000) he agreed with and defended Al-Halabi and with it challenged the Lajnah. In 2017 however, he says that Al-Halabi was wrong and that the Lajnah was in fact correct. And now (2018 – present) he seeks to refute Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi for Refuting the Oppression, Page 33 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM holding a position on the affair of Imaan that conforms to the position of Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah. This is the end result of those who are drowned in desires, deception and Hizbiyyah. We advise Abu Khadeejah, the pretender to knowledge to stop pretending to have what he has never been given, for the Prophet said, “The one who pretends to have been given something that he has not been given is like the one who wears two garments of falsehood”. (Al-Bukhari & Muslim). Abu Khadeejah then says, “This speech is a revilement of a body of scholars from Ahlus- Sunnah, such as Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (in a report from him), Ibn Rajab, Al-Albāni and Rabee’ Al-Madkhali. Many of the Haddādi innovators used this speech of Muhammad ibn Hādi to aid their falsehood and to launch further attacks against our Shaikh, Rabee’ ibn Hādi Al-Madkhali (hafidhahullāh)”. We say: The Sa’afiqah of the East and the West are propagating that Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi

Refuting the Oppression, Page 34 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM supports the Haddadis by way of his position on the affair of Imaan. The Shaykh’s position as mentioned previously is that the one who leaves actions altogether (jinsul ‘amal) is a disbeliever, and that the one who claims he is a Muslim has fallen into Irjaa. This propaganda of the Sa’afiqah is futile because many of the Salafi scholars have mentioned that it is not permissible to oppose this position, i.e. the one who abandons actions altogether is a disbeliever and the one who claims that he is a Muslim has fallen into Irjaa. This is the position of Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh (the current Mufti), Shaykh Abdullah Al-Ghudayaan, Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd, Shaykh Al- Fawzaan, Shaykh Abdul-Aziz al-Rajihi, Shaykh Ahmed al-Najmi, Shaykh Saleh Aal ash-Shaykh alongside others. Dear reader, as you can see from the above, it is crystal clear that this is not from the sayings of the Haddadis nor is it in support of the Haddadis. Rather, this position on the issue of Imaan is from the sayings of some of the well-known great Salafi scholars. Refuting the Oppression, Page 35 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

Ya Aba Khadeejah! Follow not your desire, for it will mislead you from the Path of Allah. Ya Aba Khadeejah! Be just and abandon the path of deception that you are upon. Ya Aba Khadeejah! Do not behave in such a treacherous manner and stop betraying the Salafis. Ya Aba Khadeejah! Fear Allah and do not deliberately and knowingly hide the truth from the Salafi masses. Ya Aba Khadeejah, according to you, we can therefore say that all these great Salafi scholars who hold the same position as Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi have reviled a body of scholars from Ahlus-Sunnah, and we can say that the Haddadi innovators have used their speech to aid their falsehood and to launch further attacks against our Shaikh, Rabee ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali! In fact would not the Haddadis prefer to use the speech of Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah in launching attacks against Shaykh Rabee rather than the speech of Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi?! Moreover, Shaykh Al- Fawzaan says that the one who does not make Takfeer of the one who leaves actions altogether is Refuting the Oppression, Page 36 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM worse than the Murjiah. Shaykh Al-Fawzaan also says that indeed he, who claims that not making Takfeer of the one who abandons actions altogether is from the sayings of the Salaf, has lied upon the Salaf! This speech of Shaykh Al-Fawzaan is without doubt more severe than the speech of Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi, so why single out Shaykh Muhammad?! “Then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)”? Ya Aba Khadeejah! Holding this position is not from the sayings of the Haddadis nor is it in support of them against the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah. Rather, the Manhaj of the Haddadis is to use the affair of “making Takfeer of the one who abandons the prayer” and the affair of “making Takfeer of the one who leaves actions altogether” to revile and attack the Salafis. Rather, the Manhaj of the Haddadis is to use the speech of one scholar against another and to use the speech of one scholar to strike the other. So we ask you: Has Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi reviled Shaykh Rabee?! Has Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi Refuting the Oppression, Page 37 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM said that Shaykh Rabee is a Murji or that he agrees with the Murjiah?! Has Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi said anything that agrees with what the Haddadis say about Shaykh Rabee on the issue of Imaan?! The answer as you know with full certainty – Ya Aba Khadeejah – is “no”! Has Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi ever used this issue to revile Shaykh Rabee? NO, never! So there is no connection whatsoever between the position of Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi on the issue of Imaan and between the Haddadiyyah as you have falsely and deceptively tried to portray. Rather, contrary to what Abu Khadeejah & SP propagate, Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi has always shown great respect for the Salafi scholars. Shaykh Muhammad has exerted much effort and has endured much harm in defending the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah against Ahlul-Bid’ah especially the Haddadis. It is well-known to every Salafi that Shaykh Muhammad has made great efforts in refuting the people of falsehood in every time and place. And this is the exact reason why Imam Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz Refuting the Oppression, Page 38 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM praised Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi when he was only in his twenties. He has also been praised by other great scholars such as Al-Allamah Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaami, Al-Allamah Ahmed bin Yahya Al- Najmi and Al-Allamah Zayd Al-Madkhali, may Allaah have mercy on them. Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi – may Allah reward him with good – has been at the forefront in refuting and exposing the Haddadis from the very onset of their Fitnah. He has refuted the Haddadis in great detail and his refutations are widespread. There are very few who have defended Imam Al-Albani against the Haddadis in the manner that Shaykh Muhammad has. And similarly Shaykh Muhammad has been at the forefront in defending Imam Rabee bin Hadi against the false accusations of the Haddadis from the likes of Bashmeel, Fawzee and others. In 1425 AH, Al-Allamah Rabee bin Hadi said while refuting Falih Al-Harbi: Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi Al-Madkhali has ﻗﻹا ﻨ عﺎ ﺎﻤﺑ ءﺎﺟ ﻦﻋ ) it called he and book a compiled he book, this In .( ﺔﻤﺋأ ةﻮﻋﺪﻟا ﻦﻣ لاﻮﻗﻷا ﻲﻓ ﺗﻹا ﺒ عﺎ Refuting the Oppression, Page 39 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

