Page Two , , WEDNESDAY, APRIL SO. 1030 May Down Tools May ARREST 400 COMMUNISTS Where to Mobilize on 1 WHAT EVERY WORKER 1! LOYAL HIS ?AMUSEMENTS* IN SHANG HAI TO STE M , . , |-U U.-D- TO CLASS (ukion] i, U ! 00 W/.1-R- t ** i— Should Do On May First. ——. Theatre Guild --.‘iitfats oi F.S-O- , Productions REPERTORY ««»> 'fhrHtrt CJioJ American Uk&r >. Bth Ave. MAY Ist PREPARATIONS *: ' oJd. j STRIKE! And got every other Eves. 8:30. Mats. Thur.. Sat 2 SO worker in your shop to strike. HOTEL UNIVERSE CIVIC 50c. 81. 81 50 l.e Ulrec-toi My PHILIP HARRY EVA UAI.I.IIS.NNE. Report to the headquarters or as- I'oniKht—“THE LIVING COKPSE" Martial Law Still in Force as Transport Strike sembly place of your union, shop, th Tomorrow Sint "THE SEA GIIM.” MARTIN BECK ' U o"J aV McIit—''IIOIIIIO,V .11 i.n.i fraternal organization, or club, Thursday Tonior. re~jT' >< T~ etc., Eves. 8:50. Mats 1 ~Jr—-l Continues tiwu-UKD J L— !ii.J, i-C; and Saturday at 2:50 lOvwilLt ! I AG AVI1 at the appointed time. TU9L <1 r ~ r c: lltuu. ¦7^ AJk. Join your fellow workers at the liiX'Yih iamtsa&n Imperialists Fear Growing 1 Mass Support of appointed place adjoining RUT- A MONTH IN Communists p/jHK i GERS SQUARE by 11:30 a. m. Mi- 1 Join in the march to UNION THE COUNTRY 11 j “THE CUCKOOS" ’kloyj SQUARE begins at 1 p. m. Hy IVAN TURGENEV with BERT WHEELER BULLETIN’ Ii national Concession and the French i I which demonstration GUILD VV. 53(1 Evs. 8:30 anil ROBERT WOOLSEY Inprecorr wireless dispatch to thr Concession in Shanghai, began April Participate in the I UNION which begins Alts.Th.ZsSst. 3:30 Daily Worker today states that 100 25, according to a cable report from at SQUARE p. m. p. Communists were arrested in Shang- Shanghai printed in a Chicago daily AT 3 and lasts TILL 5 m. ragjiJA uwmm hai for agitation for May Day. and paper. The strike is offensive, with After the demonstration in Union “THE APPLE CART” t "STAMPEDE” martial law is still in force in ttv- tin workers demanding wage in- ' OUu£ia^_t Square proceed w-ith the ieast pos- By 9 Bernard Show An Epic of the Jungle* nnd city. _ creases. sible delay to Coney Island Stadium Life in the j ALVINw - 62d.Evs. 8:30 Hiiilnn. An Associated Press dispatch yes- The imperialist and native reac- :at 6th and Surf Ave. and join in Labor and Fraternal Mats. Wed. and ? terday reported that the tvamwa; tionary press in China have become | the celebration which begins at 7 Organizations Saturday at 2:30 and bus drivers and conductors' hysterical in the face of the rising p. m. sharp. “THREE LITTLE GIRLS" I Great Singing nnd Dnneing Cfi*t strike in Shanghai is still going on, revolutionary wave both in city and Service Stay from the fascist dem- May liny Eve Dance, Entertainment. —.— E-- Mem away Revolving Stage and that the transport system in country. Like •'Clubber” Whalen of against May Day! Don’t By Upper Harlem Unemployed CHIIREBT THE A. 44th St., W. of US ionstration REBOUMD •JiIUDEIY 1 . Council. Wednesday, Kvjg- h :?0 . Mat*. Wed. uttd the “International" concessions con- New York, who spouts lies about to 1800 Seventh I Hopkins presents igo Union Square till 3 p. m. Ave. Admission 25 cents. Arthur a new Sat. tinue to be paralyzed. This fact, of $100,00(T from Moscow, the British j cotnedv by Donald Ogden Stewart Come down io these mobilization points with yonr organization | Stay away from the Sneco-Ymizettl I. L. I). wm. China Daily News social-fascist J uoi>E course, lends great strength to the North yesterday- or shop group. Every worker should be at the assigned spot at 12, meetings by treacherous Wednesday. 