Lent February 22 – Pastor David Rawls THE TIME HAS COME

Read Genesis 9:8-17 and Mark 1:9-15

Mark 1:15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!

It had been predicted from the beginning when God made a covenant with Noah and then Abram that God would be our God for all living creatures, Genesis 9:16. Throughout the Old Testament God is preparing the world for the coming of the messiah. When we read Mark 1:15, we are being reminded by Jesus that He is the one that God spoke about in the Old Testament, and the one the world has been waiting on to come. Jesus announces the good news that the “Kingdom of God has come near.” Now, for the most part, not many people understood what he was talking about, because they were expecting a military leader, not a savior. They wanted to be saved from the Roman occupation, but Jesus came to save them from their sins by calling them to repentance and to believe that He was their messiah.

“The time has come!” When you consider that statement, it is probably a statement that all of us have used at one time or another. Whether we have used these exact words or similar words, the meaning is the same. There is always a beginning and an end to all things in life, and it is in between these two points where we live our lives. Jesus came for the very purpose of helping us to live in relationship with Him. When He came, He announced that "The time has Come," and the time is now for each of us to come to know God, to ask for forgiveness, and to believe that God will and can make a difference in how you will live your life. Jesus came to put flesh on the relationship with God. He proclaimed that, if you know me, you can know the Father who is in heaven. "The time has come!" Where are you in your journey? Is God relevant in your life? Is God even real in your life? Have you allowed Jesus to break into your life? When you and I allow Jesus into our lives, we are opening ourselves to the good news of God's kingdom. We are opening ourselves to His grace and mercy, and we are opening ourselves to His forgiveness. So if you are tired of living your life the way you have so far, maybe "the time has come" to let Jesus in?

Father, thank you for offering each of us a personal relationship with you. You began with Adam and Eve and you have been offering yourself to us from the very beginning of time. Help each of us to accept that offer that, "The time has come," to receive you as our creator, our sustainer, and our hope.

May we yield our heart and our life to the one who came to offer forgiveness to all who would say "Yes," to the Kingdom of God. "The time has come!"

February 23 – Margaret Williams

Read Job 4:1-21 and Ephesians 2:1-16, focus on Ephesians 2:1-11.

I grew up in the Methodist church. My mother took me every week. I sang in the choir and became President of Methodist Youth Fellowship. I attended church camp every summer. It was at church camp at age 14 that I thought I had a life-changing experience. I saw a cloud that represented a lamb and I thought it was God’s way of telling me that Jesus was the Lamb of God and I was His child. I remained a faithful follower until the year of my 27th birthday when I was diagnosed with 3rd stage Malignant Hodgkins Disease. I felt as if I didn’t know God at all. I worried for weeks that I would die and my children, then ages 6 and 2, would be left without a mother. I knew my husband would do his best but he was a LT. in the USAF and gone on TDY often. After crying for long periods of time, a lady who had been our son’s Sunday School teacher in the Philippines gave me a call. It seems that she heard of my prognosis and wanted to offer a healing ministry to me. It was at that moment I realized I was not alone. God was still true to me. Through many hours of prayer and reading Ephesians 2:1-11, I felt His presence. I realized that I would have to die to self before I could be comforted in this threatening situation. I realized through the scriptures that God would not allow my children to suffer if He needed to take me home. I found His grace and mercy and was ready for the outcome. Little did I know at the time that the action had already begun. You see, the lady from the past sent a healing ministry to me with a full recovery. I praised the Lord for His faithfulness and I believe that, had the outcome been different, I was ready to accept it, knowing that my Lord was faithful to the end. I finally realized that I didn’t have to physically die but I did have to die to self.

Holy Father, I pray that we all might come to the end of self-rule. I confess that I was driven by the need to be in control and have my wishes granted. Today, I lay all of that at your feet and pray that I might die to my own self-generated plans. May only Your plans matter. In Christ’s Holy Name. Amen February 24 – Gary Hoffman

Read Job 4:1-21 and Ephesians 2:1-16

Poor Job! He is well known as a man who suffered mightily. Ultimately, he cursed the day he was born and wished for death. He railed at the conundrums of life: “Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden?” (Job 3:23) A friend asks Job: “Can Mankind be Just before God?” and goes on to confirm Job’s complaints that while God is a tough taskmaster, those that dwell in houses of clay are crushed and ‘Unobserved, they perish forever … they die, yet without wisdom.’

So, not only did Job suffer mightily but there was no hope of any change in his lifetime, only some hope to be judged less harshly than others.

In contrast, Paul’s ministry to the Ephesians offers a completely different reality: He describes a God rich in Mercy, Grace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

I can attest to the reality of that Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness. Several years ago I had the good fortune to have a heart transplant. That in itself is a miracle, but there was also another miracle, perhaps more significant to me than the transplant.

Often with serious illness comes serious depression. That is what happened to me during my downhill run to a heart transplant. For years and years I seriously worried and worried and worried about my life. I think the particulars of that worry are not as important as its debilitating effect.

One day as I was driving on Ft Island Trail – worrying - a voice, clear as a bell and just as clearly not my own, said to me simply: “It doesn’t have to be that way.” Immediately all the layers of guilt and pain and suffering began to fall off my body. I felt buoyed up; I was lifted through layers and layers of heavy burden and breached into the sunlight. Suffering was replaced by joy. I was loved, accepted; I was OK.

I think that is what Baptism is all about. I thank the Lord for allowing me that experience, for changing my life, for turning dark to light. I thank Him for his Grace, given freely, no questions asked, no strings attached.

Father, thank You for the Grace You’ve given me, at the time I needed it most, and every day.

Yielding: Today I will ask for Grace when I need it, and give Grace to others. February 25 - Karen Janota -Trials and Wisdom

Read Proverbs 30:1-9 and Matt. 4:1-11

Matt. 4: 4Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”

In Proverbs, the prophet asks God to give him no more than his daily share so that he does not become greedy. In this verse from Matthew, Satan has told Jesus that, if He is hungry, turn these stones to bread. I mean, really, Jesus had just finished 40 days and nights in the wilderness without food and water! But Jesus’ answer tells us that the word of God will satisfy us far more fully than the food we eat.

I must admit, I do not fast well. In fact, the only time I do that is when I have to undergo a certain kind of procedure once every 7 years, I prefer portion control, but my motivation is not spiritual discipline (although it should be). It takes true discipline to surrender to Christ and begin to follow those practices such as prayer and study, journaling and reading. For most, it takes time and repetition.

In my daily reading today, the author was talking about self-criticism. Some people say that “if you criticize something, you don’t love it. Wise people like the prophets would say the opposite.” We tend to criticize others, but we need to be struggling with our own shadows. Fr. Richard Rohr says, “It is in facing your conflicts, criticisms, and contradictions that you grow up.” Jesus went into the desert to do that. Celebrate Recovery takes you through that desert with support. That is one step toward a higher level of consciousness. It is part of sanctification, and it isn’t easy. Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the wilderness. It’s hard for most of us to go a day without our cellphones!

In Proverbs, the writer acknowledges that he doesn’t understand the One who created everything or HIS SON! Neither do we. In Matthew, Satan is testing Jesus. How would we hold up to testing? If you think about it, we have trials every day. Do we seek the word of God for help, either through the Bible or through prayer? Do we seek a knowledgeable elder? Are we part of a small group that meets regularly to study and to pray? If we’re not, we should start…today.

Abba, thank you for times of testing, and for providing wisdom in many ways. Amen

Yielding: Today I will face trials with the knowledge that You are with me.

February 26 - Pastor Chuck Tomberlin God’s Grace

Read Gen. 15:1-6, 12-16 and Romans 3:21-31.

Our justification, or righteousness, is made perfect only by one thing, our faith in Jesus Christ. Verse 22 says it all: The righteousness of God comes through faith in Jesus Christ.” Once you are saved, having asked Jesus to come into your heart and take away your sin, you enter into relationship with Him and He with you. Ephesians 2:8-9 says it better: it’s Grace, Grace, Grace, amazing Grace, and when I sin, I am forgiven again. That doesn’t mean we have license to sin, but His amazing grace is always there for me because of my faith in Jesus Christ, and because of works,” lest any man should boast.”

