

Federation Council invites you to support Corowa’s signature event, the Australian Billy Cart Championships. In 2018, this annual flagstaff event, iconic to Corowa brings competitors and visitors from across . Sponsorship opportunities are now available to allow your business to leverage off the event’s success.


On Easter Saturday every year, Corowa comes alive as the centre of billy cart racing action, festival fun, and family entertainment.

Attracting competitors of all ages and from all over the country, it’s a weekend of scraped knees and engineering marvels as childhood memories are relived on homemade contraptions. In 2017, record crowds of over 5,500 people lined Sanger Street to watch as competitors raced down Sanger Street in their home made or professionally designed billy carts.

The event features live music, market stalls, delicious food stalls and a Show and Shine of vintage and modern classic cars. Children can enjoy the jumping castle, free face painting and Easter craft activities.

Businesses open their doors and turn on the country hospitality as visitors and locals grab a snack from the one of the cafes boasting local produce, or a traditional hearty meal at the clubs and pubs or some boutique shopping from the local retail stores.

The Australian Billy Cart Championships will be held on Saturday 31 March 2018 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm

Sanger Street, Corowa 15thFederation AprilCouncil 2017 ABN: 43 874 223 315


CorowaABOUT is aCOROWA town in the state of in Australia.

It is on the bank of the , the border between New South Wales and Victoria, opposite the Victorian town of Wahgunyah.

Corowa is the largest town in the Federation Council, with towns and villages including Balldale, BoreeCorowa Creek, is a town Buraja-Lowesdale, in the state of New , South Wales , in Australia. Hopefield, It is on ,the bank of , the Murray River,, the border Oaklands, between Rand, New South Wales and Victoria, opposite the Victorian town of Wahgunyah. Rennie, Savernake, and . Corowa is the largest town in the Federation Council, with smaller towns and villages including Balldale, , Coreen, WithDaysdale, Australia’s Hopefield, mightiest Howlong, waterway Lowesdale, on Morundah, its doorstep, Mulwala, the leisureOaklands, choices Rand, Rennie,for visitors Rutherglen, to Corowa Savernake, are Urana, seeminglyWahgunyah endless. and Yarrawonga. From camping, cycling and walking,swimming, fishing, canoeing and waterskiing – there is an opportunity for everyone to interact with this great natural wonder. With Australia’s mightiest waterway on its doorstep, the leisure choices for visitors to Corowa are seemingly endless. FamiliesFrom camping, have plentycycling andto keep walking,swimming, them entertained fishing, in canoeingCorowa andincluding waterskiing playgrounds, – there is anskate opportunity parks, recreationfor everyone to interact with this great natural wonder. reserves with BBQ facilities and iconic history and natural attractions. Families have plenty to keep them entertained in Corowa including playgrounds, skate parks, recreation reserves with BBQ facilities and iconic history and natural attractions. The charismatic restaurants serve up world-class wines from vineyards of neighbouring regions including RutherglenThe charismatic and restaurants the King Valleyserve up to world-classcomplement wines the from scrumptious vineyards of local neighbouring food, residents regions toand complement tourists alike the scrumptious arelocal able food, to residents soak up and the tourists appeal alike that are makes able to Corowa soak up the the heritageappeal that and makes historic Corowa choice the heritage of the Council.and historic choice of the Council. PURPOSE / TARGET AUDIENCE

PURPOSE The Australian Billy Cart Championships aims to provide family entertainment that provides fun and enjoyment for all ages. The Australian Billy Cart Championships aims to:

• Provide cost-effective opportunities for families to enjoy activities together • Encourage physical activity for children and adults • Supply a fun, safe racing track and atmosphere to race billy carts • To provide opportunities for wider public support via sponsorship and donations • Promote Federation Council as a premium tourism destination • Engage local community groups and organisations • Increase visitation to the area and contribute directly to the local economy

TARGET AUDIENCE Based on audience research our media and promotional campaign is aimed directly at the following demographics and psychographic groups 1. Billy cart enthusiasts from around Australia 2. Day visitors to the area from regional Victoria and NSW 3. General public audiences that are staying in the area during the Easter break and are looking for a fun day. 4. Children and families from the Federation Council 5. Local and regional businesses wanting to participate on the day 6. Students from a variety of sections of the education sector; primary, secondary, TAFE and Universities 7. Local community and sporting groups 8. Federation Council staff, partners, and stakeholders

ATTENDANCE The event attracts around 100 participants and 5500 spectators on the day.


