
Complete Heterodontosaurus scanned


inhabited all regions of Earth’s superconnent, Pangea , 200 million years ago . Although very widespread and successful, sciensts know very lile about this creature. Complete Heterodontosaurus scanned

Palaeontologists from the

University of the in and from the ESRF have scanned, on ID17, the most complete fossil skeleton of this ever found. Complete Heterodontosaurus scanned

This small, plant-eang

dinosaur had grinding teeth in the back of the jaw and large canines in the front. Sciensts hope to understand how Heterodontosaurus ate, The fossil was discovered in a riverbed in moved and breathed. South Africa by Billy de Klerk. Complete Heterodontosaurus scanned

For two decades the ESRF

has been developing unique worldwide experse in palaeontology, designing non-invasive techniques specifically for palaeontological studies. Complete Heterodontosaurus scanned

The ESRF is unique in that the high- resoluon of the images generated helps sciensts decipher between hard rock surrounding the fossil and the bone captured inside.

Complete Heterodontosaurus scanned

Using the high-resoluon

images of the scan,

sciensts can virtually dig out the skeleton and reconstruct the in 3D.

Complete Heterodontosaurus scanned

“it's likely a juvenile: the bones aren't strongly sutured together. On the first scans we can see the openings in the skull which are for the balance organs.” On ID17, the team takes a first look at the - Prof. Jonah Choiniere, images of the scans. Wits University, SA. Complete Heterodontosaurus scanned

ESRF palaeontologist, Vincent Fernandez, co- leader of the research, sets the dinosaur skull in place before starng five days of round-the-clock scans on ID17.

Can breast milk protect against norovirus?

Norovirus causes infecous gastroenteris , a highly contagious stomach bug, and affects millions of people of all ages around the world.

Can breast milk protect against norovirus?

There are few ways to prevent infecon and the disease can be dangerous for babies and the elderly, due to dehydraon.

Can breast milk protect against norovirus?

Studies performed at the ESRF allowed sciensts to show that components of breast milk could be a natural decoy in humans,

blocking norovirus from aaching to cellular ligands and thus avoiding infecon. Can breast milk protect against norovirus?

Human noroviruses bind to Histo -Blood Group Angens (HBGAs). In breast milk, human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) contain building blocks that resemble those of HBGAs.

Can breast milk protect against norovirus?

Researchers from Heidelberg University, the German Cancer Research Center, and the company Jennewein Biotechnologie GmbH analysed the ability of human norovirus to bind to two oligosaccharides from human breast milk: 2’FL and 3FL. Can breast milk protect against norovirus?

The team found that both 2'- fucosyllactose (2'FL) and 3FL structurally block the binding sites that norovirus uses for binding to HBGAs. Potenal applicaons from this study include the opon of using 2’FL and 3FL as norovirus anvirals. Can breast milk protect against norovirus?

The experiments took place on beamlines ID23-1, ID30A-1 (MASSIF-1) and ID30B.

Photo: Christoph Müeller- Dieckmann , scienst on ID30B, during an official visit to the beamline.