Baseball Nba Playoffs Transactions

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Baseball Nba Playoffs Transactions ~--------------------------------~--------------------------~------------------------------------------- l VOL. XXIII NO. 136 WEDNESDAY , MAY 2, 1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Report recommends change in parietals By MONICA Y ANT • The process I page 4 Student Government other peer institutions' visita­ at ND unhealthy cited single­ Assistant News Editor tion policies. sex dorms as one of the causes. Committee on sexuality reeom­ Report on: >\ In the 1990 student survey, to In light of two rnports on co­ Noting that "tlw notion of nwnds the following: which 705 of 2000 SIJI(IPntc r<L residentiality made within tlw pariPtals is ambiguous both in •That the university sponded. 79 pereent said that past two years. tlw Comrnittne intPnt and nwthod." a Student "acknowledge, if it is indeed the Q''1~~~ Notre Dame does not provide a reeomrnends the following: (;owrnnwnt mport on sexuality rase, that the prevention of healthy environment for inter­ • lmpl1~rnenting eo-residen­ rPrornnwnds that tlw University sexual relations between stu­ suspension from the dormitory action with the opposite sex, tiality as quickly as possible at nitlwr arknowledgn that pre­ dmlls is the goal of the limit after second violation; dis­ 75.7 percent of those listing the University. venting sexual n~lations is the parietal visitation regulation." missal from the dorm after parietals as a "major problem­ • "Not implementing parietals goal of pariPtals, or modify If thn above was not the case, third offense. causing area." in a eo-residential situation be­ visitation hours and disci­ the report reeommends: • Allowing each residenee hall Hesponding to the area of co­ cause the aim or such is not to plinary artion. • Modifying visitation hours to vote on the extension of residentiality, the report states, live next to or above members Tlw 19H 1J-90 HPport to tlw to the following: 9 a.m. every quiet hours. "Both the Committee and the of the opposite sex. but to in­ Board of Trustees also included morning, ending at 2 a.m. on 1990 Student Government sur­ teract with them." rPeomnwndations on sexual weeknights and 3 a.m. on Fri­ The recommendations sur­ vey consider co-residentiality All aspeets of the sexuality ethics. ro-rnsidnntiality. sexual day and Saturday nights. rounding parietals were based the most effective way of im­ report were difficult to ad­ harassnwnt and rape, contra­ • Moderation of the present on research on the intent and proving the quality of male-fe­ drnss, Committee Chair .Juli1~ reptiV!~s and AIDS. and homo­ disciplinary aetion to: a warn­ consequences of the policy, a male relations." According to Shadd said, because of the sexuality. ing for first violation of pari­ student survey on sexuality, the survey, 76.6 percent of With regards to parietals, the etal visitation policy; temporary and comparative studies of those who considered relations see REPORT/ page 6 ..... f' "'""" Nations celebrate an "\h* uncommon May Day VIENNA, Austria (AP) - With their Stalinist leaders Eastern Europe ignored vio­ already overthrown, thanks in lence elsewhere and quietly cel­ part to Gorbachev' s reforms, ebrated its freedom from East Europeans rejoiced more decades of stagnant Communist peacefully, marking May Day ritual on May Day, substituting as they wished. musie fests and pienics for the In Leipzig, East Germany, proletarian parades of the past. however. leftist youths brawled Turbulence marked May Day with young nco-Nazis in the fl.l!', \t demonstrations in South Ko­ market square, the government .;# rea, West Berlin, Mexico, news agency ADN report1~d. Turkey and the Philippines, West Bnrlin suffered an an­ however. nual surge of May Day violm1ce And in Moscow, a brief burst as bands of mostly leftist radi­ of the popular rage that has cals hurled firebombs and swept hard-line Communists roeks Tuesday night and poliee from power aeross Eastern Eu­ rnsponded with tear gas and rope erupted in Bed Square truneheons. More than 50 peo­ Tuesday, where the traditional ple were arrested, poliee said. parade was open to all for the But the common traditions or first time in decades. Western and Eastern Europe Taunting Soviet President also found symbolic expression ' . Mikhail Gorbachev and other in May Day celebrations in top leaders with cries of West Berlin as 60,000 Ger­ APPhoto "Shame!" demonstrators. mans, including thousands of A young Soviet couple, left, sporting the latest in Western fashion, and a couple in more rustic attire pose waved Lithuanian nags and East Berliners, came through for photos before a giant mural of Marx, Engels, and Lenin in Red Square Monday. The mural was put on banners bearing fierce anti­ display in preparation for May Day celebrations. Kremlin