Images and Likenesses Catholics Have Always Used Art to Help Us Experience Our Faith When Words Don’T Seem to Be Enough, Page 14

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Images and Likenesses Catholics Have Always Used Art to Help Us Experience Our Faith When Words Don’T Seem to Be Enough, Page 14 HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII In letter to Island Catholics, White House asks a Kailua St. Damien’s feast day Celebration at Kapiolani Bishop Silva urges support artist to craft a special gift is not the customary Park planned to cap of immigration reform for Pope Francis date of death Year of Faith Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 5 Hawaii Catholic Herald VOLUME 76, NUMBER 9 FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2013 $1 MEMORIAL FOR BOMBING VICTIMS: Fight ‘culture of death’ with ‘civilization of love’ page 9 Mary Adamski VIEW FROM THE PEW Images and likenesses Catholics have always used art to help us experience our faith when words don’t seem to be enough, page 14 “Jesus in Hawaii,” a mosaic by Karen Lucas based on the original painting by Martin Charlot, was unveiled at Saint Louis School, March 9. (HCH photo | Darlene Dela Cruz) 2 HAWAII )"8"**$"5)0-*$)&3"-%t"13*- Bishop Larry Silva Hawaii REGARDING IMMIGRATION REFORM Catholic Dear Sisters and Brothers: Except for Native Hawaiians and Native Americans, we are all immigrants or the descendants of immigrants. Peace be with you! Today’s newcomers are no different from us. They too Herald My ancestors came to Hawaii among the first wave want to work, raise and educate their families and enjoy Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu of Portuguese immigrants in the late 1800s to work on 'PVOEFEJO a better life. 1VCMJTIFEFWFSZPUIFS'SJEBZ island plantations. Around the same time, hundreds of We did not become a great country by keeping people newcomers also came from China, Japan, the Philippines PUBLISHER out, but rather by opening wide our doors. Our richness, Bishop Larry Silva and other countries. The descendents of these groups, energy and strength flow from diversity, new growth, and later others, melded to become one of the most beau- progress, accommodation, and our welcoming, pioneer- CJTIPQ!SDDIBXBJJPSH tiful ethnically-blended societies on earth. ing spirit. EDITOR Thanks in large part to the Hawaiian people, who were I join the rest of the bishops in the United States in Patrick Downes hospitable nearly to the point of their own ruin, Hawaii urging Congress to enact generous immigration reform QEPXOFT!SDDIBXBJJPSH gave birth to a vibrant new cultural blend, a preview of that provides a fair pathway to citizenship, ends employer a future global village. While Hawaii’s immigration story REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER exploitation and keeps families together. I am not afraid Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz has not been totally free of prejudice and discrimination, of the word “amnesty” because it means forgiveness and as a whole it has been raised by the aloha spirit into an compassion, values all Americans should promote. At the EEFMBDSV[!SDDIBXBJJPSH achievement of which we can be proud. same time, I support appropriate requirements for citizen- ADVERTISING Today our country faces a serious immigration di- ship. Shaina Caporoz lemma. The system is a mess. An estimated 12 million In the end, we are all instructed by Jesus — who with TDBQPSP[!SDDIBXBJJPSH undocumented immigrants live an unsettled existence, his