gathered the statements of the Imams of Da’wah Salafiyyah Najdiyyah. He compiled it to refute the deceptive Haddadi Da’wah which calls to blind- following, which hides behind Imams of the Da’wah and which claims that they (Imams of the Da’wah) are blind-followers. So this book and what it contains came as a thunderbolt upon the Haddadis. He (Shaykh Muhammad) and the likes of him continue to be a thunderbolt upon the callers of the new Haddadiyyah. Therefore let whosoever wishes return back to this book so that the falsehood of the claims of the Haddadis can become apparent to him. ( 06). Noble reader – may Allah bless you – it is very clear from the above that the only logical conclusion is that those who accuse Shaykh Muhammad of aiding the Haddadis in any shape or form are blatant liars and have invented evil and mighty fabrications against him. We remind the Sa’afiqah that this

Refuting the Oppression, Page 40 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM oppression and falsehood against the Salafi scholars and in particular against Shaykh Muhammad will only result in misguidance and darkness on the Day of Judgment.

Allah the Most High says, “O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah and be just witnesses and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do”. (5:8).

Sa’afiqah & Spubs : Upon the Footsteps of the Haddadis Noble reader, if you were to reflect on this issue of Imaan, you will come to learn that the ones who are in actuality utilising this affair in the same manner as the Haddadis are the Sa’afiqah of the East and the West. They are the ones who are using the speech of Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi

Refuting the Oppression, Page 41 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM on the issue of Imaan to revile the Salafi scholars. So the Sa’afiqah are the ones who in fact are reviling Shaykh Al-Fawzaan, Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Aal ash- Shaykh (the current Mufti), Shaykh Abdullah Al- Ghudayaan, Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd, Shaykh Abdul- Aziz al-Rajihi, Shaykh Ahmed al-Najmi, Shaykh Zaid al- Madkahli, Shaykh Saleh Aal ash-Shaykh and others. One may question: How are the Sa’afiqah using the issue of Imaan to revile the scholars just as the Haddadis do? The answer to this is quite simple. This is because the statement of the Sa’afiqah in reality means that anyone who has the position of Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi on the affair of Imaan is a Haddadi and aids the Haddadis in fighting the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah. And it is this that is the true revilement of a large body of great Salafi scholars (those mentioned above – the Lajnah & Al- Fawzaan and others). So take heed O Salafi! So Abu Khadeejah’s speech is what resembles the speech of the Haddadis. He is the one who is treading the path of the Haddadis and he is the one who is Refuting the Oppression, Page 42 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM doing as the Haddadis do. It is he and the Sa’afiqah who are using this affair to attack and revile Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi in the same manner the Haddadis use this very affair to attack and revile the Salafis and their scholars especially Imam Al-Albani and Shaykh Rabee. So, the Sa’afiqah are the ones who are using this issue to revile Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi and to cause problems and discord between the scholars – just as the Haddadis do - even though there is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars of Ahlul Sunnah in this affair. This reminds us of a well-known Arabic proverb: “She accused me of her defect, and then sneaked away”. Abu Khadeejah then goes on to talk about an instance that he claims occurred in the house of Shaykh Rabee revolving around this issue of Imaan. Apparently Shaykh Rabee refuted Shaykh Muhammd bin Hadi for this position that he holds and Shaykh Muhammad promised that he would recant and repent. Furthermore, Abu Khadeejah claims that Dr. Abdullah al-Bukhari then suggested a way that Refuting the Oppression, Page 43 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM

