SR Carl E Yeats
USOO6805957B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,805,957 B1 Santos et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 19, 2004 (54) CAMOUFLAGE U.S. MARINE CORPS 6,061,828 A * 5/2000 Josephs ........................... 2/69 UTILITY UNIFORM: PATTERN, FABRIC, AND DESIGN OTHER PUBLICATIONS Maj. Timothy R. O'Neil, Dual-Tex Camouflage Pattern, (75) Inventors: Luisa DeMorais Santos, Franklin, MA Armor, Nov-Dec, pp cvr. & 21-26, 1977. (US); Deirdre E. Townes, Newton, MA Canadian Army Poster, Clothe the Soldier, Design: Land SR(US); GabrielCarl R.e Patricio, Yeats Stafford, VA Det Tech Team, 08/99. arlborougn, (US); Ana ela camouflage010620.html June 20, 2001 edition. Dugas, Fall River, MA (US); Timothy Def. Tech Info Cntr. Report ADB020592, Dual-Tex 2: Field R. O'Neill, Fall River, VA (US); E 2 N. Rosemary Ann Lomba, Westport, MA valuation of Dual-Texture Gradient Pattern, O’Neill, (US); Barbara J. Quinn, Framingham, mined)Report Date Jul. 1, 1977 (Release to public not yet deter MA (US) Def. Tech Info Cntr. Report ADB053013, Investigation of (73) Assignee: The United States of America as Psychometric Correlates of Camouflaged Target Detection e presentedted byby theline SecretaryS t orf thline and Identification, O’Neill- & Johnsmeyer, Report date: May Navy, Washington, DC (US) 1, 1977 (General Distribution Date Unknown). (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer,- the term of this * cited by examiner patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Primary Examiner Merrick Dixon U.S.C. 154(b) by 22 days. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm United States Marine Corps; A.
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