Daily my wife and myself pray as our needs arise. We realized that, with one particular problem dealing with a struggle with renters in her home, we had not included and put God first, asking Him to go before us to make our crooked paths straight. As soon as we did, our roadblocks fell away, all was cleared, all was made right and smooth.

Father, make us willing to be willing to seek You first, and your righteousness, realizing that all the things we have need of will be added unto us to the glory of God Himself, Amen.

Yielding: Today I will put God first in whatever I do. February 27 – Ruth Maughan Patience

Genesis 16:1-6 - 1 Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. And she had an Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar. 2 So Sarai said to Abram, "See now, the Lord has restrained me from bearing children. Please, go in to my maid; perhaps I shall obtain children by her." And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai.

The hallmark of Abram’s life was that he believed God, and the Lord considered him righteous because of his faith. Abram’s righteousness was not because he never sinned – he failed to do the right thing on this and several occasions. In this scripture, he took the provision of a son into his own hands rather than praying and waiting for God to act. He acted as his wife wished him to do. Abram left his home in Haran when he was 75 years of age. He was 86 years old when Ishmael was born to him and Hagar, Sarai’s maid. He was 99 when God appeared to him and reaffirmed his covenant promise of a son. Abram was 100 years old and Sarai was 90 when their promised son, Isaac, was born. God kept His word…as He always does. It has been said that patience is a virtue. We want what we want when we want it, and when we want it is right now. God has a plan and a purpose for each of us. Many times, we must be put in a place of waiting for His plan and purpose to be fulfilled. Trusting God means that we maintain, we are faithful each step of the way, and as we mature, God will open the promised doors for us. God is faithful to keep His word to each of us. He is working the details out for our good.

Dear Father, please help me to know that I am counted as righteous by faith in Jesus’ sacrifice of His life for me.

We trust Jesus’ gift of eternal life, not our own works, for our salvation.

February 28 – Ruth Maughan

Read Gen. 16:7-15 and Mark 8:27-30

Mark 8:27-30 27 Now Jesus and His disciples went out to the towns of Caesarea Philippi; and on the road He asked His disciples, saying to them, “Who do men say that I am?" 28 So they answered, "John the Baptist; but some say, Elijah; and others, one of the prophets." 29 He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Peter answered and said to Him, "You are the Christ." 30 Then He strictly warned them that they should tell no one about Him.

It had been about 3 years since Peter first accepted Jesus as the Messiah. A year later he had called Him Lord. Six months after that he called Him the Holy One of God. Now, after two and one half years of traveling with Jesus, he expressed his conviction that Jesus is the Son of the Living God. Peter confessed the truth that Jesus is the Son of God. The deity of Jesus is the foundation of the church, the fundamental creed of Christianity.

It was a hot week in Alabama in July 1947. Our church always had a summer revival in July. My family were faithful members of the church and attended every service. All week, a war had been occurring in my little chest. I didn’t know theology, I was only 7, after all. I made up my mind that on Friday night, I would “join the church.” That’s all I knew about salvation.

Friday night came. The evangelist finished the sermon and gave the altar call and the war in my little chest exploded. As the congregation sang “Just As I Am,” I stepped out and headed to the front of the church. It felt as if my little feet grew wings; a sensation of joy replaced that war in my chest. I will never forget my “new birth.” It is as real to me now as it was that night.

Dear Father: Thank you that I know Jesus is my Savior.

Every person faces this question: Who do you say that Jesus is?

March 1- Pastor David Rawls THE WAY OF THE CROSS Read Genesis 17:1-7;15-16 and Mark 8:31-37

Mark 8:31-37 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said:"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?"

In this passage Jesus is telling the crowd and His disciples that, if you want to be a follower of God, there is an expectation. You must put God first in your life, which means you must seek after God who will guide you in living out your life. A disciple denies themselves, and does what God wants, and sometimes that comes with great challenges. When you and I do choose to follow God, it may look like we are giving up things in the world, but in actuality we gain more far beyond our understanding. Abram came to understand this when God came to him and asked him to follow him by making a covenant between them. Abram had no idea where that would lead him, but in the end, he became the father of all nations. God has a better plan, if we give him our lives to manage, because the world will let us down, but God will never let us down.

Like many of you, when I try to do things in my own way, I tend to get myself into trouble. I spoke about denying oneself several months ago in a sermon series. I struggle with what real denial looks like in 21st century America. I know we have no idea what denial looks like when it comes to denying ourselves physical comforts that we all enjoy. Denying oneself means much more than physical comforts. Denying to me is about where my heart is when it comes to following Jesus. Is Jesus just a thing to do or does Jesus have consequential, life changing, outcomes in our day by day lives? Wesley lived 32 years with an empty heart, until he came to know Jesus on a personal, one on one relationship. Wesley accepted the grace and love Jesus had to offer him, and his life changed. Denial became an opportunity to love God back and to serve God by serving others. Do you love God? Then give him your heart, and denial becomes an outward and visible act of love back to God.

Father, help us to follow You day by day, every day, by giving You our love and devotion as the One who created us and sustains us every moment, every hour, every day. Thank You for loving me for who I am, and thank You for the life I have to give back to You and to others.

May we deny ourselves daily for the sake of God's love for us and for the world.

March 2 – Jane Kegan Responding to God’s Love

Read Gen. 21:1-7 and Heb. 1:8-12.

These passages in Genesis and Hebrews emphasize the nature of God (and Jesus). God’s desire is to have a relationship with us. He keeps His promises. He remains the same for eternity. God sent us His Son Jesus as the exact representation of His being. Jesus provided purification for our sins, by dying on the cross.

What is our response to this all-encompassing love of our Father in heaven? As we go through this Lenten period, a time of reflection and devotion, we take time to read His Word, to examine our lives in light of His sacrifice for our sins, and thank God for His love. We learn from the life and preaching of Jesus what it means to love God in return. We seek to do His will each day. We find others who need our love and care and we respond with the love that Jesus taught us.

Have you ever received the love of other Christians in a crisis? When I was a junior in high school, my mother and father’s car was hit by a drunk driver. My mother was thrown from the car and ended up beneath it. She suffered a broken neck and pelvis. She was the mother of six, and my dad worked as a grocer each day. For several months, our church members ministered to us in many ways, bringing meals, sitting with Mom when she was able to come home after 60 days in the hospital, picking up and doing our laundry. Some drove us to activities we needed to attend. The love that was poured out on us was overwhelming and much needed. Because of this experience, when I was grown, I sought ways to serve as I was served, becoming a Stephen Ministry leader, doing bereavement dinners, and being a guardian ad litem for five years. I know that there are many more opportunities within and outside the church to serve Him and reflect the love I have been given. Have you found some places where you can serve others in need?

Dear God, Thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus for my sin. I ask You to show me each day someone who needs to feel your love in a caring and practical way. Let me be your listening heart and hands here on earth. Amen

Help me to minister to a hurting world. March 3 – Karen Janota Tests of Faith

Read Gen.22:1-19 and Heb. 11:1-3, 13-19.

Heb, 11:1 – Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Both of these scriptures focus on having faith in God, and both tell of the faith of Abraham and his son Isaac. You probably know the story, Abraham had waited a long time for God to give him a son with his wife Sarah. So Isaac was a specially cherished child – a miracle, as his father was over 100 and hs mother was 90 when he was born! So when God asked him to sacrifice his son, Abraham must have been beside himself! But he obeyed, taking the boy to the mountaintop and preparing him to be sacrificed. God sent an angel to stop the process, letting them sacrifice a ram instead, praising Abraham for his faith.

I don’t know about you, but I am not sure I would ever be up to that kind of test. When my son was in high school in ROTC, he got bitten by the military bug. He wanted to go into the army in a big way. He trained to drive a tank and was sent to Korea, specifically to the Demilitarized zone on the border with North Korea. It wasn’t the Middle East, but still very dangerous. That year was the worst in my life. I started praying more frequently for God to keep a hedge of protection around my son. Jay didn’t tell me until later about North Koreans taking shots at patrolling soldiers, or the tunnels that were often booby-trapped.

He came home a different young man in many ways. He had seen things we hope our children would never see. But he came home in one piece. God was and is good! God’s faith has strengthened mine. Just ask me about my grandson!