8:30 n. m.. 1 472 | WILLIAMS MUSIC IiOX I called the 4S 'h "' preparations Day. an article, ltd.. Bronx. Final May Day prepara- ; V °* Y Mat* Thurndny Saturday at 2:30 for May featured headed “Gold noon. At Rutgers Square you will be assigned your section the !;*:• , anti for socialist party and the musteite lions. PLYMOUTH -,Ilints, ,Tilium, Bus first announced From Moscow for Shanghai * * * operators Unrest.” parade to Union Square. fakers of the company Onions. and Sat. 2:40 that they would use white Russian Other "reliable” foreign sources, ac- ( How to Reach Rutgers Square Volunteer* Wanted. “TOPAZE” guardists as strike breakers, but I cording to an Associated Press dis- To sell Labor Defenders on May Tell the Advertiser—“l Saw Comedy Kilt from the French patch, state the Chinese 1. Take 14th street crosstow-n car Day. Report to I. L. D., 799 Broad- Your The with FRANK MORGAN. Phoebe Foster, later the rising tide of radicalization that Com- way, Room 422. Ad in Daily Worker." Clarence Derwent Today History Delaneey * * * on the part of the Chinese workers munists “constitute t.he most serious JUDGE CONSIDERS in of and get off at St., then walk over three blocks. and poor section of the population menace' controlling the Nationalist the Workers Labor Defender Photo Group. in general proved to be so strong government at Nanking.” All workers taking pictures for ! 2. From West side: Take Grana May Day report Wednesday, April 30. j that the attempt was given up, the “The people like the Communist street crosstown car to Essex St. at 7 E. 14th St. to make final prep- j We Meet at company officials announcing that form of government and hope to ALSO MAY April 30, 1917 Chicago bakers arations. | the 3. B.M.T. to Delaneey St. and Es- * * * they keep FIRSTj tying up 1920 | feared-serious damage to the their own particular section of struck, 83 bakeries. I sex St. on the Canarsie Jamaica Coney Open reports —Mine owners kidnap- ancj Island Air Meeting. busses. j China that way,” one Chi- (Continued from Rage One) acquitted in line. Today, 2:30 p. m.. at 36th St. and strike, nese paper, according to capitalist ping of nearly 1,200 miners and J Neptune Ave. Speaker, Louis A. The which embraces the way to the argument that had pre- \ 4. 3rd Avenue “L” to Chatham Auspices Morning Freifseat sympathizers Baum. Women’s Council. transport workers both in the Inter- : 1 press reports. ceded it, and altogether surprising. from Bisbee, Ariz. Square. ~ 1925 Seventy thousand English Defense Attorney Elder had made 5. 2nd Avenue “L” to Canal St. gas houseworkers on strike. 1925 \ | Eat where the best dairy foods a logical argument, on the unconsti- 6. B.M.T. to station on are served. Where one customer VSPRING BALL^ Eleven thousand carpenters struck recommends tutionality of the conviction, and ] Coney Island express. another. STRIKE SOLDIERS the right of the unem- for wage raise in Essex County, 000 IN NATIVE demanding 7. I.R.T. Canal St. 4th Ave. V J. 1927—Ninety-seven coal min- i to on TRIANGLE DAIRY ployed workers to the use of the line. Walk East to Square. Saturday Eve., May 5, 1950 ers killed in explosion at Everett- RESTAURANT streets on which to proceed to the How to Reach Coney Island Stadium ville, \V. V. 1928—General lockout 1379 INTERVALE AVENUE seat of government and present Surf Avenue—West 6th St. .leaning!* BRIGGS PLANT I MUTINY IN INDIA in metal workers' struggle In Sax- Cor. S«. RKOA'.I grievances and demands, when, and B.M.T. Coney Island subway to NEW STAR CASINO they go, ony, Germany; 130,000 out. in what numbers chose to the last statoin. 107th Street and Park Avenue Detroit Workers Plan also by- whatever route they decided Alt (Comrades Meet at Refuse to Shoot at take. to BKOOKLYN SHOE SCHOOL., 1084 Jazz May Day Strike The judge took up what in or- Communist Activities Broadway, teaches all trades Monday, Misha Kritzer Band Their Brothers Wednesday and Friday Evenings. BRONSTEIN’S DETROIT. April 211.—Six hun- dinary cases is the prosecutor’s task Vegetarian Health TICKETS: 50 CENTS dred metal finishers in the Briggs of replying to these arguments, and Sec. 2 Dnily Worker Campaign Dative 1 Saturday, May 10, 20 Union Sq*» Restaurant Mack plant struck this morning un- LONDON, April29—News is leak- debated long and in full with the jazz band, international dance music. : * * * 558 Clar-mont Parkway. Bronx der the leadership of the Auto ing out through government reports ! ! defense over the interpretation of Y. f. L. Needle Trade*. 