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HUDD'edrsfield LIST of SUBSCRIBERS 615 HUDD'EdRSFIELD LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS (Including BRIGHOUSE, ELLAND, HOLMFIRTH, MARSDEN, MILNSBRIDGE, SLAITHWAITE, and SKELMANTHORPE). (For Elland Subscribers, see also HALIFAX). District Offices-150, SWAN ARCADE, BRADFORD. (To which all correspondence should be addressed.) Local Office-7, JOHN WILLIAM STREET. PUBLIC CALL OFFICES. HUDDERSFIELD. 7, John William Street .. Company's Office. Huddersfield Road, Brighouse Company's Office ~. Victoria Street, Holmfirth ... Company's Office. 63, Armitage Road, Milnsbridge Company's Of!ke 6, Church Street, Elland ... .. Company's Office. Wakefield Road, Scissett Company's Office. Marsden (To be opened shortly) .. Company's Offtce. Slaithwaite (To be opened shortly) Company's Ofllcc. Berr;y Brow W. Berry. HUDDERSFIELD. A-B ~~6 ABBEY & Hanson ......................... Land Surveyors ... 20, ]~amsden 'trcet. 139 ADDY, John, & Sons ........................................... I3eanmont street. 139a APPY, J., & Sons ....................................... Offtce ... Bcanmont street. 118 AINLEY & Ramsden ....................... Share Brokcrs ... !J, Byram arc:Hk. 67 AINLBY, Sons, & Co., Fancy 'Vorstcd Manufactun•rs ... St. Gcorge's '''l'l:ll'l'. 71 AINLEY, Sons, & Co ................................... Ditto ... Shop I~anc millo, Kirkh0aton. 13~0 ALLISON, Thos., Limited ..................................... Britannia works, .i\IilnslJriugc. 13~0a ALLISON, Thos., Limited ...................................... Golcn 37 ARMITAGE &Norton ..............................................Jolm William street. ~55 ARMITAGE, Sykes & Hinchcliffc ............ SolicitorR...Jil, Wcstgatc. 187 ARMITAGE & Son ............ Sccdsmcn and J.<Jorists ... New street. 187a ARMITAGE & Son .................................... Ditto ... Fc·nny britlp;e. 308 ARMITAGE, Thomas .......... l'Jumbcr ami Gasfitter .. Bnxton mad. 1116 ARMYTAGE, Georgc J ........................... E<quirc ... Clifton W<H•tlhn•l. Brip;honse. 1350 ASPINALL, H. W ................................................ 5:1, Armitagc· road, Milnsbridge ~46 ATKINSON & Co.'s Successors, Dyers am! Finishcrs ... Braulc·y mills. ~~1 BAIRSTOW, Son~, & Co .......... Wholesale Clothiers ... l<'itzwilliam stt·c·r·t. 1 ~16 BARBER, J. Thristle ... Fancy Woollen Manufacturcr ... Holmbridge mill. 1 ~02 · BARBER, W. H., & J ..........Woollen Manufacturers .. Clarcncc· mill, Holm bridge. ~66 BARNICOT & }{cnyon ......... Woollcn ManufacturNs ... 17, St. Gc·orgc.',; square. 11516 BARNICOT & Kcnyon ............................... Ditto ... Shcpley Nc·w milb. 146 Bf!ADON, F. W .................................................. Langley IIall. 1603 BEAN LAND, R., & Co......................................... Clayton west. 1603a BEANLAND, H., & Co ........................................... Nortonthorpe. 168 BEARDSELL1 Harry ............................................. Well fielu. 61B HUDDERSFIELD' ' ' ,, ' B 1603 BEAU MONT, Bates & Son ...Woollen 1\Ianufacturers ... Slaithw;L.itet. 148 BEAU MONT, C':reorg-e, & Sons ... Dyers and Finisher• ...Fenay l:iridge. 121 BEAU MONT, II. K., & Co., Drysaltcrs, Dyewootl ... Lowerhcad row. Cutters 1610 BEAU MONT, .T. & R. ...................................... , .. Spa mills, Sl~thwatte. 117 BEDFORTH, l\I., & Sons ....................................... Aspley. 1103 BELL, James ........................... Veterinary Surgcon ... llrighouse. 21a BENTLEY, F. W ........................... Stol'k llroker ... Dalton grove. 21 BENTLEY, :F. W., & Co. .............. Stock l3roker8 ... Estate buildings1 382 BENTLEY, F. W., & Co ........................................ 47, Somerset ro:id . 1128 BENTLEY & !\aye .............................................. Longroyd quarnes, Bnghouse. 328 BENTLEY & Shaw, Ltd. ..................................... The brewery, Lockwood. 1120 BENTLEY & Smith ................................................ Castle Fields quarry, Rastrick 227 BERRY, .J,lscph .................. Arehitcct and Survcyor ... !J, Qucon street. 390 BERRY, Waiter ..................... Yarns, Noils, 'Vaste .. .41, Market street. 144 BESSAND, Blanchard, Rochard & Co.•................... John "\Yilliarn street 318 BINNS, John, & Co ............................................. 10, Kirkptte. 343 BIRKE~rT, W. Rawes .................... Dental Snrgcon ... 28, New North road 1317 BLACKBURN Bros .................................. Dyers ... Lcymoor, Longwoorl. 1110 BLACKBURN, Smith, & Co .................................. Woodvale mills, llrighouse. 1124 BLAKEBOROUGH, .T., & Sons,!Iydraulic Engincers ... llrighousc. 179 BLAMIRES, T. & H .... Fancy .Flannel J\Ianufacturcrs ... Phcenix mills, Leeds road. 244 BLETCHER, W. & A ........................................... Wholesale Fruit market. 