Abba, Thank You for keeping Your promises. Help us keep growing in faith as we surrender ourselves to You.

Today I will face the test of the day with faith. March 4 – Will Tripp Restoration through God’s Promises

Read Jeremiah 30:12-22, John 12:36-43

Jer. 30:18 18“I will restore the fortunes of Jacob’s tents and have compassion on his dwellings; the city will be rebuilt on her ruins, and the palace will stand in its proper place.”

Jeremiah is in prison when God chooses to speak to him. Jeremiah, like the two cities, is down and out. God tells Jeremiah that he will keep his promise and restore the cities of Judah and Jerusalem that were desolate and unhappy places

The lesson for me in this scripture is how often we have been down and out without hope or the desire to go on. This happens to all of us, as I am sure it did with the people of Judah and Jerusalem. I recall a time in my working career when I had reached a point that I was not thought of by a certain boss as competent or of contributing what this boss wanted in terms of results. The feelings I had were destroying my self-confidence, and thus the joy and happiness I felt in doing my job. I spent a number of hours and days in prayer about this specific problem. After awhile, the situation changed and it was like a giant breath of fresh air. God had provided me with renewed self-confidence and motivation. I was restored thanks to God. We need to realize that we as people sometimes resemble the cities of Judah and Jerusalem as desolate and without hope. God promises he will restore us to an even better place than we were before if we believe in Him and ask for help.

Prayer: God, thank you for restoring us to an even better place.

Yield: We cannot try to get through these times without asking God for help. Look forward to the learning that will come from these times.

Will Tripp

March 5 – Ruth Levins Being a Stone

Read Exodus 19:1-9a and 1 Peter 2:4-10.

1 Peter 2:8 As the Scriptures express it: ”See, I am sending Christ to be the carefully chosen, precious Cornerstone of my church; and I will never disappoint those who trust in Him.”

Peter is describing the church (us) as God’s spiritual house. The living stones in the Exodus 19:1-9 passage are Israel, and the image of stone is applied to Christ. It is all about fulfilling the foundational heritage of the church as the cornerstone with each believer as a stone. The church is a body with Christ as the head and each member a believer.

As members of the Crystal River United Methodist Church, we are a community of believers. Our stone (member) is interdependent on the other stones. When we are called to serve in our church, we need to remember that others are also called to serve with us. In this way, we can be certain that our individual efforts are multiplied. Together we can build a beautiful house for God that reaches out into our community with loving responses to their physical and spiritual needs. With affirmative and encouraging words supported by action, we can fulfill God’s plans and purposes whenever and wherever we are called to extend His mission with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit within.

Thank You, Father, for sending us Your Son to show us the way, the truth, and the life. Amen.

Today I will be a supportive stone, doing my part to serve Jesus in all that I do. March 6 – Ivan Richmond - The Law and the Prophet

Read Exodus 19:9b-15 and Acts 7:30-40

Acts 7:37-38. “This is that Moses who told the Israelites, God will send you a prophet like me from your own people.” He was in the assembly in the desert, with the angel who spoke to Him on Mount Sinai and with our fathers, and he received the living words to pass on to us.

Moses is saying that God will raise up a prophet (Jesus Christ) much like him to be the go- between (mediator) for the people of Israel and the angel who gave them the law of God (the living Word) on Mount Sinai.

This is a foretelling of Jesus who was to live among the people in human form, which gave rise to the Ten Commandments which is still used today as a guideline for our conduct and in our daily lives in our courts as well as elsewhere.

This has become increasingly evident to me during my life, and particularly as a civil defense attorney where there was always a desire to search for the truth. In the end, the truth always comes out and as mortals, we are all urged constantly to be aware of the “age-old” rules that have given us guidelines for our moral and personal conduct. Laws have been enacted and enforced in order that everyone has an opportunity to become aware of what is expected of them, and in turn, strive to live an orderly life as they interact with their fellow man. This has always been made clear to me that there is a higher power in Jesus Christ and in God our Father.

We should all be mindful of the Ten Commandments brought to us through the messengers of God our Father, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The pastors of our churches deliver these ever- important messages and inspire us to do likewise. Let us hear, comprehend and heed them. This started with Moses on Mt. Sinai and has continued to this present time.

Dear God, be with us and guide us as we go through our daily lives so that we can help one another. Give us compassion for others and help those who are in need spiritually and in all ways so that our belief in God and Jesus Christ our Lord will be strengthened to stand the test of time. Amen.

I will use the Ten Commandments to guide my conduct. March 7, 2015 Only Jesus

Read Exodus 19:16-25 and Mark 9: 2-8

Mark 9:3-4 His clothes became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them. Then Elijah and Moses appeared and began talking with Jesus.

Peter, James and John were the inner circle of Jesus’ disciples. Jesus took them up into a high mountain to be alone. One of Jesus’ reasons for this may have been to strengthen their faith for the shock of difficult days ahead as Jesus was arrested and crucified. Suddenly Jesus appearance was transformed. His clothing became brilliant white. The Light, it seems, did not shine ON Him from without but OUT of Him from within. He was a blaze of celestial glory. Matthew said His face shone like the sun.

Elijah and Moses appeared and talked with Jesus. Matthew symbolizes the Law: Elijah the Prophets. They appeared as witnesses to demonstrate that Jesus, God’s Son, is the fulfillment of all the Law and Prophets.

The 3 disciples were completely terrified. Peter, in shock, uttered a rash statement about building 3 memorials on the mountain. Father God set the record straight for Peter and for us. “This (Jesus) is my dearly loved Son, listen to Him.” Not Moses (Law): not Elijah (Prophets) but Jesus alone.

The law brings order and discipline to life and is good. I need its wisdom. The prophets tell of past and future events. That is good so that I am wise to the times.

Only Jesus, glorious Son of God, is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Salvation is in no other. By His grace I am saved through faith in Him. My sins are forgiven. I am assured eternal life with Him. He is my Savior, my Life, my Way. I desire no other life.

Father, thank you that I amYours through the gift of the blood of Jesus. Please help me live a holy life of gratitude each day.

Today I will live in praise and thanksgiving that the difficulties are for but a moment. Jesus helps me through them all.

March 8 – Gloria Ferguson – Ten Commandments

Read Exodus 20:1-17 and John 2:13-22.

Exo. 2-:1-2 “Then God spoke these words: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.”

Just to remind us, he then gave Moses what we’ve come to know as the Ten Commandments.

1. You shall have no other Gods before me. 2. You don’t make idols for yourself. 3. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

Those first commandments dealt with our relationship with God. We know the next commandments as well. These deal with how we relate to others.

5. Honor your father and mother. 6. Do not kill. 7. Do not commit adultery. 8. Do not steal. 9. Do not testify falsely against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house or anything else that is your neighbor’s.

All of the Lord’s commandments are laws that we, as Christians, need to obey today, just as the Israelites were told to all those years ago. Unfortunately, we haven’t learned a thing. We break these laws each and every day, and that saddens me. I confess that I have broken one or two of these myself, and I deeply regret it. I also know that I received just punishment for it. But I also know that God has forgiven me.

No wonder the world is in such chaos today. The vast majority of today’s population has turned away and no longer feels it’s necessary to obey these basic laws. They don’t feel the need to confess, or repent.

Father, please give me all your support in my endeavor to abide by your laws every day.

Yielding: I refresh my covenant with the Lord my God to obey His laws with all my love. March 9 – Pastor David Rawls - YOU ARE GOD'S TEMPLE

Read I Kings 6:1-4; 21-22 and I Corinthians 3:10-23.

I Corinthians 3:16 "Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?"

In this passage from I Corinthians 3:10-23, we find that this passage is talking about laying the proper foundation, because if the foundation is not built with integrity, it will not support the building, and it will not stand the test of time. I Kings 6:1-4; 21-22 makes reference to how Solomon was called to build the temple, and how important it was to use the proper materials to build that foundation if the temple was going to stand the test of time. Both passages are about strong foundations and the use of proper materials to build a strong foundation. The scripture goes on to draw out the similarities between a strong foundation for a building and a strong foundation for a life well-lived. The I Corinthians passage makes reference to the fact that if you and I want to live a life that is well-lived, then we must build our lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ. When you and I do build our lives on the foundation of Jesus, then we become God's temple and God's Spirit then lives within our heart, our minds, and our bodies. Foundations are important and Jesus is the foundation of life.