3yoHaa /leHeoHHga Workers’ Union. The workers de- that Indian troops which the “labor” ; | the law-. Assistant Attor- All League members in N. T. W. District — manded abolition of piece-work, the : : government attempted to use in ! ney Felix Benvenga had nothing to t U. must report and Thurs- We Meet at the day at 7 a. m. at 131 W. 28th St. for DR. A. BROWN eight-hour day and a minimum of 1 Peshawar against their fellow-work-1 say until near the end of the hear- important special work RATIONAL * * * 90 cents an hour. « 11 ers am! peasants who are revolting ! ing he rose cite to a number of agents anti ! Dentist COOPERATIVE CAFETERIA mutiny. All literature members Vegetarian At present they are working 12 ' led to o precedents proving well enough that of literature committees to report t i during 26-28 hours. Although they were hired Official reports a lot of have been flagrantly Wednesday, April 30, at the UNION SQUARE declare that the 1 courts ; Bookshop, 26 Union Sq. Bring mem 301 East 14th St., Cor. Second Ave. RESTAURANT with the guarantee of 68 cents an : Second Battalion of the 18th Royal violating even the U. S. capitalist bership book with you. I 199 SECOND AVE. UK Fresh Vegetables Our Specialty # * Tel. Algonquin 7248 1 hour, the workers are receiving Garhwal Rifles was “found be constitution’s provisions on freedom * Bet. 12th and 13th Sts. 1 to j | All Y. C, L. Member* piece-work rates and are speeded i unsatisfactory” and was transferred > -of speech and assembly, though of Who can ride a bicycle report to- • Strictly Vegetcm.'in Food up, making a maximum 50 cents to another region for “investigation.” day. 5:30 p. m., a# 1 League Office, 26 ! Tel. SAOramento 2592 j of 1 j coursej he did not make that point Union Square. • J only, with 20 cents f- be .-'nn'-rs. Undoubtedly- the slimy- MacDonald j i himself. Dr, The Szabo Conservatory WORKERS’ CENTER Moreover, while last year 8,000 i government will order executions i Judge Gavegan then declared that “For All Kinds of Insurance” M. Wolfson of Surgeon Dentist -MELROSE- Music BARBER SHOP were employed this year only 3,009 : for the Indian soldiers who refused ! “w-rit probable VEGETARIAN 1275 LEXINGTON AVENUE of error is a serious 9tL to shoot their brothers. matter,” 141 SECOND AVENUE. Cor St. Lfairy hfsta ntant at 86th Street Subway Station Moved to .'III Union Square have been hired. and he will take the mat- Phone. Orchard 2333. Will Always It NEW Find YORK CITY FREIHEII BLDG Main FInot The workers also put forward the Ganhi his under BRODSKV In cane of trnnble with yonr Comrades and petty-bourgeois ter consideration.” teeth PlenNnnf to Dine at Our Place Instruction Given to llcginncrs come to see your who ha» demands for unemployment insur- : followers are calling on Murray (till fi.v.t friend. 1787 SOUTHERN and not the Ah, yes. May First. fARL A , long experience, can nsanre BLVD. Broni Advancers j and -—~ " ' ance, equal pay for Negroes, women : Indian soldiers to turn their rifles Then, leaning back and placing yon of cnrefnl treatment (near 171th St. Station) In 7 East 42nd Street, New j 9M9 MUSIC COMPOSITION against agairst rips York PHONE:— INTERVALE 6382 and young workers and j their British masters. Tie ttu of his fingers together, VOCAL, VIOLIN. PIANO. CELLO Phone: LEHIGH other methods of discrimination. calls upon the Ma-Donald govern- Jur._. Gavegan opined, “They’re go- Theory and nil other Instruments A mass meeting held by the strik- ment to shoot the revolters. ing to have some sort of demon- Cooperators! Patronise International Barber Shop ers was addressed by Raymond, sec- stration on May Sixth.” lie didn’t DR. J. MINDEI. HEALTH FOOD | M. W. SAI.A. I’rop. * » * retary of the union, and Kovalski, say what connection this had with SURGE! N DENTIST W. I. R. CLOTHING STORE 2016 Second Avenue. New York SEROY Vegetarian (bet. 103rd & lOtth Sts. 1 spoke in large 542 who Polish, because a BOMBAY, India, April his decision to not grant bail today, 1 UNION SQL ABE flltOOli IVESLip 29. CHEMIST