slogans. see MAY DAY I page 6 New construction forces change of parking lots By MICHAEL OWEN will be available next term in News Writer the areas south and southeast of the stadium. Graduate stu­ li()(Y(Ill}\\ Parking facilities for both dents will have the C-2 lot I'IIIHI~ !'IICMNt:l faculty and students will be available at the intersection of changnd dtw to rww construc­ Bulla and Juniper roads, ac­ tion on campus, according to eording to Johnson. Phil Johnson. assistant director "Thes1~ decisions were made of Snrurily. by a eommittee that met during the last seven months to review "Wn will bn eornpt~nsating for Notre Dame parking with stu­ thn loss of space by providing it dent representatives," said in anotht~r a rna," said Johnson. Johnson. Hnsident student parking will Jim Schilder, a senior who is bt~ locatnd in the D-2 and D-6 a student representative to the lots, whieh am scheduled to be committee said, "The University expanded. committee needs positive input "Until we know exactly how from all members of the com­ mtu·h additional space is ere­ munity to find viable options." atnd in thn D-6 lot and until Schilder said the reason for that lot is rt~surfaced, we won't the division of the lots is so know which residence halls will that all of the traffic of people b1~ assigrwd thnn~." Johnson and cars will not be concen­ said. trated in one area . .Johnson speculated that Johnson said he was certain • Alumni, Dillon, and Sorin halls that Walsh, Badin, Howard, will all bn assigned to the D-2 Lyons, and Carroll halls will all UNIVERSITY OF I ol. park in the D-6 lot. Depending NOTRE DAME Th11 D-1 lot will bncome fac­ on how space settles out, Pang­ ulty parking due to the amount born, Morrissey, and Fisher D ~~~u~~p::r~~~~,t{"t1on of spaee needed for construe­ halls will be fit into either the [8J ~~dcea,";~us Lion equipment used for the D-2 or D-6 lots. new DeBartolo quad. which "We recognize that we are 11 ~~~:e~;,' once was ust~d forfaculty park­ asking students to walk to the -VISitOr ing. aceording to Johnson. Off-campus student parking see PARKING I page 4 -, -----------~--- ---- page 2 The Observer Wednesday, May 2, 1990 INSIDE COLUMN WEATHER Forecast for noon, Wednesday, May 2. Ordination of Lines show high temperatures. women slowed by weak logic Yesterday's high: 69 The two most com­ Yesterday's low: 3 9 monly used argu­ Nation's High: 102 ments presented in (Presidio, Tex.) defense of the Nation's Low: 5 Catholic Church re­ (Yellowstone, Wy.) garding women in the priesthood are that of Forecast: Partly sunny skies tradition and the im­ today. Highs will portance of resem­ Melissa blance to Christ. approach 60. Rain likely While it is true that McAndrews to develop Thursday. tradition holds an Assistant SMC Editor Highs in the low 60s. important place in Catholicism, I feel that excluding women on those grounds is FRONTS: wrong. • • • To say that tradition vindicates something COLD• • WARM STATIONARY• • is a weak argument. Similar arguments ©1990 Accu-Weather, Inc. would then vindicate slavery, oppression of Pressure the poor, and Italian popes. In addition, ® © rn ~ m EZJh EZ3 historical evidence shows that this is not HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T-STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY how things have always been. At the time of Christ, the role closest to that of church V1a Associated Press Graph1csNet priests was performed by both men and women. Priests as we know them were not instituted by Christ. (He was not a sexist.) While the priesthood is a worthwhile institu­ OF INTEREST tion, there is no reason for its being exclu­ sively male. The second argument for maleness is that A memorial mass for Robert Steve Irish Guard will be holding tryouts for next year's of resemblance. For a priest to perform his D 0 Ian will be today at 1 p.m. in the Architecture season. Those who missed the organizational meeting function he must physically resemble Christ. Building lobby. should call Mike Norman at 283-3508. I have been to the Middle East where Jesus was born and the people there do not physi­ Refrigerator Rental Returns will be at All juniors planning to take on-campus interviews cally resemble Aryans or Orientals. Just as Stepan Courts on Friday May 5th from 2-5 p.m. at the Career and Placement Services office during their the church has no problem ordaining these Refrigerators must be clean and defrosted for deposits to senior year are reminded to turn in two copies of their re­ non-resemblers so should it be for women. be returned. Call SUB at 239-7668 with any questions. sume before leaving campus this spring. Perhaps one can argue that it is in the phallus that one resembles Christ. To this ridiculous position I offer a ridiculous counter. Imagine that a priest, Fr.
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