Shaykh Muhammad could repent and recant, but Shaykh Muhammad has so far failed to repent and recant, and the story goes on. The interesting point however, is that no one really knows whether or not Shaykh Rabee did refute Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi on this issue and whether or not Dr. Al-Bukhari did really make this suggestion and if Shaykh Muhammad did really promise to repent and recant for a position which is in conformity to the position of other great Salafi scholars as mentioned above. Abu Khadeejah then said, “To highlight this error of Muhammad ibn Hādi, I will mention just a handful of the sayings of the Scholars”. We say: Firstly, what is the actual error? Secondly, does this error oppose the way of the Salaf? Thirdly, is Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi the only one who has made this apparent error? And finally, who are you – Ya Aba Khadeejah – to highlight this error?! You are but a toddler in relation to Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi. We say to the likes of you: “This is not your

Refuting the Oppression, Page 44 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM nest, so go away”!!! And we say to the likes of you – senior in age though minors in knowledge – “May Allah have mercy upon the one who knows his level”. Furthermore, you & Spubs have already proven by way of the “Halabi Papers” (2000) and then the article you wrote in 2017 refuting Al-Halabi for what you once vigorously and thoroughly defended him in, that the likes of you are certainly not qualified to talk about such major issues. You have confused the Salafi masses by exposing them to issues that are way above both your level and their level. So fear Allah and stop talking about the religion of Allah without knowledge, for indeed it is from the gravest of sins. In addition, there are also numerous statements from various scholars that also support the position of Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi. But it is as you yourself said, “Though the issue [of Imān] can be discussed in much more detail, this is not the place for that discussion”. Abu Khadeejah says:

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Regarding the hadeeth of Abu Sa’īd (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) wherein the Prophet (salallahu ‘alaihi wa- sallam) said, “Allāh will then take a handful from the Fire and bring out from it, people who had never performed any good deeds at all and they had been turned into charcoal.” Ibn Rajab (rahimahullāh) commented, “The intent of his saying, ‘people who never did any good deeds at all’ means: from actions of the limbs; so long as the origin of Tawhīd was present with them [they will be removed from Hell].” We say: O noble reader, please note that this Hadeeth has been explained in different ways by various scholars. The scholars who share the same position as Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi have given different interpretations of this Hadeeth, so it is not the case that this tremendous Hadeeth only has the above explanation mentioned by Abu Khadeejah! Abu Khadeejah is fully aware that this Hadeeth has been interpreted in different ways by the Salafi scholars, but it is his whims and desires that have Refuting the Oppression, Page 46 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM devoured this individual and continuously call him to deception and injustice. But it is as Abu Khadeejah himself said, “Though the issue [of Imān] can be discussed in much more detail, this is not the place for that discussion”. Abu Khadeejah continues, “Nevertheless, this point further illustrates the oppression of Muhammad ibn Hādi towards the people of Sunnah. He himself falls into huge errors and gives an opening to the Haddādiyyah to attack Ahlus-Sunnah, so instead of rectifying his errors, he turns his attention to insulting, demeaning and accusing the people of Sunnah”. We say: Ya Aba Khadeejah! Ya Mulabbis! Stop this Talbees! According to your speech, all the scholars that have the same position as Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi are guilty of your above oppressive comments. What huge errors has Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi fallen into?! Please do enlighten us O Mulabbis!!

