Association of Space Explorers Collection [Schweickart] NASM

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Association of Space Explorers Collection [Schweickart] NASM MAIL QSC 1 From: R.SCHWEICKARTFri 3-Apr-87 11:52 FEOKTISTOV AND PRINCETON CONFERENCE 2 From: R * SCHWEICKARTFri 3-Apr-87 11:53 FEOKTISTOV AND PRINCETON CONFERENCE 3 From: R.SCHWEICKARTFri 3-Apr-87 11:54 REPEAT OF 27 JANUARY MESSAGE 4 From: ASE-USA Fri 3-Apr-87 12:14 Reply to: FEOKTISTOV AND PRINCETON CONFERENC 5 From: ASE-USA Fri 3-Apr-87 12:14 Reply to: FEOKTISTOV AND PRINCETON CONFERENC 6 From: T.WANG Fri 3-Apr-87 12:43 Acknowledgment of: CONVERSATION WITH KOKOSHI 7 From: M.NELSON Fri 3-Apr-87 13:49 July conf and NASA updates 8 From: ASE-USA Sat 4-Apr-87 1:52 communicating w/Ted on the road Read or Scan: MAIL R NOMORE HARDCO To: A.LEONOV (TCN419) Cc: ASE-USA (TCN423) Cc: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) Delivered: Fri 3-Apr-87 11:52 EST Sys 141 (17) Subject: FEOKTISTOV AND PRINCETON CONFERENCE Mail Id: IPM-141-870403-106830007 ATTENTION: OLEG MAKAROV Oleg: 10:53:39 4/3/ 1987 Based on your special request to me in Innsbruck I contacted Prof. 0 * Neill regarding the participation of Cosmonaut Feoktistov in the Princeton conference in May. Sergei Puzanov and you assured me that Feoktistov * s paper was essentially complete and would be available immediately. We agreed that it would be delivered to Peter Gladkov at the USA/Canada Institute and would be picked up on 12 February by Joel Schatz (from San Francisco) and hand carried back to the U.S. for delivery to O'Neill. You also requested that I ask O'Neill to waive the $290 registration fee. Honoring your special request I agreed to contact O'Neill on Feoktistov's behalf. I contacted him on 27 January, just after returning from Innsbruck and I sentj Disposition: d To: A.LEONOV (TCN419) Cc: ASE-USA (TCN423) Cc: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) Delivered: Fri 3-Apr-87 11:53 EST Sys 141 (41 ) Subject: FEOKTISTOV AND PRINCETON CONFERENCE Mail Id: IPM-141-870403-107090569 ATTENTION: OLEG MAKAROV Oleg: 10:53:39 4/ 3 / 1987 Based on your special request to me in Innsbruck I contacted Prof. O'Neill regarding the participation of Cosmonaut Feoktistov in the Princeton conference in May. Sergei Puzanov and you assured me that Feoktistov's paper was essentially complete and would be available immediately. We agreed that it would be delivered to Peter Gladkov at the USA /Canada Institute and would be picked up on 12 February by Joel Schatz (from San Francisco) and hand carried back to the U.S. for delivery to O'Neill. You also requested that I ask O'Neill to waive the $290 registration fee. Honoring your special request I agreed to contact O'Neill on Feoktistov's behalf. I contacted him on 27 January, just after returning from Innsbruck and I sent a message to you and Gladkov with full details on 27 January, via TCN. On 28 January I recieved acknowledgement via TCN that the message had been read in Moscow. Based on your statement that the paper was completed and would be given to Schatz I promised O'Neill that Feoktistov's paper would be delivered no later than mid-February. O'Neill's staff assured me that they needed the paper as soon as possible, that the invitation was still in effect, and that they would waive the $290. They also requested that Feoktistov contact them directly on all further matters. All of this is detailed in my 27 January message. I am embarassed and disturbed by the fact that the paper was not delivered when Schatz went to Gladkov to pick it up. Furthermore, we notified you and the USA/Canada Inst by telex, TCN and phone calls at various times of two later visits to Moscow by Jim Garrison and Jim Hickman and each time we got no response and no paper was provided. There is still no paper. Nor has O'Neill's staff been contacted by Feoktistov or his representative despite at least three requests that he do so. I can do no more. I will re-send to you in a separate message the original message of 27 January. I urge you and/or Feoktistov to contact O'Neill directly and advise him of your intentions. Rusty Disposition: d To: A.LEONOV (TCN419) Cc: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) Delivered: Fri 3-Apr-87 11:54 EST Sys 141 (48) Subject: REPEAT OF 27 JANUARY MESSAGE Mail Id: IPM-141-870403-107180187 ATTENTION: COSMONAUT OLEG MAKAROV/ COSMONAUT KONSTANTIN FEOKTISTOV SUBJ: REPEAT OF MESSAGE SENT 27 JANUARY 1987 -=> Attention: Cosmonaut Oleg Makarov/ Peter Gladkov-USA/Canada Institute Oleg: 11:34:48 1 / 27/ 1987 I just checked with Gerry O'Neill regarding the SSI/Princeton conference on Space Manufacturing and the delivery of Cosmonaut Feoktistov's paper. The answers are as follows: 1. The invitation is still in effect, AND the paper is needed as soon as possible to assure publication. 