174 BLOCK & .Melior ................................................... St. Peter's street.· 387 BOOTH, Jamcs J .................................. Solicitor ... 33, John "\Villiam street. 182 BOROUGH Club ............................................... Ham,den street. 1115 BOTTOMLEY, Thomas ........... .'l'imboc Merchant ... llrighouse. 1211 BOWER, J., & Sons ............................................. Holmfirth. 1141 BRADLEY, William ............................................. Gooder L'me, llrighouse. 238 BRIERLEY llro~ .................................................. Albert mills, Lockwood. 1609 BRIERLEY, Jonathan, & ~un ...... ,Voollen Manufrs .... Bridge st. mills, Slaithwuite. 1509 BRIERLEV, Thomas, & Sons.. ..................... Dyer~ ... Denby dale. 19 BRIGG, John F., & Sons, General Shipping Mcrchants ... 17, West parade.- 222 BRIGHOUSE Brick and Tile Co., Ltd. .. ................ Hill hou~c. 1125 BRIGHOUSE Corporation .................................... Public offices, Brighouse 1125a BRIGHOUSE Corporation .................................... Ogdon lane, Rastrick. 1125b BRIGHOUSE Corporation .................................... Gas works. 1125 BRIGHOUSE Joint Hospital Board ........................ Brighouse. 1315 BRITANNIA Mills Co., Ltd ... Spinners and Doublers ... Crosland moor. 1310 BROADBENT, ,J., & Son ....................................... Parkwood milld, Longwootl. 73 BROADBENT, ,J., & Co., Printers, Lithographers, ... New street. Stationers 1108 BROAD BENT, J. C .............................................. Toothill, near Brighomc; - 1323 BROAD BENT & ~yke.L ................ Mill l>'urnishcr~ ... Longwood and MilnHbridge. 102 BROADBENT, TIWMAS, & SONS, LTD .... Central Iron works. Engineers, Iron Founders 371 BROADBENT, T. W .............. ,.Eieetrical Engineer ... Victoria lane 265 BROOK, A. W .............................. Coal Mercltant ... 7, New street. 176 BROOK, Gcorgc, .Jun........ Worsted Manufacturer ... Lnrchfield mills 177 BROOK, Gcorge ................................................ l>'ernbrook. 24 7 BROOK, H., & Co ................................................ Col ne rond foundry 369 BROOK, J. J .....................................................Cleveland•. 363 BROOK, T., & Co ................................................ Chapel hill.- 385 BROOK Time Checking Clock Co., Ltd., The, Clock ... l!J, Hamsdcn street. Makers 385a BROOK Time Checking Clock Co., Ltd., The, Ditto ... 2, King's Head building~. 1305 BROOK, William, & Suns ...................................... Slaithwaite. 1605a BROOK, W. H. .. ..............................................Field hou,e, Slaitlnvaite 17 BROOKE, .Joscph, & Co ...................................... 74, John Williamstrcct. 17a BROOKE, Jo,cph ................................................ 80 BROWN, IJ:nid .............................. l'attern Maker ... Chapel Hill. 1143 BROWN, .J. F., & Co ......................... Ironmongers ... Bcthel stroet, Bri:;:house 1702a BRUCE, E. ,J. ...................................................... Green Lea, l\larsden. · 36 BUR MAN & Greenwood, l'nperhangings and l'nint ... High street. •' ., Merchants 108 BUTLER & Illingworth ......................................... 14, Queen street: I 206 BUTTERWORTH & Ho!Jcrts, Woollens & Worstcds ... Ycw Tree mills, IIolmfirtb 617 1-J~BERS~FIELD. B-D 1219 BUTTERWORTH, H' & S., ''Manufacturers, ... Lower mills, Holmfirth, 'Voollens, Worsteds 171 CALVERT & Co., Ironfounders, Engineers, Mill-... Hope foundry and Rnshcliff~ wrights Iron works. 88 CALVERT, Herbert ..................... Worsted Spinner ... Aibany mills. 170 CARTER, E., Hellcwcll & Co .... India Rubber Mnfrs .... 2, Buxton road. 87 CARVER & Co ....................................................... 3, Buxton road. 257 CHAPPELL & 'Vood, Coal, Coke & Lime Merchants ... Hillhon"<~ Coal d0pot. 1102 CHEETHAM, John, & Sons ............ Silk Spinners ... Calder Bank mills, Brighouse. 11 02a CHEETHAM, John ........................................... 135 CHERRY Tree Hotel ............................................ Westgate. 1111 CLAV, J. T., & Sons ................................................ Crow trees, Rastrick. 83 CLAYTON, Holdroyd & Co., Chmicl. Mnfrs., Drysltrs .... Longroycl bridge. 226 CLAYTON, H. F .................................................... Craig 1\lhor, Greenheau road. 360 CLEGG, Thos ................................. Cloth Finisher ... Bradlcy mills. 1322 CLIFFE & Co .............................. Machine Makers ... I,ongwood. 190 COCKING, Lcwis, 8., & Co., Drysalters, Dyewood ... Wharf mills. Cutters 200 COCKROFT, A., & Sons, Ltd., Merino and Wool...24a, Alington street, Burnlcy Spinners 1303 COLNE Vale Dye & Chemical Co., Aniline Colour ... Milnsbridge. Manufacturers 1601 COLNE Vale Corn Millers, Ltd ..............................
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