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Abu Khadeejah goes on to say, “We have seen websites of Ahlul-Bid’ah that have used the direct statements of Muhammad ibn Hādi to revile and attack our Shaikh, Al-‘Allāmah Rabee’ ibn Hādi (hafidhahullāh) and make vile accusations against him!” We say: How is Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi to blame for this? The Haddadis have used the speech of Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and the Lajnah more than the speech of Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi to attack Shaykh Rabee! No one denies this “except him who befools himself”. Rather, the people of innovation and desires use the speech of Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah to justify their falsehood and to refute the people of the truth! What you need to understand – Ya Aba Khadeejah – is that you need to humble yourself and you need to stop being arrogant, proud and oppressive. You need to acknowledge as you have been doing for the last 25 years that Shaykh Muhammad is a great scholar.

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Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi – unlike you pretenders to knowledge – is a scholar who thoroughly researches an issue and then follows what he sees to be the truth. He is unlike you blind-followers and fanatics who keep changing colours and who keep changing positions in accordance to your whims and desires and in accordance with what you see is in the best interest of your Jamiyyah (Spubs). So Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi adopted this position on issues of Imaan and Kufr after thorough research, and he has always had this stance on these issues. As for you, then initially you robustly defended Al-Halabi and his position on the issues of Imaan and Kufr and with passion you refuted and challenged Al-Fawzaan & the Lajnah. Then you decided to switch sides and defend the position of Al-Fawzaan & the Lajnah and refute Al-Halabi. And now you have once again jumped ships by refuting Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi for holding a position that conforms to that of Al-Fawzaan & the Lajnah, hence also refuting Al- Fawzaan & the Lajnah, whether you perceive it or Refuting the Oppression, Page 49 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM not! And as we have previously mentioned you are the one – Aba Khadeejah - who has fallen into the ways of the Haddadis in that you are the one who is using this issue of Imaan to attack a Salafi scholar as well as all our great scholars who hold this position, whether you perceive it or not! Abu Khadeejah says, “He and his followers have opened the door to Ahlul-Bid’ah and invited them to attack the Salafis, whether they perceive that or not”. We say: You mean all the great scholars who hold the same position as Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi on the issue of Imaan have opened the door to Ahlul- Bid’ah and invited them to attack the Salafis?! O noble Salafi, look at how this individual and his Jamiyyah are attacking and reviling the scholars by accusing them of opening the door to Ahlul-Bid’ah and inviting them to attack the Salafis! You – Ya Miskeen – are the one who is using this issue of Imaan to attack and revile the scholars and the

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Salafis in the same way the Haddadis do, whether you perceive that or not. Neither Shaykh Muhammad nor any of the other scholars have ever used this issue of Imaan to revile or defame the scholars or the Salafis. We advise you to ponder over this well- known saying in Arabic: “She accused me of her defect, and sneaked away”. While ending this oppressive section in his longer repulsive and ugly article, Abu Khadeejah says: Sincerity, truthfulness and honesty is a must when correcting others and refuting them, otherwise, the result is oppression of innocent Muslims. Imām Adh- Dhahabi (rahimahullāh) stated, “Speech concerning narrators requires the utmost piety, and freedom from following whims, desires and personal inclinations, and a complete acquaintance with the [science of] hadeeth and [the science of] defects in hadeeth.” We say: It is precisely this oppression that you and the Jamiyyah have been guilty of for years. You are

Refuting the Oppression, Page 51 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM the ones who have been oppressing the scholars and the Salafis by way of deception and lying; lying to them and against them. And this statement of Imam Adh-Dhahabi is in reality a proof against you. Neither you nor the Jamiyyah are free from following desires, whims and personal inclinations when talking about Salafis and the scholars. And each and every one of you is certainly not learned in the science of Hadeeth nor the science of Jarh wa Ta’deel let alone being completely acquainted with these sciences. You – Aba Khadeejah – and your wicked counterpart, Amjad Rafiq need to humble yourselves and do what you have never done before. That is to say, you are both in desperate need of humbling yourselves by sitting at the feet of the scholars and learning from them for a good number of years. You are in desperate need of learning from their lofty manners. You are in desperate need of acquiring beneficial knowledge as well as learning the correct application of this knowledge. And this will hopefully teach you humility and will break the pride and Refuting the Oppression, Page 52 Deception and Ignorance of Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (SP) www.Sa’ā | @SaafiqahCOM arrogance that has devoured you to the extent that you have let your filthy tongues loose against the Awliya of Allah the Exalted. This in turn insha’Allah should help you attain utmost piety that is needed when speaking about individuals. Allah the Most High says, “O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? Most hateful it is with Allah that you say that which you do not do”. (61:2-3).

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