parents once lived as a refugee in Egypt — to “wel- while legal immigrants have to endure years separated CIRCULATION come the stranger.” Donna Aquino from their families. Young men and women who were How can you help welcome the stranger? Visit the Jus- brought illegally into our country as children by their par- tice for Immigrants website at EBRVJOP!SDDIBXBJJPSH ents now live in a legal limbo. And some states have re- to learn more about the position of our U.S. bishops and HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD sorted to taking anti-immigration enforcement into their how to contact your federal officials with an electronic *44/ 1FSJPEJDBM QPTUBHF own hands. QBJEBU)POPMVMV )BXBJJ1VCMJTIFEFW postcard. Or call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 and FSZPUIFSXFFL JTTVFTBZFBS CZUIF Hawaii, though isolated by the vast Pacific Ocean, is U.S. Representatives at 202-225-3121 and urge them to Roman Catholic Church in the State of also affected by our broken immigration system. Not only support comprehensive immigration reform. )BXBJJ #JTIPQ4USFFU )POPMVMV )* do we have undocumented residents among us, but many God bless you and all the people of our land! of our legal permanent residents often have to wait years, Sincerely yours in Christ, ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES even decades, before their spouses, children and siblings )BXBJJ are permitted to join them. This excessive hardship on .BJOMBOE .BJOMBOETUDMBTT our families could be easily fixed with more sensible laws. 'PSFJHO Contrary to what many people think, undocumented POSTMASTER immigrants pay taxes and contribute to the economy. At 4FOEBEESFTTDIBOHFTUP the same time, they are not permitted to take advantage Most Rev. Larry Silva )BXBJJ $BUIPMJD )FSBME #JTIPQ 4USFFU )POPMVMV )* of welfare or other public assistance and are less likely Bishop of Honolulu than legal citizens to commit crimes. OFFICE Hawaii Catholic Herald #JTIPQ4U )POPMVMV )* PHONE Official Notices FAX Bishop’s Calendar Catholic Charities Hawaii Dinner, tors Roundtable, First Hawaiian Reverend Raymund Ellorin as WEBSITE April 27, 8:00 am, Mass for Hee Hing Restaurant, Kapahulu. Bank Center, downtown Honolulu. Chaplain of St. Francis Healthcare XXXIBXBJJDBUIPMJDIFSBMEDPN Knights of Columbus Annual [Fr. Gary Secor] [Fr. Gary Secor] System of Hawaii, with residence at E-MAIL Meeting, Queen Kapiolani Hotel, May 4, 10:00 am, Confirmation May 9, 11:00 am, Hawaii St. John the Baptist Parish, Kalihi. IFSBME!SDDIBXBJJPSH Waikiki. [Fr. Gary Secor]; 6:00 Mass for St. Theresa Parish, Keka- Catholic Schools Year-End Social Reverend Juan Pablo Galeano NEWS DEADLINES pm, Knights of Columbus Banquet, ha and Holy Cross Parish, Kalaheo, for School Administrators, Koolau as Administrator of Our Lady of /JOFEBZTCFGPSFQVCMJDBUJPOEBUF Queen Kapiolani Hotel. [Fr. Gary at Holy Cross Parish, Kalaheo. [Fr. Ballroom, Kaneohe. [Fr. Gary Se- Lourdes Parish, Honokaa. ADVERTISING DEADLINES /JOFEBZTCFGPSFQVCMJDBUJPOEBUF Secor] Gary Secor]; 5:00 pm, Confirma- cor] Reverend Mario Raquepo as ADVERTISING INFORMATION tion Mass, Immaculate Conception May 10, 6:00 pm, Mass for April 28, 8:00 am, Mass for Parochial Vicar of St. Jude Parish, 'PSBSBUFDBSEPSPUIFSJOGPSNBUJPO DBMM Knights of Columbus Annual Meet- Parish, Lihue. [Fr. Gary Secor] Feast of St. Damien, Cathedral of Makakilo. 