I have seen lots of buildings in my day where the proper foundation was not built and the house was falling down around their ears. In central Florida we know that a house needs to have a proper foundation, because if the ground is not checked out in advance, a sink hole can appear and swallow up the house. Now I know that sometimes you cannot predict a sink hole, but you do have a better chance of building a strong foundation if you have taken the time to check out the ground underneath the building site. I see people's lives every day, just as you do, who have built their lives on bad foundations and the results are not good. There is a lot of pain and dysfunction that comes when we build on poor foundations. I know of no better foundation to build one's life on than on Jesus Christ. It does not mean everything in life will be wine and roses, but it does give you a strong foundation to go through life with, especially in the storms that we all will have to endure. You are God's temple and the Holy Spirit dwells in your midst, because you have built your life on Christ Jesus who is the foundation of the world. I cannot think of anything stronger in this world that I could build my life on and flourish.

Father of us all, help us to build our lives on your Son, Jesus Christ who is the cornerstone of all of life as we know it. Thank you for setting my cornerstone, my life, on you and giving me a strong foundation on which to build my life. To God be the Glory.

May we choose wisely and build our lives on the only true foundation in life, Jesus Christ. March 10 – Karen Janota Purification of the Temple

Read 2 Chron. 29:1-11, 16-19 and Hebrews 9:23-28

In the Old Testament, only priests were allowed in the “Holy of Holies”, the most sacred place, to take their blood sacrifices that had been given. In 2 Chronicles, King Hezekiah felt that the temple had been defiled and the sacred things removed, so the Temple had to be purified. The Levites, who were the priestly line, took on the task to restore the Temple, to purify it with incense so that it would be fit for God’s presence.

In Hebrews, the old ways have been replaced By Christ. Unlike the old Testament where blood sacrifices were made each year, Jesus “has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself.” Heb. 9:26b

Sacrifices hurt. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be “sacrifices.” During Lent, we are asked to give up something. Many of us try to purify our bodily temples by not eating things that are not good for us – like sweets. But Jesus wants us to sacrifice other things; he even tells us to sell our possessions, or give them to the poor, to take up our crosses daily and follow Him. That’s not just for 40 days and nights, but a whole different lifestyle.

Let’s face it. Our society is too spoiled for us to do as Jesus asked. But what can we do to at least move a little bit closer? How about giving up watching tv for a month, making that time reading time, for a change. Pick up a book at CRUMC Library, or go browsing on Kindle Unlimited, or a similar ebook resources. Look for authors like Adam Hamilton and Mike Slaughter, Beth Moore or Gwen Smith (Girlfriends in God), Will Willimon or Tony Campolo, Fr. Richard Rohr or Thomas Merton. Find a title that intrigues you, such as HOW DID I GET TO BE 70 WHEN I’M 35 INSIDE? Spiritual Surprises of Later Life by Linda Douty. Then get some of your friends together and read it together, discussing as you go. You’ve sacrificed time and a little money, but look what you’ve gained!

Father, thank You for giving us ways to sacrifice while coming closer to you.

Yielding: Today I will read of my Father’s love for me. March 11 – Judy Leavitt - God's Holy temple.

Read Ezra 6:1-6 and Mark 11:15-19

When you first read these passages, they appear to have nothing to do with each other. However, in reality, they are very much tied together. In Ezra we read that King Darius ordered the rebuilding of the Temple at Jerusalem and in Mark we read that Jesus drove out the moneychangers and sellers. Both of these passages call for God’s temple to be holy that we may worship the one true God.

I remember when I first became a Christian, I struggled with smoking and was condemned by those who thought of the human body as the temple of God. In so many ways they were right. When I was ready, God delivered me from smoking so that I might be able to worship Him without outside influences distracting me.

God calls us to be holy and to magnify Him in all things. As some have said, “You may be the only Bible someone ever sees.” In this, we have to emulate God in all we do and who we are. We should be loving and accepting others where they are in the Lord and not as we would like to see them. Praying only that God would make all right in His world.

The church is more than a building and if we can worship anywhere, why then do we come to church? We come to church to be with other believers who strengthen us and lift us up when we are down or confused or lonely.

The temple is in each of us and it is up to us to convey that to others and to show God’s love and grace in all we do, say, or act. While none of us is perfect, God’s grace abounds in us and around us and enables us to do His work.

Dear God, Thank You for giving each of us a holy temple where You reside. Help us to keep it holy for You, and for us.

Yielding: Today I will question whether whatever I am doing will keep Your temple holy. March 12, 2015 God’s Covenant with Noah and with us.

Read Gen. 9:8-17 and Eph. 1:3-6

Gen. 9:11 – I establish my covenant with you. Never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.

In the story of Noah, God is so angered by the violent and sinful nature of the humans He created that He desires to destroy the whole of creation. Then He remembers a righteous man, Noah, who walked with God. God tells Noah of an upcoming flood that will cover the earth, and His desire to save the living things and Noah’s family. Noah continued to be faithful and completed the tasks God had given him. God saved him and his family. It was a new start, a new day, and God sent a rainbow to remind us that He had established a new covenant and would never again destroy the surface of the earth.

After the ministry of Christ was completed, a new covenant had been given to us. Jesus Christ would bear the burden of our sins. There would be no destruction, no punishment. It was clear that God’s plan all along was to save us, to draw us near to Himself, to make us part of His family. This is His will and what pleases Him. His desire is still that we be “holy and blameless”, just like Noah.

What do these lessons tell me about God and my relationship with Him? I need to be in communion with God to learn what He wants me to do. I need to work toward being holy and follow His will in all things. I must remember that I am always loved by God; His great pleasure is to have a relationship with me. Hopefully through my prayer life, Bible study, and worship, I can increase my knowledge of His will for my life.

Dear God: thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your Son to die on the cross for me and that You adopted me into Your family.

Yielding: Help me each day to seek to be closer to You, to learn Your will for my life, and to be holy and obedient to You.

Jane Kegan March 13 – Rusty Harry - I Have Known the Spirit’s Touch Read Daniel 12:5-13 and Ephesians 1:7-14

Daniel 12:12 Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days. Daniel had a dream, and like many dreams, it had a lot in it. All kinds of crises were in that dream, but the end promise was that, if they were patient, God would bless them.

When my oldest daughter was fifteen, she had gotten herself into some trouble with some kids at school. She decided the only way out of her trouble was to run away.

The school called me that afternoon that she had walked off the school campus and told me the rumor was that she was running away. I left work and called my husband who was member of the fire department at that time. The department teamed together to search for her. It was almost a month before we knew where she had gone. I stayed at home in case she called or came home. My friend took my other two younger daughters to her house. I was left at the house by myself. I was sitting on the couch and picked up the Bible. I cannot tell you the scriptures I read or what I prayed for, but I will tell you I received the peace inside that only could have come from the Lord. It was a peace that stayed with me way after my daughter returned. Those many days and weeks that my stomach should have been in turmoil, I had a peace that could not be understood by anyone but a believer. I am not saying I did not worry, but I had received the message that she was going to be ok, and she was. She was gone for three months.

When I was able to stop and I got quiet, prayed, and read the scriptures, I could receive the Lord’s message. Doing the following on a daily can also help you find the peace and understanding to get by daily: Stop, pray, read, and listen.

Dear God, help us always to spend some quiet time with You and to listen for Your voice. Amen.

Today I will be still, read my Bible, pray and listen.

Saturday, March 14,2015 Being Born Again

Read Num.20:22-29 and John 3:1-13. John 3:5 – Jesus answered (Nicodemus), “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.”

Nicodemus was a Pharisee who came to Jesus at night to question Him. Jesus knew that He would need an explanation for being “born again,” and sure enough, Nicodemus didn’t “get it.” For all his knowledge and training, Nicodemus lacked this kind of experience, “being born of water and the Spirit.” For us to “get it,” we have to be open to the experience.

When I taught literature, one of the selections was “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” a sermon by Jonathan Edwards. At one time he speaks of “being born again,” and that always raised questions from my students. Even though my focus was Edwards’ imagery, we spoke of perceptions from Edwards’ culture to our own. The students had no idea what that meant, and I had to explain carefully, but until 1996, I had not had that experience.

