Î Thomas Stone National Historic Site La
THST-ôôî, ¿2 cte^ß; íj èf y«-/:?//3 25 IS î i THOMAS STONE NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE LA PLATA, MARYLAND Summary Report of Additional Research Findings Submitted by John Milner Architects, Inc. Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania in consultation with J. Richard Rivoire La Plata, Maryland February, 1993 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the results of a research project initiated in June 1992 and concluded in January 1993. The purpose of this research was to supplement the existing Historic Structures Report (1987) and the Historic Resource Study (1988) with additional historical and architectural documentation to provide as firm a foundation as possible for development of the Cultural Landscape Study and Strategic Plan for the Thomas Stone National Historic Site. The Scope of Work for this project called for additional documentary research on the following topics and sub-topics: A. History and use of the land comprising the Thomas Stone Site during its period of ownership by the Stone family, including land history, agricultural use, slaves and tenants, and identification of former agricultural and ancillary domestic support buildings and related features. B. History and evolution of the main house, including the house in a local architectural context, local and regional architectural precedents, identification of builders and craftsmen, materials relating to the building's architecture and use, biographical data on descending owners/occupants, 1770-1936, the history of furnishings and room usage during the Stone family's ownership, and additional photographic documentation. Due to budgetary and scheduling considerations, this research was limited to investigation of documentary materials in various archival collections in Maryland and Washington, D.C., principally those of the Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, the Maryland State Archives-Hall of Records, Annapolis, the Charles County Courthouse and the Southern Maryland Studies Center, both La Plata, and the Library of Congress.
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