4IBJOB$BQPSP[ "SBUFDBSEJT ing, St. Augustine Parish, Waikiki. May 5, 9:30 am, Confirmation Our Lady of Peace, downtown Ho- Reverend Francisco Sanchez as BMTPBWBJMBCMFBUXXXIBXBJJDBUIPMJDIFS [Fr. Gary Secor]; 11:00 am, Confir- Mass, St. Raphael Parish, Koloa. nolulu. Chaplain for the Diocesan Hospital BMEDPN$MJDLPOi"EWFSUJTJOHw mation Mass, St. John Vianney Par- [Fr. Gary Secor]; 5:00 pm, Confir- Ministry. “PASS IT ON” POLICY Announcements/Appointments To share an issue of the Hawaii Catholic ish, Enchanted Lake. [Fr. Gary Se- mation Mass, St. Catherine Parish, Reverend Robert Schwarzhaupt )FSBMEXJUIBGSJFOE XSJUFPSDBMMVTBOE cor]; 6:00 pm, Confirmation Mass, Kapaa. [Fr. Gary Secor] Bishop Silva has made the fol- as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, XFXJMMTFOEIJNPSIFSBGSFFDPQZ0S St. John Apostle & Evangelist Par- May 7, 1:00 pm, Year of Faith lowing clergy appointments, effec- Hawi. He will be taking over for HJWF UIFN ZPVST BOE XF XJMM TFOE ZPV BOPUIFSPOFXIJMFTVQQMJFTMBTU ish, Mililani. [Fr. Gary Secor] Committee, Kamiano Center, tive July 1, 2013: Reverend Ray Elam, OSA, who LETTERS TO THE HERALD downtown Honolulu. [Fr. Gary Se- April 30-May 8, Order of Malta Reverend Pablo Bustamante as is retiring. He will also remain -FUUFST BSF XFMDPNF -FUUFST TIPVME Pilgrimage, Lourdes, France. cor] Parochial Vicar of St. Michael the as Pastor of Annunciation Parish, QFSUBJO UP B TUPSZ PS JTTVF JO UIF )B May 2, 6:00 pm, Friends of May 8, 12:00 pm, Hawaii Pas- Archangel Parish, Kailua-Kona. Waimea. XBJJ$BUIPMJD)FSBME CFDPVSUFPVT BOE OPU FYDFFE XPSET -FUUFST NVTU CF TJHOFE BOE JODMVEF BO BEESFTT BOE QIPOF OVNCFS GPS WFSJöDBUJPO -FUUFST Heralding back NBZ CF FEJUFE GPS MFOHUI BOE DMBSJUZ 4FOEUIFNUP-FUUFSTUPUIF)FSBME NEWS FROM PAGES PAST #JTIPQ4USFFU )POPMVMV )*PSUP IFSBME!SDDIBXBJJPSH MEMBER won the 440 yard relay dash. They are (left to glass windows and five statues behind the $BUIPMJD1SFTT"TTPDJBUJPO right) Patrick Fischer, Craig Pagaduan, Robert altar. Only the murals on the church’s ceiling Kaslausky, and Robert Akana. Robert Akana were untouched. won also the 50, 100, 200, broad jump and ADDRESS CORRECTIONS high jump. Patrick Fischer won the 440 yard 10 years ago – April 25, 2003 5PNBLFDPSSFDUJPOTUPZPVS dash. Miracle report TVCTDSJQUJPO OBNF PS BE ESFTT DVU PVU UIF BEESFTT 25 years ago – April 22, 1988 MBCFM GSPN UIF GSPOU QBHF It is Capuchin Franciscan Father Robert Ma- SFWFSTFTJEF Cleanup continues and life goes her’s personal opinion that a miracle occurred. % 1MFBTFDPSSFDUNZOBNF If the pope agrees, Blessed Damien could be on for saddened parishioners of % 1MFBTF DPSSFDU NZ BE vandalized church declared a saint. ESFTT Father Maher, an associate pastor of St. Eliz- % 8F BSF SFDFJWJOH UXP “A lot of people” went to Mass this past abeth Church in Aiea, was the delegate judge DPQJFT 1MFBTF DBODFM UIJT weekend at Star of the Sea Church in Kalapa- on the six-member tribunal formed March 12 POF na despite the cruel vandalism discovered last by Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo to do an inves- % 1MFBTF DBODFM UIJT TVC Tuesday morning inside the landmark “painted tigation of an alleged healing attributed to the TDSJQUJPO church,” according to Kini Pe’a, a parishioner intercession of Blessed Damien. ... MAIL TO there for more than 50 years. This was the The tribunal held its last session April 16 Donna Aquino Hawaii Catholic Herald third time the tiny Puna mission had been van- at St. Stephen Diocesan Center during which #JTIPQ4USFFU dalized in the past two months. final documents were prepared and a prayer )POPMVMV )* 50 years ago – April 26, 1963 According to Puna police reports, the concluded its work.
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