The Walk to Emmaus was that experience. At some point during that weekend, I understood that Jesus is real, He is very much alive and living in me, and He wants a relationship…with me! Who knew? From that point on, I made it a goal to find out just how to make that relationship happen. It isn’t easy – there is no formula. But practicing spiritual disciplines such as those we study in A Disciple’s Path and Companions in Christ gave me a new perspective. It’s a good thing I’m a believer in lifelong learning! In fact, growing in grace in this relationship IS a lifelong process, part of our spiritual journey. It is THE experience of a lifetime, and I am so thankful for that experience and the journey.

Abba Father, thank you for persevering in pursuit of us so that we can be born again by water and the Spirit. You are my Life, Lord.

Today I will spend time in silence that is not silent but full of You.

Karen Janota

March 15 - The Bronze Snake

Read Numbers 21: 4-9 and John 3: 14-21

The Israelites who were wandering in the desert began to grumble and complain about “the horrible manna” that God provided for them. In response God sent poisonous snakes that fatally bit many of them. They repented and asked God to remove the snakes. God told Moses to make a bronze snake and elevate it on a pole so the people could look at it and be healed.

Jesus used this incident to predict His execution; He would be lifted on a cross. He called Himself the “true bread from heaven”, the manna that provides life for His people.

John 3:14-16 The words of Jesus, “And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Sometimes I am like the Israelites, not happy with my life, moping and complaining, wishing for an easier way. Why don’t I have a cook and housekeeper or Elizabeth Taylor’s violet eyes or Nancy Lopez’s golf swing? Isn’t that ridiculous! Then I remember who I am and whose I am. I count my blessings and I never come up short.

I am fortunate to have a Bible to read His word; I have family and friends to rely on in tough times; I have a church where I am free to worship Him. I have His word that He loves me where I am, and even better, He has a special place for me in eternity.

Dear Jesus, my Savior, You have given it all for me. I am sorry for my complaining and wishing for things that are not important. Thank you for suffering and dying for me. Help me to remember that you died for all mankind. Amen.

Today I will strive to be more like you.

March 16 – Ruth Maughan Faith and Miracles

Read Exodus 15:22-27 and Heb. 3:1-6

Exodus 15: 25 So Moses cried out to the Lord for help, and the Lord showed him a piece of wood. Moses threw it into the water, and this made the water good to drink.

Moses and the children of Israel had crossed the Red Sea and were three days journey into the desert. They had not found any water and these around 2 million people were thirsty. Then they were angry and turned on Moses. When they came to water, it was too bitter to drink. Their need of water in the immediate moment made them “forget” that God had brought them this far and that He would take care of them. Moses’ obedience to God provided the water they needed at Mara, the place of bitterness.

I have faced some difficult places in my life, as we all have. In 1976, my husband lost his mind and bought a Honda motorcycle to save money. My second time riding on the back of the bike, a woman talking to a friend in her car, ran a redlight and hit us. My leg was broken and I was in a cast for 9 long months. The day the specialist was going to send me to Kansas City for amputation is the day one last x-ray was made. It revealed a tiny bone cell in the break. Jubilation broke out in that office as we realized the bone was going to heal. I learned many lessons during that nine months as God was faithful to me in all the uncertainty of the situation. By the way, the Honda didn’t make it!

If we approach our difficulties with faith and obedience to His Word, knowing that God is on our side, we will overcome seemingly impossible situations. Our joy in Him gives us strength.

Dear Lord, thank You that You know everything about me and that You are taking care of all the details of life.

As we yield every situation to God in love and faith, we can see His love and concern for us as He leads us and provides for us through each day.

March 17 – Irene Neitz God’s Response to testing.

Scripture: Read Numbers 20: 1-13 and 1 Corinthians 10: 6-13 –

1 Corinthians 10:13 (MSG) No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it.

I have faced many tests and challenges throughout my life and often wondered how I got into such a situation. Obviously there are many things that shape our lives - our families, our friends, the choices we make, the environment and most importantly God and our belief and faith in him and what he can do for us. Whenever I find myself being tested by life, from being stuck in traffic to overcoming a medical challenge that tries to restrict my movements, I have found that the best solution is to take the time to converse with God and ask for his help and strength to overcome the challenge and get me to my desired destination. Along the way, I thank him for his guidance, the helping hands he provides in various forms, and for the peace of mind I am given because I know that I can always count on him to do what is best for me.

Father, we thank you for always standing by us and helping us to get through the daily temptations and challenges. May the way we handle the challenges with your help shine as a beacon to guide the path of others as they face similar situations.

Yielding: I will praise the Lord for seeing me through all of the challenges that come my way each and every day, because challenges make me better and stronger. When appropriate I will share those challenges and outcomes with others.

Irene A. Neitz [email protected]

Tel: 628-1388

I March 18 – Jane Meek – Southern Family

Read Isaiah 60:15-22 and John 8:12-20.

John 8:20 “If you knew me, you would know my Father also.” Isaiah 60:18 “I will protect and defend you like a wall; you will praise me because I have saved you.”

I grew up in a beautiful Southern town – Newman, GA. My twin sister Anne, my brother Bill and I had wonderful, loving Christian parents. We grew up in the First Baptist Church, where the whole family took an active part in church activities. My father was still teaching a Sunday School class when he died.

It wasn’t until I married and moved away that I realized that everyone was not raised the same way I was. We grew up knowing that God loved us and that we belonged to him.

I can remember every Easter my mother made identical dresses for Anne and me, and every Easter was cold, so she also made us a cape or shawl to wear over our frilly dresses. I thought every mother did things like this for their children. My father drove to Atlanta to work every day so we could grow up in a nice, small town. I thought all fathers did things like this for their children.

Now I don’t know why God paced me with the family I had, but I thank Him every day that He did. Perhaps He placed all of us with families and experiences that would draw us close to Him, so that we could help Him to spread the Good News of our Savior who wants to be a Savior to all.

As Christians, we know that Jesus died on the cross for us. God gave us His only Son – Imagine that! I believe it is our responsibility as Christians to share the Good News that God loves all of us and wants to be our Savior.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for all that You have done for me. Thank You for the people You have placed in my life to influence me. Help me to live my life so that others can see Christ in me and that I can help others to know You.

Yielding: Today I will share my witness with someone who needs to hear. March 19 Sabbath, Day of Rest

Read Isaiah 30:16-18, Hebrews 4:1-3

“1Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. 2For we also have had the good news proclaimed to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed.”

God asks us to “enter His Rest” on the Sabbath, to cease from our labors just as God did on the seventh day. I was reading from Halley’s Bible Handbook not too long ago and had a big “AHA”! Resting on the Sabbath includes the act of going to church EVERY Sunday; it is an act of worship to God!

I must confess that, although I knew going to church was important, I thought that it was okay to skip a Sunday every once in a while. After all, I could worship as well out on the lake in our boat, right? I mean, God’s creatures and the beautiful landscape are all His creations.

Halley says that the church exists to bear witness to Christ. God’s plan is for His people everywhere to meet together at this time to honor Christ publicly. There is NO substitute for Sunday morning worship – not the radio, tv, visiting, communing with birds and flowers – because all of these eventually lead to indifference.

Pastor David has been telling us that we need to be in relationship – with God and with each other. That is how we build community with each other, and learn from each other. Worshipping together is a great way to honor Christ in the Sabbath.

Then when we go out to lunch afterward, we become a small group that continues the Sabbath rest.

Dear Lord, thank You for Your compassion even though we have disobeyed you. Let us always remember to stay in Your rest, to remember the Sabbath and keep Your day holy.

Every Sunday, unless I am unable, I will observe the Sabbath day of rest in worship.

Marno Fagala

March 20 – Allison Baxter A Better Way

Read Exodus 30:1-10 and Hebrews 4:14 -5:4

"Now that we know what we have -Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God - let's not let it slip through our fingers. We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all - all but the sin. So let's walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy; accept the help. Hebrews 4:14-16 (Paraphrase from The Message by Eugene Peterson)

My mother-in-law Nara loved to say that living a Christian life was impossible. It was an ideal that only Jesus himself could attain. Goodness knows it is difficult. Even when we invite Jesus into our hearts and allow him to do his work through us, we still stumble! We need God's forgiveness.

