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A. N. Yellappa Reddy, Chairman DATE:21/03/2020



The Citizens State of

Sub: Irrational, irremediable & irrepairable decisions by the Government in these times of Covid 19 and Climate Crisis

Dear Sir/Madam,

In today’s print media, I have seen that the Government Of Karnataka has hastily cleared Hubballi – Ankola railway project as if it is very essential for the State of Karnataka! Very clearly, this is to enable better access to port of via this route from Ballari!

I served in Uttara (UK) district as a Conservator of Forests for 5 long years and am fully aware how sensitive these forests are and how rich the eco system is and the importance of supplying quality drinking water to the entire region.

I have been witness to how the biodiversity is affected by the fragmentation of due to Hydroelectric projects and how severely Kali river has been abused by constructing Kadara – Kodasalli Dams to cater to the nuclear power plants and several other industries like plywood and paper factories. With this Kali- nadi’s catchment was completely distorted, added to that vast areas were deforested for rehabilitation of displaced persons and various other so called developmental activities.

The decision taken by the Chief Minister and the bureaucrats appears to be based on IISc scientists recommendation ignoring all other recommendations including National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA). The news also says that out of the 13 board members, only 5 members voted.

When Mr. Satish Dhawan was director of ISRO, they were about to launch a satellite the next day. That’s when he came to know that they would have to cut a few trees to facilitate safe launching. Being an eminent scientist who knows the value of the trees, he got the satellite launch postponed and directed the authorities to select new site for launch. That tells the story of how a true scientist sees trees in relation to launch of a satellite!

But scientists from IISc have recommended to cut 2 lakh trees without understanding the implications of climate change, loss of biodiversity, disturbing and distorting the geo-hydrological regimes. He also seems to be unaware of the potential destruction by construction on either side of the railway line. While the area affected is around 700 ha, during the actual construction more than 7000 to 8000 ha of the highly ecologically sensitive biotones will be destroyed.

When I was a conservator of forests in Uttara Kannada in 1983, Mr. Manohar Malgonkar, an eminent post independence writer was living in the Tinai Ghat forest hamlet in Uttar Kannada. He was totally cut off from civilization and some of his well wishers insisted for him to have a telephone. To draw the telephone line the authorities concerned requested me to clear a strip of forest and cut about 50 trees. When I personally contacted him, he said to me “I can live without telephone but not without trees. So please don’t give clearance cut the trees”. I was amazed that a literary person is so concerned for trees. These two outstanding examples reveal the strange collective decision taken by CM and other politicians and bureaucrats knowing fully well the impact of climate change, floods, wildlife habitat loss & further impact on living ones. They are also aware that such strange decisions are irrational, irremediable, irrepairable but always reversible before it is too late!

The strange thing is today the Ballari mining project and its impact is proved beyond doubt, that the miners loot the resources & they will destroy the protected landscape. This same landscape supported growing of sandal wood which is a native of Ballari region fetching over 90 Lakh Rupees per tonne when compared to Iron ore Rs 800 or 900 per tonne royalty to the government! The feasibility of this project entirely depends on the iron ore transport from Ballari to and onward to Ankola. We are ready to sacrifice millions of sandal wood trees which fetches much more revenue to the exchequer!

This region also supports an eco system of Boswellia serrata (Frankincense yielding tree) which yields a resin called Lobanum which is a very valuable non- timber resource used in liquor flavoring and various other confectioneries. The resin is also used in preparing an ointment to treat rheumatism; in every tube of the ointment, about 4 mg of Boswellia resin has been incorporated. Each Boswellia serrata tree will yield on an average 300 to 500 gms of Lobanum (each tube costs more than Rs. 40).

In addition to these two important species, a wide range of medicinal plants and the flowering plants play a great role in purifying the breatheable air. Whereas the mining activity and dust generated will straight away enter the lungs and impair the functioning of the lungs of not only human beings but all other animals as well. But alas we always chose unwisely!

Coming back to today, the present crisis of COVID – 19 virus straight away invades and destroys human lungs. The decision makers have decided to erode our Western Ghats which are the lungs of South & they seem to be not aware of these facts! Similarly the linear destruction of 170 kms from Hubballi – Karwar will cut across the world famous teak forest which has got great productive and protective ability ,with their root biomass, of generating quality teak and its associates (50 economically valuable timber species). They regenerate by coppicing without replanting thereby generating high quality timber. It also contains the most valuable non-timber producing fruit like Semicarpus anacardium (kadu geru/wild cashew).

The indigenous people, Lambanis collect the fruits and sell it in the santhe / farmers markets. The fruits have the ability to improve immunity and in the kernel lies the ability to prevent cancer diseases. So we are plucking out such renewable resources forever.

As we pass through rich forest of , immediately we come across unique ecosystem of Garcinia morella , Garcinia cambogia and other Garcinia sp. (Kokum) and Artocarpus lacucha (vate or monkey jack). The fruits of these species will reduce cholesterol content, and other products like fruit rind/ preserves/juice/jams and kokum seed butter provide locals with income of hundreds of crores. This project will wipe out these species & destroying the most productive and renewable resources which also sustain local livelihoods - nature friendly and hand made. Most of the species when they blossom release metabolytes which reduce the virus and bacteria and hence make breatheable air. If you pluck out such productive species which takes care of air – the elixir of life, it displays the total ignorance of the decision makers who do not care for the fact that human beings are facing threat of survival.

The decision is strange, irrational and it reveals how the government has taken a decision to make miners rich at the cost of life itself!

We insist / demand the decision makers to reverse this as quickly as possible in the same way as they have changed the decision within 10 days. We expect them to think carefully before the outburst of the communities in Ballari, Uttara Kannada and the entire state.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours Sincerely,

For Bangalore Environment Trust

(A.N. Yellappa Reddy)
