10 th December, 2009 Free Tickets to the Hong Kong Classic 2010 World Team Challenge

Dear Members, Discovery Bay Residents Club (DBRC) is giving away eight World Team Challenge tickets to four lucky DB residents, so make sure you complete the entry form and submit your answer to the simple question as follows to DBRC on or before 28 December 2009 ! For more information, please read the attached page of details.

Question: When will the 2010 take place? Club Management

香港網球精英賽2010 免費入場券 請各會員注意:

愉景灣康樂會將會送出8張免費入場券給4位幸運的愉景灣居 民,您只需要回答下列一條簡單問題,並於2009 年年年12 月月月28 日或 之前將表格交回愉景灣康樂會,即有機會贏取免費入場券。詳 情請參閱附件。 問題:「香港網球挑戰賽 2010 年年年」年」」」於何時舉行於何時舉行??? 會所啟 二零零九年十二月十日

由香港網球贊助人協會舉辦的「香港網球挑戰賽 2010 年」將於明年一月在維園舉 行,賽事為期 4 日,由一月六日至九日進行。

俄羅斯隊將由 3 屆大滿貫冠軍舒拉寶娃及現時世界排名第 7 位的施禾娜莉娃組成; 歐洲隊方面則由兩名超級新星聯手,包括:打入美網決賽的禾施妮雅琪及現時世界 排名第 8 位的艾莎蘭卡;衛冕冠軍的美洲隊成員包括 5 屆溫網得主維納絲威廉斯及 美洲首席員迪高出戰;亞洲隊方面,有廣為香港球迷熟識的中國球星鄭潔及日本首 席球員森田あゆみ作為代表。每隊球隊將由 3 名球員組成,球迷可於大會網址 瀏覽詳細球員名單。

「香港網球挑戰賽 2010」將會採取單打及雙打賽制,賽事共 4 日。衛冕冠軍的美洲 隊實力強勁,但其他三隊球隊亦不容忽視,今屆賽事的球星陣容鼎盛,相信會有一 番龍爭虎鬥。

賽事門票將於 12 月初於城市電腦售票網公開發售,詳細請留意大會有關的公佈。

香港網球贊助人協會是一個非牟利的組織,今屆的賽事已經是第 11 年舉辦,每年大 會都會邀請世界級的巨星訪港。賽事的成功全賴一眾的贊助商鼎力支持,包括:佳 能香港有限公司及國泰航空公司,同時康樂及文化事務署一直是賽事的資助機構。

The World Team Challenge is back! Once again four star studded teams from around the World will light up Victoria Park from January 6-9 2010.

3 times Grand Slam Champion and World No. 7 will headline Team Russia . Team Europe will feature two rising Top 10 players, US Open Finalist and World No. 8 . Defending Champions Team America will be led by 5 times Wimbledon Champion and South America’s No. 1 Player . The Asian contingent will be strong also with Chinese superstar and Japan’s No. 1 player Ayumi Morita representing Team Asia Pacific . The team lineups will be completed by 4 further players, who will be announced shortly.

The Hong Kong Tennis Classic will feature singles and doubles matches over four days of action packed tennis at Victoria Park. Team Americas are the defending champions, but with all four teams packing strong lineups, the title is sure to be fiercely contested.

Tickets will go on sale in early December and can be bought from all URBTIX outlets. Organised by the Hong Kong Tennis Patrons’ Association, a non-profit making organization, the Hong Kong Tennis Classic is now in it’s 11 th year and has consistently attracted the world’s top tennis stars. It is proudly supported by the Mega Events Fund, sponsored by Canon HongKong & Cathay Pacific Airways and Subvented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.