In the Old Testament book of Exodus, God gave instructions as to how the high priest could approach His presence in the Holy of Holies for the people. Incense had to be burned morning and evening. The smoke covered the mercy seat and created a boundary between God's presence and the priest for the priest's protection. I once heard a rope was tied around the priest's ankle so that he could be pulled out if he became incapacitated or died while serving in the Holies of Holies. Talk about limited access!

Ordinary human high priests served as mediators and offered sacrifices. They were called by God. Aaron, the first high priest, was instructed to offer sacrifice in the Holy of Holies for himself and the people of Israel on the Day of Atonement.

But in Jesus, God has made a better way. Jesus was the sacrifice once for all and was appointed by God as our high priest. He is right there with God. We can now approach God directly ourselves. As The Message says, "Take the mercy; accept the help."

Prayer: Oh Father God, thank you for the direct access you have given us to your Throne of Grace. What mercy and love and peace are ours through the sacrifice of your Son Jesus, our Great High Priest. We are so blessed. Amen.

Yielding: Whenever I feel burdened by sin, I need not despair but need only return once again to my gracious God for forgiveness, knowing Jesus, my High Priest is seated at God’s right hand.

March 21 – Will Tripp God’s Plan for us

Read Habakkuk 3:2-13 and John 12:1-11.

In Habakkuk, the prayer reminds us that situations may seem unreasonable and unsolvable but His way is best. In John, Jesus and His disciples were celebrating Lazarus’ return to life. Mary, in an act of generosity that foreshadowed Jesus’ death, anointed his feet with precious oil. Judas didn’t understand that, but none of the disciples understood what Jesus was telling them about His impending death. God has plans for each of us, even though we don’t understand and don’t see the end game.

How often have we questioned why bad things sometimes happen to good people, who serve God. We don’t always understand God’s plan. We need to pray for stronger faith in these times of need and know God has a plan. I recall 30+ years ago when my sister gave birth to a down syndrome child, my niece Leanne. We didn’t understand and agonized over why this happened to our family. When I now fast forward to now I cannot begin to describe the gift that Leanne has given to all of us in our lives. She has helped us all to become better Christians and enabled us to do things we otherwise would not have seen or done. Thank you, God for the gift of Leanne.

. I have wondered at times why Sandy and I had settled in Crystal River after retiring. It wasn’t troublesome but just a question. After ten plus years we now recognize at least a portion of God’s plan for us. This includes Crystal River United Methodist Church, Congregational Care Ministry, Praise Team and many other things within the community are all part of God’s plan.

God. help me to always have the faith I need to realize your way is always best.

I must work to recognize God’s plan for me and learn to embrace His plans.

March 22, 2015 – George Bacon

Read Jeremiah 31:31-34 and John 12:20-33 In Jeremiah we read of God declaring that a different kind of covenant is in the people of Judah’s future. He shares that it will not be the kind of covenant that he made before, where he fed them and provided for all their needs. In Jeremiah and John we learn of a new type of covenant. This time it will be a spiritual and heartfelt covenant, where personal knowledge of God will be the norm. He promises to forgive their sins and not remember them, hinting of Jesus’ death for our salvation. It is a covenant of love not law. In my personal walk I have experienced three covenants with God, and actually three sets of marriage vows. In the first two, they were part of the marriage ceremony, and only incidentally a part of everyday life (which may have influenced the three times). After marriage #2 fell apart (her idea, not mine), I spent 18 months in an intensely prayerful relationship with God, which produced some serious spiritual changes. With relationship #3, Nancy and I have put God in the center of our relationship, and our marriage covenant was taken in a very different sense than those before, with a different relationship with God. Has this realization changed me? It changes how I think and act, and that’s important when God is your father-in-law. Dear Lord, help me to remember and thank You for the gifts You have given me, most importantly, Your love and my wife. Help me to keep that at the forefront of the decisions that I make and the actions that I undertake. Amen. Today I will put God in the center of any decision I make.

March 23, 2015 - George Bacon

Read Isaiah 43:8-13 and 2 Corinthians 3:4-11.

In our first scripture, God is claiming us in no uncertain terms, and He challenges the other nations with other gods to prove him wrong. None can do it- we are His. In our second scripture Paul tells us that what we carry in our hearts, the spirit of love, not letters, is more glorious than the old covenant of letters from the tablets or the law. He tells us we are the perfect ministers of this new covenant, Christ’s ministry, based on belief and love of the Lord and our fellow man. A covenant is “not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”

We have a transition going on in our church in which a covenant of consensus decision making has been joined. We used to use the majority rules system, which was “of the letters”. It left some folks on the losing side with hard feelings that over time could damage their walk with Christ. Using the consensus model, we have to have agreement, and we reach that through prayer and compromise, so that we seek consensus in order to move forward. Persons who still have concerns can agree to move forward without becoming a stumbling block or having hurt feelings. That to me proves that consensus is not of letters, but of the Spirit. It creates peace and life in our hearts and not tiny deaths that we carry around and block our love of the Lord and each other.


Lord, help me to always approach my decisions with an open and prayerful heart, seeking not my will, Lord, but your will. May I remember to ask you your will is! Help me to make decisions that do not cause divisions, because we know that your wish is to create and maintain a loving body of believers.

In the name of your son, Jesus, Amen.

I struggle every day to live up to my prayer, as I teach and deal with my Christian family and my personal family and friends. Sometimes I fail and have to ask their forgiveness. Thankfully, it is becoming less frequent.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - Promises

Read Isaiah 44: 1-8 and Acts 2: 14-24

Acts 4: 21 - Peter is speaking," Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

These readings hold a most magnificent promise of eternal life for us all by believing in Jesus Christ. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Sorrowfully, it is not. Time after time throughout the scriptures, the Lord promises us His Spirit for our belief, but somehow we find ways to resist. The culmination of our unbelief cost Jesus His life to save us from ourselves. What a sacrifice!

In my forty two years of working, I was discouraged many times by happenings I could not foresee or control. In effect I was trusting me, and not the Lord for direction. It did not occur to me, even after being raised in a parochial school, to turn my issues and doubts to Him. The result was many sleepless nights.

Then came a revelation from my blessed wife. She said, " Why are you struggling with these problems when you have been taught to lift them up to Jesus? He will see you through them, and things will work out." She woke me up, and challenges became victories through prayer.

In the deadly, and broken, world of today, our strength lies in the promise of Jesus Christ. His death on the cursed tree brought us a way to fight against the world and the trash in it.

We pray - Blessed Father, please continue to persevere with us, and show us the way, that we might gain the upper hand through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, we redouble our efforts to commit our lives to you every moment. Blessed be the Lord!

Jim and Carolyn Roth

March 25 – Sandy Tripp Listen and Shine

Read Haggai 2: 1-9 and John 12:34-50

Haggai’s prophecy was about the “ New Temple “. The first Temple was Solomon’s, filled with gold; it was destroyed. Everyone kept saying that it wasn’t the right time to rebuild. This went on for over 66 years. As the Temple lay in ruins, the people were not faithful in their tithes and offerings to rebuild it. They were very selfish and only cared about their own homes. What was sown in the fields didn’t produce a harvest; there was a terrible drought, and food was scarce. Haggai told them that, even in ruins, it was still God’s house and He was still present in it. They needed to give God what was His and rebuild the temple. If they did this, they would prosper. God would take care of them. The second temple would be the desire of all the Nations, not because of Gold but because the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, would dwell there forever.

In the reading from John, there was a similar warning for those who do not hear. Jesus told the people to be children of the light, to share the light.

Boy, can I relate to this! How many times when we need more money do we give less to the church, or not give God what we know we should? Then we wonder why we just have less and less, and things go from bad to worse? Giving to God first always makes life better—as David has told us many times, we can’t out-give God. Try it. How about Haggai telling us that even without any gold in the New Temple, it would be the best ever, because of who lived there--- God. That’s what I call priceless.

Then there is Jesus warning us in John to listen to his words because they are God’s words. He told us that if we listen, we will be enlightened, and like Jesus, who is the light of the world, we will not live in darkness. We need to believe and share his message to all, especially to the ones who don’t know Him, or think that they don’t deserve our Savior in their lives. We need to bring them into His house to make them part of Christ’s family.

