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H3144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 21, 1997 51. Mr. Mareth spoke of the problems in Prof. Vladimir Tetelmin, Deputy Chairman House for 1 minute and to revise and Cambodia that his country was trying to ad- of the Committee on Ecology of the State extend his remarks.) dress as quickly as possible. A strategy had Duma, Russian Federation, and Coordinator Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, been adopted to tackle coastal zone issues. for ACOPS' Russian Programme, and Prof. I rise to bring attention to the con- 52. Mr. Maruyama brought the perspective Vitaly Lystsov, Chairman of ACOPS' Arctic of a developed country to the table. He spoke Working Group chaired this session of the ference that my distinguished col- of the high priority Japan accords ocean re- Panel on Oceans and the Russian Federation. league, the gentleman from Pennsylva- search, technology and observations. Japan The panellists were: Dr. James Baker, Ad- nia [Mr. WELDON] just talked about. We is also supporting the cooperation between ministrator, National Oceanographic and At- are very blessed in this country to be the space-based and in situ ocean measure- mospheric Administration (NOAA), USA; surrounded by oceans and pay a lot of ments. Mrs. Siri Bjerke, State Secretary of the Min- attention to it, but we really do not 53. Mr. Scully reminded the meeting of the istry of Foreign Affairs, Norway; Mr. Mi- pay enough attention because the seas intergovernmental agreements that had been khail Faleev, Deputy Minister of the Russian of the world are important to keep us motioned since the Rio Conference. In his Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies opinion, the UN Convention on the Law of and the Elimination of Consequences of Nat- alive. This is a water planet, we are, 78 the Sea (UNCLOS), which came into force in ural Disasters (EMERCOM); Ms. Sherri percent of this globe is water and it is 1994, formed the basis for subsequent agree- Goodman, Deputy Under Secretary of threatened. ments. In particular, the several fisheries Defence (Environmental Security), USA; Dr. b 1715 agreements, signed and awaiting ratifica- Ljubomir Jeftic, Chairman, ACOPS' Advi- tion, were a direct follow-up of the UNCLOS sory Board on Pollution Control and Preven- One thing that we found out in this provisions. Regional agreements on fisheries tion; Prof. Dr. Willem J Kakebeeke, Assist- conference is that everybody in the and other environmental issues were an im- ant Director General for the Environment, world agrees with that and wants to do portant adjunct to global conventions Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and something about it. If we could just 54. Finally, Mr. Choe, described the situa- Environment, The Netherlands; Admiral Igor dedicate enough of our commitment to tion in Korea, which had a huge 10% of its Kasatonov, First Deputy Commander-in- research and science using the mili- economy related to the marine environment. Chief of the Russian Navy and Chairman of Environmental security was an obvious pri- Section No. 2 on Sea and Ocean Studies in tary, using the scientific community, ority of his country. the Russian Federation Committee on the academic community, using the 55. In summing up, the moderators agreed Science and Technology; Dr. Laurence Mee, commercial community, and unlock on the following highlights from the discus- Coordinator, GEF Programme for Environ- the information about the ocean, at sion and recommended actions: mental Management and Protection of the the same time to gather a lot more. In Disputes amongst countries are an obsta- Black Sea, and Chairman, ACOPS Advisory fact, this country spends more on cle to environmental cooperation and their Board on Oceans and Coastal Areas Manage- resolution is therefore important to the reso- studying the seas of outer planets than ment and Policy; Mr. R. Tucker Scully, Di- we do in studying our own seas, and lution of regional environmental problems. rector, Office of Ocean Affairs, Department ACOPS was seen as a valuable mechanism of State, USA; Mr. Vitaly Sevastianov, Mem- that is wrong. to enhance cooperation and communication ber of the State Duma, President of GLOBE, The gentleman from Pennsylvania amongst nations. Both technology and re- Russia; Colonel Viktor Sheremetyev, Min- [Mr. WELDON] did an incredible job for search are required to address environmental istry of Defence, Russian Federation; Sen- this country by leading this conference problems so that knowledge and capability ator Ted Stevens, Senate Appropriations in the last 3 days. And I just want to are used together. Committee Chairman, Alaska, USA; Con- urge all of my colleagues, Republicans Global fisheries agreements are now in gressman Curt Weldon, Chairman, Sub-Com- place awaiting ratification, setting the agen- and Democrats alike, that this is not a mittee of Research and Development of the partisan battle, this is a world struggle da for future work. More needs to be done to Committee on National Security, House of protect pelagia