Sallehcalls for broader understanding of M'sia's

oF- cultures13 y"ýci3 Khabil Kiram : The cultur- al understanding between various ethnicities in the country allow to be more accepting of other cultures, said State Speaker Datuk Salleh Said Keruak. `jý..: as. i! ^. ot improvement NIi; ..,. - He said on 1rV"-"wnAlý S?. I 17f 4 this understanding is ýýýý-- .,, << i'1! ' 3Q! '' achieved through acade- ý: tý., mia's cultural researches. t ý; , ,,.jýý :;. Towards this end Salleh ------called for a broader Salleh (second Icti) b1 under- presewhig a umock check to : AIniruillizaiu %situessed standing of 's UMS Vice Chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Harun Abdullah (left) UMS Registrar diverse and cultures to promote Lt. Col. Datuk Abdullah Mohd Said. continued solidarity and faced by leaders in the . to informa- peace within the country. these reluctant share For Amirulnizam, because where I'm He was speaking at the administration. the tion of Tun Said Keruak Scholarship "I've always been inter- Kota Belud Bajau culture was from. in Malaysian history love first "But I take Bajau presentation ceremony at ested so at sight. once a Universiti Malaysia Sabah I thought of a way to com- "I visited the Kota Belud friend with me on my (UMS), here, Friday. bine the Bajau and Sunday market when I was research, it's much easier to history. Two UMS Masters stu- Malaysian still pursuing my degree in communicate and people "This is the topics 2008. That's to dents received the scholar- one of when I saw the are more willing open up I've been interested Bajau " Amirulnizam. ship, Shaiful Huzairi always warrior on a horse, to me, said namely because dressed in full hoped Tun Said Mohd Kahil, 26, and to pursue, especially attire. Salleh the Amirulnizam Jamaludin, 25. it involves the Sabah admin- "I thought it was very Keruak Scholarship will help " Shaiful, The Tun Said Scholarship istration, said who unique and you don't see produce a significant impact is Bajau heritage from in development is presented to sociology or of this the peninsula. I was in the of eth- Semporna. in Sabah anthropology students compelled to go deeper into nicities as a whole Shaiful's " he become whose research is related to research, the culture, said. and a source of ref- Speaking Amirulnizam for the Bajau community and received RM42,526. said he has erence researches he "Thank full . on the grant, said: tried on the attire, com- throughout the world. culture. blessing. "The Shaiful's Masters topic, God, this is a I was plete with a little horse rid- ability of a commu- before identify the History of the Bajau in a dilemma apply- ing, for research. nity to the restraints Community's Involvement ing but I took it anyway and But he admits that the in its relationship with vari- in Sabah's Administration, am very grateful for it. " research can be challenging ous ethnicities and to use hails is focused on the relation- Amirulnizam, who sometimes because of his this weakness as strength from Sabak Bernara, West Malaysian heritage. (create ship between Bajau commu- will a community) RM32,101. "Communication be that is by the nity leaders and the people. Selangor received can admired peo- focuses the difficult the " The research also touches His research on and sometimes ple of world, said history in the Salleh. on the issues and challenges Bajau culture and some of older women are