MEDIA The event will be covered in the local newspapers, The Corowa Free Press and Yarrawonga Chronicle. Paid advertising will be placed in a minimum of one regional newspaper. in 2017, the event was covered in regional newspapers including The Border Morning Mail, Wangaratta Chronicle, Riverine Herald-Echuca and Shepparton news.

RADIO A four week radio campaign prior to the event has been proposed on Edge 102.1 FM, providing a significant level of reinforcement advertising. This station covers a population area if 270,000 into North East Victoria. Media packs and media releases will be sent to metropolitian and regional radio stations. In 2017 the event featured on radio stations across the country including ABC , ABC Goulburn Murray, and Triple M - .

TELEVISION The Australian Billy Cart Championships runs a 30 second ad two weeks prior to the event on WIN Television. The event was also featured in 2017 on the 5pm news on Win Wodonga and Prime prior and post event.

PROMOTIONAL Promotional flyers (DL sized) will be distributed to businesses, visitors information centre, schools libraries, sporting clubs and community groups throughout the region in four weeks out from the event. A3 and A2 posters will be displayed the shop windows of local businesses, visitors information centre, schools libraries, sporting clubs and community groups throughout the region in four weeks out from the event.

MAGAZINES AND NEWSLETTERS Promotional material will be included in the Howlong’s Community Magazine, the Grapevine and Urana’s Community Newsletter. The events program will be included in the Federation Council Newsletter distributed to over 6000 council residents The events program will be included in the Federation Council’s Tourism industry newsletter distributed to businesses located in Corowa, Howlong, Rutherglen, Albury, Wodonga, Mulwala and Wahgunyah. The event will be included in the “Calender of Events” produced by Corowa Visitor Information Centre and distributed to tourism businesses in the area. MARKETING PLAN

SOCIAL MEDIA Australian Billy Cart Championships has a Face book page that is regularly updated with posts regarding the event in the lead up and after to engage people and share information (

Listing on multiple other Facebook pages including Visit Corowa Region, Federation Council, the Grapevine, Victorian Billy Cart Championships and the Billy Cart Gallery.

WEBSITE The event has its own stand-alone website, which provides general event information including registration forms, cart specifications and links to sponsors websites or logos.

The event will be listed on Eventbrite accepting registrations.

Event information will be found on the tourism destination website Visit Corowa Region, (

The event is listed on as well as feeding through to various other directories including Visit the Murray, and tourism destination websites for Rutherglen, Yarrawonga Mulwala and Albury Wodonga.

PHOTOGRAPHY OF EVENT A photographer will be engaged to take photos during the event of the races and people enjoying the activities.

PERSONAL SELLING Federation Council staff will be encouraged to forward the e-flyers or to personally promote their event to their networks, friends and family. Local schools are personally invited to enter the All Schools Challenge.

EMAIL Direct mails will be sent to the 300 people on the event mailing list in the lead up to the event Invitations will be sent to other known billy cart racing events throughout Australia NAMING RIGHTS SPONSOR

As Naming Rights Sponsor of the Australian Billy Cart Championships you will receive the following benefits:

NAMING RIGHTS • Naming Rights to the Australian Billy Cart Championships

MEDIA PROFILE • Inclusion in all paid and promotional media and publicity • Media releases specifically about your business sponsoring the event

TELEVISION • Inclusion of logo in the Australian Billy Cart Championships 30 second ad scheduled two weeks prior to the event on WIN Television.