and fish habitat. Representatives, Congress of the USA, and to try to keep our oceans clean, to try Regional agreements are an effective way ACOPS' Vice President from the USA; Dr. to keep our atmosphere from getting for nations to cooperate on environmental Leslie Whitby, Director of Environment and overheated so that the oceans will rise, issues. Governments need to harmonise their Renewable Resources in the Northern Affairs we know those things are going to hap- policies to ensure the effective interaction of Programme, Canada; and Congressman Don pen. We have to combat it. I thank the the respective agreements. Young, House Resources Chairman, Alaska, Governments need to act now and will need gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. USA. WELDON] for his leadership and I look much public pressure to initiate appropriate The panel discussed ÐÐÐ actions. forward to working with my col- H. Presentation of recommendations and the Po- leagues. F. Panel on the Indian Ocean tomac Declaration f 56. Mr. Peter Mokaba, Deputy Minister of Congressman Curt Weldon, Dr. Jeftic, Prof. Environment and Tourism of South Africa Per Wramner, and Dr. Sebek chaired this SPECIAL ORDERS and Mr. Terry Jones, Director of Multilat- session which was devoted to the presen- eral Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Af- tation of the draft recommendations. The The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. fairs, Planning and Environment of Recommendations are attached to this re- GILLMOR). Under the Speaker's an- Seychelles chaired this session of the Panel port as Annex II. nounced policy of January 7, 1997, and on the Indian Ocean. The draft of the Potomac Declaration was under a previous order of the House, 57. The panellists were: Prof. Dr. Khosla prepared on the basis of presentations and the following Members will be recog- Ashok, President, Development Alternatives, statements made during the meeting and on nized for 5 minutes each. India; Mr. Joseph Belmont, Minister for Ad- the basis of position papers distributed at f ministration and Manpower, First Minister the Conference and other relevant materials. Designate, Seychelles; Dr. Robert Corell, The draft of the Potomac Declaration was The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Head of Geoscience Directorate, National discussed in detail and numerous amend- previous order of the House, the gen- Science Foundation, USA; Mr. Bernardo ments were agreed upon. The Potomac Dec- tleman from North Carolina [Mr. Ferraz, Minister for the Coordination of En- laration is presented in Annex IV of this re- JONES] is recognized for 5 minutes. vironmental Affairs, Mozambique; Congress- port. [Mr. JONES addressed the House. His man Peter King, House Foreign Affairs Com- H. Closing of the conference mittee, New York, USA; Dr. Mok Mareth, remarks will appear hereafter in the Minister of Environment, Kingdom of Cam- The closing session, at which short state- Extensions of Remarks.] ments were made by ÐÐÐ, was chaired by bodia; Mr. Philip Reynolds, Manager, Strate- f gic Initiative for Ocean & Coastal Manage- ÐÐÐ. It was agreed that the Conference was a ment, UNDP; Congressman Chris Smith, A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO THE LATE great success and that it was not important House Foreign Affairs Committee, New Jer- GOVERNOR PETER TALI COLE- to implement the recommendations con- sey, USA; and Dr. Plodprasop Suraswadi, Di- MAN OF AMERICA SAMOA tained in the Potomac Declaration. rector General of the Fisheries Department, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, f previous order of the House, the gen- Thailand. FURTHER REPORT ON CON- 58. The panel discussed ÐÐÐ tleman from American Samoa [Mr. FERENCE OF ADVISORY COMMIT- G. Panel on oceans and the Russian Federation FALEOMAVAEGA] is recognized for 5 TEE ON PROTECTION OF THE minutes. Dr. Alexander Solovyanov, Deputy Chair- SEA man of the State Committee on the Protec- Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, tion of the Environment of the Russian Fed- (Mr. FARR of California asked and I rise to honor the memory of a distin- eration and Senior Policy Adviser to ACOPS, was given permission to address the guished Pacific leader, the late May 21, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H3145 Uifa'atali Peter Coleman, former Gov- to serve as governor in the Pacific. He Furthermore, by the authority vested in ernor of American Samoa, who passed held that position until 1961. me by the constitution and laws of American away last month after a long battle When American Samoa held its first Samoa as executive head of this territory, I with cancer. A dedicated public servant gubernatorial election in 1977, he ran hereby order the flag of American Samoa to for office and became the first elected be flown also at half staff. I would also like with more than 50 years of public serv- to ask all the departments, agencies, and of- ice, Governor Coleman was our first Governor, a position which he held fices of the American Samoa Government American Samoan statesman, a Pacific three times.