2. Please deliver the paper to Peter Gladkov at the USA/Canada Institute by 12 February for pick-up by Joel Schatz when he returns to the U.S. 3. In order to assure timely delivery please also transmit the paper as soon as possible via TCN so that I can relay it to O'Neill directly. 4. At my request the normal registration fee of $290 was waived, however, lodging and other living expenses while at the conference will the the responsibility of the attendee. 5. The conference organizers can provide transportation from and back to JFK airport. They will need the flight numbers for arrival and departure. They will also need to know how many nights J o reserve a room in the hotel and how many people will be coming. 6. Please contact Prof. O'Neill's staff directly on all further matters via telex. The telex address is 6094521171, attention: Betty Greber. Good to see you in Innsbruck, Oleg, I'll have a list of all the action items from r .y notes at the ExCom meeting online in a day or so. Please let me know if any of the : differ from your notes or if you noted some actions which I omitted. Rusty Schweickart ** NOTE ** Schatz will be coming back to the States earlier than we thought while in Innsbruck. Please let Alexei Leonov so that he can get his final logo design to Gladkov by 12 Feb also. Disposition: d To: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: ASE-USA (TCN423) Delivered: Fri 3-Apr-87 12:14 EST Sys 141 (3) Subject: Reply to: FEOKTISTOV AND PRINCETON CONFERENCE Mail Id: IPM-141-870403-110120337 In Reply To: IPM-141-870403-106830007 The text that I received of this broke off at "I sent" in the second paragraph. Resend ? Ted Disposition: d To: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: ASE-USA (TCN423) Delivered: Fri 3-Apr-87 12:14 EST Sys 141 (1) Subject: Reply to: FEOKTISTOV AND PRINCETON CONFERENCE Mail Id: IPM-141-870403-110210941 In Reply To: IPM-141-870403-107090569 There we go. Disposition: d To: TCN443 From: T.WANG (TCN425) Delivered: Fri 3-Apr-87 12:43 EST Sys 141 (0) Subject: Acknowledgment of: CONVERSATION WITH KOKOSHIN Original Mail Id: IPM-141-870403-090630442 Received: Fri 3-Apr-87 12:43 (Explicit ) Mail Id: IPM-141-870403-114560781 Disposition: d To: M.AUGUSTINE (DTQ003) To: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: M.NELSON (DTQ004) Delivered: Fri 3-Apr-87 13:49 EST Sys 141 (83) Subject: July conf and NASA updates Mail Id: IPM-141-870403-124451144 Acknowledgment Sent 3 April 87 G'day Rusty First like to zap you the prelim agenda etc of the"Closed Ecological Systems'1 meeting in London, July 13-14, 1987 which will be held, on the invitation of Prof. S.K. Runcorn, FRS, in the Welcome Lecture Hall of the Royal Society: Monday, July 13: morning - The History of Closed Ecological Systems afternoon - Modelling of Ecological Systems Tuesday, July 14: morning - Applications of Closed Ecological Systems in Micro-Gravity afternoon - Applications on Lunar and Planetary Surfaces On Sunday July 12, we are arranging an outing for participants in the meeting to the Greenwich Observatory and Maritime Museum, which will be an opportunity for informal contacts and discussion. We have received confirmation that there will be six Soviet scientists participating: Academician Nikita Moiseyev, Deputy Director, Computer Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences Sergei Orlovski, Computer Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences Prof. Josef Gitelson, Director, Institute of Bio-Physics. Siberian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk Dr. Henry M. Lisovsky, Institute of Bio-Physics, Krasnoyarsk Prof. Evgeny Shepelev, Institute of Bio-Medical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow Dr. Vladimir Sychev, Institute of Bio-Medical Problems, Moscow 2/ Next : re cooperative SBV / NASA tissue culture space experiments Jack Yadvich is Fed Expressing me copies of the most recent JEA's so we can write up ours. He tells me "because of policy directives" they're not signing any new ones now. He privately thinks this hold will last for two months and we can get everything ready for thaw. He seems reasonably responsive and all. Both Paul Buchanan and Bill Knott (who is heading up the Breadboard project at KSC) very gung-ho about collaborating with us on experiments. Am writing first draft with Chubasco today - Chubasco and William Dempster, for engineering, will be the people on SBV side taking charge of experiment - Knott plus his engineers on KSC side. There are Plant Growth Units already made that fit Shuttle mid-deck locker etc.
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