PRINTED COLLATERAL • Inclusion of logo on event promotional pieces - posters, DL brochures (where applicable) • Inclusion of logo entry form • Organisation name and logo on direct mail material

WEBSITE • Logo and hyperlink link to your business on Australian Billy Cart Championships website • Logo and hyperlink link to your business on the Federation Council website

SOCIALS • Logo and business hyperlink mentioned on the Australian Billy Cart Championships Face book Page • Inclusion of photos of your logo on the Australian Billy Cart Championships Instagram account

RESEARCH AND EVALUATION • Opportunity to provide a sponsorship or industry-oriented question on post-event research

ON SITE • Invitation to present an award for a winner and provide promotion of your business • The opportunity to promote you’re your business or organization at the event by hosting a stand or conducting suitable activity • Logo inclusion on signage at the event • Verbal acknowledegment of support throughout the day through the event’s PA system

HOSPITALITY • Complimentary entry for two adults and two children to a billy cart race of their choice

Your investment for this sponsorship relationship will be:

Cash to the value of $3500 (plus GST) Products and services to the value of $3500 BILLY CART PARTNER

As a Partner of the Australian Billy Cart Championships you will receive the following benefits:

PRINTED COLLATERAL • Inclusion of logo on event promotional pieces - posters, DL brochures (where applicable) • Inclusion of logo entry form • Organisation logo on direct mail material

TELEVISION • Inclusion of logo in the Australian Billy Cart Championships 30 second ad scheduled two weeks prior to the event on WIN Television.

WEBSITE • Logo and hyperlink link to your business on Australian Billy Cart Championships website • Logo and hyperlink link to your business on the Federation Council website

SOCIALS • Logo and business hyperlink mentioned on the Australian Billy Cart Championships Face book Page • Inclusion of photos of your logo on the Australian Billy Cart Championships Instagram account

ON SITE • The opportunity to promote you’re your business or organization at the event by hosting a stand or conducting suitable activity • Logo inclusion on signage at the event • Verbal acknowledgement of support throughout the day through the event’s PA system

HOSPITALITY • Complimentary entry for two children to a billy cart race of their choice

Your investment for this sponsorship relationship will be:

Cash to the value of $1500 (plus GST) or Products and services to the value of $1500 LOCAL RAMP SPONSOR

Local Federation Council businesses only!

As a sponsor of the Australian Billy Cart Championships you will receive the following benefits:

PRINTED COLLATERAL • Inclusion of logo on event promotional pieces - posters, DL brochures (where applicable) • Inclusion of logo entry form

SOCIALS • Mention as a sponsor on the Australian Billy Cart Championships Face book Page

ON SITE • The opportunity to promote you’re your business or organization at the event by hosting a stand • Mention of your business as a sponsor on event day • Logo on billy cart starting ramp

Your investment for this sponsorship relationship will be:

• Cash to the value of $500 or • Products and services to the value of $500 TROPHY SPONSOR

As a Trophy Sponsor of the Australian Billy Cart Championships you will receive the following benefits

• Mention as a sponsor on the Australian Billy Cart Championship Facebook page • Verbal recognition on the day • Business name engraved on the trophy • Business name incorporated on the trophy name upon presentation

Your investment in this sponsorship relationship will be • Cash to the value of $200 • Products and services to the value of $200


As a Prize Sponsor of the Australian Billy Cart Championships you will receive the following benefits • Mention as a sponsor on the Australian Billy Cart Championship Facebook page • Verbal recognition on the day

Your investment in this sponsorship relationship will be • Cash to the value of $100 FURTHER INFORMATION

Thank you for taking the time to consider this proposal.

We believe our sponsors will benefit from the strong promotion and positive messaging attached to this event.

This event is a family orientated event focused on the benefits of physical activity, healthy lifestyle and having fun.

We believe by supporting this event your business will build significant good will in the community and gain recognition for being a socially aware organisation. The Australian Billy Cart Championships is a well recognised and respected in the local region and throughout Australia.

We believe it is important to ensure the benefits you receive as a sponsor are considerable, thus recognition will be provided to every sponsor throughout the marketing campaign for the event. To ensure inclusion of your business logo in promotional material is required on signing of the contract

The packages outlined above are only a guide as to how you may wish to be involved, thus we would be happy to discuss with you a strategy that would create the most benefit for your business or organisation.

Visitcorowaregion Corowa-Australian-Billy-Cart-Championship

.For more information on the Australian Billy Cart Championships and it’s sponsorship opportunities please contact:

Amber Harvey Community Development Team Leader Federation Council P: 02 60 33 8974 E: [email protected].

We recognise the support and involvement from business and the community in this event and encourage any feedback to further develop this iconic event.