God, Please give me one day’s portion of Grace to let Your Light shine in me for all to see, Amen.

March 26 - Jan Metcalf Love in the Body of Christ.

Read Deut. 16-1-8 and Phil. 2 12-18

“To all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi (and Crystal River,) together with the overseers and deacons: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

What a marvelous way Paul has of greeting us. In my mind’s eye, I can see him standing tall with his arms spread high and his voice raised as he greets a crowd. Although greeting believers by letter instead, his choice of words seems to encircle listeners. What a beautiful letter of love and encouragement to us still, just as it was to the believers of the past. Truly Paul has learned the lessons that Jesus taught. We recognize the same zeal from our pastors as they pray for us that we are “getting the lessons” taught so long ago, in hopes that we will also encourage others to become believers.

“Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of like—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.” Phil. 2:14-18

Last night at the Ash Wednesday service we saw all the symbolism of our faith demonstrated to us to help us remember to whom we belong, and to encourage us to be the example as Paul was of Christ. And, particularly, as I think about the service, it is very humbling that I recognize I have yet another year to remember my assignment as a Christian, for me to recognize where I missed the mark, and the death of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to allow me the gift of time for trying again and again.

It is very difficult in these somber moments of death not to see the love. When we stand to receive communion before our Lord, we are joined with Him and the body. Not only did Jesus give freely of Himself to us; he gave us each other.

Thank you for the body, Lord Jesus. You are ours and we are yours. We thank you for the gift of each other and our missions you have given us. Please continue to protect us so that we may carry the Word and your name to those who have not yet found you. In your name, Lord Jesus, we pray. March 27 – Jan M. Three Parents

Read Jer. 32:1-9 and Philippians 2: 1-11

“If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my job complete by being like- minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. “

Paul’s letter of encouragement is still applicable today for all of us as we learn to walk through the mode of consensus, to work through changes and growth, to welcome and love, to teach and embrace as we should. Of course, there is also the part about selflessness and humility. Even with the hardships the beautiful lessons are there for us in these verses.

9 and 10 “ Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

The best kind of encouragement is in those verses. They certainly imply total peace and harmony.

And on a very personal note: Happy 73rd wedding anniversary Mother and Daddy. Without a whole lot of imagination, we can visualize how many times Mother and Daddy have given each other the encouragement of this nature, over these many years. What a blessing to us “kids” to see the repeated healing and love still in place on the days when life’s issues cause us to step into the ugly attitudes of life and especially when life is a struggle. Mother has told me, even in these long years, she will reach out in the night and Daddy’s hand is there waiting for hers. Isn’t that a very confident Christ-like love? Paul couldn’t have said it better. What a wonderful apostle! We do need to copy him and encourage and love each other.

May you feel the love of Christ this day in those you love and meet.

I love you, jan

Father God, thank You for the love of parents, family, and most especially Yours.

Today I will encourage someone I may not know, sharing the love of Christ with him or her.

March 28 Sandy Tripp Blind Faith

Read Jer. 33:10-16, Mark 10: 32-34 and 46-52

Mark 10: 51-52 – “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” 52”Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

The disciples, following Jesus to Jerusalem, were afraid because Jesus spoke to them of what was going to happen to him, that he would be tortured and killed. In Jericho, Jesus restores Bartimeus sight. When I first read these, I wondered what the connection was. Then it occurred to me that they became afraid, thinking what would they do without Him? If they truly believed that he was Jesus, The Messiah , the Son of David, yes, He would die, but then rise and live forever as He told them!

Bartimeus literally had blind faith. He had never seen Jesus, but he knew who He was. He wasn’t afraid because he believed and cried it out for all to hear, and hear him Jesus did. Because of this. his sight was restored to him. Jesus told him that it was his own faith that cured him. He believed and followed Jesus.

How many times have we known in our hearts that God loves us and will always take care of us, but when life gets hard and our doubt and anger, or sickness takes over, we forget to believe that Jesus is Our Savior.

I remember during my divorce, being a single Mom waiting for the court system to approve child support, I was told it would only take two, maybe three, months at the most, if I was lucky. Christmas was two weeks away and my bank account was getting very low. I prayed, giving Thanks to God for all we had, a roof, food and each other. Big bills were due before January first, no income. I always knew in my heart that it would be OK and it was. A dividend check arrived at my new address; it found me. It was supposed to be automatically reinvested, no choice---- but there it was .

Our Heavenly Father, may we always keep our faith, no matter how scared or broken we are, because we know who You are. Amen

Let me always believe and know in my heart that You are Jesus

Sandy Tripp March 29 – Margaret Williams Give Thanks to the Lord

Read Psalm 118: 1-2; 19-29 and Mark 11:1-11

“Give thanks to the Lord.” This is such a wonderful statement in our Christian walk. As a musician, the Psalms have always held a special place in my heart. Psalm 118 is known as a song of thanksgiving. It is used frequently in our Christian calendar. It seems most appropriate for Palm Sunday as the throngs of people lined the roads and shouted, “Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”

As I was in a contemplative state of prayer, I was reminded of how I usually remember to give thanks for my many blessings; but how often do I remember to thank Him for obstacles that are placed in my way? During a particularly stressful time in my life, I was reminded by a friend that if I truly believe in answered prayer, I must thank Him in advance, knowing that He will give me the answers I need. I was reminded that I needed to praise Him in all things, knowing that He knows my life so much better than I do.

So as the people cried out on that first Palm Sunday, let us sing praises to our Heavenly Father, giving Him thanks in all things.

Dearest Heavenly Father, we praise your Holy Name, for we know that you are faithful and just and will give us the answers that we need. We thank you for our many blessings and for the obstacles that are placed before us as well because we know that all answers from you are in our best interest. “Hosanna in the highest!”

Today I will thank Him in advance, not just for prayers to be answered, but also for obstacles that arise. March 30 - Being a Servant of the Lord

Read Isaiah 49:1-7 and John 12: 20-36

John 12: “26Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”

Both of these passages refer to being a servant of the Lord. In the first, God commands the listener to do things that will save His people. In the second, Jesus is telling His disciples why He must die, but he speaks metaphorically. (See March 31) Here He is telling them to follow Him, and God will reward them. He was not leading them into death, although most died as martyrs, or into war, as some had hoped. Instead, He expects them to do the kinds of things He had done wherever they are.

What does He expect of you and me? Do you know what your spirit gifts are? How do you use them? What about your talents? God gave me a good voice, so I sing with the Praise Team as a response to this gift. Most people would prefer not to be out front, but there are many ways to serve. Are you a good cook? You might want to volunteer for Meals-on-Wheels. Has God given you a heart for children? Could you volunteer to work with Children’s Church on Sunday morning? Being a servant of God is not a duty or an obligation; it should be a grateful response to God’s love for each of us. We are all individuals with different talents and gifts. Our lives are much richer for His gifts. Can’t we use these gifts to serve others?

Father God, please let me know ways that I can be a servant for you.

Today I will look for ways to serve others.

March 31 - Paradoxes

Read Isaiah 49:1-7 and John 12:20-30.

John 12: “24Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. ”

Jesus has been telling his disciples in different ways that he was going to die. Here, he is letting them know that his death is not going to be a bad thing. In fact, it has to happen for him to live eternally, and the same will be true for those who follow him.

Dictionary.com says that a paradox is “a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.” This verse from John has been a struggle for me, and it should be for all of us. If you love your life, you will lose it? Jesus didn’t want to leave this life, yet He knew that was His Father’s Will, so that His words would grow. I like my life. I love being retired. Much of my time is spent in service to others. I am at an age that many of us think about downsizing and start getting rid of some of the stuff we have collected, or just have more than we need. Garage sales are too much trouble, and I’d rather give stuff away to someone who needs it than to sell it.

Hate my life to live eternally? Sure, there are things in this world that I hate – things that go against God’s will as I understand it – like killing, not to defend anything but just for “pleasure.” Like commercialism, especially “nasty ads” that lie and tear down. What if we worked to solve problems instead of fighting over our “side?” What if we loved our neighbor, instead of just the ones that look or act or believe like us? What if we really took Jesus’ words seriously, the ones written in red?