Algonquin Telephone Lnillon :ni!ls Ladies Hobs Our Specially number of the strikers are Polish- Sy but everybody seemed to know. Rtom 803—Phone: 8181 r mptoms of the growing revolu- Not tonnected with any RESTAURANT Cleaning, Pressing, Private Beauty Parlor speaking- workers. tionary- temper of the proletarian “May First, Your Honor,” said j 657 Allerton Avenue 1600 MADISON AVE. Repairing Estabroob 3215 Bronx, N T other office High Clas9 Work A large strike committee was and oppressed Indian masses Benvenga, then, turning to Elder, | Phone: UNlversity 5865 Done elected, consisting of union non- ii _ . , - # mmmmmm* ¦ Goods Called for and Delivered and “It is May First, isn’t it?” . i..,y against imperialism - k— ..ii mi both British and All profits go union strikers. Nearly a hundred I towards strikers your the native exploiters war shown in “Demonstrations all over the w orld i and their families. Advertise Union Meetings .-joined workers the union at the a battle Sunday between the so- on May First/’ said Brodsky. Dr. ABRAHAM MARKOFF Tel. OKChard 3783 Phone: 3tuyvesant 8818 SHOW lorn solidarity \ here. For information write to meeting. WITH THE WORKERS! j called “untouchables,” the workers “Ah, yes. May First,” said Gave- i SVRKROV DENTIST DR. L. KESSLER The DAILY The strikers held a meeting to- forced gan. I’lltake the under con- John’s Restaurant WORKER who to do the most menial matter S4U BAST Usth STREET SURGEON DENTIST 1 Advertising Dept. night, to which all Mack plant work- and disagreeable work, and petty- sideration. Next case.” Cor. Second Are. New York SPECIALTY: ITALIAN PI SHE* Strictly by Appointment A place with atmosphere 26-28 Union ers were called, through leaflets, j DAILY EXCEPT FRIDAY TO So-. bourgeois Hindus. Several other Apparently the workei-s’ elected where all radicals meet 25% REDUCTION CITY and they decided to start picketing class battles took place in many representatives are to stay in jail j Please telephone for appointment 4S-50 AND UNION WORKERS Telephone; Leliigh 0022 Cor. Eldridge St. NEW YORK 02 E. 12th St. New York Wednesday morning. parts of India. at least until after May 1. JSUTC HEHS’ UNION Local 174. A.M.C.

—-— On May on WORKERS MUTUAL V. - First, After the Demonstration Union Square & OPTICAL CO. !f Hotel Restaurant Workers und»r personal supervision of Brunch of tin i minted Food Worke***. hi W. 21st St.. M. C. DR. M. HARRISON Phone Chelsea 2274 | Business meetings held ihe first COME TO THE Optometrist I Monday of the month at 8 p. m. Educational meetings—the 215 SECOND AVENUE Monday third Corner of the month. Executive 13th Street ! Board meetings—every Tuesday NEW YORK CITY afternoon at 6 o'clock Opposite New York Eye nud { One Industry! One Union! Join and Ear Infirmary Fight the Common Enemy! Telephone Stuyvennnt 38311 | I Office open from 9a. m. to 6 p. n

WORKERS, ATTENTION! FOOD WOKKHIih REAL BARGAINS Meet* tftt Suturdti) in the month at BHKI May Day at Third Avenue. Celebration! 230 E. 4KM St., Ret. 3 Loral 164 Furnishing's Tel. Jerome 70»« Union Label Itrendi AT 7 P. M. Extrn dlseonnt to D. W. renders. o ®AMALOAMATPt>« AT THE CONEY ISLAND STADIUM Don’t Fail to Read The May Issue of THE WEST SIXTH STREET, CORNER SURF AVENUE (B.M.T. Trains to Coney Island—Get Off at Last Stop) LABOR DEFENDER Mass Smeing Led by Freiheit Gesangs Verein Programs by Workers Laboratory Theatre, W. I. R. Brass The Include: Revolutionary Tableaux Band, Red Dancers, John Reed Club, Labor Sports Union Contents WALL STREET’S BLOODY FEAST The Arrest and Sentencing of the Unemployed Leaders—Foster, PROMINENT SPEAKERS Minor Amter Raymond and Leston—in New York City. By J. LOUIS ENGDAHL HUNGER FIGHTERS THE JOBLESS and MAY DAY BY JOSEPH NORTH BY PAT DEVINE Auspices: STARS ON THE SOVIET MAP CLENCHED FISTS COMMUNIST PARTY, New York District, UNITED FRONT MAY DAY COMMITTEE BY GRACE HUTCHINS BY JIM STEWART


Admission 25c and 50c. Unemployed Free. BUY IT TODAY! better smu- * SUBSCRIBE! t TPTVTTEN CENTS#~'P'NT'T'C SI.OO a year 1 TiWHWBBBHIWBWWWk * 1 " * "