Huddersfield Area
48 (Section 52) ADVERTISEMENTS. ~ Telt>phone• lti!JT ~ Telephone /liff" H U D DE ltS FIELD 971 HUDDERSFIELD 971 482 482 WM. ARNOLD & SON, e1\RTER & eo .• CENTRAL SALT DEPu'J'","' BIRKHOUSE BOILFR WORKS, 39, Market Street, and Water Street, Haddersfield, ~addoeR, Jiuddersfield. Manufacturers and Merchants of firewood and Firelighters. Cement Plaster Whiting, Granite, Lime-stone, Slag, Spar, 8and, French Chalk, La'ths, Naiis, Hair, Colors, Oils, Paints, Putty, Varnishes, Brushes, MAKERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOILERS. Blachlng Brass Polishes, Turpentine, Glue, Salt, Saltpetre. Soap, Soda. Charcoai. Chloride of Lime, Ammonia, Liquid Annatto, Vinegar, Corks, REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Fibrous Plaster, Centre Flowers, and Trusses, &.c. "& Telephone /liiiT Tel. : Huddersfield 131. Telegrams : Station Tel. : Huddersfield 131a. "TROHAB DARWIN, HUDDEB&FIKLD.' 41y HUDDERSFIELD 41y -L. CONTRACTOR FOR CABS DAY OR NIGHT. lB' HIS MAJESTY'S MAILS ~ ~ { <tonfecttoner Wedding & Funeral Carriages, Olass·Sided & Plain Hearses. JQ t~a V er, ant~ <taterer. Also tbe latest designs in New Silent= Tyred Funeral Cars. ti4, New .Street, Huddersfield. funerals turntsbeb <tomplete. WEDDING CAKES of artistic design and highest THOMAS DARWIN, quality, from 10f6. LIVERY STABLES, DECORATIVE CAKES in great variety. Fartown, HUDDERSFIELD ~ Telephone w 17X Machine and Metal Bl'oke,.!l .C. • 17x BRIG HOUSE and Commission Agent. :\.1) V * LISTER BROOK & CO., Boiler and Pipe Coverer ~ $ Telephone: with Non-eonclueting ~· J.._ HUDDERSFIELD 792. Builders & Contractors, Composition. ~ :El B. :I: G-~ 0 U S E, V ~ And at l'i•:I.R\'. Estimates r'. Sectional Covering a Speciality. Dealers InSanitary Pipes, Chimney Pots, Fire Brlclis. Fire Clay. Lime, Cement, &c. Free. ""-V Same..price as " Plastic." IIRDUitO MORTAR FOR SALE.
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