Holy Spirit, we are struggling to know God’s will for us. Please reveal to us what that is as we wrestle with Scripture.

Today I will sit in silence and contemplate a verse with which I struggle, asking the help of the Holy Spirit.

April 1 Betrayal

Read Isa. 50:4-9 and John 13:21-32.

In both of these readings, there is betrayal. Isaiah was speaking metaphorically of the sins of Israel. Israel that listens to the teachings of the God who instructs her, even if she is persecuted, or betrayed, He will save her. John tells the story of Jesus talking of being betrayed by the one with whom He shares bread, That was Judas, but the disciples weren’t hearing what Jesus meant and did not understand, thinking that Judas, who acted as the treasurer for them, was simply buying supplies for the next few days. Jesus knows that, because it is God’s will, He will have to die, but He will rise again.

My grandmother could grow anything. I am not so lucky, but I do have a Christmas cactus that seems to come back, even when I forget to water it. When it is warmer, I will take it outside to get some sunshine, and be watered by the rain. It even likes a bit of cold weather, especially before it blooms. If I bring it in and leave it in the dark, it blooms furiously! But sometimes, the dog will wag her powerful tail near it and break off some “branches.” Before Christmas, when it was outside, a few branches fell off when I moved it, and those three branches stayed on the shelf outside. After the mother plant bloomed this year, I noticed that the three branches outside had also produced blooms – without water or soil. They were alive! As cold as it has been lately, some plants seem to weather it. They will come back. To me this is nature’s confirmation that we who believe will live again.

Sometimes the death of someone close to us seems to be the ultimate betrayal. We do not understand how they could leave us. At the time, it hurts so much that it is hard to see beyond the hurt. But the promise is there for those who believe that we will see them again, just as the disciples saw Jesus after the stone was rolled away. Let’s take comfort in that promise.

Abba, Father, Thank You for the promise of eternity with You.

Today I will look for examples of renewal and rebirth. April 2 – Irma Jean Green Obedience and Sacrifice

Read Exodus 12:1-14 and John 13:1-17 and 31b-35.

Today’s Scripture readings tell us about events that happened at the First Passover and about the Last Supper which happened on a Passover celebration several hundred years later. Both at the Passover in Egypt and at the Last Supper, Obedience and Sacrifice were necessary to God’s purpose at both of these events.

God gave Moses specific instructions for the Israelites to follow in order for the eldest son of each household to be saved. Each household was to sacrifice a lamb or goat (small families could share). They were to put the blood on and over the doorway on the night they were instructed, roast and eat the lamb, and stay inside on the night God came over the land. The Israelites made the sacrifices and obeyed the instructions God had given Moses. They were saved from death.

At the Passover several hundred years later, Jesus ate supper with his disciples. He knew that He would go to the cross and He had great concern for His disciples because He loved them. He wanted to prepare them for what was to come.

Jesus got up from the table and began washing the disciples’ feet. Simon Peter refused. He said the master should not wash their feet Jesus told him that he could not be His partner without sharing. Then He told them all, “Since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you should wash each others’ feet.” Then He gave them a new commandment. “Love each other as much as I love you. Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” Their love would establish their identity. By obeying they would prepare themselves to take the message of the cross to the world.

The them of this lesson is what Christ wants of me/us as members of His church. He would have me/us love one another as He loves us. This is a step for me/us toward loving our neighbors, even those we don’t know, and displaying God’s love.

Dear Lord, help me to be as tolerant toward others as I would like them to be to me, and please God, give me the desire to show love to others. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

Today I will extend the hand of love to one I do not know. April 3 – Karen Janota - He Died For Us

Read Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 and John 18:1-19

“He was pierced for our transgressions He was crushed for our sins The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him And by His wounds, by His wounds We are healed “ Isaiah 53:5

This is a verse from the selection from Isaiah, but I know it better as the song “By His Wounds” written (composed) by David Nasser and Mac Powell, and recorded by Third Day for whom Mac Powell is the lead singer. The same language is often sung in much different arrangements that come out at Easter, but this is the one that came to mind immediately to me.

There is a vivid description of Jesus in Isaiah, and it has no resemblance to most of the paintings we see that purport to represent Christ. Many do not even have features that would be characteristic of his culture at the time that he lived. In fact Isaiah says he was disfigured and marred beyond human likeness, that there was no beauty or majesty to attract us to him. Not too long ago, Mel Gibson presented a depiction in film of the physical persecution of Jesus. When it came to that point, I was crying and did not stop until the end. For the first time, we could see what it was like to have gone through what Jesus endured. I felt a mother’s pain along with Mary as she watched her Son die.

It’s almost too much to bear to think that He did this for me… for all of us.

“We are healed by Your sacrifice In the life that You gave We are healed for You paid the price By Your grace we are saved We are saved.”

Holy Father, sacrificing Your Son for us is almost too much for us to bear, but through Him, we know how much You love us. Thank You seems too small a praise, but we do thank You.

Yielding: Today I will remember the sacrifice and praise God for His Son.

April 4 – Ron Bass Death is not the end

Read Job 14: 1-14 and Matthew 27: 57-66.

Job tells us that, of all things which exist on earth, man or human beings are the least likely to live beyond the days or years which are assigned to them. When they die, life is over. They cannot regenerate themselves.

If we apply this rule to those who were alive as the death of Jesus was approaching, they must have been devastated that their leader, their teacher, their conduit to God was going to die. He said that He would arise from the dead, but could this be true? Others who die do not live again. Could they believe in a miracle? What would you have believed if you were in their place ?

Matthew tells us that those who killed Jesus were afraid that he would arise from the dead. Those who "did not believe in him," must have believed in him to a fair degree because they took every precaution they could to keep him in the grave. After all, some had witnessed and many had heard of Lazarus’ rising.

Yet, we know that Jesus did arise. The disciples saw Him, talked with Him, ate with Him, walked with Him. Thomas even touched the holes in His hands! He lives! He is available to us "now" as a conduit to God.

Over the course of many years, I have come to recognize that Jesus is not “out there” somewhere, but lives inside of me. I don’t have to see Him (but I’d like to) or touch His scars to know that He is real and alive in me. It was a difficult concept for me to accept because I was brought up in the traditional view of our Father being “in heaven,” but Jesus said “I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.” I believe that.

Our Father and our God, we thank You for the ultimate sacrifice of your only begotten Son, for the forgiveness of our sins. Amen

Today I will do my best to follow Your word and learn to talk with You and listen. April 5 Jim Roth HE IS RISEN!

Read Acts 10:34-43 and John 20: 1-18

Acts 10: 34 - Peter is speaking, "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism." This is quite an epiphany for Peter, or any of us. How often do we see a friend, or neighbor, who seems to be blessed with possessions, beauty or great wealth. It has to slip out within us that the person has greater blessings than we do.

Even after being with Jesus through a large part of His ministry, Peter still did not get it completely. He and John, and the others, did not comprehend that Jesus would rise from the dead. It took Mary Magdalene to bring the news that Jesus had risen and had spoken to her. We have a saying, "seeing is believing." The origin of this is traced to the disciple Thomas, who had to see and touch Jesus' wounds before believing Jesus had risen.

Peter began to understand in Acts, and explained the full understanding of the ministry of Jesus from baptism to death on the cross. Do we understand yet what this means to us? Do we have any knowledge of the fantastic life that awaits us for believing in the crucifixion of our Lord, and what He sacrificed for our future? We pray that we do as individuals, and as a nation "under God." We are promised a new life free of a broken world for belief that Jesus died for us! We continue to be amazed at the love shown to all sinners by this man despite His cruelest of deaths. Peter finally got it! Do we?

I want to share with you what I saw this past week in a local shopping center. A homeless man who is often seen in the area with his dog, was outside a restaurant where he is given food for him and the dog. The patrons took up a collection and gave the dog a red coat to protect from the cold, as they live in the woods. They have helped the “have not.” God's grace at work! Jesus is alive and well! God bless you all!

Gracious Father, thank You for forgiving us when we don't get it, and for those who share themselves for those in need. We love you and thank You for opening life's door through Your rising from the dead. Amen and amen.

We will be more respectful of those in need.

Jim and Carolyn Roth